Sunday 9th February 2025
Led by the Confirmation Class
Loving God, we pray for your church, that in the unity you call us to we may follow the way of Christ and live to your praise and glory. We pray for the leaders of all nations, all who set policy and all who exercise judgement in the conduct of trade. Rule their hearts so they act with justice and fairness. Lord in your mercy, Hear our prayer.
Dear God, We pray for those people around the world who produce the things we eat and buy. We pray that they get a fair price for the things we buy from them. We pray that we can help support these people by buying Fairtrade goods so that we can help create a better and more just world. Lord in your mercy, Hear our prayer.
As we purchase our next packet of tea make us mindful of the benefits of fair trade: The farmers and producers whose lives and communities have been transformed through fair wages; good working conditions and the extra security that comes with fair trade certification; The
organisations work tirelessly to achieve trade justice. Help us to support them, both practically and in prayer as they seek to support some of the world’s poorest producers. Lord in your mercy, Hear our prayer.
Creator God, You created a beautiful world for all your children. As we taste and smell the fruits of this creation, help us to remember those who farm the land to grow them. Help us live in a partnership of love
and support with those who produce our food and drink so that we might enable others to feed their families and create a sustainable future.
Lord in your mercy, Hear our prayer.
We pray for the Fairtrade movement – for all who campaign and spread the message. May our love to each other and to your creation deepen our commitment and determination so that our voices will be heard more loudly and that the impact of campaigning will increase.
Lord in your mercy, Hear our prayer.
Sunday 19th January 2025
Prepared by Roger Clough
We shall use words which are in this week’s Psalm in our prayer responses.
I will say :- For with you is the well of life
Your response please is :- and in your light shall we see light.
We have just heard that you were not silent over Zion and that your delight was made known and they were not forsaken.
We thank you O Lord for not forsaking us and for sending your ’one and only’ Son to earth so that we were reconciled through him on the cross and we also are called by a new name as, ‘heirs of the Most High’, we were not forsaken to remain orphans without a future, rather we will rest in Holy peace in Heaven forever, death has no sting.
The psalm has mentioned that we are to be satisfied with your abundance. We pray that we will learn to recognise and truly be satisfied with you, as the ‘well of life’ as without you we would be lost to a death, as being lost to you.
We pray that we recognise when life becomes tough, and our agonies are heavy, that we can realise at these times that in you there is true refuge, if we take refuge under the shadow of your wings, we will come to re-emerge; because of your loving kindness: back into peace. We pray that we have a true heart towards your righteousness. Let you be our true satisfaction and not that of the outside world, for you are the light that shines above all lights forever.
For with you is the well of life and in your light shall we see light.
We pray Lord that we shall become increasingly informed throughout our life of your will and grow in righteous wisdom by focussing on the truth shown in scripture asking for the Holy Spirit to guide and inspire us throughout our life on earth.
We pray that the Holy Spirit chooses to bless us with varieties of righteous gifts, and services so that we become active in myriads of ways to help our sisters and brothers, rather than become bystanders. Let us be truly open to helping others daily and keep our eyes, and ears fully open for opportunities to act and that we do not become
complacent on our earthly path of life to others. We pray that the Holy Spirit prompts us to act and not be bystanders. Let us be your hands and feet and voice, as you bless us from Heaven.
We have just heard in Johns Gospel about the miracle of, ‘water into wine’ at that Cana wedding. We realise that this gives a quintessential insight and level of Jesus love for others. It was a miracle that saved great embarrassment to the Bride and Groom and maintained their families’ honour to their guests. We pray Lord that by showing how much you cared for them in this situation, i.e. it may seem a low ‘priority’ relative to; making the blind see; or raising Lazarus from the dead but never or less it stopped
embarrassment or family humiliation and thus help us out, oh Lord in similar life’s situations as we progress through life… This Lord shows that all things are seen by you and that your love, be it seemingly small or large is there for us. We pray Lord that we can learn to trust you Lord to take care of all life’s trials and tribulations.
We pray that just like the disciples, then THEY believed in him via this act shown in Scripture; let us also realise your glory has been revealed to us via this miracle and that Scripture in itself is a continual revelation to Your glory. We pray that we realise you are concerned in everything that happens to us, be it seemingly small or large, to make us realise you love us in every situation and are there to help us in everything, we are never alone. Your are ‘the light’ in any shade of darkness.
Teach us to recognise that, we are truly yours, we have a new name and we are to be with you for eternity in peace in heaven, meanwhile in our daily walk; we are under your protective wings.
For with you is the well of life and in your light shall we see light.
We pray that you Lord continue to strengthen the will and capacity of our Rector
Canon Elaine to Minister in this Parish and all who help her in so many ways.
Guide our Bishop Paul and the many who also work in this Diocese, to continue to shine for you, Lord Jesus.
The situation in the Ukraine, Syria and Gaza/Israel are but three examples only that vividly show us the fragility of our World society. The situation in LA, California shows how fragile the United States can become. So many displaced people as well as so many people are killed, maimed, and hurt. The Politics in so many places throughout the world seems so unstable…..
Lord we pray, let Your Righteousness and Peace prevail over these situations.
War and hate and upsets SHALL NOT overcome, rather Jesus SHALL overcome all and everything, so that peace SHALL reign under Gods terms.
Lord, we now bring to You, for a few moments, in silence, our
Innermost prayers and concerns and praise. (SILENCE)
We now conclude our prayers by saying together:
Merciful Father, accept these our prayers, for the sake of
Your Son, our Saviour Jesus Christ. Amen.
Sunday 24th November 2024
Prepared by Clodagh King
Loving God, we remember before You all those who have departed this earthly life. May they rest in the light of Your eternal peace and love. Comfort those who mourn, and grant them the assurance of Your presence and hope in the resurrection. Lord, in Your mercy,
Hear our prayer.
God of peace, we lift to You all places and people affected by war and violence. Bring wisdom to leaders, courage to peacemakers, and healing to those who suffer. May Your justice and mercy reign, turning hearts from hatred to love. Lord, in Your mercy,
Hear our prayer.
Gracious Lord, we give thanks for the gift of family and friends who enrich our lives with love and care. Bless and protect them, and help us to cherish each moment together. Fill our relationships with patience, kindness, and joy. Lord, in Your mercy,
Hear our prayer.
Compassionate God, we thank You for the blessing of good health and for those who work tirelessly to care for the sick. For those who are unwell or struggling, we ask for Your healing hand and comforting presence. Strengthen and renew them in body, mind, and spirit. Lord, in Your mercy,
Hear our prayer.
Faithful God, we are grateful for the countless blessings You pour into our lives—our homes, our daily provisions, and the beauty of creation. Teach us to live with thankful hearts, always mindful of Your abundant grace. Lord, in Your mercy,
Hear our prayer.
Heavenly Father, we lift to You all who are sick in body, mind, or spirit. Grant them Your healing touch and surround them with Your peace and comfort. Strengthen caregivers and medical professionals with wisdom and compassion. May Your presence bring hope to those who feel weary or afraid. Lord, in Your mercy,
Hear our prayer.
Sunday 17th November 2024
Prepared by Peter Coughlan
Let Us Pray
Our Heavenly Father, we bring our prayers to you this morning for an ever changing world. Sometimes we struggle to make sense of world politics, local politics, or the efforts of our leaders to end wars or action climate change. Help us to remember that no matter how unstable the world may feel, you are our rock and our salvation, that you love each and every one of us and you will never forsake us.
For Peace in our World (a prayer by Rowland Njoku)
Eternal God of Compassion, the Author of Peace, we humbly ask for Your grace to bring peace to our world. Reconcile our differences, heal the hearts of those filled with anger, fear, and hatred. help us to reject war and abhor all manner of violence and to embrace each other in peace, unity, through the love of Jesus Christ.
Guide the leaders throughout the world to make wise and just decisions Inspire them to restore hope for everyone through peace, justice, and equity. Give strength to those who provide help for the wounded and empower those who bring support to the broken hearted.
Lord in Your mercy. Hear our prayer.
For Our Church and our Communities
Father God, we pray for your church throughout the world, for true Christian unity and for understanding and co-operation between those of different faiths. We thank you for our church and for all those who minister here among us in loyal faith to guide us closer to you.
We thank you for your countless blessings, draw near we pray to those in our communities who are hurting, or unwell, or lonely, or feel they are excluded. Be close to all those who may feel anxious and afraid at this time.
In a moment of silence, we bring our private prayers to you for those known to us in need of your Love and care at this time…….
May your peace be with those who are troubled
May your strength be with those who keep others safe
May your comfort be with those who are grieving
May your healing be upon those who are unwell
May your hope fill those who are fearful
May your compassion prompt us to love our neighbours
Keep us from harm and watch over us now and for evermore.
