Pew Sheet – 18th February 2024

The Rector writes ’During Lent, most of us give up stuff …… I myself always give up chocolate but really who benefits from that?  – except me obviously!  This year (as well as no chocolate!) I have decided to take up the habit of ‘Gratitude’, to actually , consciously , remember daily to be grateful for all that I have and enjoy in my life. I came across a wonderful statement recently and have been boring many people with it … it said 

‘Gratitude helps you fall in love with the life you already have.’

 (this is from a US woman called Kristen Hewitt who described herself as a ‘Gratitude Junkie’)

but I think it really says a lot about the difference gratitude can make to your general sense of well-being.  Like the diagram which I have printed here explains…

first it’s an intention, then an action, then a practice, then a consistency, then a habit and then it’s simply who you are!  So this Lent my aim is to become a more grateful person (and also keep off the chocolate!)

We’ll see how we all get on………’

The Rector will be on Retreat from Sunday 18th afternoon until Thursday 22nd evening.

Thank you to the Revd Robert Ferris from Carrigrohane Parish will be covering for any pastoral emergencies during these few days. His contact number is 085-1800720  

Thank you also to the Revd Tony Murphy who will  look after the Wednesday 21st 10:30am Communion Service

Wonderful photo of a Rainbow over St Mary’s Church, taken by Jane & Maymie O’Leary on 12th February

Dates for your Diary


21st  Mothers’ Union 3pm Parish Hall

26th  Owenabue Garden and Flower Club 8pm St Mary’s School

28th  Online Zoom Lenten Study begins 

             – Reading the Apocrypha over weeks. 8pm   


1st   Women’s World Day of Prayer 7pm Our Lady and St John’s Parish     Centre. All welcome.

3rd     MU Famine Lunch after 11am Service

6th   Online Zoom Lenten Study  8pm

13th  Online Zoom  Lenten Study 8pm

20th  Online Zoom  Lenten Study 8pm

24th  Palm Sunday

9:30am Morning Prayer in St John’s. Palm & Passion Liturgies

11am Morning Prayer in St Mary’s including Palm Procession, with Palm

Liturgy in the Rectory Grounds before returning for Passion Liturgy

in the church.

25th – 27th  Monday – Wednesday  of Holy Week

10.30am Holy Communion in St Mary’s

28th  Maundy Thursday:

12 noon   Diocesan Chrism Eucharist in St Factna’s Cathedral, Rosscarbery.

7:30pm   Maundy Thursday Eucharist in St Mary’s,including washing of feet

9pm until Dawn    ‘Night/Gethsemane Watch’ , in St Mary’s Church

29th  Good Friday:

10.30am  St John’s – Morning Prayer with Litany

12 noon Stations of the Cross in St Mary’s Graveyard with our sister

church of Our Lady & St John

7.30pm    St Mary’s – Service of Tennebrae

30th  Saturday of Holy Week:

9pm St Mary’s – Easter Vigil Service, Pascal candle lit from outside byre.

31st  Easter Sunday:

9.30am St John’s – Easter Eucharist 

11am St Mary’s – Easter Eucharist

The Owenabue Garden and Flower Club will host a horticulture talk by Tanguy de Toulgoët,

Dunmore Country School, Durrow, titled “Sustainable Gardening for all”.

Also Horticulture and Decorative Competitions plus Sales Table.  On Monday 26th February 2024 at 8pm in St. Mary’s NS, Waterpark, Carrigaline, all are welcome, €7 visitors.

Categories Parish Notices | Tags: | Posted on February 18, 2024

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