Pew Sheet – 14th November 2021
The Rector writes ‘As part of our Services today, we will have a short Act of Remembrance which you will find inside this Pew Sheet. Remembrance Sunday every year is always so poignant. We remember those in our families who were involved in active service and those whose lives were changed utterly by the violence and trauma of war. I read a lot of books about those inter-war years and it always strikes me just how much the people living then had to contend with. I have just finished the 2nd volume of Violet Bonham-Carter’s (nee Asquith) autobiography where she describes touchingly how, in 1942, her young son was missing in action for months and the absolute hell she went through until he finally appeared on a POW list. She had already lost a brother in the first World War so naturally assumed the worst. Unfortunately the horrors of war are still a present reality to many in our world and today, on this Remembrance Day 2021, we pray for all those people who are still living in the hell of war and conflict.’
Music Notes 14-11-2021
Hymns at St Mary’s
58 Morning has broken
652 Lead us, Heavenly Father
605 Will you come and follow me?
443 Sent forth by God’s blessing
Our first hymn today Morning has broken was chosen for us by Deirdre Whitley. This hymn is set to the lovely Scottish melody Bunessan. The choice brought to mind the fact that folk songs provide some of our most memorable hymn tunes. Ralph Vaughan Williams, the English composer, was editor of the first English Hymnal in 1904. He included folk songs from the start admiring them for their clear structure and singability.
He became a collector of folk songs and was excited by the discovery of a rich seam of music which he did all he could to preserve. Folk music was also the inspiration for his orchestral pieces such as Fantasia on Greensleeves and The Lark Ascending.
Two more of our hymns today use folk songs, 605 and 443, which are set to Scottish and Welsh folk songs respectively.
Hymn suggestions and singing volunteers always welcome!
Bébhinn 087 228 5965
Random Notes CDII
Here is another extract from ‘I could chew on this’
“ I Bite “
Sometimes I bite when I’m afraid.
Sometimes I bite when I’m in pain.
Sometimes I bite to protect myself.
Sometimes I bite to show I’m in charge.
Sometimes I bite because I don’t know any better.
And sometimes I bite because it’s been four hours
and you’re still talking about last night’s
‘Strictly Come Dancing’.
Sometimes a dog can only take so much!

Saturday 20th November
10am till noon
Intercessions Workshop in St Mary’s Church.
Come along and learn how to write and deliver the Sunday intercessions.
Sunday 21st November
Annual Parish Gift Day.
Mothers’ Union Festival Service (Zoom)
Sunday 28th November
Advent Sunday
The new liturgical year begins. The Advent Star will shine brightly from our Church Towers and we will begin to light an Advent Candle in our Liturgies each week as we wait in expectation for the coming of our Lord and Saviour.
Hazel Fleury would love any of your unwanted flower pots. Particularly the pots about 8” or over in diameter.
These are for Hazel’s annual plant sale at her gate in Monkstown. She was recently able to send an amazing €5,000 via her local contact to fund self help groups in Ethiopia so thank you all for the support! … and huge well done to Hazel!
Many of you may have received an email from Hilary Dring our M.U. Diocesan President to say that we as trustees have decided not to hold the three Festival Services which had been planned for 14th November in Cloyne Cathedral, 16th November in St. Brendan’s Church, Bantry, and 21st November in St. FinBarre’s Cathedral in Cork. This is sad but wise in this month’s climate of rising Covid cases. We will be having a Festival service via Zoom on Sunday 21st November at 3pm which will be recorded so it can be seen later if necessary on MU facebook page. We hope you can zoom in to this service on the day. Also sadly we have decided to cancel our M.U. meeting on Wednesday 17th November at 3.30pm since the Covid cases are rising again and we don’t want put any of our ladies at risk, even though you are all vaccinated. We will have our Christmas lunch in R.C.Y.C on 10th December at 12.30 which will be a lovely get-together we hope. (Deirdre W)