Lord in Your mercy. Hear our prayer.
Gracious God, in our weakness and weariness may the strength of your love support and hold us. Give us the courage and strength to make decisions guided by your light as we journey through life and through the power of the life giving spirit we may all come to know your love.
We conclude our prayers and say together,
Merciful father, accept these our prayers , for the sake of your Son Our Saviour Jesus Christ. Amen
Sunday 3rd November 2024
Prepared by Valerie Andrew
Heavenly Father, help us always focus on the commandment which is more valuable and important than all others, that is, to worship and love you with all our being. We are made in your image and we will find our true selves the more we learn to love and worship you, the one we are designed to reflect.
Lord in your mercy — Hear our prayer.
Loving Lord, the commandment to love our neighbour as ourself can be quite difficult to fulfil. We all carry prejudices in our hearts. Help us to show to all people the same respect and care that we show to ourselves. May we look at others as if through your eyes, less judging, more loving and extend the same kind of love that you extend to us.
Lord in your mercy— Hear our prayer.
Loving Lord, there are so many people who cannot love themselves and are suffering from shame, self -loathing, addiction, anguish, pain and depression due to abuse in all its forms. Many must question “where is a loving God in all this?” Surround them with your unwavering love, compassion and healing and help them to find peace in their hearts.
Lord in your mercy— Hear our prayer.
Loving Lord, we give heartfelt thanks to the leaders of all all the church congregations throughout the world. They strive to teach and explain your word, leading worship and tending to the needs of their congregations, be they be spiritual or practical. Grant them continuing strength, vision and compassion to continue your mission.
Lord in your mercy— Hear our prayer.
Merciful Father, accept these prayers for the sake of your son our Lord Jesus Christ. Amen.
Sunday 27th October 2024
Prepared by Rowland Newenham
Heavenly Father, on this Bible Sunday, we come before You with grateful hearts, thanking You for the gift of Your Word. As we gather to hear the readings, may we open our minds and hearts to the truths You reveal. Let the stories and teachings inspire us, providing guidance in our daily lives. Help us to embrace the wisdom found in Scripture, applying it to our choices and actions.
Help us Lord, to reflect on the hymns as we sing them, and to understand their link to the Holy Bible, and help us Lord, to reflect on the liturgy, the prayers that we make to You week after week, and to recognise that they also are passages from the Holy Bible.
May the liturgy, the prayers and the hymns enable us to reflect Your light in a world that often feels dark. As we meditate on Your words,
as we are penitent, as we receive absolution for our sins and as we rejoice, let Your words strengthen our faith and encourage us to walk in Your ways. Thank You Lord, for Your enduring presence in our lives. May we cherish and live out the truths of the Bible every day.
Lord hear us. Lord Graciously hear us.
Lord, In our Old Testament reading from the Book of Isaiah You call upon us to listen carefully to You, to incline our ears and listen because only if we listen carefully to the scriptures, will Your word not return to You empty. Help us to listen to You today, Lord, and Lord hear us as we pray to You.
Lord hear us. Lord Graciously hear us.
Lord, in the Psalm today we read those familiar words, that we hear week after week at the beginning of the sermon: “Let the words of my mouth and the meditation of my heart be acceptable to You, O Lord my rock and my redeemer.” Let us pause and think about those words and what they mean in our everyday lives outside of church.
O Lord, let the words of our mouths, the thoughts in our minds, and the meditations of our hearts be acceptable to You this coming week, and always.
Lord hear us. Lord Graciously hear us.
Lord, in today’s New Testament reading from 2 Timothy, verse 16 tells us that “All scripture is inspired by God, and is useful for teaching”, and we go on to read in Chapter 4, verse 4 that “we will turn away from listening to the truth and wander away to myths”. Lord, help us to understand Your words, as recorded in Your book, the Holy Bible, and help us to listen to Your truth. Help us not to wander away to myths and mistruths.
Lord hear us. Lord Graciously hear us.
Lord, in our gospel reading today, the final two verses tell us “If you believed Moses, you would believe Me, for he wrote about Me. But if you do not believe what Moses wrote, how will you believe what I say?” Lord, this passage tells us that we must believe in, and follow the Bible in order to follow You. Help us Lord, to focus on the Holy Bible as it is read to us each week. Help us to concentrate on what it has to say to us.
Lord hear us. Lord Graciously hear us.
Lord, on this Bible Sunday, we bring to You those we love who are in need. May Your Word bring them comfort, hope, and healing.
Surround them with Your love and grace, and guide us to be
instruments of Your compassion in their lives.
In a moment of quietness, let us remember them.
Lord, we pray to You today that You will listen to us in the quietness.
And we conclude by saying together:
Merciful Father accept these prayers for the sake of your Son, our Saviour, Jesus Christ Our Lord. Amen.
Sunday 20th October 2024
Prepared by Rowland Njoku
Our Heavenly Father, the Eternal God of Compassion, and the Author of Peace, we humbly ask for Your grace to bring peace to our world.
Reconcile our differences, heal the hearts of those filled with anger, fear, and hatred, and help us to completely avoid war and abhor all manner of violence. Help us to embrace each other in peace, unity, and the love of Jesus Christ.
Guide the leaders throughout the world to make wise and just decisions and inspire them to restore hope for everyone through peace, justice, and equity.
Give strength to those who provide help for the wounded and empower those who bring support to the broken hearted.
Lord in Your mercy. Hear our prayer.
Our Heavenly Father, we lift up Your Church and the congregation for Your blessing.
Strengthen the Church in our time to spread Your gospel of hope and salvation.
Bless the Clergy and Laity, especially those who provide services in our Diocese.
Bless Dr Paul, our Bishop, Canon Elaine, our Rector; Revd Richard, our local Minister, and bless all those who provide services in our churches.
Bless our local congregation and fill them with faith, love, and righteousness. Guide us to fight the good fight of faith, and to lay hold of the eternal life to which we are called and about which we make good confession. May Your Spirit dwell in every heart, that we may serve You faithfully and bring glory to Your Holy Name.
Lord in Your mercy. Hear our prayer.
Our Heavenly Father, we come before You with hearts full of love and concern for those in special need. We ask for your healing touch for those burdened by illness, pain, or despair. May your presence bring comfort and peace to the lonely and forgotten. Strengthen the weary, give hope to the discouraged, and provide guidance to those facing difficult decisions. Surround them with Your love and grant them the grace to endure, knowing that You are their strength and refuge in every situation.
Lord in Your mercy. Hear our prayer.
Our Heavenly Father, we thank You for the gift of community and for our families. Watch over our community to live in safety and to share Your love in our families. Give us grace to support each other with kindness and compassion, and to be at peace with our neighbours. Grant us good health to make the best of our daily responsibilities. Help us in every situation to permanently be the living witnesses of the goodness, peace, and joy of the Lord.
Lord in Your mercy. Hear our prayer.
In a moment of silence, let us gently bring our personal prayer to the Lord. ………………………………………………………
Let us say this together:
Surely, goodness and mercy shall follow me all the days of my life: and I will dwell in the house of the Lord for ever. Amen.
Sunday 6th October 2024
Prepared by Helen Arnopp
Lord God, hear our morning prayers. Bless all parents, children, spouses, family, friends, teachers. colleagues and all those who love and care for us. Protect us from all dangers which today may bring. Give us strength to be truthful, kind and helpful to others.
Lord in your mercy. Hear our prayer
Lord God as we approach our harvest festival services next weekend, we marvel at the works of Your creation! You called the planets and the stars into being, creating orbits and seasons for each. You made the moon to pull at our oceans, and the storms on the sun to paint our night skies in splendid colour. Our world abounds with the evidence of Your creativity, O God, and the joy You have taken in creating. We marvel that You have created such majestic bodies, and that You have also created each of us, so utterly the same and so very different. As we celebrate the splendour of Your creation – vibrant, colourful, and diverse – we are reminded that You have created humanity that way, too. Lord we thank you for our beautiful earth.
Lord in you Mercy Hear our prayer
Lord Jesus, we pray for farmers worldwide. We especially pray for farmers in countries at war who struggle to produce, risking their lives to feed their struggling nations. Be with them, and keep them safe. We also pray for farmers in places struck by famine and drought. Be with them as they watch their livelihoods, families, and neighbours decline to almost nothing.
We pray for famers who are already feeling the effects of climate crisis.
Help them to adjust their crops and methods to the new climate realities and eliminate any practices that might contribute to climate change. Help us all make these changes ourselves for the world’s benefit.
