Pew Sheet – 23rd July 2023

Thank you to everyone who made our Flower Festival such a wonderful occasion. The Flowers themselves were unbelievable and so were you!

Our next celebration is on Sunday 27th August when we will have a Parish Family Barbeque in St Mary’s Church grounds after the 11am Service.  Talk to the St Mary’s Churchwardens about this as it would be good to get some idea of numbers so we can order the meat, buns etc.  As with previous Barbecues there will  be a small charge on the day. 

Don’t forget to buy a Raffle Ticket for the amazing Oil Painting of St Mary’s Church, kindly donated by the Artist Dorothee Roberts.  Again, see the St Mary’s Churchwardens if you’d like a ticket, the Raffle will be held in the Parish Hall in January 2024

The Owenabue Garden and Flower Club,
Carrigaline will host an Evening Garden Walk with refreshments at Rosarie and Oliver O’Leary’s Garden, Reagrove, Minane Bridge, Co. Cork. P17 X379 on Monday 24th July at 7.30pm.
Meet at the Band Hall beside the Grotto/Catholic Church in Carrigaline at 7pm, or the Church car park Minane Bridge at 7.15 to car pool and get directions. Entry €7 each.

Random Notes CDXXXII

Reddit is the corner of the internet where people discuss almost anything. It comes with its own culture and, with that, its own peculiar, abbreviated way of saying things.

Here are some of those abbreviations:

ELI5                  Explain Like I’m 5

TIL                    Today I Learned

OP Original Poster

ETA Edited to Add

FTFY Fixed That For You

OC Original Content

AMA Ask Me Anything

IIRC If I Recall Correctly

ITT In This Thread

DAE Does Anybody/Anyone Else

Woosh Previous commenter didn’t get the joke and it went over their head.

SO Significant Other

IM(H)O In My (Humble) Opinion

IANAL I am not a lawyer

IRL In Real Life

NSFW Not safe for work

YMMV Your mileage may vary

YSK You Should Know

AFAIK As Far As I Know

SMH Shaking my head

ROFL Rolling On the Floor Laughing

TL;DR Too Long, Didn’t Read

Of course, none of this is new. Some of these abbreviations come from internet groups predating Reddit by a couple of decades. A lot of modern abbreviations are justified by the need to make typing on a smartphone easier. But the practice of abbreviating goes back to Victorian times when of course most people wrote in longhand.

This meant letter writers came up with ingenious ways to speed things up. For example, names like Charles, James and William became abbreviated to Chas, Jas and Wm. Words like received became recd. Typically the last letter of any abbreviation was superscripted and underlined. Other typical abbreviations originated from Latin, for example inst for “this month” and ult for “last month.”

Finally, the Victorians introduced us to familiar abbreviations such as 1st, 2nd and 3rd    


Categories Parish Notices | Tags: | Posted on July 24, 2023

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