Pew Sheet – 24th July 2022
The Rector writes ‘ As I write these notes we are still sweltering but certainly we are not as bad as our near neighbours in the UK who are experiencing 40 degree heat together with extensive fires. Our prayers are with all suffering from climate change events. We also are reminded about how we might mitigate the effects by perhaps living more simply. Stay cool and safe’
Thursday 11th August Youth
Group Information Evening 7pm Parish Hall.
Contact Oriel Hosford for details 087-3412445
Saturday 3rd September Bric-a-Brac Sale in the Parish Hall followed by Parish Barbeque in the adjoining Marquee.
More details nearer the time.
Wednesday 14th September The Revd Richard Dring will be ordained to the Priesthood.
More details nearer the time.
Random Notes CDXXXII
In or around the mid 1980’s the then Rector of Carrigaline, the Revd Basil Wolfe Mc Crea, during a visit to Mount Rivers, mentioned to the compiler of this note that he had in the boot of his car on their way to be dumped into a furnace that he knew of in some hospital or the like in Cork, a number of disused and unwanted Church books. This of course was a matter of much interest, and on an examination of the contents of the boot, a number of books, most of which in fact, were withdrawn to be spared from the flames, and are now preserved at Mount Rivers.
Amongst those saved was a large desk Book of Common Prayer, printed in 1841 at the Pitt Press, Cambridge, finely bound by Guy’s of Cork in a full maroon morocco, with stamped in gilt on the front cover ‘The Gift of Colonel Lunham to the Rev. Ambrose Hickey for The Church of Ballinaboy. 1881’

The recipient of the Prayer Book was the Revd Amrose Hickey, appointed Priest in Charge of Ballinaboy, near Ballinhassig in 1841, a post he held until his death over forty years later on Thursday, 13th April, 1882. Following Hickey’s death the parish of Ballinaboy was joined to that of Killanully; it was later, in 1935, upon the uniting of the parishes of Killanully with Carrigaline, joined to that of Kinsale, before finally once again in 1959 becoming a part of the parish of Killanully and Carrigaline.
On the morning of Sunday, 16th September, 1962 at 9.30, the final service, with a congregation of twenty-six, of whom fourteen took communion, was held in Ballinaboy, and on December 13th. of the following year the decision was taken to abandon the Church.
The interior was subsequently emptied of its contents, the roof removed, and the Church left to its fate, the ruins alone being now all that is left to remind one of what was once there.
The identity of the donor of the Prayer Book is not definitively known, but very likely it was Colonel Sir Thomas Ainslie Lunham 1847-1930) , of Ardfallen, Douglas road, Cork, a man who took a ‘keen interest in history, local history, and Irish Antiquity’