Parish Notices Sunday 9th December 2018

The Rector writes ‘Last Monday 3rd December was the UN International Day of Persons with Disabilities and it reminded me to point out to those of you who haven’t yet noticed the lovely new ground cover in St Mary’s Churchyard. It was a long time in the planning and we are delighted that it is finally done. Thanks to an Anonymous Donor, and to a very generous quote from All Cork Driveways (please do support them!),  we have finally got to the stage when someone with a Rollator , or in a Wheelchair, or pushing a Baby Buggy , can negotiate from the gate to the Church door or across to the Parish Hall. The loose gravel stones in St Mary’s Churchyard had been a real deterrent to some of our parishioners over the last few years so thank you to all who helped the dream become a reality.

The Jewish community in Cork will have a special gathering this evening in Shalom Park when the 8th Day of Hanukkah will be marked by the lighting at dusk of the 9th Street Lamp in the park’s Art Installation. All welcome at 4pm and there will be a little reception in Cork City Hall afterwards.

YOUTH GROUP Youth Group are still looking for large BEAN BAGS to sit on!  If you happen to have one lying around that could do with a new lease of life then let Tracey know @ 087-3481864.

HEALTH & SAFETY ISSUE The local community have generously provided defibrillators all over Carrigaline; we see them in the old telephone boxes. To allow speedy and easy access to this life saving equipment we ask all parishioners and visitors to our church not to park on the new pavement outside the box.   In addition, parking on the pavement outside the church makes it very difficult for those among us with reduced mobility to walk on the pavement. It should be noted that there is an ongoing appeal generally for people not to park on pavements as people with poor sight do not expect to come across parked vehicles while walking. There is more than adequate parking available in the area around the church which means those of us with greater mobility can park further away. We can then enjoy the short walk knowing we have not obstructed others who may not find it so easy to make their way in to the church.                                                                           (Richard Dring, Parish Health & Safety Officer )


ST FIN BARRE’S CATHEDRAL CHOIR present ‘A Ceremony of Carols’ Benjamin Britten and other seasonal music on Saturday 15th December at 7pm. Admission 10 euro, tickets available in the Cathedral Shop or at the door.

FUNDRAISING EVENT SCOIL BARRA NAOFA MONKSTOWN “Entertaining at Home” A Cookery Demonstration, with award winning chef Mark Doe will take place in Monkstown Golf Club at 7.30 p.m. on Friday 25th of January 2019. Tickets cost €20 including tasting plate. Available to purchase from School Office, Passage West Pharmacy, Paula O Brien 087 2417032, Beckie Cooke 087 2452940. All proceeds raised will be going towards the Classroom Renovation Fund.

CAROL SERVICE-St Mary’s Church Marmullane Carol Service. Sunday 16th December at 7pm. Come and enjoy a  variety of seasonal music as well as ecumenical input from the Passage West Folk Group.


10th Dec        Littlies + One 10-12 Parish Hall.

Monday Club 3-5 Parish Hall..

12th Dec        Holy Communion 10:30am   St Mary’s Church

19th Dec        Advent Film Night – The Nativity  7pm Parish Hall

23rd Dec       Nine Lessons & Carols 4pm St John’s Church

24th Dec       Carols around the Crib 4pm St Mary’s Church

First Eucharist of the Nativity 11:30pm St Mary’s

25th Dec Christmas Day Services  :

9:30 St John’s Church

11am St Mary’s Church

26th Dec      St Stephen’s Day 10:30am St Mary’s Church

7th Jan Whist Class for Beginners 7:30pm Parish Hall

19th Jan Special Whist Night for Famine Relief in Yemen

8:30pm in the Canon McCrea Hall

22nd  & 23rd Feb Carrigaline ‘OSKARS’ Night in the Carrigaline Court Hotel.

Categories Parish Notices | Tags: | Posted on December 10, 2018

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