Pew Sheet – 13th March 2022
The Rector writes ‘Thank you to Madeleine Geary who has very kindly taken on the job of overseeing the after church refreshments in the Parish Hall after the 11am Service in St Mary’s. We will be resuming this from Sunday March 20th. Madeleine has a group of people who have offered to help out but would be delighted to add to that list so please get in touch with her if you would like to help. Her number is 087-4189811
St John’s have been back with after church refreshments for a good while now. They gather in a different house in Monkstown every week after the 9:30 Service. All welcome.

This cartoon is not at all what happens in our parish but it is funny ! Having tea & coffee after church is a fabulous way of getting to know others so do think about staying on after either of the Services to chat’
Music Notes 13/03/2022
Hymns at St Mary’s
108 Praise to the Holiest
92 How sweet the name of Jesus sounds
20 The King of Love
Our final hymn today, set to a lovely Irish traditional melody, paraphrases the words of the twenty-third psalm ‘The Lord is my Shepherd.’ The Companion to Church Hymnal outlines how the hymn writer Henry Baker expands on the Old Testament text to enrich the meaning. For example, the ‘still waters’ of the original becomes ‘streams of living water.’
The Companion suggests this wording is inspired by the words of Jesus to the Samaritan woman:
‘Those who drink of the water that I will give them will never be thirsty. The water that I will give will become in them a spring of water gushing up eternal life’ (John 1:14).
Don’t forget to check out the third ‘Music Monday’ video on Facebook where we are discussing hymns this month.
Bébhinn 087 228 5965
The Chernobyl Charity Shop (the former Bateman’s Shoe shop in the Supervalu Shopping Centre in Carrigaline) are asking for the items below which will be shipped out to Ukraine.
Crutches, Walking frames, bandages, antiseptic creams, toothpaste, Toothbrushes, Talcum Powder, Wipes. Tinned food, Pasta, Colouring books, Crayons.
Items can be dropped into shop.
There are Baskets at the back of both churches where you can donate money to Bishops’ Appeal who are working with Christian Aid and Habitat for Humanity in Ukraine.
During Lent, the Healer/Prayer Group pause at 7pm each evening to pray for peace in our world.
Wherever you are, you can join in prayer for all the many people suffering in Ukraine and other parts of the world because of war and violence in their communities.

TONIGHT 13th March 7pm
Choral Evensong in St John’s Church, Monkstown
(the first one in 2 years! Come support the Chamber Choir under the direction of Roger Ellis)
Wednesday 16th March 3pm
Mothers’ Union will meet at the Parish Hall for a cuppa and a flower arranging demonstration by Brenda Haubold ( née Poole). Also Hazel Sweetnam and Marjorie Garland will have their MU cards and small gifts for sale. We will have a raffle for Brenda‘s arrangements too.
Look forward to seeing you there. (DW)
St Patrick’s Day Thursday 17th March 10:30am
Service of Holy Communion in St Mary’s Church
(Please note no Wednesday Service on 16th March)
Friday 18th March 10am till 12 noon
On this day of Remembrance and Recognition, the Churches will be open for 2 hours for private prayer and the Bells will be rung at 11am.
Random Notes CDXVII
On Wednesday, 22nd August, 1798 a day of ‘serene and cloudless sky, and brilliant sun’, a party of some 1,109 French troops, under the command of General Jean Amable Humbert (1767-1823) landed from three ships at Cill Chuimín, about eight miles to the north of the Cathedral town of Killala, co. Mayo, with the aim of reviving the fortunes of the embattled United Irishmen.
For over a month the town of Killala was occupied by the French, with the Bishop of Killala and Achonry, the Right Revd. Joseph Stock being taken prisoner and kept under guard in his own palace.
During this time the Bishop and General Humbert established a congenial friendship, and so continued this unusual although not unpleasant state of affairs until Sunday, 23rd September when the town was once again attacked and re-taken by British forces. Two years later in 1800 after the momentous upheavals of that month, a most interesting account of the events, written by Bishop Stock was published, entitled
‘A Narrative of what Passed at Killala, in the County of Mayo, and Parts Adjacent during the French Invasion in the Summer of 1798’.
The letter (illustrated on the following page), sealed with the arms of the diocese, and dated 11th January, 1800, was written from St, Stephen’s Green, Dublin by Bishop Stock , on the evening of the day that his father-in law, the Most Revd. William Newcome (1729-1800), Archbishop of Armagh from 1795 had died (buried in the Chapel of Trinity College), and is addressed to one of the Archbishop’s sons, ‘Robert Newcome, Mansell Str., Goodman’s fields, London’, It reads as follows:
‘My dear Sir,
God Almighty will, I trust, give us all patience to endure the heavy loss we have suffered this evening. He died without pain at eight o’clock! Mrs. Newcome & the children are all as well as could be expected. God bless you & yours!
yrs affe.
J. Killala’