Pew Sheet – 25th September 2022
The Rector writes ‘I’m so delighted that we are back to welcoming all the animals today for our 11am Service. As most of you know, we try and have this special Blessing of the Animals on the last Sunday in September as it is in ‘Creation Time’ and near the feast day of St Francis of Assisi, that most famous of animal lovers! I really missed meeting all the pets during the ‘Covid Years’ although they did pop up now and again on the Zoom calls! I remember one Zoom meeting when there were no less than THREE bishops in attendance and Daisy was there too.. along with two other dogs and one cat.. It was very hard to try and concentrate on business with such lovely animals to admire!
From this week, instead of routing our Ukraine items through the Red Cross, we will now, via Hazel Fleury, pass them on to our sister parish of Carrigrohane who are doing amazing work in this area. They are particularly looking for women’s hygiene items for their Women welcome packs, and for Children’s Welcome pack items like new or used colouring pencils, pads of plain paper, colouring books, bubbles and small toy items for the packs. Please leave the items in the Yellow/Blue Buckets at the back of the Churches. Thank you.’
If you would like to contribute either a Salad or a Dessert for the parish Harvest Supper on 1st October, please contact Millie Kingston on 086-8091443
Millie is also kindly putting together a Rota of people to help set up the tables, to help serve on the night and to tidy up afterwards.
Please don’t leave this to the usual suspects! If you can help on the night, please do contact Millie on 086-8091443.
Everyone who comes to this popular event has a great time but it doesn’t all come together as if by magic…. Please think about helping out this year…. As they say ‘Many hands make light work’!
Owenabue Garden and Flower Club Carrigaline
Welcomes Jasmine O’Gorman to demonstrate flower arrangements with the theme of “Autumn”
on: Monday 26th September 2022 at 8pm
Venue: St. Mary’s National School, Waterpark, Carrigaline.
Visitors Welcome €7
Saturday 1st October
Harvest Supper 7:30pm Canon McCrea Hall
Sunday 2nd October
Harvest Thanksgiving Services in both churches. The Revd Canon Andrew Orr will be the Preacher.
Sunday 9th October
St Fin Barre’s Cathedral 3:30pm
Dr Simon Woodworth will be commissioned as Diocesan Lay reader. Also this will be the diocesan farewell to
Archdeacon Adrian Wilkinson and the installation of the Very Reverend Cliff Jeffers as Chancellor. All Welcome.
Random Notes CDXXXII
As readers of these notes are most probably already aware, next year, 2023, marks the bicentenary of the building of the present Church at Carrigaline, and co-incidentally the tercentenary of the construction of the previous Church.
In connection with these notable anniversaries, during the year of which a number of events are planned, beginning with a service on Tuesday, 7th February, 2023 and culminating with a service on Wednesday, 7th February, 1924, the actual 200th anniversary of the first service in the present Church, it is hoped to produce a little book, or booklet about the Church. The content of this proposed publication has yet to be finalised, but for it the compiler of this note, Lesley Roberts (085-2433920), would greatly appreciate if anyone has anything that might be thought to be of interest for the purpose; any ephemera, orders of service, photographs or drawings especially, however insignificant the item may perhaps appear. There is an unfortunate and particular shortage of illustrations, especially anything of any age, relating to the Church, and anything that may be lurking in parishioners homes that might thought to be in any way useful at all for the purpose would be greatly appreciated. More details about the proposed publication will be reported later, with, it need hardly be said, much of its success or otherwise being largely dependent on what material has to be worked with.