Pew Sheet – 5th December 2021
The Rector writes ‘I can’t believe that I’m having to say this yet again this year but if you’d like to attend a Service on Christmas Eve/Day, I’m afraid that you will need to book a place. I’m sorry that it has come to this again and I do hope that you will be patient as you may not get the time or place that you’d prefer. Last year everyone who wanted to attend a Christmas Service managed to do so and I’m hoping that by having the three extra times again , the same will be true for this year.
The Service times are listed below, please ring/text/email me’
Christmas Eve:
4pm Carols around the Crib by Zoom only.
11:30pm St Mary’s Church, Carrigaline
Christmas Day:
9am St Mary’s Church, Carrigaline
10am St John’s Church, Monkstown
11am St Mary’s Church, Carrigaline
12noon St John’s Church, Monkstown
1pm St Mary’s Church, Carrigaline

Music Notes 05-12-2021
Hymns at St Mary’s
135 O come Emmanuel
119 Come thou long expected Jesus
562 Blessed Assurance
634 Love divine, all loves excelling
The hymn ‘Blessed Assurance’, suggested for us by Roger Clough today, credits a female composer and a female lyricist. The lyricist, Fanny J. Crosby has been mentioned previously in these notes.
The composer of the melody was Phoebe Palmer Knapp (1839-1908). Phoebe was one of the many members of the Methodist community who contributed to the hymn literature. She was untypical of many Methodists in that she married a very wealthy insurance executive named Joseph Knapp. They lived in a mansion in Brooklyn which included a pipe organ as part of the furnishings. On Joseph’s death Phoebe made her home in the Savoy Hotel, New York.
Phoebe used her wealth to support her interest in composing and hymn writing as well as encouraging young hymn writers. Her most famous tune ‘Blessed Assurance’ has been a hymnal staple since it was first published in 1873. She wrote over six hundred hymns which she used in her weekly Sunday School classes for groups of up to two hundred children.
Christmas Day will be upon us soon and I am taking votes for hymns/carols to be played at the 11.00 service in St Mary’s. Text or email me your request soon – the early bird and all that!
Bébhinn 087 228 5965
Random Notes CDV
Illustrated beneath are two sketches of ‘Carrigaline Village’, and a ‘View of Carrigaline River’, by Constance Eleanor Westrop (1856-c.1930), of Ravenswood, taken from a collection of sketches contained in a small sketchbook of hers, at the commencement of which in her hand is written ‘In the year 1892, This little book was given to me by my father Ralph M.B. Westrop Esq., of Ravenswood & Meadstown, Co. Cork, who died 5th of May, 1896 at Sunday’s Well, Cork, aged 83 & was buried at Tracton, with his wife & 2 sons.,,,..’

Constance Westrop was the youngest daughter of Ralph Michael Busteed Westrop (1813-1896), of Ravenswood, near Carrigaline, [which he had re-built c.1849], by Lydia Mary (1823-1876), his wife, nee Roberts ( m. in 1842 at Carrigaline ). Ralph Westrop was appointed to be a Church Warden of Carrigaline in 1853, and served on the Select Vestry for a number of years thereafter.