Pew Sheet – 17th December 2023
The Rector writes ‘ Today, we are in the Third Sunday of Advent. We call this Sunday Gaudete, which means “Rejoice” in Latin. In our second reading, in the first letter to the little ‘Christian’ community in Thessalonica, the Apostle Paul tells them to “Rejoice always.” On this day of rejoicing right in the middle of the penitential season of Advent, the pink candle is lit on our Advent wreath and we anticipate the joy ahead of us. Interestingly as we light the candles today and in our gospel readings we think especially of John the Baptist, who is not generally a figure you think of when you see the colour PINK!
Later today, at 4pm, over in St John’s Church, we will have the glorious Nine Lessons & Carols Service.
Do come along if you can, Roger Ellis and the Monkstown Chamber Choir are always magnificent and deserve our support’
Random Notes CDXLII
Many years ago, I used to run the Video Club in Bandon Grammar School, where we’d show movies to boarders in the school in the library and other locations.
We had a portable VHS video player, which was a huge luxury. Picking a suitable movie involved considerable discussion, followed by a long walk to the video rental shop in town, and then a walk back to the school to have the movie reviewed and passed (we hoped) by one of the teaching staff. We were ably assisted on one occasion by the then rector’s wife and our RE teacher, Dr Linda Clarke.
She managed to snag a copy of “Police Academy,” which was hugely successful with its teenage audience.
When I started my first job, I joined the Athlone Film Society, where we showed movies on 16mm projectors. Switching seamlessly from one reel to the next so the audience did not notice a break in the movie required some skill. The movies we rented arrived by train in the afternoon and had to be back at the railway station to return to Dublin the following morning. It was always a little stressful, especially on occasions when a projector bulb blew!
The recent Parish Movie Night benefited from much improved technology and a ready availability of films. Our showing of “The Scarlet and the Black” proved to be a resounding success. 18 people turned up on a cold winter’s night at a time of year when everyone is busy with Christmas preparations. It was a great turnout! We all enjoyed the movie, and we had a chance to discuss it over tea, coffee and mince pies.
It looks like future movie nights might also be well received. I can think of at least a couple more movies that I’d like to show but it would be much more fun if other people in the parish made suggestions. I am happy to facilitate the procurement, projection and viewing of any suitable movie. One of the strengths of our community is the diversity of views it contains. Our movie choices reflect that diversity.
I’m sure we can find at least a couple of dates next year where movies can be shown. Perhaps you have a favourite movie, that speaks to you on a very deep level, that you’d like to share with others? My personal view is that anything goes as long as it’s suitable for viewing by a wide audience.
Just to get the discussion going, let me throw out some ideas:
The Way – a story about pilgrims on the Camino de Santiago (suggested by a
Romero – the life and work of Archbishop Oscar Romero.
Speed Sisters – the first all – woman car team in the Palestinian street car-racing scene.
I have no agenda, other than to show movies we might all enjoy that also speak to experiences we’re not particularly familiar with, but which might resonate with us. If we have a few ideas, then we can identify several dates, confident we will have something worthwhile and entertaining to watch.
If you have any thoughts, please email me at or WhatsApp/call at 086 083 0639.
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Confirmation 2024
If you would like to be confirmed next year then you will need to get in touch with the Rector as soon as possible.
The names of those wishing to be confirmed must be sent to the Bishop in mid January. The 12 classes will be in the Parish Hall from 5pm to 6:30pm each Thursday, beginning Thursday 18th January until Thursday 25th April (with a couple of exceptions for midterm, Easter break etc.) Please note that there will also be a special ‘Bishop’s Confirmation Morning’ in Douglas from 10am till 1pm on Saturday 9th March to which everyone who wishes to be confirmed in 2024 MUST attend.
Dates for your Diary
17th Nine Lessons & Carols 4pm St John’s Monkstown
20th Advent Zoom Bible Study 8pm ‘’Song of Simeon’
24th Carols around the Crib 11am St Mary’s Carrigaline
Posada returns.
Christmas Day Services are 9:30am/11am
31st United Christingle Service in St Mary’s Church at 11am
17th Mothers’ Union Meeting 3pm Parish Hall
18th Confirmation Classes begin. 5—6:30pm Parish Hall
19th Launch of St Mary’s History Book 7:30pm Parish Hall
with viewing of Parish Silverplate. Raffle of Dorothee Roberts Painting of St Mary’s Church. (Raffle Tickets are still available from St Mary’s Church Wardens)
7th Closing Service of St Mary’s Bicentennial Year 7:30pm
The Bishop will dedicate the renovated Reredos, the new Credence Table and the Bicentennial Quilt. The Archbishop of Armagh will preach. St Fin Barre’s Choir will sing the Choral Evensong.