Pew Sheet – 22nd November 2020
The Rector writes ‘Today is the last Sunday of the liturgical year, when we celebrate the Kingship of Christ. Then next week we will begin a new liturgical year with the First Sunday of Advent. As today we remember and reflect on Jesus Christ as King, we are perhaps a little more prepared to enter […]
Pew Sheet – 12th April 2020
The Rector writes ‘Happy Easter to you all! We are still working out what it is to be church at the moment, amid all of the worry and pain around us. I have been emailing daily reflections and prayers during Holy Week, ringing around people who are stuck at home, sending some cards to people […]
Parish Notices Sunday 9th February 2020
The Rector writes ‘Tonight is the first Choral Evensong in 2020. This lovely service is particularly Anglican as it was originally created by the reforming English Bishop & Martyr Thomas Cranmer back in the 16th century by combining the monastic offices of Vespers and Compline. Cranmer was also the author of much of our Book of […]