Pew Sheet – 21st March 2021

The Rector writes ‘Our parish is committed to safe guarding children and vulnerable adults by working under the guidance of our national safe guarding policy ‘Safeguarding Trust’ and its associated procedures.  This means that we ensure that our buildings are safe, that all people involved in children and youth work, whether employed or voluntary, are interviewed, garda vetted, trained and supervised whilst in our ‘employ’. Ultimately it is the Select Vestry who hold this responsibility but they delegate to the Safeguarding Trust Parish Panel (currently myself and Rosemary Powell, the late Dr John Sweeney has yet to be replaced on the Panel) who oversee day to day details. Six new policies and procedures (Anti-Bullying, Communication, Grievances etc.) were adopted at last months Select Vestry meeting and these, together with the Parish Safeguarding Trust Statement and the Risk Assessment documents,  may be viewed on our Parish Website

Holy Week and Easter Services

Palm Sunday 28th March
11am : Live Stream Service from St Mary’s Church
Monday 29th March
10:30am : Zoom Morning Prayer from the Rectory
Tuesday 30th March
10:30am : Zoom Morning Prayer from the Rectory
Wednesday 31st March
10:30am : Zoom Morning Prayer from the Rectory
Maundy Thursday 1st April 
12 noon : Join with the Bishop for the online Diocesan Chrism Eucharist 
Good Friday 2nd April
12 noon : Zoom & Live Streamed Children’s Service from St Mary’s Church
7:30pm : Zoom Evening Prayer from St Mary’s Church including a Good Friday presentation from the Parish Drama Group
Easter Eve 3rd April
9pm : Live Stream Easter Vigil Liturgy from St Mary’s Church
Easter Day 4th April
11am : Easter Eucharist Service Live Streamed from St Mary’s Church

Music Notes 21/02/2021

Hymns for today:

614    Great shepherd of your people

384    Lord, thy word abideth

80      Great is thy faithfulness

Our final hymn today was written by Thomas Chisholm (1866-1960) who was born in Franklin, Kentucky. He was a convert to Methodism and wrote many Christian poems. The text of this hymn is based upon verses from the Lamentations of Jeremiah in which he expresses his sense of loss at the destruction of Jerusalem and the Temple of Solomon in 586 BC. Through all his sorrow Jeremiah still focusses on the goodness and love of God which never changes.

The music before the service is a beautiful setting of the Lutheran hymn tune ‘Ich ruf zu dir’ by J.S. Bach. The words of this hymn still have a resonance today, especially in the current situation. The first verse opens as follows:

I call to you, Lord Jesus Christ,
I pray, hear my lamentation,
bestow your grace on me at this time,
do not let me despair.

The closing music is a lovely tranquil hymn by Margaret Rizza – ‘You are the Light’.

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Random Notes CCCLXXII

Preserved at Mount Rivers since August of 1994 is a red morocco bound prayer book,  

‘The Book of Common Prayer and Administration of The Sacraments and Other Rites and Ceremonies of the Church according to the use of The Church of Ireland, together with The Psalter or Psalms of David, pointed as they are to be sung or said in Churches. and The Form and Manner of Making, Ordaining and Consecrating of Bishops, Priests and Deacons ‘, published in Dublin by the Association for Promoting Christian Knowledge, by authority of The General Synod of the Church of Ireland, MCMLIV.

Inside the front cover is affixed a red morocco label bearing the inscription.

‘In Memory of, Lt.-Colonel Simon White, The Scots Guards, 8th December 1953’, for Simon Edward Hedges Eyre White (c.1898-1953), of Raffeen House, co. Cork,  son of Simon White (b.1863), of Glengarriff Castle, co. Cork, a nephew of the great collector,  Richard White, 2nd Earl of Bantry (1767-1808), of Bantry House, co. Cork.

Colonel White, and his wife are both buried in the Churchyard at Carrigaline, the inscription on their headstone reading as follows:

‘In memory of, Simon E.H.E.White, M.C., Glengarriff and Raffeen, Lieut. Colonel The Royal Scots. Died 8th dec. 1953, Aged 55 years, and his wife, Violet, Daughter of O’Brien Studdert, J.P., D.L., co, Clare, Died 30th Dec. 1968, God is love, Thy Kingdom come Thy will be done’ 


Categories Parish Notices | Tags: | Posted on March 22, 2021

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