Pew Sheet – 27th September 2020

Thursday October 1st

Annual General Vestry Meeting 7:30pm St Mary’s Church

Sunday October 4th

Harvest Thanksgiving Services

Sunday October 11th

Cork Autism Online Conference : Autism: Beyond Behaviours. This online conference  offers interventions, skills and strategies to support people on the autism spectrum. Suitable for Parents, Families, Caregivers, Autistics, Employers, Educators, Professionals, Agencies, Advocates and anyone with an interest in autism. Visit:

Sunday October 18th

Wholeness & Healing and Thanksgiving for our Caring Professions Service on the Feast of St Luke.  7pm St Mary’s Church

Eco Congregation Ireland

    Online Conference

Saturday 3rd October 2020

“Planetary Emergency:

   How to Have Hope”

10.30am – 12.30 am via Zoom

     All are welcome

Free of charge – But need to book. Details:



Richard Dring, the Parish Health & Safety Officer writes 

As I start to prepare these short notes concerning our progress as a parish to reopen our Churches, I am aware that in our community we have to step up our vigilance in the face of a surge in Covid 19 cases throughout the country. We as congregations have made a great effort to follow to the best of our ability the guidelines we have implemented. We have tweaked the guidelines in our Churches to improve flow and minimise the crossover of people all of which help us to reduce the risk of transfer to each other of Covid 19. In all of what is happening around us we have to be aware we are capable of transmitting the virus for about 2 days before any symptoms show. This is the reason we have the protocols in place and we have to do everything to follow these so we keep each other safe and maintain the ability to attend Church. We all without exception have to follow the guidelines to respect each other and recognise there may be those present who have to take extra care. We have a duty to make everyone feel safe and able to attend Sunday worship. We all have a personal and collective responsibility to do this and set an example to each other and our community. In the coming months as we face the additional challenge of the usual winter Colds and Flu which have not gone away we must keep up what we are doing!  Keeping this in mind it is very important that if we have any cold or flu-like symptoms that we do not attend any gatherings including Church and must where possible stay home.

The following are the guidelines that each of us must follow as we attend Sunday worship:

Keep our distance (2 meters or 6 feet)

Sanitise our hands on arrival and departure

Wear a face mask. (If we are unable to wear a mask for medical reasons then a face visor is a fallback.)

Seat where directed by the Churchwardens or designee

without exception.

Stay seated and do not move around in the Church.

The reader for the service is seated at the front to minimise crossover.

Remain seated until the Warden or designee indicates we can leave

Minimise congestion in the porch and wait until the person or family group in front has vacated the Porch

Do not stop to talk as we are leaving the building

so that we minimise congestion and keep our distance.

Let’s keep up the good work and see this through with confidence we have not put each other at risk. We have to get used to this way of working as this will be with us for some time to come.

Decorating St Mary’s Church

for Harvest

Unlike previous years there will unfortunately be no communal decorating of St Mary’s Church for Harvest Thanksgiving Service but anyone who wishes to do a vase or an arrangement for the church may leave it at the Vestry door on Friday evening 2nd Oct.  Thank you.  

Joy Keefe 087 255 9844

Virtual Harvest Supper    Fundraiser 2020

Saturday 24th October 2020

          Price: €20        Includes Prizes

1st prize ‘Fresh Free Range Christmas Turkey’

Drop off and Collection from Canon McCrea Hall

This year our Harvest Supper Fundraiser will be very different due of course to Covid 19, but we are committed to making it as successful as possible and with your support it will be.

This year it will be a takeaway Harvest Supper to include Turkey and Ham & Salads and Selection of delicious Desserts  plus  your ticket will be entered into the Raffle for some wonderful Prizes. 

We are requesting donations of Salads to include: Potato Salad, Coleslaw, Green Salad and Bean Salad, and we are also requesting  any Desserts too please.  All these donations may be dropped to the Canon McCrea Hall, St Mary’s School, Waterpark between 10.30 and Noon on Saturday 24thOctober and then you can collect your plated Suppers with prizes between 2pm and 4pm from the Hall. Your support is much appreciated, Thank you.