Lord in your mercy Hear our prayer
Loving Lord, You know our every weakness, every dark corner of our souls, every place of sadness and badness and fear. You see the hidden hurts and the scars of years. You see our failings and our longings. All these you see. We ask you to support all those who suffer in any way.
Lord in your mercy Hear our prayer.
Lord at this time we pray for all who live and work in this parish and Diocese. We pray for Paul our Bishop, our Rector, our Ordained Local Minister, for all our Diocesan Lay Readers, and all who support ministry. We also pray for all people through the world who acknowledge Your presence and power in their lives.
Lord in your Mercy Hear our prayer
The following is part of a Lasallian Prayer for Peace which I thought appropriate at this time
We pray to you, O Lord, God of life and God of those who hope! Listen to our prayer for the whole world: For peace among all peoples, For prosperity in all lands. We pray to you that evil may be overcome and that all wars may end. We pray to You especially for the members of governments who can make decisions to encourage peace. We pray for those who suffer from war, injustice and intolerance, and for children and young people who are poor and neglected. We pray too, God, for peace in our lives; In our towns, in our schools, In our families and in our own hearts. We pray for a peace that the world cannot give us. We pray for a peace that will make us whole And transform us into ambassadors of justice for Your sake.
Lord in your mercy Hear our prayer
And to end our prayers this morning we say together some words of this familiar hymn:
For the beauty of the earth, for the glory of the skies,
For the love which from our birth, over and around us lies.
Lord of all to thee we raise, this our grateful psalm of praise
Sunday 22nd September 2024
Prepared by Joy Keefe
We pray for our Christian Church throughout the universe.
May we respect our traditions and preserve them for future generations. May we continue to worship You Lord not only with our lips but in our lives, enabling us to see opportunities to share our Christian values with those looking to find their way in life.
O Lord of all. Hear Your people’s prayers.
Where political and violent conflict reigns may there be peace. Grant wisdom and reconciliation to Leaders, Governments and Rulers of nations in waring countries. Forgive the quest for power and the greed for material wealth that damages many lives and nations. Soften the hearts of those who have power to create peace that they may see that the way is through dialogue, negotiation coupled with diplomacy and respect. May ways be found to live in harmony with each other despite differences.
O Lord of all. Hear Your people’s prayers.
We pray for the poor, the homeless and for those who wish to find work
but are still unemployed. We think of those who have lost their livelihood because of redundancies. We pray for people who wish for better
circumstances for themselves and their families, may they not despair.
Guide them so that they may see the direction that they should take and may they be able to access services and opportunities that will help and encourage them so as not to give up hope. Enable those of us who can, to be able reach out and help people who are struggling, be it with kind words or a helping hand. Help us to see every human being as a child of God regardless of race or culture.
O Lord of all. Hear Your people’s prayers
We pray for students on their recent return to schools and for those starting College life. Grant young people embarking on adult life discernment and wisdom, always holding respect both for others and for themselves.
May they be aware of peers who are having difficulties settling in to this new “life”, and may they be able to show support to those who need a little help to adjust to this new chapter of their lives.
O Lord of all. Hear Your people’s prayers
We prayer for our local community, open our eyes and ears and our hearts so that we may fore see those who need a helping hand.
We pray for victims of controlling and abusive circumstances in the home. Grant these victims the strength to reach out for help.
We also think of our faith community, may we celebrate and welcome the diverse faces of Christ in our worship and in our local community.
O Lord of all. Hear Your people’s prayers
Receive the souls of all those dearly loved and missed who have departed this life on earth into Your Kingdom.
Grant us the purity of faith and Godly living that we may in our time, be joined with them once again.
O Lord of all. Hear Your people’s prayers.
In a moment of silence may we bring our own personal prayers to You O Lord.,,,,,,,,
Merciful Father accept these our prayers for the sake of Your Son our Saviour Jesus Christ.
Sunday 15th September 2024
Prepared by Rowland Newenham
Lord, we pray for the different churches in the world; help us to
understand thedifferent faiths and religions and teach us tolerance in
the differences of faith. We pray also for our church in this community.
We pray for Bishop Paul, for Canon Elaine, and for all those who
contribute to our liturgy week by week; we pray for their ongoing health and wellbeing. Lord, be with them as they minister among us and let them feel Your presence
Lord hear us.
Lord Graciously hear us.
Lord, we read today in our readings that all of us make many mistakes, and anyone who makes no mistakes in speaking is perfect.
Help us Lord, not to gossip, not to spread mistruths, and to recognise mistruths and gossip in others. Lord, we acknowledge our weaknesses, help us to correct them.
Lord hear us.
Lord Graciously hear us.
Lord, we pray each week for all those affected by the ongoing
conflicts in Ukraine, and in Gaza, and we do so again today but we pray
especially today for the inhabitants of Sudan, where 8 million civilians have been displaced and 25 million citizens face famine.
Lord, please help us not to become immune to the atrocities that we hear day after day. Help us to remember that each and every unnecessary death is a human life lost. Let us remember our own loved ones and
understand this tragic loss of life.
Lord hear us.
Lord Graciously hear us.
Lord, as the harvest season progresses, we pray for good weather and for a good harvest. Be with our farmers and keep them safe during this busy season. Help us, especially as we acknowledge famine in other parts
of the world, to appreciate the important work that the farmers do in providing our food.
Lord hear us.
Lord Graciously hear us.
Lord, we bring before You all those who are suffering with illness or
disease. We ask that You ease their pain and heal the damage done to them in body, mind or spirit. Be present with them through the support of friends and in the care of doctors and nurses, fill them with the warmth of Your love now and always.
Lord hear us.
Lord Graciously hear us.
Merciful God, comfort those who are bereaved. Surround them with Your love, grant them peace, and heal their hearts. May they find solace in Your presence and let them feel Your strength day by day.
Lord hear us.
Lord Graciously hear us.
Lord, we pray for all victims of abuse; we pray for those subjected to domestic abuse, physical abuse, and gender-based violence. Provide them with courage, strength, and protection. Surround them with Your love and support and guide them towards healing and a life free from harm. Be with them in their hour of need and give them strength to
Lord hear us.
Lord Graciously hear us.
In a moment of quietness, we remember those we know or love who are in any kind of need at this time. Lord, we pray to You today that You will listen to us in the quietness.
And we conclude by saying together:
Merciful Father accept these prayers for the sake of your Son, our Saviour, Jesus Christ Our Lord. Amen.
Sunday 28th July 2024
Prepared by Síle Hunt
Lord, gather us into your love, and pick up the pieces of our lives, just as Jesus gathered up the fragments of the five loaves and two fish that remained after feeding the five thousand. Call us anew to eat our fill and to find our true nourishment by hearing your word this Sunday.
Lord of love, in your mercy,
Hear our prayer
Lord, help us recognise that the small offering of the five loaves and the two fish sustained the 5,000 and that likewise we never know where our small offerings to love, help, support and nourish others may bear fruit and spread the joy of your Good News.
Lord of joy, in your mercy,
Hear our prayer.
Lord, we have seen riots, conflict, instability, arrests and the rise of Xenophobic groups in Ireland and across Europe and ask for you to turn your people and governments towards the path of peace. We pray that in our community all will be welcome and accepted regardless of nationality, colour or status and that we will seek always to serve God in one
Lord of peace, in your mercy,
Hear our prayer.
Lord, please provide strength, patience and guidance to those who have a difficult, unhealthy or abusive relationship with food or alcohol and to their families.
Lord of self-control and patience, in your mercy,
Hear our prayer.
Lord, let us pray for those who are hungry and living in poverty at home and throughout the world that their need for daily bread may inspire works of compassion and mercy among those to whom so much has been given. May we ask for your spiritual support for local volunteers in Carrigaline Homeless drive who feed Cork’s homeless in all weathers.
Lord of kindness, in your mercy,
Hear our prayer.
Lord, as we enter into Autumn, we ask for your protection over our crops, our livestock, our farms and our local food manufacturing businesses and suppliers. May the weather enable healthy growth and bountiful production to feed the needs of our local community and to sustain local employment.
Lord of goodness, in your mercy,
Hear our prayer.
Lord, as Paul prayed for strength for the community in
Ephesus in today’s lesson, may those of us at all stages of faith, weak, strong and questioning be strengthened by your love and guided by your Spirit to grow in faith, to know and do Your will as we go about our daily lives this week.
Lord of faithfulness, in your mercy,
Hear our prayer.
Lord, we pray that all those who seek healing of body, mind or spirit and the recently bereaved will be touched by your gentle loving hand and know Your peace and Your presence alongside them each and every step of their journey.
Lord of gentleness, in your mercy,
Hear our prayer.
Sunday 21st July 2024
Prepared by Valerie Andrew
Loving Lord, help us always to see things as you do.
