Pew Sheet – 6th February 2022

The Rector writes ’Just  before the Healer/Prayer Service in St John’s last Sunday, someone reminded me about something I had written in this Pewsheet years ago (strangely enough it was almost exactly a decade ago as Sunday was 30th January 2022 and the item had appeared on 29th January 2012 ) It had said ’Sometimes I want to ask God why he allows poverty, famine and injustice in the world when he could do something about it, but I’m afraid he might just ask me the same question!’ 

I had came across it on Facebook where the Franciscan Sisters in Oldenburg had posted it , but on closer examination (e.g. Google!) I find that it is a quote from a man called Abdu’l Bahá who is called ’The Master’ in the Baha’i Faith.   It had struck a chord with me then and still does now 10 years on.   We do tend to blame God for all of the evils in the world and yet when we look behind most of the problems, who do we find is responsible but ourselves… well , humanity in general.   I suppose that is why I like that prayer from St Theresa about OURS being the only hands HE has left to do good in this world. We have to tackle poverty, famine and injustices. We have to speak for those who have no voice. We are to make Christ present to the poor and dispossessed in our societies. It isn’t just a question of throwing money at problems but getting our hands dirty – volunteering, giving of our time and skills, committing ourselves. Maybe this is something for us all to think about in the coming year.’

Music Notes – 6th February 2022

Hymns at St Mary’s

581      Here I am, Lord

553     Jesu, lover of my soul

321 Holy, holy, holy

Daniel Schutte (b. 1947) wrote our first hymn today. It is an example of how our hymns come from many diverse sources and faith traditions. Schutte is an ordained Jesuit priest who is now composer-in-residence at the University of San Francisco. He wrote this hymn in 1981 when he was part of a highly successful singing group who met as seminarians in St Louis. They set out to provide meaningful worship music in response to the Vatican II call for a new approach to liturgical music. The lyrics are inspired by Isaiah’s response to God’s call: ‘Here am I; send me’ (6:8).

Look out for the second video chat in the ‘Music Monday’ series next week. It will appear on the Carrigaline Union of Parishes Facebook page.

Bébhinn 087 228 5965

  Random Notes CDXII

Monkstown Chamber Choir are now heading into our 13th year since establishment. This lovely group of talented friends who simply enjoy good quality Church music came together in 2009 to revive Choral Evensong at St John’s Church, Monkstown in 2009.

Although the last two years have been difficult, thanks to Canon Elaine, this fully robed choir were lucky to perform the Festival of Nine Lessons and Carols in 2021. Our regular choir practice resumes on Thursday 10th of February at 8pm. It will be so lovely to meet again and sing!

The first Choral Evensong for two years in St John’s will be on Sunday 13th March at 7pm. Apart from St Fin Barre’s Cathedral and East Cork Choral Society, we are the only other choir in the Diocese to sing Choral Evensong, and for that we are truly blessed. Then the following evening, we have been invited to sing at the Diocesan St Patrick’s Eve service in Midleton, performed and sung in Irish. This year 2022 also marks the 150th anniversary of the installation of the beautiful Forster and Andrews organ in the church, so we will host a very special birthday party for this faithful organ later in the summer.

Before lockdown in 2020, we had planned a “favours auction” to raise funds for new surplices and jabots for the choir.This, also, will be revived so watch this space!


Church Bells & Flower Rotas

Joy Keefe invites anyone who would like to help with Flowers or ringing the Bells in St Mary’s Church to please contact her at 087-2559844

A new Play Group

‘Bumps, Babies & Toddlers’ will meet each Wednesday

in the Parish Hall 9:30am -11am.

Categories Parish Notices | Tags: | Posted on February 7, 2022

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