Tickets must be pre purchased, please contact: Henry Forbes  087 203 5000, Joy Keefe  087 255 9844, Hilary Warren-Perry  086 263 7137 or Millie Kingston  086 809 1443 for offers of food or tickets.

Occasional Thoughts from the Revd Tony Murphy

This month in an office in San Francisco an 89 year old Irish American man signed documents  dissolving a  Charitable Foundation, Atlantic Philanthropies which had been founded 36 years ago in 1984.

The man ,Chuck Feeney, was born in New Jersey to a working class family. Having served in the US Forces he received a grant to attend University .

Even at that time he showed his entrepreneurial instincts by selling sandwiches to his fellow, but wealthier, students .

In the 1950’s he became involved in a new business-duty free- and made a fortune by selling duty free goods to wealthy Japanese who travelled to Hawaii to buy goods not available in post war Japan.

By the 1980’s Feeney was an extremely wealthy man with mansions in several countries  but he never felt at ease with the lifestyle of the wealthy .

For a few years he  mulled over the dilemma that he was a genius at making money but what should he do with it. Finally in 1984 ,at the age of 53, Feeney made a momentous decision –to give it all away  by 2016.

On 23 November 1984 he signed over his Company Shares and the various business and properties which he had acquired worldwide to a Foundation subsequently called Atlantic Philanthropies. 

While millions of Americans were celebrating that Thanksgiving Weekend the material things with which they were blessed, he celebrated divesting himself of his vast wealth with a fish and chips lunch.

For the next 30 years Feeney circled the world seeking ways of doing good things with the money.

At that time Feeney was determined to stay out of the limelight and travelled economy dressed as a tourist on a budget. Fortunately the story finally emerged and since he had to go public, Feeney then advocated the philosophy of “Giving while Living” . His example has prompted others to follow most notably Warren Buffet and Bill Gates (Microsoft).

Since 1984  Atlantic Philanthropies has distributed €8,000,000,000 (8 billion dollars) to countries including Cuba, Vietnam, South Africa, Australia and Ireland which received 1.3 billion in Ireland, mainly in Education  but including €15 million to Barnados and €10 million to the Irish Hospice Foundation.

He now lives  in a  modest apartment in San Francisco with his wife and celebrated the closing of his Foundation with a  grilled cheese sandwich -fitting for the one time sandwich man .

His final message “ You will get a lot more satisfaction giving it away when you are alive than  when you are dead- try it ,you’ll like it !”


Random Notes No. CCCLIV 

In the wonderful little publication “Our Place” from Christmas 1979,

I found a small article about the “Mothers’ Union of Carrigaline Union”. 

It was written by M.N., which, if my memory serves me correctly, was Merna Nicholson (no relation to David or Joan) but who lived in the corner house at  Castlefarm. 

Some of the names will bring back memories, and it is very much “of that time”!!”

“Many interesting talks are given at the meeting and there is interaction between groups of other Mothers’ Union members. In February 1979, a meeting was held at St Dominics, Ennismore, Montenotte where a programme called “See how they grow” was discussed and commented on.

Our speakers were Mr Brendan Connolly talking on “Development of children into young adults”, Father M Crowley on “Discipline and values”,Bishop S Pointz on “Leisure and Freedom”and Mrs Caird on “Children in the family”. Husbands and children were invited on the Sunday to partake of Holy Communion and family breakfast and lunch together.

In December 1979, Mrs M Garde will give a talk on “A Journey in to Russia”.  Our collection at that meeting will be for Cheshire Homes. Then in February 1980, Mrs Paula Daly will give a cookery demonstration at Glenbrook Hotel, when we hope to raise a substantial sum of money for the Battered Wives Association”


Categories Parish Notices | Tags: | Posted on September 28, 2020

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Weekend Services

Sunday Morning: 11:00 am

Church Road
(021) 437 4045