Pew Sheet – 12th May 2024
Welcome to Adam, Alex and Paddy who have come to be confirmed today.

A photo below is from St. Mark’s Syriac Orthodox Church in the Old City of Jerusalem, taken on 3rd May
by the Revd Canon Don Binder who is Canon Pastor to the English-Speaking Congregation in St George’s
Cathedral, Jerusalem. He is also Chaplain to the Anglican Archbishop in Jerusalem.

The complex in St Mark’s contains a vaulted chamber whose location holds a strong claim of being the
Upper Room of the Last Supper. That’s thanks to the recovery of an ancient Aramaic inscription mentioning the site as the home of St. Mark’s mother, a place where the disciples often gathered (see Acts 12:12).
The photo shows a newly installed mosaic in the Upper Room, depicting the descending dove of the Holy
Spirit. Traditionally, the Upper Room was also the place where the Holy Spirit came down upon the 120 at Pentecost, which we will celebrate next Sunday 19th
Dates for your Diary
13th May Men’s Coffee Morning
10am in the Carrigaline Court Hotel. All men welcome!
15th May Mothers’ Union Outing
1pm in Rochestown Park Hotel for a Bistro Lunch.
Lifts can be arranged with Deirdre Whitley 0862612442,
or Valerie Andrew 0871270457.
18th May Youth Group
Beach Day (weather dependent) 7:30pm to 9pm. The Beach to be decided and advertised on the parish facebook page and instagram @ youth_group_cofi_carrigaline_
19th May Pentecost
Services at normal times, Sunday Club Prizegiving at 11am Service
26th May Trinity Sunday
The Eco Congregation Candle will be lit at our 11am Service in St Mary’s Church and the Eco Group will lead the Intercessions.
8th June The Parish Fete
will be held in the School grounds. Please start keeping items aside for the Fete. Thank you.
28th July Parish BBQ after 11am Service

The Owenabue Garden and Flower Club, Carrigaline are inviting you to join us on our annual outing to Co Waterford on 27th May 2024 visiting Mount Congreve Gardens and Lafcadio Hearn Japanese Gardens plus Maguires Garden Centre.
Lunch and Dinner included. Cost €97.
Coach leaves Carrigaline at 8 am and returns 9.30.
For more information contact 086 1742702 or 087 6976552.