Without any discrimination or prejudice you desire all people to draw close to you, irrespective of their nationality, their place in society or any other earthly attribute. We pray that we too can look at people the same way as you do and help us to show us your love
Lord in your mercy…Hear our prayer
Heavenly Father, the future can appear daunting and uncertain with so much political change, war and unrest in many parts of the world. Help us to release our anxiety about what lies ahead and focus on the present moment. Grant us the wisdom to make the most of and appreciate every day and the faith to
believe that you hold our future in your loving hands.
Lord in your mercy…Hear our prayer
Loving Lord, sometimes we are frustrated with our seeming inability to change the state of things in the world, our country and our community. Give us the energy and courage to put faith into action and make changes such as acts of kindness, volunteering to help in a charity or expressing our opinions to local and national politicians. Help us to remember that Faith is the ability to believe, but that ability must be used and acted upon for Faith to come alive and work.
Lord in your mercy…Hear our prayer
Heavenly Father, we give you our heartfelt thanks for all the many good things we have in our lives, the beautiful country we live in, our families and friends, our homes and our very active and caring Church community among many other things. We thank you that we are so blessed.
Lord in your mercy…Hear our prayer
Merciful Father, accept these prayers, for the sake of your son, our Saviour Jesus Christ.
Sunday 14th July 2024
Prepared by Rowland Newenham
Lord, we pray for our church in this community. We pray for Canon Elaine, our Rector, and for all the other persons, be they lay or clerical, who add to our liturgy week by week. We thank You Lord for all who assist in our weekly ministry; Let us rejoice in their presence, and Lord, be with them in their varied vocations and ministry to us.
Lord hear us. Lord Graciously hear us.
Lord, we pray for all those affected by the ongoing conflicts in Ukraine, in Gaza, and we pray also for those affected in Myanmar, Yemen, Ethiopia, Somalia, and all those other areas where people’s lives are being torn apart by war, terrorism, civil conflict, drought and famine. Merciful God, be with all these innocent sufferers. Grant them the peace that they deserve, and grant them hope. Guide us to work for justice and to support those in need.
Lord hear us. Lord Graciously hear us.
Lord, as the harvest season commences, we pray for good weather and for a good harvest. Be with our farmers and keep them safe during this busy season. Grant them favourable weather so that they can work free of worry from crop losses.
Lord hear us. Lord Graciously hear us.
Lord, we bring before You all those who are sick. We ask that You ease their pain and heal the damage done to them in body, mind or spirit.
Be present with them through the support of friends and in the care of doctors and nurses, fill them with the warmth of Your love now and always.
Lord hear us. Lord Graciously hear us.
Merciful God, comfort those who are bereaved. Surround them with Your love, grant them peace, and heal their hearts. May they find solace in Your presence and let them feel Your strength day by day.
Lord hear us. Lord Graciously hear us.
Loving God, bless and protect the refugees in our country. Grant them safety, comfort, and hope. May they find compassion and support as they rebuild their lives in peace, and grant us the wisdom to welcome them and to understand that we need them just as they need us. Watch over the homeless. Provide them with shelter, warmth, and hope. Surround them with compassion and open hearts willing to help.
Lord hear us. Lord Graciously hear us.
Merciful God, as we hear today of the assassination attempt on former president Trump, we pray
for all our world leaders here in Ireland, in the USA and around the entire world. Protect our world
leaders, O Lord. Grant them safety, wisdom, and strength to lead with justice and compassion.
Lord hear us. Lord Graciously hear us.
In a moment of quietness, we remember those we know or love who are in any kind of need at this
time. Lord,
In a moment of quietness, we remember those we know or love who are in any kind of need at this time. Lord, we pray to You today that You will listen to us in the quietness.
Lord, we dedicate all these people and requests to Your loving care. Give us the strength and courage to walk alongside those in need, to fight for justice for the oppressed and to allow others to see You in us and in all that we do in the coming week.
And we conclude by saying together:
Merciful Father accept these prayers for the sake of your Son, our Saviour, Jesus Christ Our Lord. Amen.
Sunday 30th June 2024
Prepared by Helen Arnopp
Be still, for the power of the Lord is moving in this place.
Heavenly Father, as we pray to you this morning may we believe in our hearts that for you, all things are possible. Help us to have faith in your power to bring the freshness of new beginnings and new life into the stale atmosphere of oppression and despair and the warmth of love and reconciliation into the frozen cold of anger and hatred.
May the transforming power of your Spirit work among us and through us today.
Lord in your mercy
hear our prayer.
Lord of the Church, we pray for all people throughout the world who acknowledge your presence and power in their lives. We pray for those who are laughed at or victimised because of their faith in you. We pray that you will give us strength to be true to our faith when it is questioned or belittled.
We pray for our church and our community and for a renewal of our vision and dedication to the work you have called us to do. We pray for Andrew Colman and Eoghan Healy who will be made Deacon to serve in the Ordained Local Ministry by our Bishop Paul this afternoon. We pray that in their vocation and ministry they may be instruments of your love.
Lord in your mercy,
hear our prayer.
Lord of all nations, we pray for the needs of this world.
We pray for those nations where communities are broken by prejudice and hatred, where the fear of violence is never far away. We pray that where human endeavours to find peace and reconciliation seem so inadequate, your power to draw people together will bring renewed hope for the future.
We pray for those who have knowledge and power in the fields of medicine and science. Let them not be corrupted by greed and ambition but grant them wisdom, integrity, humility and compassion to use the knowledge they have gained, only for the good of all people.
Throughout the world-wide community of nations we pray that there may be a sense of responsibility for each other and a desire for equality and justice for all your people.
Lord in your mercy,
hear our prayer.
God of compassion, we pray for all those who are suffering with anxiety, stress, grief or pain and illness.
Long ago a woman believed she would be healed if she could just touch the clothes of Jesus. May we today believe that if we pray to you for those we know and love, your healing power will also flow into their lives bringing wholeness of body, mind and spirit.
In a moment of quiet our hearts reach out to you in prayer for the needs of those we love.
Grant us strength in our weakness, comfort in our sorry, peace of mind in our anxiety and stress and the renewed hope for life which only your presence and power can bring.
Lord in your mercy,
hear our prayer.
And to end our prayers this morning we say together some words of this familiar hymn
Jesus’ hands were kind hands, doing good to all
Healing pain and sickness, blessing children small,
Washing tired feet, and saving those who fall;
Jesus’ hands were kind hands, doing good to all.
Lord, be present among us this morning and may the transforming power of your Spirit work in us and through us today and throughout the coming week.
Sunday 9th June 2024
Prepared by Peter Coughlan
In our Gospel reading today Jesus tells us
“Whoever does God’s will is my brother and sister and mother.”
Dear Father God, Guide us all to follow you and to do your will.
Let us pray.
(Our prayers will be based on the text of The Lord’s Prayer)
Our Father who art in Heaven, Hallowed be thy name Your Name be praised, all honour and glory be yours.
You created the universe, the galaxies and the wonderful world we live in.
Guide us and all world leaders to care responsibly for our world and to treasure and preserve the beauty of nature and of all living creatures for the generations to come.
Thy Kingdom come,
Loving Father, hear our prayers today for peace and justice in our world where conflicts cause such pain – may ceasefires and negotiation turn nations away from hatred and mistrust towards lasting peace. We remember especially those who continue to suffer so tragically in Gaza, the Ukraine, Yemen, Afghanistan and many other regions of our world. Bless the leaders of all nations, guide them and all of us to be instruments of peace and justice in our world so your kingdom can come to all peoples.
Lord in your Mercy, Hear our Prayer
Thy will be done
On earth as it is in Heaven.
We pray for our country, our government and our leaders, guide them in their daily decision making, may all those who put themselves forward as local public representatives be blessed with integrity and honesty. Help us to resist the agendas of those who wish to divide us and spread anger and hatred, help us to follow Jesus’ example in our lives so your will can be done for everyone through us.
We remember this morning especially the poor who are constantly struggling with their finances, the lonely, the homeless or those in temporary accommodation, the refugees, those in prison or battling with addiction, those suffering with their physical or mental health and for those who have been bereaved. Bless all the volunteers and carers who so generously support them and Bless all those doing state exams at this time.
Lord in your Mercy, Hear our Prayer
Give us this day our daily bread –
Bless all who share your Holy Word with us. Bishop Paul Canon Elaine, Rev Richard and all who minister among us, throughout our diocese and in all parts of the world.
Encourage us to learn more about You through our Bibles through fellowship, prayer and praise. Be with all those who were recently confirmed or baptized.
We pray for Your church in all the world, for the unity of Christian people everywhere and for understanding and real community with those of other faiths.
