Pew Sheet – 5th November 2023

The Rector writes ‘Last Wednesday I finally got to give the deferred presentation to the Mothers’ Union (& friends!) about my recent pilgrimage to Israel and Palestine.  The almost 400 (!) photos in my Powerpoint Presentation really brought me back to those wonderful 14 days of study at the feet of the Biblical  Scholar Dr Paula Gooder and all the staff of St George’s College in Jerusalem. I learnt so much during those days and I am so eternally grateful to all those, especially Liam, who allowed me the space to disappear for a couple of weeks.  Since October 7th my head is reeling with stories of atrocities on top on atrocities.

I have stayed in touch with the College on social media and hear first hand how they are all suffering , even in Jerusalem, for instance this week a policeman was knifed just outside the gates of the College (which is situated in Arab East Jerusalem, about 10 minutes walk from the Damascus Gate in the Old City), Most of the staff have to stay in the College as they can’t get back safely to their homes in the West Bank. I don’t think there is anybody there who doesn’t know someone who has been killed or injured or abducted.  Please keep all of them in your prayers and please keep on speaking up and demanding a cease to this endless vicious cycle of lives for lives. ‘

Random Notes  CDXXXVIII

I know that many parishioners enjoy the comfort, inspiration and information that Gardeners World brings on a Friday evening.   Personally, I love it when the silence returns to Longmeadow and we see Monty Don working in his garden with his dogs yawning in the background.

Sadly, his Golden Retriever Nellie died on the 20th October. She was a character and a loving friend to Patti, the little Yorkshire Terrier who joined Monty in 2020.   Nellie had an accident a few years ago where she impaled her neck on a stick after chasing it. Happily she recovered but never chased a thrown stick again!

Our pets are such a joy to us all. They wake us in the morning, instructing us to “come on…get up..feed me!”   And when we arrive home in the evening, greeting us with such happiness and relentless energy, allowing us to forget the stresses of the day and enjoy being home. As the shortening winter days draw on and Advent is looming, there is something special about the thought of returning home to our pets, lighting the fire and enjoying a cosy evening watching telly!!  



This Advent we will again be having our lovely ’Posada’, the tradition of the wooden figures of Joseph, Mary and the Donkey travelling from home to home in the parish throughout the four weeks of the Advent Season. Heading out to the first house after the Advent Sunday Service on 3rd December and finally arriving back to the Carols around the Crib Service at 11am on 24th December, Christmas Eve (which is a Sunday this year).   If you would like to welcome the Posada to your home during this time, the signup sheet is at the back of St Mary’s Church. It’s very easy, the person before you will ring you up and arrange to drop the figures to you and so on. Just talk to the Rector if you’d like any more details about the tradition.

Dates for your Diary


12th   Remembrance Services 9:30/11am

18th   Youth Group Games Night 7:30pm till 9pm Parish Hall

19th   ‘A Celebration of Lay Ministry’ 7pm

St Fin Barre’s Cathedral

· Hilary Dring will be licenced as a Diocesan Lay Reader

· Clodagh King will be commissioned as a Lay Local Minister (Pastoral)

22nd  Mothers’ Union meeting at 3.00 pm in the Parish Hall.

The title is “Christmas Flower Zing” with Brenda Haubold inspiring us for Christmas. Her arrangements will be raffled for MU Overseas funds. Hazel Sweetnam and Margorie Garland will be there as well with M.U. Christmas cards, Birthday/Sympathy cards, calendars and other gift ideas

24th   Pageant/Drama 7:30pm in St Mary’s Church

26th   Parish Gift Day 9:30/11am

Also two Speakers on Gender Based Violence (from Cuanlee Refuge & OSS Cork Support Services) will be at the 11am Service to launch the exhibition ‘Souls of our Shoes’ which will run until Wednesday 29th. 

There will be a Bring & Share Lunch in the Parish Hall.  More details nearer the time.

29th   Advent Zoom Bible Study 8pm  ‘Song of Zechariah’


3rd   Tractor Run  (and Posada begins the Advent Journey)

5th    Movie Night ‘The Scarlet and the Black’            7:30pm Parish Hall

6th      Advent Zoom Bible Study 8pm ‘Song of Mary’

13th Advent Zoom Bible Study 8pm ‘Song of the Angels’

15th   Community Carols in St Marys Church 7:30pm

15th to 17th   Nativity Display in Parish Hall

(please contact the Rector if you would like your set to be part of the Display)

17th   Nine Lessons & Carols 4pm  St John’s Monkstown

20th Advent Zoom Bible Study 8pm ‘’Song of Simeon’

24th   Carols around the Crib  11am St Mary’s Carrigaline

Categories Parish Notices | Tags: | Posted on November 6, 2023

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