Pew Sheet – 8th October 2023
The Rector writes ’We are delighted to welcome Fr James McSweeney to speak to us as our Harvest Preacher. James is from farming stock himself as I discovered when we were organising handing over the cheque for last years Tractor Run and I believe this year (it’s on 3rd December ) Fr James is planning on driving one himself!
Next week, we will also have something special when Lydia Monds comes to us. Many of you may already know Lydia from Bishops’ Appeal or the Children & Family Ministry within the Church of Ireland. Lydia is now the Ministry Director of the Churches Ministry of Healing (CMH:I) a body of which I am a Board Member and Director. Since 2014 we have a dedicated team of Prayer Ministers in this parish and I am delighted to welcome Lydia next week when our normal Sunday Morning Services will be in the form of Service of Wholeness & Healing (you will find the service on page 457 of our Prayer Book).
If you would like to know more about any aspect of the Healing Prayer ministry in the parish, please speak with me or with any of the team (Revd Richard, Hilary Dring, Simon Woodworth, Kay Tracey, Peter Coughlan, Joy Keefe & Hilary Warren-Perry).’
Random Notes CDXXXVI
The other day I found myself watching Bergerac from 1982. The popular TV series featured John Nettles as Detective Inspector Jim Bergerac who lived on the Channel Island of Jersey. In this particular episode, the story revolved around a criminal who was attempting to launder a wadge of US dollars in cash and lodge it in to a bank account.
I lived in Jersey in the 90’s and one of my employers was Lloyds Bank. There was a manager there who told me that he could remember the days when this was common practice. People would arrive at the bank with suitcases full of cash and no questions would be asked about the origins of the funds! Amazing to think nowadays that this happened. Today I we can transfer funds through a few clicks on our ‘phones but money laundering is such a major crime now.
Jersey was a fun place to live in the summer but quite claustrophobic in winter. During my time there, John Nettles was still involved in theatre, TV and radio.
I was involved in a radio production about the life of the actress and socialite Lily Langtree who hailed from St Saviour on the island. John Nettles was playing a part in the radio play and he asked me to buy him a packet of fruit pastilles….which I did and he never paid me back!! So that’s my claim-to-fame in life!!
Dates for your Diary
15th Healer/Prayer Services 9:30/11am
Lydia Monds of CMH:I (Churches Ministry of Healing) will be our Preacher.
18th The Rector will speak at the Mothers’ Union meeting about her recent trip to the Holy Land in the Parish Hall at 3pm
18th Ecumenical Eco Congregation groups present a Film Night in the Parish Hall at 7:30pm ‘The Letter’ is a powerful film about the environmental situation.
29th United Service in St John’s Church at 11:15am
(no Service in St Mary’s Carrigaline that morning)
12th Remembrance Services 9:30/11am
19th ‘A Celebration of Lay Ministry’ 7pm St Fin Barre’s Cathedral
24th Pageant/Drama 7:30pm in St Mary’s Church
26th Parish Gift Day 9:30/11am
Also two Speakers on Gender Based Violence (from Cuanlee Refuge & OSS Cork Support Services) will be at the 11am Service to launch the exhibition ‘Souls of our Shoes’ which will run until Wednesday 29th.
There will be a Bring & Share Lunch in the Parish Hall. More details nearer the time.
29th Advent Zoom Bible Study 8pm ‘Song of Zechariah’
3rd Tractor Run
5th Movie Night ‘The Scarlet and the Black’
7:30pm Parish Hall
6th Advent Zoom Bible Study 8pm ‘Song of Mary’
13th Advent Zoom Bible Study 8pm ‘Song of the Angels’
15th Community Carols in St Marys Church 7:30pm
15th to 17th Nativity Display in Parish Hall
(please contact the Rector if you would like your set to be part of the Display)
17th Nine Lessons & Carols 4pm St John’s Monkstown
20th Advent Zoom Bible Study 8pm ‘’Song of Simeon’
24th Carols around the Crib 4pm St Mary’s Carrigaline