Pew Sheet – 21st May 2023
The Rector writes ‘Some of you know that I am heading off in a couple of weeks to the Holy Land, more precisely St George’s Anglican College in Jerusalem. The New Testament Scholar, Dr Paula Gooder, whom the Bishop brought over to speak to our Clergy Retreat last October, is leading a 10 day study pilgrimage called ‘The Women of the Bible’ which offers a reflective spiritual experience visiting the holy sites relating to both the Old and New Testaments highlighting especially the stories of women. When I was over in Lichfield in November, the Revd Julia from our link parish in Perton asked me to accompany her and I just couldn’t resist! Luckily Liam (and the Bishop!) agreed and now all that remains is to finish the packing and head off on 2nd June. The clergy from Carrigrohane (Revd Robert Ferris and Revd Abigail Sines) will kindly be looking after any pastoral emergencies while I’m gone. Normally the Revd Isobel Jackson would look after you all but unfortunately she is now heading off to be Dean of Kildare and I know she and Norman will be very much missed by us all. Isobel and I go way back to 2005 when we both arrived in Cashel & Ossory diocese, me from Wicklow and them from Uganda!. I wish her and Norman all the very best in their new home in Kildare. She’ll be a fabulous Dean.
Anyway although I will be here next Sunday 28th, the feast of Pentecost, I thought I’d do all the logistics this week instead. I will be sure to take loads of photos and I have asked the Mothers’ Union if I can do a night in the Autumn to tell all (well – almost all! ). Keep me in your prayers ’

Anglican chant, also known as English chant, is a way to sing unmetrical texts, including psalms and canticles
from the Bible, by matching the natural speech-rhythm of the words to the notes of a simple harmonized melody. This distinctive type of chant is a significant element of Anglican church music.
Anglican chant was formerly in widespread use in Anglican and Episcopal churches, but today, Anglican chant is sung primarily in Anglican cathedrals and parish churches that have retained a choral liturgical tradition. Additionally, Anglican chant may be sung in Roman Catholic, Lutheran, Presbyterian, and Reformed churches.
Anglican chant grew out of the plainchant tradition during the English Reformation. When singing a text in Anglican chant, the natural rhythm of the words as they would be spoken by a careful speaker governs how the music is fitted to the words. The majority of the words are freely and rhythmically chanted over the reciting notes, which are found in the first, fourth, eighth, eleventh (etc.) bars of the chant and with the other notes of the music appropriately fitted to the words at the end of each half-verse.
Formerly the rhythm of the non-reciting notes was strictly observed, but nowadays the rhythm is based on the natural cadence of speech. Thus, the length of each of these notes bears little relation to the normal musical value of a note such as a minim or semibreve.
Anglican chant was well established by the 18th century. The earliest known examples are single chants written by John Blow, Henry Purcell, and their contemporaries. Earlier examples by Tudor composers such as Tallis, Farrant, and others are not original. The earliest double chants are from about 1700. WIKIPEDIA
Music Notes 21-05-2023
Hymns at St Mary’s
398 Alleluia! Sing to Jesus
568 Father, we adore you
373 To God be the glory
454 Forth in the peace of Christ I go
The writer of the second hymn today is Terrye Coelho who describes herself as ‘a non-denominational lyricist and homemaker.’ She was born in California in 1952, her father was an immigrant from the Azores and her mother from Arkansas. Terrye’s mother claims Irish as well as English, Welsh, and Swedish ancestry. She trained as a medical assistant and committed to Christianity in 1971 attending mainly evangelical congregations.
Terrye has written many hymns but this is the only one to be published in hymnals. It is a Trinitarian hymn of personal commitment. Our third hymn was also written by a woman, Fanny J. Crosby.
We are returning to Anglican chant for Psalm 68 today. We sang this chant as a congregation in
pre-Covid times. If you remember it, the choir will be delighted if you join with us in singing.
Bébhinn 087 2285965
Random Notes CDXXVII
Silly Laws from the Past
· It is illegal in Florida for women to fall asleep under a hairdryer.
· Cambridge University was once permitted to run its own prison.
· Long after horse-drawn hackney cabs had been replaced by London’s famous black taxicabs, drivers were still obliged to carry hay bales to feed their horses.
· In Fairbanks, Alaska, a bar owner had a pet moose. The landlord and his customers would ply it with beer until it was completely drunk. It would then stagger along the town’s footpaths, causing considerable annoyance to other pedestrians. The town came up with a rather strange solution to the problem. Instead of making it illegal to give alcohol to animals, they forbade moose to walk on the footpaths.
· In 1867, it was illegal to drive cows through the streets of London between 10am and 7pm without the permission of the Commissioner of Police. Any cow running loose in London these days would probably not live to a ripe old age.
· In Oklahoma , anyone making an ugly face at a dog can be arrested and fined or jailed, while in California, it’s illegal to stop children from jumping over puddles….
Update on Bicentennial Events
HELP STILL NEEDED ! 20 people from our link parish of Perton in the Diocese of Lichfield are joining us for the Flower Festival in July (14th—16th) so if you have a spare room and would like to host one of the Perton parishioners, please contact the Rector.
Bicentenary Quilt
The final deadline Sunday 2nd July 2023. I know there are some people still working away on their squares so If you want it included in the quilt please get it to me on or before Sunday 2nd July, this is the absolute final date, no squares can be accepted after this as I have lots of work ahead to get the quilt put together and finished. Once I start this work I cannot make room for any other squares so please finish your fabulous contributions and don’t be disappointed. And many thanks for all the wonderful squares received so far and I’m looking forward to the last few too. Happy creating Millie Kingston
We are holding a Scrap Metal Collection over the next few weeks to raise funds for the Parish. So have a clear out of your shed, garage and attic! If you require your scrap metal to be collected then we can arrange to collect if from your home/business.
Call Henry Forbes on 0872035000 for information on where to drop it off or if you need it collected.

Don’t forget to gather stuff for our Parish Fête on 24th June. You can contact Tracey on 087-3481864 if you have any questions about the Fête or if you need to organise collection of items