Pew Sheet – 15th October 2023

The Rector writes     ’Welcome to our preacher Lydia Monds who is the Ministry Director of the Churches Ministry of Healing (CMH:I)  As most of you are aware, in our parish we have a dedicated team of Prayer Ministers and I am delighted that Lydia came to us to do a refresher course last night.

We look forward to hearing from Lydia this morning about this important ministry.   Our readings are the appointed readings for the feast day of St Luke (18th October).   You will find the service of Wholeness & Healing on page 457 of our Prayer Book.        

Towards the end of the service, there will be an opportunity to come to the altar rails for laying on of hands and anointing.  Some prayer ministers will remain after the service ends so if you would like to have one of the team discreetly pray with you, please remain on after the Service.

If you would like to know more about any aspect of the Healing Prayer ministry in the parish, please speak with me or with any of the team (Revd Richard, Hilary Dring, Simon Woodworth, Kay Tracey, Peter Coughlan, Joy Keefe & Hilary Warren-Perry).’

Dates for your Diary


18th   The Rector will speak at the Mothers’ Union meeting about her recent trip to the Holy Land in the Parish Hall  at 3pm

18th   Ecumenical Eco Congregation groups present a Film Night in the Parish Hall at 7:30pm  ‘The Letter’ is a powerful film about the environmental situation.

29th   United Service in St John’s Church at 11:15am 

(no Service in St Mary’s Carrigaline that morning)


12th   Remembrance Services 9:30/11am

19th   ‘A Celebration of Lay Ministry’ 7pm

St Fin Barre’s Cathedral

24th   Pageant/Drama 7:30pm in St Mary’s Church

26th   Parish Gift Day 9:30/11am

Also two Speakers on Gender Based Violence (from Cuanlee Refuge & OSS Cork Support Services) will be at the 11am Service to launch the exhibition ‘Souls of our Shoes’ which will run until Wednesday 29th. 

There will be a Bring & Share Lunch in the Parish Hall.  More details nearer the time.

29th   Advent Zoom Bible Study 8pm  ‘Song of Zechariah’


3rd   Tractor Run

5th    Movie Night ‘The Scarlet and the Black’ 7:30pm Parish Hall

6th      Advent Zoom Bible Study 8pm ‘Song of Mary’

13th Advent Zoom Bible Study 8pm ‘Song of the Angels’

15th   Community Carols in St Marys Church 7:30pm

15th to 17th   Nativity Display in Parish Hall

(please contact the Rector if you would like your set to be part of the Display)

17th   Nine Lessons & Carols 4pm  St John’s Monkstown

20th Advent Zoom Bible Study 8pm ‘’Song of Simeon’

24th   Carols around the Crib  4pm  St Mary’s Carrigaline 

The Owenabue Garden and Flower Club, Carrigaline will host our Autumn Decorative Show with a

Floral Demonstration by Margaret Ahern AOIFE titled “Autumn Glory”

Annual Prizes, Raffle and Refreshments.

On 23rd October 2023 at 8pm in St. Mary’s NS, Waterpark, Carrigaline.

All are welcome, visitors €7.

Categories Parish Notices | Tags: | Posted on October 16, 2023

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