Pew Sheet – 24th January 2021

The Rector writes  ‘Every year at this time, the Holocaust Memorial Day commemoration cherishes the memory of all who perished in the Holocaust. It recalls six million Jewish men, women and children and millions of others who were persecuted and murdered by the Nazis because of their ethnicity, disability, sexual orientation, political affiliations or their religious beliefs. The HMD theme this year is Be the light in the darkness. It encourages us to reflect on the depths humanity can sink to, but also the ways individuals and communities resisted that darkness & to ‘be the light’ before, during and after genocide.  It is an affirmation and a call to action for everyone marking HMD. We are asked to consider different kinds of ‘darkness’ ;  identity-based persecution, misinformation, denial of justice, along with different ways of ‘being the light’ ; resistance, acts of solidarity, rescue and illuminating mistruths.  Increasing levels of denial, division and misinformation in today’s world mean we must all remain vigilant against hatred and identity-based hostility. Thinking about all this, in this week’s Pewsheet,  I have also included the front page of last week’s Irish Examiner which printed the names of every baby who died here in Cork at the Bessborough Mother and Baby Home from 1922 to 1994.  May they rest in peace.’ 


Today as we remember all those who died in the Holocaust, our final hymn played by Kevin is appropriately Hymn 323  (The God of Abraham)   Bébhinn has kindly passed on these notes about the hymn taken from the Canterbury Dictionary of Hymnology:

The God of Abraham praise. Thomas Olivers (1725-1799).

Written probably in 1770 at the house of Olivers’ friend John Bakewell in London, and published in leaflet form as A Hymn to the God of Abraham. In Three Parts: Adapted to a celebrated Air, sung by the Priest, Signior Leoni, etc., at the Jews’Synagogue, in London. It had twelve stanzas. 

‘Signior Leoni’ was the name given by Olivers to Meyer Lyon (1751-97), cantor at the Great Synagogue in Duke’s Place, London.  He must have heard Lyon singing the Hebrew Yigdal, the medieval summary of the Jewish faith written by Moses Maimonides (ca.1130- ca.1204) and versified by Daniel ben Judah, probably between 1396 and 1404. It is recorded that the tune was written down by Lyon at Olivers’ request. Olivers then wrote this spectacular hymn to fit the magnificent tune. After publication as a leaflet, part of it was included by John Wesley in Sacred Harmony (1780) and in A Pocket Hymn Book for the Use of Christians of all Denominations (1785).

The tune became known as LEONI, after the liturgical name of the cantor.    The tune LEONI is also used in our hymnal for 604 (We turn to Christ anew) written by Timothy Dudley-Smith. 



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Random Notes  CCCLXXIV

Beneath are transcribed a selection of some rather interesting random excerpts taken from the Book of Minutes of Meetings of the Select Vestry of the Parish of Carrigaline.

1927, Easter Vestry, 18th April,  ‘Proposed by D.H. Young, and seconded by H.W.B. Roberts that a suitable gown be procured for the sexton to be worn by him during Divine Service in the Church.’

1935, Easter Vestry, 23rd April,  ‘The following resolution was proposed by C.A. Love, seconded by R.H. Dorman, and passed unanimously—

“At this First Vestry meeting of the combined parishes of Carrigaline and Killanully, we desire to place on record our regret at the resignation of Canon Irwin, the esteemed Rector of Killanully parish, who for 42 years faithfully performed his ministerial duties & by his genial manner endeared himself to his many friends in the Diocese of Cork, Cloyne, & Ross”‘

1936, February 19th,  ‘Captn, Newenham proposed that a new Communion rail be erected in the Church, which he subsequently withdrew. It was proposed that Mr. Roberts be consulted regarding raising floor around step at Communion rails….’ 

1936, July 3rd.,  ‘The following resolution was propose by R.H. Dorman, seconded by H.W.B. Roberts, & passed, that out of the sum of £25 in Cork Savings Bank the sum of approximately £12 be spent on removal of old stain on pulpit and Chancel rails, and polishing of same, and on painting Church doors  R. Pallister (Crosshaven) to be engaged for the work. That a maximum of £5 be allocated towards colouring the walls of Killanully Church, and painting doors and chutes…’

1941, Easter Vestry, 15th April, ‘A vote of gratitude was also passed to the Rev. P.C. Brown, Crosshaven  for gift of alms dish from the Chapel at Fort Camden, now disused, for use in Kilanully Church.’ 

1939, Easter Vestry, 11th April,  ‘The Rector asked the acceptance by the Vestry of a collecting plate for Carrigaline Church to be presented by Miss W. Hosford in memory of her nephew,         Kingston, Mr, Dorman proposed the acceptance and gratitude of the Vestry to Miss Hosford, seconded by Miss Roberts, and passed unanimously.’

1941, Sunday, 10th August,  ‘At a meeting held in the Church after morning service at which the folowing were present: The Rector, Captn, & Mrs Newenham, Mr. S. Geary, and Captn. Harrison. It was resolved that Captn, Newenham (Rector’s Church Warden) be authorised to see Mr. R. Gay (Contractor), with a view to hastening the replacement of a window in the south wall of the Church which was damaged by fire, the cost of which the insurance companies have agreed to pay as per Mr. Gay’s estimate.’

1942, September 22nd,  ‘The question of the damage to the Church spire was then raised, and the chairman read correspondence on the matter, and stated that the steeplejack was of opinion that the damage was caused by lightening, He submitted a tender of £700 for repairs. This amount was considered exorbitant by insurance assesors. The chairman then read an offer from messrs. Barrett, Building Contractor, of Cork to do the necessary work including the repointing of remainder of spire for the sum of £250, This sum was considered reasonable and it was agreed that if insurance company admit liability, the work be undertaken by messrs, Barrett, subject to the satisfaction of the Diocesan architect, and that, if necessary, a further meeting be convened to consider the final settlement,’

1945, 22nd July,  ‘The Chairman reported that damage had been done to the Church by lightening on the evening of July 13th, 1945, including some of the stone work at the southern side of the building, chutes and down pipes, and also one of the stain glass windows which had been slightly damaged.’


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