Pew Sheet – 27th August 2023
The Rector writes ‘Thank you to Revd Richard Dring for looking after the Services for the last three weeks and to Ted Rae for looking after the service at the end of July. I feel ready for action again after two weeks of recuperation following my Gall Bladder operation and then my two weeks holiday (including a lovely week in Kerry when unbelievably we had decent weather until Storm Betty hit!) I am really looking forward to the Barbeque today after the 11am service and to chatting with many of you.
September is the beginning of a new year for many students AND teachers! (see the lovely prayer on the back page) and this September we have lots of things to look forward to… we will have a special Bicentennial Musical Evening in St Mary’s Church on Saturday 23rd and on the following day Sunday 24th, we will have our annual Animal Blessing at the 11am Service. This year we hope to have an outside pen for any farm animals (weather permitting of course!).
The Mothers’ Union will have their opening Service at 3:30pm on Wednesday 20th, again in St Mary’s Church.
And our Sunday Club will return on 10th September, any children who are in primary school are welcome to come along. Just drop them into the Parish Hall at 11am.’