Pew Sheet – 10th September 2023

Each year from September 1st to October 4th, the Christian family unites for a worldwide celebration of prayer and action to protect our common home.

As followers of Christ from around the globe, we share a common call to care for creation.

We are co-creatures and part of all that God has made. Our wellbeing is interwoven with the wellbeing of the Earth. This year, the theme for the season of creation is “Let justice and peace flow”.

Random Notes CDXXXIII

Gala Dali (born Elena Ivanovna Diakonova in Russia, 1894) was the wife of Spanish artist Salvador Dali. In 1929, she and the artist were resident at a guesthouse in the then fishing village of Torremolinos, near Malaga.

Photo: ‘Dali Et Gala : Les Erotiques’  by Karotte

Situated between Torremolinos and Benalmadena, the rocky outcrop is now occupied by a horrendous block of apartments, but the atmosphere in the area today can easily be felt as it was almost one hundred years ago.

Gala enjoyed sunbathing topless and would walk along the coast scantily clad.

This was an outrage in the very Roman Catholic fishing village, but the it began the now outdated craze of topless bathing and sun-worshiping, It also led to the very liberal attitude in Torremolinos which remains to this day.

Torremolinos is now a city. It’s popularity began in the Franco-led post second world war years mainly due to the amount of days

sunshine that the area enjoys. The 1950’s and 60’s were it’s boom years when hotels appeared all along the coast. A short flight from all over Europe meant it was an easy way to enjoy the seaside with almost guaranteed sun. I remember an episode of “To the manor born” where Audrey Forbes-Hamilton (Penelope Keith) impressed her friends by announcing that she was going to Malaga for a week! The 1980’s brought many stag-do’s and hen-do’s to Torremolinos and led to the area receiving a bad reputation. But the powers-that-be addressed this, and the beach-side town on the Costa del Sol is now relaxed, quiet, safe, and reputable. Boutique style hotels now replace the vast tower blocks and the cheap “chip butty” pubs have turned in to trendy, casual seaside chill-out bars. 

Gala Dali died in Catalonia, Spain in 1982. I wonder if she knew how her topless braveness would shape what is part of Spain’s and indeed Europe’s recent domestic leisure industry?


Dates for your Diary  


20th   Mothers’ Union Opening Service in St Mary’s Church at   3:30pm

23rd  Musical Evening in St Mary’s Church at 7:30pm

24th  Animal Blessing Service in St Mary’s Church at 11am


7th    Harvest Supper & Ceilidh in Canon McCrea Hall at 7:30pm

8th    Harvest Thanksgiving Services  9:30/11am Fr James McSweeney is our Harvest Preacher this year

15th   Healer/Prayer Services 9:30/11am Lydia Monds of CMH:I (Churches Ministry of Healing) will be our Preacher.

18th   The Rector will speak at the Mothers’ Union meeting about her recent trip to the Holy Land in the Parish Hall at 3pm

18th   Ecumenical Eco Congregation groups present a Film Night in the Parish Hall at 7:30pm  ‘The Letter’ is a powerful film about the environmental situation.

29th   United Service in St John’s Church at 11am


12th   Remembrance Services 9:30/11am

19th   ‘A Celebration of Lay Ministry’ 7pm St Fin Barre’s Cathedral

24th   Pageant/Drama 7:30pm in St Mary’s Church

26th   Parish Gift Day 9:30/11am

Also two Speakers on Gender Based Violence (from Cuanlee Refuge & OSS Cork Support Services) will be at the 11am Service to launch the exhibition ‘Souls of our Shoes’ which will run until Wednesday 29th. 

There will be a Bring & Share Lunch in the Parish Hall.  More details nearer the time.

Connecting Through Art

Cork Three Faiths Forum 

1st Art Exhibition

Exploring Jewish, Christian and Muslim Interfaith Dialogue

Carrigaline Library  12th –30th September

Formal Opening with Guest Speakers at 4:30pm on Culture Night Friday 22nd September

Nativity / Crib Festival

So sorry to mention Christmas in September but we are planning to have a display of special or unusual Cribs / Nativity sets in the Parish Hall this December.  Each exhibit will have a little explanation so that people visiting the Hall can understand where each one comes from, what it is made of and perhaps if there was any special meaning for you…..

The Rector has many, many sets and could probably fill the entire hall!   But it would be really lovely to have your special ones there.

They will be on display from Friday 15th until  Sunday 17th of December so you will get them back in plenty of time for your own Christmas festivities.

Please let the Rector know if  you would like to be involved.

Categories Parish Notices | Tags: | Posted on September 11, 2023

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