Pew Sheet – 28th January 2024
The Rector writes ‘ Yesterday was Holocaust Memorial Day (HMD) and we are encouraged
to keep this day as a remembrance in a world scarred by genocide.
Internationally the 27th January is a day set aside to remember the 6 million Jews murdered during the Holocaust, alongside the millions of people murdered under Nazi persecution of other groups and during more recent genocides in Cambodia, Rwanda, Bosnia and Darfur. The reason 27th January was chosen is that it marks the anniversary of the liberation of Auschwitz-Birkenau, which was the largest Nazi death camp.
The Holocaust threatened the fabric of civilisation, and genocide must still be resisted every day.
The HMD theme this year is ‘Fragility of Freedom’ and we see that fragility played out on the News on TVs every single night. Our world is fragile and vulnerable and we cannot be complacent.
Even here in Ireland, prejudice and the language of hatred must be challenged daily by us all. Together we can bear witness for those who endured genocide, and we can honour the survivors and all those whose lives were changed beyond recognition.
We shouldn’t forget how fragile our freedom really is.’
Random Notes CDXLVI
Illustrated herewith is a not uninteresting little relic found in July, 2000 on the island of St. Helena in the south Atlantic.
On Sunday, 15th October, 1815, within months of his defeat at Waterloo on June 18th. and after a nine week voyage from Plymouth, the H.M.S. Northumberland arrived at Jamestown, St, Helena, with on board, in addition to a small number of his compatriots, the former emperor of the French, Napoleon
Bonaparte (1769-1821) who from then until his death six years later at 5.49 in the afternoon of Saturday, 5th May, 1821 was exiled to live on the island.
Shortly after his arrival at S. Helena, and in order to avoid both the heat and noise, and the curiosity of the townspeople, he was removed from Jamestown to The Briars in the country, then the home of William Balcombe (1777-1829) and there he lived for a couple of months until his move on December 10th to his future home, Longwood.
The Briars, an eighteenth century house was purchased by William Balcombe in 1811, and after various vicissitudes was alas demolished 1n 1947, with but a little detached pavilion, now restored and open to the public, alone surviving.
The cast iron boot scraper here illustrated was by the compiler of this note found amongst undergrowth at the site of The Briars on Tuesday, 11th July, 2000, and from there brought back by sea to Cape Town, by air to Cork and finally by motor car to Mount Rivers where it presently is.
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Whist evening in aid of St John’s Church Window Repair Fund
8pm Saturday 10th February
Canon McCrea Hall
St Mary’s School
All Welcome
Donations/Spot Prizes much appreciated,
Please talk to the organisers
Barney Deane 087-2185197
Henry Forbes 087-203500
Dates for your Diary
4th After 11am Service the Parish Eco Group will plant the Bicentennial Oak tree along with a Time Capsule in
St Mary’s Churchyard.
7th Closing Service of St Mary’s Bicentennial Year 7:30pm
The Bishop will dedicate the renovated Reredos, the new Credence Table and the Bicentennial Quilt. The Archbishop of Armagh will preach. St Fin Barre’s Choir will sing the Choral Evensong.
10th Charity Whist evening in Canon McCrea Hall 8pm
12th Mens’ Coffee 10am Carrigaline Court Hotel
14th Ash Wednesday
10:30am & 7:30pm Holy Communion and
Imposition of Ashes Services in St Mary’s Church
28th Lenten Study begins – Reading the Apocrypha over
4 weeks. 8pm each Wednesday by Zoom beginning Wednesday 28th February
St Mary’s Churchyard
Bicentennial Oak Tree & Time Capsule Planting
Sunday 4th February after 11am Service