Forgive us our trespasses as we forgive those who trespass against us
Forgive us the things we have done wrongly or left undone and Heal any divisions in our families or in our relationships.
lead us not into temptation but Deliver us from evil
Please keep us safe from all the temptations and distractions of this very busy world. Help us to be true disciples of Jesus and to follow his teaching that every single person in this world is to be valued and loved.
Lord in your Mercy, Hear our Prayer
We take our strength from knowing that yours Father God is the victory and that Thine is the Kingdom, the Power and the Glory for Ever and for Ever. Help us to be still and know that you are our rock and our protection.
In a few moments of silence now we bring before you our private prayers for those known to us in need of your Love and care at this time…….……
Draw near to all those we have brought before you today merciful Lord that they may sense your presence and trust in your unfailing love for them.
Lord in your Mercy, Hear our Prayer
We conclude our prayers and say together the Grace
The Grace of our Lord Jesus Christ, the love of God and the Fellowship of the Holy Spirit be with us all evermore.
Sunday 26th May 2024
Prepared by Eco Congregation read by Valerie Andrew Parish Eco Group
Creator God, you have generously blessed us with an abundance of gifts in this, your world. Help us to share in that generosity by living in a way that ensures that your gifts will continue to be available for future generations.
Lord hear us.
O God, give us your love for the whole of Creation
Creator God, we rejoice that, as human beings, we have been created in your image and likeness. But we also recognise that humanity alone cannot adequately reflect you. The whole diversity of the earth is needed to give us even a glimpse of your wonder and greatness.
Help us to live in a sustainable way so that this marvellous diversity is respected.
O God, give us your love for the whole of Creation
Creator God, we live in a world where some of us throw out food while others go to bed hungry; where some have modern amenities of life at their disposal and other struggle to find drinking water.
May we learn to share with one another and, in this way, come to share in your generosity to all.
O God, give us your love for the whole of Creation
Creator God, the sun, the wind and the waves are your gift for the flourishing of the whole community of life on earth. Help us to use them creatively to produce sustainable energy for all.
O God, give us your love for the whole of Creation
Through scientists, engineers and scholars new knowledge comes too light; may new developments in the production of sustainable energy protect our fragile planet and promote the well-being of all peoples and all creatures on their journey to wholeness.
O God, give us your love for the whole of Creation
We pray for the United Nations, for all international, national and local leaders and for managers of companies that they may be guided by your Spirit to make wise decisions about sources of sustainable energy for all.
O God, give us your love for the whole of Creation
Creator God, You have blessed humankind with understanding, imagination and memory. Show us how to learn from past mistakes and plan for the future creatively and responsibly.
A prayer for our earth [Laudato Sí]
All-powerful God, you are present in the whole universe,
And in the smallest of your creatures.
You embrace with your tenderness all that exists.
Pour out upon us the power of your love, that we may protect life and beauty.
Fill us with peace, that we may live as brothers and sisters, harming no one. O God of the poor, help us to rescue the abandoned and forgotten of this earth, so precious in your eyes.
Bring healing to our lives, that we may protect the world and not prey on it, that we may sow beauty, not pollution and destruction.
Touch the hearts of those who look only for gain at the expense of the poor and the earth. Teach us to discover the worth of each thing, to be filled with awe and contemplation, to recognise that we are profoundly united with every creature as we journey towards your infinite light. We thank you for being with us each day.
Encourage us, we pray, in our struggle for justice, love and peace. Amen
Merciful Father accept these prayers for the sake of your son our Saviour Jesus Christ.
Sunday 5th May 2024
Prepared by Rowland Newenham
On this Rogation Sunday, we humbly come before you, O Lord, seeking your blessings upon the earth and its fruits. Grant us the wisdom to steward your creation with care and reverence. May our hearts be filled with gratitude for the abundance you provide and may we work tirelessly to ensure justice and sustainability for all.
Lord hear us.
Lord Graciously hear us.
Divine Creator, in a world torn by conflict, we seek your guidance. Grant us the courage to sow seeds of understanding, the strength to bridge divisions, and the wisdom to cultivate lasting peace. We pray that political leaders throughout the world will hear Your voice and mediate for peace.
Lord hear us.
Lord Graciously hear us.
Lord, in the readings today we read that everyone who loves the parent loves the child, and also of Your commandment that we love one another as You have loved us. Father, we trust in You, and we pray that You will continue to show Your love for us, Your children.
Lord hear us.
Lord Graciously hear us.
In Your boundless mercy, O Lord, we entrust the sick into Your loving care, knowing that Your power to heal is infinite. Lord, be with them in their time of need, and may Your healing touch bring renewal and hope to all who are in need.
Lord hear us.
Lord Graciously hear us.
O Lord, may Your presence be a source of comfort and peace to those who are recently bereaved. Help them to find healing and hope in the midst of their pain, knowing that You are the ultimate source of strength and refuge.
Lord hear us.
Lord Graciously hear us.
Gracious Lord, in the melodies of our hymns, we find a sacred connection to your divine presence.
Bless our voices as instruments of praise, lifting our spirits and uniting us in worship. May the melodies we offer echo the love and grace that surrounds us, inspiring hearts to rejoice and souls to find solace in your eternal embrace. O Lord, through Your spirit, bless our visiting choir here this morning. Be with them this weekend as they share Your gift of music with us all.
Lord hear us.
Lord Graciously hear us.
In a moment of quietness, we remember those we know or love who are in any kind of need at this time. Lord, we pray to You
today that You will listen to us in the quietness.
And we conclude by saying together:
Merciful Father accept these prayers for the sake of your Son, our Saviour, Jesus Christ Our Lord. Amen.
Sunday 28th April 2024
Prepared by Síle Hunt
Almighty God, through your Spirit, You have bestowed the gifts of leadership, critical thinking, budgeting, planning and stewardship on the newly commissioned Select Vestry for the year ahead. Under Your guidance, may they reflect the fruits of the Spirit as they discern the needs of our parish as a whole and of our parishioners as they serve for the current term.
Lord, hear your people
and answer our prayers
Almighty God, through Your Spirit, may the incoming Select Vestry members support each other and parochial clergy in positive ways. May they keep God to the forefront of all things without regard to personal power and hold democracy at the heart of all decisions made for the good of the parish.
Lord, hear your people
and answer our prayers
Almighty God, through your Spirit, may the incoming Select Vestry members find joy and inspiration in the call they have received to serve in this ministry. May they grow in faith and discipleship during their term on the Vestry and encourage others in the spirit of community to become actively involved in the life of the parish.
Lord, hear your people
and answer our prayers
Almighty God, through your Spirit, support and strengthen those who are approaching and preparing for examinations and end of year projects/dissertations at second and third level. Help them to face upcoming tasks with your gifts of courage, enlightenment, calmness and wisdom. May they succeed in all their endeavours.
Lord, hear your people
and answer our prayers
Almighty God, through your Spirit, sustain and support those engaged in farming and those dependant on the agri-food sector for employment. The poor weather conditions have wreaked havoc on upcoming harvests and caused immeasurable hardship for them, their livelihoods and their families . May You provide for them and comfort them as they face an uncertain agricultural year ahead.
Lord, hear your people
and answer our prayers
Almighty God, through your Spirit, support and bless those who mourn at this time. In their emptiness and grief, give them strength to face the days and months ahead. May their memories of their loved ones become joyful with the passage of time, their days enriched with the friendship of this congregation as you encircle their lives with your gentle love and compassion day by day.
Lord, hear your people
and answer our prayers
Almighty God, through your Spirit, heal our fractured World and inspire world leaders to put their political allegiances to one side in order to forge pathways to peace. Let us pray for those caught in the crossfire of war and conflict in all nations including Yemen, Gaza, Ukraine, Haiti and Ethiopia. Provide peace, healing, physical resources and hope to those suffering from injustice and displacement and show them your compassion.
Lord, hear your people
and answer our prayers
Sunday 21st April 2024
Prepared by Rowland Njoku
“For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son, that
whoever believes in Him should not perish but have everlasting life.”
For ever O Lord, Your word is settled in heaven.
It is settled for ever.
We pray for Peace.
Our Heavenly Father, the Eternal God of Compassion, and the Author of Peace; we have gathered here to ask for profound peace for nations torn apart by tumult of war and conflict. Help us to completely abhor all manner of violence,
and to embrace each other in unity, peace, and harmony as
exemplified in the love of Jesus Christ.
We pray for peace in Gaza, and between Israel and Palestine; peace between Ukraine and Russia; and peace in other
regions facing the challenges of war and conflict.
Bless our world leaders with divine wisdom, to govern with love by following the footsteps of Our Lord Jesus Christ, and lead them to pursue peace, justice, and equity for everyone.
