Pew Sheet – 23rd April 2023

Bébhinn writes International Organ Day was celebrated yesterday, Saturday April 22nd. The Royal College of Organists celebrates the organ and all who play it on that day in a series of co-ordinated events around the world.
We are lucky to have a pipe organ built by the Conacher company in Carrigaline that functions very well in St Mary’s, and a historic nineteenth-century instrument in St John’s, our sister church in Monkstown, but this was not always the case. The Select Vestry records show that for quite some time a harmonium accompanied the services. This is a type of small organ that is operated by ‘cycling’ the feet to move air through the instrument – it can feel like you’ve been for a run after a service! To mark International Organ Day this year I am offering a free introductory lesson to anyone who thinks they might like to play the organ, or just to find out how it works. If you are that person, or if you know someone who would be interested, this offer is open for the month of May. Everyone is welcome!
Bébhinn 087 228 5965
Please keep in mind that there is a United Service at 11am in St John’s Church Monkstown next Sunday 30th April , so NO 11am Service in St Mary’s Church Carrigaline.
We look forward to welcoming a 21 strong Finnish Choir to sing at this service as part of the ‘Sacred Trail’ in the Cork Choral Festival. There will be light refreshements in the Parish Hall Carrigaline after the Service.
If you would like to provide a plate of sandwiches or a cake, please contact Hazel Fleury or the Rector. Thanks!
Random Notes CDXXIV
The inventor of Vaseline supposedly ate a spoonful of it every day.
The sarcastic fringehead is a species of fish.
The tin can was invented several years before the tin opener.
The fairytale ’Beauty and the Beast’ was based on a true story.
Nobody knows who invented the fire hydrant as the records
office was destroyed by fire.
When the inventor of the windscreen wiper applied for a patent, her application was rejected on the grounds that the wipers’ motion would hypnotise drivers and cause crashes.
During the reign of King Edward VI, a law was passed declaring that a boiled egg could not be opened at the ’sharp end’.
Law-breakers had to spend 24 hours in the stocks.
A 19th Century American preacher used to reward his parishioners for sitting patiently through his sermons by treating them to icecreams (is there any chance of 21st century Rectors reviving this custom?)
Shamrocks for our Link with Perton Crochet Workshop on 20th May in the Parish Hall 9am till noon.
Gerlene Kennedy will have yarn and patterns available in bundles at the United Service in St John’s on the 30th of April to give to those who want them ahead of then… or you can get some on 20th itself. You can also bring along any finished shamrocks on 20th which can then have safety pins secured on the back… and there wil be coffee and cake

New Drivers Appeal
Due to the increased demand for Meals on Wheels service in the Carrigaline area, we urgently require new additional volunteer drivers to deliver dinners to people’s homes.
This would entail using your own vehicle once or twice
a month starting at 12pm for approximately one and a half hours.
If you are free and willing to help out, please contact
Eleanor at 087-2329506
or Mary at 087-9350642

at 15.00 in the Parish Hall Carrigaline.
The guest speaker’s topic will be: Awareness and Puppy
Fostering for Autism Assistance Dogs.
An Ambassador dog will be coming too, so do come along!
Teas/ coffees and goodies as always.

Gardens at Ard Foyle Convent,
Ballintemple, Cork” by Head Gardener
Lar Lynch.
Also horticulture and decorative competitions and plant sales tables, raffle and tea/coffee. On 24th April 2023 at 8pm in St. Mary’s NS, Waterpark, Carrigaline.
All are welcome, visitors €7.