Pew Sheet – 26th September 2021
Below is the Pewsheet as printed for Sunday 26th. Unfortunately the Confirmation Service had to be cancelled as the Bishop is in hospital. We keep +Paul in our prayers and we also keep the confirmation candidates in our prayers as they await the opportunity to make their commitments in Confirmation.
We pray for those being confirmed today in our parish.
Abbie Daunt
Graham White
Niah Kenneally
Rachel Lynch
Sally Cole
Samantha Gash-Hickey
Sean Woodworth
Shane Packham
Hilary Dring
Music Notes 26-09-2021
Hymns at St Mary’s
614 Great shepherd of your people
499 When I needed a neighbour
712 Tell out, my soul
The Hymn Society journal The Hymn always contains articles which are interesting and thought-provoking. The Winter 2021 volume includes an article by Paul Westermeyer, an eminent Lutheran scholar of hymnology and liturgical music. He talks about why the Church sings in obedience to Paul’s definition of the essence of sacred song: Let the word of Christ dwell in you richly; teach and admonish one another in all wisdom, and with gratitude in your hearts sing psalms, hymns, and spiritual songs to God (Col. 3:16).
Westermeyer describes the Magnificat as the theme song of the church, in which Mary sings her praise for the Lord.
Our final hymn today, written by Timothy Dudley-Smith is a paraphrase of the opening words of the Magnificat. It has become one of the most popular hymns worldwide. It is especially memorable for the wonderful tune Woodlands to which it is most often sung nowadays. The name comes from one of the houses in Gresham’s School in Norfolk where the author was Director of Music for a time.
Bebhinn 087 228 5965

Some photos of the Rector’s Installation Sunday 19th September, 2021
(Photos : George Maguire, The Barn Studio)