Pew Sheet – 30th October 2022
The Rector writes ‘Clergy, like fashion buyers, are constantly thinking ahead to the next season! I am already in Advent in my head even though it’s not for another 4 weeks.
This Advent we will again be having our lovely ’Posada’, the tradition of the wooden figures of Joseph, Mary and the Donkey travelling from home to home in the parish throughout the four weeks of the Advent Season. Heading out to the first house after the Advent Sunday Service on 27th November and finally arriving back to the Carols around the Crib Service on Christmas Eve. If you would like to welcome the Posada to your home during this time, the signup sheet is at the back of St Mary’s Church. It’s very easy, the person before you will ring you up and arrange to drop the figures to you and so on.
Tonight at 7pm, we have our quarterly Healer/Prayer Service, this time in St John’s Church Monkstown. If you would like to attend you are very welcome to join the Healer/Prayer team then. If you can’t attend but have a specific prayer request, please let me know and I will add the request to the list.’
Music Notes 30-10-2022
Hymns at St Mary’s
381 God has spoken by his prophets
383 Lord, be thy word my rule
481 God is working his purpose out
388 Word of the living God
Our third hymn God is working his purpose out was first published as a leaflet at Eton in 1894. One of the masters at the college, A.C. Ainger, had written the verses and dedicated them to Edward White Benson who was then Archbishop of Canterbury. The tune was supplied by Millicent Kingham (1866-1927) who was organist at St Andrew’s Church in Hertford where a relative of Ainger’s was rector.
The hymn quickly became popular and was included in the major hymn collections early in the twentieth century. The refrain is based on Habakkuk 2:14 “For the earth will be filled with the knowledge of the glory of God, as the waters cover the sea”.

A.C. Ainger – Image by Leslie Ward – Vanity Fair, 28 February 1901
Bébhinn 087 228 5965
Random Notes CDXXXVII
A census was carried out in 1659. Here are the results for Douglas and surrounding areas:
Townland | No. of People | English | Irish |
Grange | 19 | 03 | 16 |
Curcanaway | 21 | – | 21 |
Rathnaculicke | 13 | 05 | 08 |
Ballindoohegge | 11 | 04 | 07 |
Ballyorban | 16 | – | 16 |
Munsfieldtown | 102 | 05 | 97 |
Monygorny | 71 | 09 | 62 |
Ballyninelogh | 07 | – | 07 |
Castletreasure | 05 | – | 05 |
Ardarrig | 05 | – | 05 |
Douglas | 38 | 07 | 31 |
308 | 33 | 275 |
(As you can see, there’s been a slight growth in the population since then!)

St. Mary’s Celebration Quilt
Celebrating 200 years of St. Mary’s Church, Carrigaline with a celebration QUILT full of wonderful squares made with love by parishioners and friends.
So this is where you can unleash your creativity, whether you are skilled or this is your first experience of this type of a project. You can use embroidery, cross stitch, appliqué, crochet, lace etc; or any type of embellishment from ribbons to buttons, beads or artistic fabric pens, anything (the world is your oyster) to create a picture representing your thoughts/feelings or experience of St. Mary’s Church.
If you’d like to take part in this creative project please speak with me, Millie Kingston, after Church in the Parish Hall any Sunday in November where I’ll have similar Quilts with ideas to show for inspiration.
I’ll also have the fabric squares to hand out for you to work on. There is a deadline of Easter Sunday 9th April 2023 for the return of squares as I will have lots of work to do sewing all the squares together etc; to form the final Wall Hanging Quilt.
Tuesday 1st November 7:30pm Parish Hall
Lynda Meiklejohn, Linda Daunt, Iris Hosford & Hilary Warren-Perry are holding a reunion of anyone who was part of the ‘Mothers and Toddlers’ group from 1997 to 2012. This cohort has reached a milestone, many of the toddlers involved are now over 18 and they felt that the time was right to try and re-connect with all the friends made during that time.
Sundays in November 12 noon Parish Hall
Bicentennial Celebration Quilt preparation with Millie Kingston
Friday 11th November 11am Parish Hall
Friendship Club
Saturday 12th November 8pm Online
Quiz with our link parish in Perton
Sunday 13th November 7pm St John’s Church
Remembrance Sunday Choral Evensong
Saturday 19th November 10:30am Parish Hall
Parish Drama Group Coffee Morning Cake Sale plus Raffle.
Advance Notice
Parish Fundraising Auction in February 2023
Items required for this general, not antique only auction includes : Furniture, Pictures, Kitchen ware, Silver, Brass, Garden furniture and implements, Clocks, quality Toys, Jewellery, etc. etc.
Please do ensure that any items donated are in good order.
Contact Lesley Roberts for further details