Pew Sheet – 10th December 2023
The Rector writes ‘The continuing war in Gaza is horrific. Tragic scenes play out on our TVs each night and it is hard to cope with the sheer heartbreak we see unfolding before our eyes.
So many of you have asked me how to help people caught up in this awful situation. Personally I have given my money online via Christian Aid website because I trust that this money will be going straight to the people who need it the most. Christian Aid work with partners on the ground in Gaza and will ensure that any money you donate will be used immediately and effectively. You can donate online at
or if you are not online, if you would like to put some money in an envelope clearly marked ‘Christian Aid Gaza Appeal’, I will make sure that it is donated online via the parish bank account. You can have a read of what Christian Aid have to say about the situation on the back page. You can also talk to Peter and Stephanie Coughlan about anything to do with Christian Aid as they are our parish representatives.’
Second Sunday of Advent
We remember the Prophets
who waited on the Messiah to come.
Thousands of people have been killed and over a million displaced after the escalation of violence in Israel and the occupied Palestinian territory. In Gaza, a humanitarian crisis is unfolding. Over 14,500 Palestinians have been killed, including 6,000 children. Over 1.5 million have been displaced from their homes; supplies of water and food are fast running out. We’re calling for a ceasefire because without it, we don’t believe a safe and effective humanitarian response is possible.
What is Christian Aid doing in response?
Christian Aid has been working with the poorest and most vulnerable people in the Middle East since the early 1950s, when we provided humanitarian relief to Palestinian refugees.
Christian Aid is supporting local partners in providing mobile medical and psychological care in Gaza, cash transfers to people displaced in Khan Younis, and supporting the small Christian community and their Muslim neighbours who are sheltering in Saint Porphyrius church in Gaza City.
Christian Aid is also working with an Israeli organisation to provide trauma based psychological assistance to Israelis who have been affected by the escalation of violent conflict. Our medical partner in Gaza is providing mobile medical and psychological care, and allows patients who have been discharged early from severely overcrowded hospitals to be treated at home. The mobile health clinic will provide people with access to a doctor, nurse, social worker, or physiotherapist and the mobile dressing team will ensure that people who require wound dressings to be changed will be reached, reducing the risk of infection.
Our partner in southern Gaza is responding to those most recently displaced as a result of the war. They are providing mattresses, medicines for people with chronic illnesses and emergency food from a community kitchen for approximately 200 displaced people.
Moving forward they will be reaching more than 300 families who are most affected, with a cash grant to support them.
Your donations can make a huge difference to the current conditions of those affected.
Dates for your Diary
11th Mens’ Coffee 10am Carrigaline Court Hotel
13th MU Lunch (see details on next page)
Advent Zoom Bible Study 8pm ‘Song of the Angels’
15th Community Carols in St Marys Church 7:30pm followed
by Mince Pies and Mulled Wine in the Parish Hall
15th to 17th Nativity Display in Parish Hall
(please contact the Rector if you would like your nativity set/Crib to be part of the Display)
16th Youth Group Christmas Party 7:30-9pm Parish Hall
17th Nine Lessons & Carols 4pm St John’s Monkstown
20th Advent Zoom Bible Study 8pm ‘’Song of Simeon’
24th Carols around the Crib 11am St Mary’s Carrigaline
Posada returns.
31st United Christingle Service in St Mary’s Church at 11am
17th Mothers’ Union Meeting 3pm Parish Hall
18th Confirmation Classes begin. 5—6:30pm Parish Hall
Confirmation 2024
If you would like to be confirmed next year then you will need to get in touch with the Rector as soon as possible.
The names of those wishing to be confirmed must be sent to the Bishop in mid January. The 12 classes will be in the Parish Hall from 5pm to 6:30pm each Thursday, beginning Thursday 18th January until Thursday 25th April (with a couple of exceptions for midterm, Easter break etc.) Please note that there will also be a special ‘Bishop’s Confirmation Morning’ in Douglas from 10am till 1pm on Saturday 9th March to which everyone who wishes to be confirmed in 2024 MUST attend.