Give strength to those who provide help for the wounded and support for the broken hearted:
that in all things God is glorified in the name of our Lord
Jesus Christ.
For ever O Lord, Your word is settled in heaven.
It is settled for ever.
Our Heavenly Father of Blessings, inspire and guide our Churches and their congregations.
Bless the Clergy and Laity who provide services in our
Diocese. Bless Dr Paul, our Bishop, and Canon Elaine,
our Rector, and give them the vision and strength to perform their duties.
Bless our local congregation at St John’s, Monkstown, and
St Mary’s, Carrigaline.
Uphold us in our individual and collective efforts to work
and worship in faith.
Give us strength to fight the good fight of faith, and to take hold of the eternal life to which we are called and about which we make good confession in the presence of many witnesses.
For ever O Lord, Your word is settled in heaven.
It is settled for ever.
We pray for our community and our families.
Heavenly Father of all Comfort, bless the people in our local community, and the members of our families. Grant us Your wisdom and blessings in our homes and to have peace with our neighbours. Guide us to seek first the kingdom of God and His righteousness; so that all other blessings shall follow.
Grant us good health to make the best of our daily
responsibilities. Help us in our faith to permanently be the
living witnesses of the goodness, peace, and joy of the Lord.
For ever O Lord, Your word is settled in heaven.
It is settled for ever.
In a moment of silence, with a heart of gratitude let us bring our individual prayers to the Lord.
For ever O Lord, Your word is settled in heaven.
It is settled for ever.
Let us share the grace together: The grace of our Lord Jesus Christ, the love of God, and the fellowship of the Holy Spirit be with us now and forever. Amen
Sunday 14th April 2024
Prepared by Joy Keefe
We pray for all those nations where conflict is devastating families and communities.
We think of the ongoing conflict in Gaza/Israel and Ukraine/Russia as well as other nations.
May Governments and Activists belonging to these nations see the error of their ways and pursue a lasting peace through dialogue and negotiation and find a way to live with their differences. Soften the hearts of these Leaders O Lord.
Heal the pain of the past, bring understanding and reconciliation to the present and build hope for the future.
For You alone O Lord. Maketh us dwell in safety.
We pray for aid workers remembering all those who work in war zones, also unstable areas after earthquakes as well as any other type of dangerous situation.
May You keep them in Your care O Lord and may these aid workers return safely to their own loved ones.
We bring to mind those seven aid workers that lost their lives in Gaza recently. We pray for their families at this sad time.
For You alone O Lord. Maketh us dwell in safety.
We pray for the worldwide Christian Church which faces so many modern-day challenges. Strengthen our faith Lord so that we continue to grow with You and be an example to others as we go about our lives. Break through the closed doors of our doubts and grant us the Faith that needs no sign but Your divine love to be present among us.
For You alone O Lord. Maketh us dwell in safety.
We pray for those who are unable to attend our Church services due to illness or physical disability.
May they always feel part of our Church community with our live streaming.
We thank you Lord for those who donate their time to ensure that this streaming runs smoothly week after week.
For You alone O Lord. Maketh us dwell in safety.
We thank You Lord for the beautiful music that we hear week after week, and thank you for our organists and our choir who share their talents with us.
O Lord, may we continue to fill Your House with the sound of music and Praise to You.
For You alone O Lord. Maketh us dwell in safety.
We give thanks to You Lord for our Parish and our Church Community where neither age nor gender or any other differences come between us. May we continue to always support each other and look out for those unable to attend our services as they are still very much part of our Parish.
For You alone O Lord. Maketh us dwell in safety.
We pray for those who have departed this life and had trust in the Lord in this world, may they now see Him in the fullness of His Divine Glory.
May we who follow in faith, share with them the promised blessing.
Lord of hope and faith. Hear our prayers.
In a moment of silence may we bring our own personal prayers to You O Lord………
By faith in the name of Jesus. Hear our prayers.
Merciful Father accept these our prayers for the sake of Your Son our Saviour Jesus Christ. Amen.
Sunday 7th April 2024
Prepared by Helen Arnopp
We give thanks for Your Risen Son, Jesus Christ, who continues to offer us new life, who continues to turn us around and upside down, who continues to break down walls of death in our own life.
Forgive us, restore us and renew us.
We bring our prayers to the Father
We bring them in the name of the Son
We pray for the world, You made it and it belongs to you. You created it to be good, beautiful and an exciting place to live. You gave us eyes to see it, hands to touch it, feet to walk on it and minds to discover its secrets. Lord we close our eyes and listen to the different sounds in your world, the bee that buzzes in our ear, the song of a bird that makes us feel happy, a hymn of praise and a song of worship. We thank you for the sounds in your world.
We bring our prayers to the Father
We bring them in the name of the Son
We pray for the nations of the world and for the leaders of these nations. We pray for governments around the world and particularly those who are genuinely seeking the best for all their people. We think of those world leaders who carry heavy burdens of responsibility and for those whose blind prejudice prevents them seeing true and lasting peace
We bring our prayers to the Father
We bring them in the name of the Son
We pray for all who live and work in our parish and diocese.
We especially pray for Paul our Bishop, our rector Canon Elaine, our Ordained Local Minister Richard and Simon our Lay Reader and Sile as she ministers among us, that they will continue to experience spiritual growth as they continue their ministry. Give them direction and a spirit of wisdom when they seek your will and help encourage them to focus on You even during busy times.
We bring our prayers to the Father
We bring them in the name of the Son
We pray for those who suffer through illness and for those who day by day face hurt and pain. We pray for those facing operations and long-term illness, for those who care for the sick and dying and for those who care for the elderly and infirm.
May they know the love of God that makes them whole.
We bring our prayers to the Father
We bring them in the name of the Son
We conclude our prayer today by saying together the following:
Crown him with many crowns,
the Lamb upon his throne,
hark! how the heavenly anthem drowns all music but its own:
awake, my soul, and sing
of him who died for thee,
and hail him as thy matchless King through all eternity.
Merciful Father, accept these our prayers for the sake of your Son, our Saviour Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen
Sunday 17th March 2024
Prepared by Clodagh King
Creator God, you created us to be stewards of your creation but we have chopped down forests, polluted the air, poisoned the rivers and seas, destroyed the places where animals live and then pursued them to extinction. Help us change our ways so that we can look after the world, and make it the way that you want it to be.
Lord in your mercy: Hear our prayer.
Faithful God, forgive us when we only turn to you when things trouble us and when we forget to thank you for your blessings and bounty. Help us to recognise all the wonderful things in yourworld for which we should be grateful and send us out into the coming week ready to show our gratitude in all that we do and say.
Lord, in your mercy, Hear our prayer.
Father God, help us be reliable and honest in what we do, and friendly to all we meet in our daily lives. Help us always to give our best, to work to our fullest and never be ashamed to confess your name. In our leisure time, help us to play hard, but to play fair. Help us to win without boasting, and to lose graciously without making excuses.
Lord, in your mercy, Hear our prayer.
Merciful God, we ask you to look after the people in conflict zones. We pray that you will turn hearts from violence, protect the innocent, open new understanding of each other’s fears and hopes and heal the wounds and mistrust that exists.
We thank you for your promise to hear our prayers.
Strengthen our faith in that promise so that our lives might proclaim your love, mercy and goodness made visible in the life of your Son, Jesus Christ, and when the wind and waves get high and threaten to overwhelm us, help us remember
Jesus’ words: “Take courage. It is I. Don’t be afraid. .”
Lord, in your mercy, Hear our prayer.
Merciful Father, accept these our prayers for the sake of your son, our saviour Jesus Christ. Amen.
Sunday 10th March 2024
Prepared by Clodagh King
Loving God,
On this Mothering Sunday thank you for all those who care for us. We thank you for giving them compassion, grace and love displayed in your image. We pray for new mums, mums in war zones where safety and protection are not a constant. We pray for mums who have lost children and those who have lost their mothers or care givers to remember fondly their love they shared.
Lord in your mercy, Hear our prayer.
Gracious Lord,
We give thanks for those who have stepped up to take on the role of mother – grandparents, fathers, uncles and aunts, friends and step families through love, foster and adoption; for the sacrifices and the time they have given us, for the memories they have shared and guidance they have provided. Please give them love, strength and patience and give us the inspiration to share and be thankful for all people that care for us.
Lord in your Mercy, Hear our prayer.
Father God,
We thank you for the family of our Church. We pray that all will find their true home; that the lonely, the marginalised, the rejected may be welcomed and loved. On this day we pray especially for all those who long to be parents, for those who must work away from their children and those who have suffered the pain of losing a child. We pray for all those for whom Mothering Sunday is a day of pain and regret.
