Pew Sheet – 30th April 2023

Please find below the link to the Service sheet for 30th April 2023

Music Notes 30-04-2023

330 God is here, as we his people
644 Faithful Shepherd, feed me
532 Who are we who stand and sing?
459 For all the saints (verses 1-3)

Today we welcome Chorus Sanctae Ceciliae from Finland who will enhance our worship with some wonderful singing. The choir is led by music director Pia Bengts and were founded in 1953 in Helsinki. They will be taking part in the Church Music Competition this afternoon in St Fin Barre’s Cathedral.

Our third hymn (532) was written by Cork man Herbert O’Driscoll who was educated at Midleton College, and at Trinity College Dublin. He was ordained in 1952 and served as curate in Monkstown parish in Dublin. He then moved to Canada as a chaplain to the Royal Canadian Navy and has remained there ever since. The hymn dwells on all things that unite Christians – gathering around the eucharistic table, service to Christ, living our faith each day.

Bébhinn 087 2285965

Categories Parish Notices | Tags: | Posted on May 2, 2023

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