Parish Notices Sunday 30th December 2018
PARISH OFFICE closed until Wednesday 2nd January.
DIOCESAN MAGAZINE 2019 subscriptions are now due (€25). Please give your subscription to the Church Wardens or leave in the Parish Office.
CONFIRMATION If you would like to be confirmed in 2019 then please let the Rector know. The classes will be beginning on 7th February and will be held in the Rectory Thursdays 5-6:30pm
WHIST NIGHT for YEMEN There will be a Parish Whist Night in the Canon McCrea Hall on Saturday 19th January with all funds raised going to Bishops’ Appeal Yemen Famine Relief. Please do support the night. I read the other day the horrific statistic that a child dies every 10 minutes in Yemen. If you can’t already play Whist, you have a chance to learn on 7th January when Keith Roberts will hold a class in the Parish Hall beginning at 7:30pm, come along and watch the Rector make a fool of herself! Huge thanks to Henry Forbes and Barney Deane for the organising of this Whist Night Fundraiser and if you have any item suitable for a Spot / Raffle Prize, just let them know. Thank you.
HEALTH & SAFETY ISSUE The local community have generously provided defibrillators all over Carrigaline; we see them in the old telephone boxes. To allow speedy and easy access to this life saving equipment we ask all parishioners and visitors to our church not to park on the new pavement outside the box. In addition, parking on the pavement outside the church makes it very difficult for those among us with reduced mobility to walk on the pavement. It should be noted that there is an ongoing appeal generally for people not to park on pavements as people with poor sight do not expect to come across parked vehicles while walking. There is more than adequate parking available in the area around the church which means those of us with greater mobility can park further away. We can then enjoy the short walk knowing we have not obstructed others who may not find it so easy to make their way in to the church (Richard Dring, Parish Health & Safety Officer ).
Anam Cara Cork, the organisation that supports bereaved parents, is holding a Parent Evening on Wednesday 2nd of January at 7:20pm in the Clayton Hotel, Silver Springs, Tivoli, Cork. This event is free and open to all bereaved parents regardless of the age your child died, the circumstances of their death, or whether their death was recent or not.
7th Jan Littlies + One 10-12 Parish Hall.
Monday Club 3-5pm Parish Hall.
Whist Class for Beginners 7:30pm Parish Hall
10th Jan Friendship Club 11am Joyce Loney’s Home
19th Jan Special Whist Night for Famine Relief in Yemen
8:30pm in the Canon McCrea Hall
21st Jan Theological Book Circle 8pm Rectory
9th Feb Children’s Ministry Workshop in Northridge House
Mental Health Training for working with children
22nd & 23rd Feb Carrigaline ‘OSKARS’ Night, Carrigaline Court Hotel
9th March Parish Retreat Day ‘Wellsprings’ in the Parish Hall
Random Notes No. CCLXXXV
More from Anne Hughes’s diary:

Dec, ye 27. Christmas be all over now and our visitors gone, but a right good time we did have. Cussons Tom and Emma, her ladd and his sweetheart Jen, did get here after a journie of hard going on Christmas Eve, by packhorse, the rest did cum on Christmas morning and all of us to church leaving Carter’s wife and Sarah’s sister Jane to help Sarah with the dinner to be all ready genst our cumming back, and mother and me did set the tables together in a row and cover them with my linen table cloths, then we did put the silver and plate and all did look verrie fine. Passon did give a verrie good sermon and the singing did go right heartilie with a great roar, the church been full, for all do like the young passon and his mother.
The we out and home to our dinner. John did set at one end with beef and geese, and Farmer Ellis at the other to cut up the hams and so on, which Sarah and Jane did carry round till all served, and all did eat their fill and had plentie. Then John did pass the wine and all did drink each other’s healths, then the men did smoke while we ladies did drink our wine and talk of divers things that had happened through the year, then the men did say let us dance, so Bill and Jen did play a merrie jig on their fiddles and we did step out finely, till all breathless, we do sit down laffing much.
Farmer Ellis did say let’s have a story and passon did tell one that did cause much merriment, then mistress Prue to the spinette to play a merrie tune, and we to dancing once more stepping it out right heartilie till Sarah did say it’s time for tea, whereon we do sit down and do justice to all the good things provided, which did make a brave show and looked verrie good on the dishes, the lights from the tapers in John’s mother’s silver candlesticks did light the holly Sarah had put on the tables in glasses. All the ladies did like mother’s meatcake and want to know how to make it.
After we did play bobbie apple, and snap dragon, and passon burning his fingers misilie to get Sarah’s plum, all did enjoy it much, and then we did stop a while for sum cakes and wine, and sum songs sung by one and other, then more dancing till supper, then more games and later all home after a really good Christmas which we did all enjoy much with everybody happy.