Lord in your mercy, Hear our prayer.
Creator God,
As we see the brokenness of our world we pray for healing among the nations; for food where there is hunger; for freedom where there is oppression; for joy where there is pain; that your love may bring peace to all your children. We pray for those who are sick, sad or lonely and for You to strengthen families living under stress.
We remember now those who need healing in their lives and give you thanks where healing has taken place.
Lord in your mercy, Hear our prayer.
Sunday 3rd March 2024
Prepared by Roger Clough
We will use words which are in this week’s Psalm in our prayer responses. I will say :-
Let the words of my mouth and the meditation of my heart be acceptable in your sight,
Your response please is :- O Lord, my strength and my redeemer.
We have just heard from the book of Exodus, what we call and know as the 10
Commandments given to Moses.
His People living in Egypt had just escaped their long slavery and this was to to be their righteous model, as such the initial basis of Law. for living a life pleasing to God.
They were no longer under the Laws of Egypt.
However his people added to these 10 commandments, so that according to Jewish
tradition, the Torah contains 613 commandments. Jesus observed that this number of laws made life for His people, as such so regimented and complex that it was / is
impossible to understand and live that way.
We pray Lord that we remind ourselves daily that you simplified our fundamental
tenant of our love to you, as summed up by the writings of Mathew, to ‘love the Lord your God with all your heart ,soul and mind, then you shall love your neighbour as yourself.” On these two commandments depends all the law and the prophets.
We pray Lord that even though these two New commandments formats are well known to us, that You give us the will, strength, time to actually act, so as to carry out these commands. We pray Lord they do not just become recited words, rather, despite our busy lives and hardships, and distractions that we act these out. You said Lord, that
our ‘burden is light’ and in comparison to 613 commandments , it is; yet Lord we pray that we receive your help to carry out just these fundamental two.
As such, the original nine, ‘thou shall not’s and one shall, become, two; ‘thou shall’…
In todays Psalm you mentioned there is great reward by keeping your commands, and that we can have, ‘secret and presumptuous’ sins that can “get dominion over us”.
We pray Lord that you alert us to these barriers and that we can repent and walk a new way, pleasing to you. Lord we pray, open our ears/eyes to your righteous ways.
We know that we can be totally forgiven and come back into your kingdom, we pray that we seek to grow in the wisdom of your Scripture, open our ears daily to be
disciples, matured towards your wisdom.
Let the words of my mouth and the meditation of my heart be acceptable in your sight,
Your response please is :- O Lord, my strength and my redeemer.
We have heard the familiar scripture of the misuse of the Temple area and your
righteous reaction to it.
You Lord are the Temple of Holiness and we pray that our hearts are not distracted in the daily living of our lives, especially into gaining a ‘self appointed portion’ of , ‘market’/monetary gain and thus ignoring our righteous walk with you , which is doing Your will… You have said that ‘where the heart is, then our treasures is also’.
We pray Lord, let us keep our heart open towards you and not the way of the world and its media so called wisdom, which is dominated on the self , a modernity of ‘must have now happiness’. Your wisdom is the only wisdom that we can be saved by, all other wisdom is foolishness.
We know with our hindsight and the full disclosure of scripture that you alone
conquered death and obtained for us everlasting life. You are the living temple raised for us , as the only acceptable sacrifice to Your Father in Heaven, for our sins.
We pray Lord that especially during Lent, that we walk closer to you, with you; so that we can share the joy of the Easter Sunday triumph scripture, knowing that we will also be raised to live in heaven, after our earthly death; in total peace forever, with You and the Father.
Let the words of my mouth and the meditation of my heart be acceptable in your sight,
Your response please is :- O Lord, my strength and my redeemer.
We pray that you Lord continue to strengthen the will and capacity of our Rector
Canon Elaine to minister in this Parish and all who help her in so many ways.
Guide our Bishop Paul and the many who also work in this Diocese, to continue to shine for you, Lord Jesus.
The situation in the Ukraine, and Gaza/Israel are two examples only, that still show us the fragility of our world society. So many displaced people as well as so many people are killed, maimed, and hurt. The politics in so many places throughout the world seems so unstable. Lord we pray, let Your Righteousness and Peace prevail over these situations.
War and hate and upset SHALL NOT overcome , rather Jesus SHALL overcome all and everything, so that peace SHALL reign under Gods terms.
Lord, we now bring to You, for a few moments, in silence, our innermost prayers and concerns and praise. (SILENCE)
We now conclude our prayers by saying together:
Merciful Father, accept these our prayers, for the sake of Your Son, our Saviour Jesus Christ. Amen.
Sunday 25th February 2024
Prepared by Valerie Andrew
Creator God, when we look around at the awesome beauty, intricate interconnection and diversity of Nature in our world, we realise it gives a loud testament of a great Creator. It is one of the most evident ways that you speak to us and reveal yourself to us. May we always be thankful for the creation of this Beautiful World.
Lord in your mercy…Hear our Prayer
Loving Lord, sometimes prayer can be difficult for us. It can be a bit intimidating to think that we converse with you, the Creator of the Universe, in a simple two way conversation. We hear this message so often that we miss it’s simplicity. Help us always to remember you are listening to our prayers as a trusted friend and our heavenly Father who knows us completely.
Lord in your mercy…Hear our Prayer
Loving Lord, we thank you for the gift of Hope which shines through the darkest moments in our lives and in the world. Hope is a bold expression that good will follow bad and it gives us the confidence to move forward positively. We know that you have put Hope in our hearts to remind us that you are never gone.
Lord in your mercy…Hear our Prayer
Loving Lord, we remember with sadness the death of Alexei Navalny in Russia recently. We pray for his family and all those who saw him as a courageous beacon of light and Hope. We pray for his wife Yulia who has vowed to continue his cause that she may have Hope, Strength and Courage for the future.
Lord in your mercy…Hear our Prayer
Loving Lord, sadly we have to bring to you again the plight of the Palestinian people in Gaza. They are suffering unimaginable heartache and loss. We ask you to bring comfort and Hope to them at a time when they feel isolated and forgotten by the rest of the world. We ask you to give courage and wisdom to those who are working to relieve the crisis through negotiation and compromise.
Lord in your mercy…Hear our Prayer
Merciful Father, accept these prayers, for the sake of your son, our Saviour Jesus Christ. Amen.
Sunday 18th February 2024
Prepared by Rowland Newenham
Lord, we pray for the global church community, and also for our own churches. Help us, O Lord, to reach out and support those who minister with us, and we pray especially for Canon Elaine, our Rector, for Paul, our Bishop, and for all who minister for us and with us.
Lord hear us. Lord Graciously hear us.
Lord, as we start our Lenten journey, we remember that Your Son
Jesus Christ underwent great suffering; He was in the wilderness for forty days, was tempted by Satan and made the ultimate sacrifice for us with His own life. Help us as we embark on our Lenten journey. Lead us not into temptation.
Lord hear us. Lord Graciously hear us.
Lord, we pray at this time for all refugees around the world who are refugees through no fault except that they are living in the wrong
country at the wrong time. Help us to help them in their time of need. Give us all our daily bread and deliver us all from evil.
Lord hear us. Lord Graciously hear us.
O Lord, we pray for all victims of racism, in this country and
throughout the world.
Make us to know Your ways, O Lord; teach us Your paths. Lead us in Your truth, and teach us, for You are the God of our salvation, Yours is the Kingdom, and for You we wait all day long.
Lord hear us. Lord Graciously hear us.
In Your boundless mercy, O Lord, we entrust the sick into Your loving care, knowing that Your power to heal is infinite. May Your will be done, and may Your healing touch bring renewal and hope to all who are in need.
Lord hear us. Lord Graciously hear us.
O Lord, may Your presence be a source of comfort and peace to those who are recently bereaved. Help them to find healing and hope in the midst of their pain, knowing that You are the ultimate source of strength and refuge.
Lord hear us. Lord Graciously hear us.
Lord, as we pray together, we ask that You hold us close as we struggle to make Your light visible in our angry and frightened world. Be with us each day as we try to work for Your justice in unjust places and Your peace in places where no peace is to be found.
As the days lengthen, as the weather improves, as the birds begin to nest, and as winter turns to spring, we pray O Lord that You may give us optimism and hope for better days ahead.
In a moment of quietness, we remember those we know or love who are in any kind of need at this time.
And we conclude by saying together:
Merciful Father accept these prayers for the sake of your Son, our Saviour, Jesus Christ Our Lord. Amen.
Sunday 11th February 2024
Prepared by Peter Coughlan
For Peace in our World
Most holy God and Father, we pause and remember today the peoples of all nations who are suffering and in fear due to unbearable conflict and hatred.
