Pew Sheet – 26th February 2023

The World Day of Prayer is an International Christian/Ecumenical Event which takes place on the first Friday in March every year around the world.

This year it comes from the women in Taiwan. A lovely way to learn of their culture and history. 

When:  7.30pm Friday 3rd March.

Where:  St  Mary‘s  Church, Carrigaline 

Refreshments afterwards in the Parish Hall. 

Do come and bring a friend

St. Mary’s Church are looking for volunteers for both the Flower Rota and the Bell Rota for 2023. Some months have been filled but we are short a few names for each rota.  We can pair any new volunteers with another person to make it easier for them. New bell ringers will be shown how to ring out Church bell which really is a very easy task. Any help would be very much appreciated and would make it easier for those who have already volunteered.  Please contact Joy Keefe re both rotas 087 2559844

The Owenabue Garden and Flower Club, Carrigaline will host a horticulture talk by Klaus Laitenberger an Organic Inspector (IOFGA) Lecturer and Gardner, titled ‘Beginners Guide to Organic Gardening’.

Also horticulture and decorative competitions and sales table.

On 27th February 2023 at 8pm in St. Mary’s NS,

 Waterpark, Carrigaline.

All are welcome, visitors €7

St Mary’s Church  Bicentenary

Photo Exhibition 

Wanted : Photographs to display at a Photo Exhibition of St Mary’s Church.

The theme includes the immediate vicinity, exterior, interior, or any detail.

Photo prints of ANY SIZE up to the maximum of 12” by 18”

Photos to be exhibited can be Current or Older, Colour or Black and White, and be Print or Digitally projected.

Closing date for entries is 1st March

Photos can be sent to;  

Lesley Roberts, Mount Rivers, Carrigaline,

Co Cork. P43 P497.  Tel no, 085 243 3920


William Warren-Perry, Beau Vallon, Strawhall, Monkstown, Co Cork. T12 TP9X.   Tel no, 086 332 7915

Categories Parish Notices | Tags: | Posted on February 27, 2023

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