Pew Sheet -18th September 2022

The Rector writes ‘We are all delighted that the newly ordained Richard will preside at the Holy Communion Services this morning.

During the Services Richard  will be presented with the Home Communion Set gifted to this parish by the family of the late George Stoney. We hope that Richard will continue to use this Set during what we hope will be a long ministry here in the Carrigaline Union of Parishes. 

After the 11am Service, in the Parish Hall, Richard will also be presented with other personal gifts from the parish to mark this special occasion. I hope to see many of you there.’

Music Notes 18-09-2022

Hymns at St Mary’s

366   Praise my soul

593   Jesus, I have promised

81     Lord for the years

8 The Lord is King

The first rehearsal of or new church choir will have taken place on Thursday, 15th September when you are reading these notes.

The choir is being established to enhance the congregational singing in the church by introducing and leading service settings and psalms. It would be lovely to expand our instrumental offerings too  to broaden the soundscape of our services. If you or someone in your family plays an instrument and would be willing to play in church occasionally do get in touch.

The second rehearsal will take place at 7.30 p.m. on Thursday, September 22nd

All are welcome – no experience needed.

Bébhinn 087 228 5965

Random Notes CDXXXI

 In 1971, RTE released an interview with Gabrielle Gore-Booth concerning what became known as “The Lissadell Affair”.

Gabrielle was the niece of Eva and Constance Gore-Booth, who were both socialists – challenging the establishment and societal thinking in the early 1900’s. Eva fought for women’s equality as well as same sex marriage, over one hundred years before it became law in Ireland. Constance married Casimir Markievicz and became the great Irish revolutionary Countess Constance Markievicz.

Yeats refers to them in his eulogy “The light of evening, Lissadell, Great windows open to the south….Two girls in silk kimonos, both Beautiful, one a gazelle”

The Gore-Booth’s had been seriously let down by the Irish state in the 1950’s and 60’s. In the interview, RTE’s reporter, Denis Mitchell asked Gabrielle “Miss Gore-Booth, do you think you have been done a great injustice?” Her reply was:-        “Yes I do, because I think I worked hard and was honest and I always told them if there was anything wrong. And I think it was an extremely mean way to treat my mother, who was an old lady, who had lost her two sons, two sons ill, and was a person who was always kind and good to people.  And my father was the person who went all through Sligo and Leitrim starting the creameries, which has meant a cheque in the farmer’s pocket every month since. And I think it was a terrible thing to do to her, his widow.  And I think people would have helped, only they didn’t really know what happened. And the whole thing distorted because it was the law put us out.   The law should be just, shouldn’t it? And I don’t think that it was. It was the most twisted business, really”.


Wednesday 21st September

Mothers’ Union Opening Service 3:30pm St Mary’s Church

Sunday 25th September

The Animal Blessing Service returns at 11am in St Mary’s Church. ALL creatures welcome!

Saturday 1st October 

Harvest Supper 7:30pm Canon McCrea Hall

Sunday 2nd October

Harvest Thanksgiving Services in both churches. The Revd Canon Andrew Orr will be the Preacher.

Sunday 9th October

St Fin Barre’s Cathedral 3:30pm

Dr Simon Woodworth will be commissioned as Diocesan Lay reader. Also this will be the diocesan farewell to Archdeacon Adrian Wilkinson and the installation of the Very Reverend Cliff Jeffers as Chancellor.

All Welcome.


If you would like to contribute either a Salad or a Dessert for the parish Harvest Supper on 1st October, please contact Millie Kingston on 086-8091443  

Millie is also kindly putting together a Rota of people to help set up the tables, to help serve on the night and to tidy up afterwards.

Please don’t leave this to the usual suspects!  If you can help on the night, please do contact Millie on 086-8091443.

Everyone who comes to this popular event has a great time but it doesn’t all come together as if by magic…. Please think about helping out this year…. As they say ‘Many hands make light work’!

Categories Parish Notices | Tags: | Posted on September 19, 2022

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