We pray for those leaders who hold the power over war and peace
That you would give them wisdom, discernment and compassion to guide their decisions and that your will would be done.
Hear our prayers for all who strive for peace
and all who fight for justice.
We commend to you all those lives lost in the terror of conflict,
We pray for the wounded and the captive,
the grieving and the refugees
That you would hold them and protect them
And bring us all to the peace of your presence;
through Jesus Christ our Lord, the Prince of Peace.
For the Church
We pray for your church throughout the world, for true Christian unity and for understanding and co-operation between those of different faiths.
We thank you for our two churches and for the gift of your Holy word.
Bless Canon Elaine and all those who minister here among us in loyal faith and guide us closer to you.
As we end our celebration of the 200 years of St Mary’s church Building, we thank you for all those from our church family who went before us and so diligently cared for that Holy place so we could continue to gather there and worship you.
Lord in your Mercy ,
Hear our Prayer
For Ourselves
Father God we thank you for your countless blessings, for the longer evenings and the promise of Springtime, for new growth and fresh beginnings.
Draw near we pray to those who are hurting, or unwell, or lonely, or feel they are excluded.
Be close to all those who feel anxious and afraid.
In a moment of silence, we bring our private prayers to you for those in need of your Love and care at this time…….
May your peace be with those who are troubled
May your strength be with those working to keep others safe
May your comfort be with those who are grieving
May your healing be upon those who are unwell
May your hope fill those who are fearful
May your compassion prompt us to love our neighbours
Keep us from harm and watch over us now and for evermore.
We conclude our prayers and say together, merciful father, accept these our prayers for the sake of your Son, our Saviour Jesus Christ. Amen
Here is a prayer for peace that some in the parish are using each night at 7pm when they stop to pray for peace in the
troubled world. You might like to join them.
Loving God, your light always penetrates the darkness
and your love always overcomes hate,
tonight, as we pray together in our own homes,
we ask that you hold us close as we struggle
to make your light visible in our angry and frightened world.
Be with us each day as we try to work for your justice in unjust places
and your peace in places where no peace is to be found.
We think particularly of Gaza, Israel, Ukraine, ………………
Give us courage and strength when we are fearful and weak.
Give us hope and forgiveness when we feel hopeless and angry.
And guide us every step of the way as we walk toward the light.
In Jesus’ name we pray, Amen.
John 8:12 Again Jesus spoke to them, saying, ‘I am the light of the world. Whoever follows me will never walk in darkness but will have the light of life
Sunday 4th February 2024
Prepared by Rowland Njoku
O Lord our God, we have gathered to give you thanks and praise for your divine providence, and for the salvation we receive by faith in Jesus Christ.
We are grateful, and we give thanks for the love we share in our human interactions. Lord, we thank you for our living every day; for the nourishment we derive from food, the refreshment from water, the vitality of air, and the light and warmth of the Sun with which you have blessed humanity in abundance.
We reflect and show great appreciation for God’s creation and for the benefits which we share in our natural environment throughout our beautiful experiences in life.
And we give thanks to God, for He is good.
For His mercy endures forever.
We pray against rising global tensions and armed conflicts. We pray for peace and understanding between nations in conflict with their neighbours. Let us pray for peace in Gaza, Ukraine, Yemen, and other regions of conflict in the world.
We pray for leaders of all nations to govern with wisdom and love, and to pursue peace, justice, and equity for everyone. Lord, strengthen those who provide help for the wounded and support for the broken hearted.
According to the Bible, Our Lord Jesus said, “I have told you these things, so that in me you may have peace. In this world you will have trouble. But take heart! I have overcome the world.” Lord Jesus, please watch over us in every challenge, that we will always run to you, to put our trust in you in all situations, and not run away from you in the challenges of this world.
And we give thanks to God, for He is good.
For His mercy endures forever.
Several countries of the world show records of Christians who suffer various levels of persecution and discrimination for their faith.
We pray for Churches around the world; especially, we pray for churches which suffer persecution that they will have freedom to work and worship as individuals and in their Christian fellowships as congregations.
We pray for our local congregation at St John’s, Monkstown, and St Mary’s, Carrigaline.
Help us in our individual and collective efforts to work together and to worship God in faith.
We pray for the Clergy and Laity, especially, let God’s wisdom guide the work of all those who serve in various Churches.
Bless our Bishop, Dr Paul, and our Rector, Canon Elaine. Bless our Ministers, Rev Tony, Rev Richard, Bless our Lay Readers, Simon, Hillary and Sile, and all the people who provide services at our Churches.
And we give thanks to God, for He is good.
For His mercy endures forever.
We pray for our local communities, and for the members of our families. We pray for God’s wisdom and strength and to live in love in our families and in peace with our neighbours. May we continually live in the righteousness, joy, and peace of our Lord Jesus Christ.
And we give thanks to God, for He is good.
For His mercy endures forever.
In a moment of silence, let us gently bring our individual prayers to the Lord.
And we give thanks to God, for He is good.
For His mercy endures forever.
Let us share the grace together:
The grace of our Lord Jesus Christ, the love of God, and the fellowship of the Holy Spirit be with us now and forever. Amen
Sunday 28th January 2024
Prepare by Síle Hunt
As an Eco-congregation we are constantly aware that the climate crisis becomes more prevalent day by day, most recently with extreme weather conditions in the form of Storms Isha and Jocelyn. Let us remember we are custodians of our planet and God’s creation for the next generation. Lord by your guidance help us to be more conscientious with our ethical choices in terms of travel, clothing and household items. Let us pray that we will put the world of God’s creation and the environment in which we live, at the heart of our lives for the coming week.
Lord in your mercy, hear our prayer
Lord as we move from Christmas to Candlemas let us take inspiration from the devout nature of Simeon who by his faith and devotion was able to witness the fulfilment of God’s promised salvation before he departed this world. Lord let us pray for those who are struggling with their faith, have lost hope and are finding the daily struggles of life overwhelming. Lord shine your light in the darkness and provide them with comfort and peace of mind and heart. Lord you have enlightened us by the revelation of your son Jesus Christ. Comfort us in our mortality and strengthen us to walk in the path of your grace.
Lord in your mercy, hear our prayer
This week in our Diocesan cycle of prayer, we pray for our bishop Paul, that he may continue to foster unity and faith by his strength and leadership. We pray for the parish of Fanlobbus and it’s rector Adam Pullen and in the wider church we pray for the Diocesan Council, the Diocese of Clogher and their bishop Ian Ellis. In the Anglican cycle of prayer we pray for the Anglican Church of Southern Africa and in the Porvoo prayer diary we hold in our prayers the Evangelican Lutheran Church in Denmark, the Diocese of Elsinore and their bishop Peter Birch. Let us pray for our rector Canon Elaine, Rev. Richard and all who give of their time so generously for the growth, enhancement and support of our parish.
Lord in your mercy, hear our prayer
Let us pray in thanksgiving for the companionship, advice and example our dearly beloved loved ones have given us throughout our lives, who are now at rest with the Lord. May their positive influence still illuminate our lives day by day. Open our eyes to those who grieve in our churches and communities and help us to comfort them. Lord, please keep the gentle souls of those who mourn at this difficult time in the warm embrace of your love and mercy.
Lord in your mercy, hear our prayer
Yesterday 27 January was the international day of commemoration in memory of the victims of the Holocaust. Lord, allow us to never forget the horrors that war and genocide can inflict on civilian populations. Lord, we ask you to hold in your gentle care the survivors of genocide across the world and let us not be desensitised to the plight of those we witness suffering daily hardship because of wars and conflict in the news each night. Lord, let us not forget the lessons of history in our current times and bestow us with the strength to speak out against the injustices we witness day by day.
Lord in your mercy, hear our prayer
O Lord, God of life, give us your peace, guide our hearts and minds as we pray for a cessation of conflict in Yemen, Ukraine and Gaza. Lord may your gentle peace embrace those who are suffering at this time and provide them with vital life saving necessities such as food, water, shelter and medical supplies. Bring healing and wholeness to people and nations and have pity on those torn apart from division. Strengthen all those who are persecuted for your name’s sake and deliver them from evil. Lord, please enlighten world leaders with your wise counsel to discern a pathway to peace.
Lord in your mercy, hear our prayer
We conclude our prayers by saying Merciful Father, accept these our prayers for the sake of your son Jesus Christ. Amen
Sunday 21st January 2024
Prepared by Joy Keefe
Christian Unity Week
Today as the week of Prayer for Christian Unity draws to a close may we continue bring its theme forwards into our daily lives.
The theme for the week being to” Love the Lord our God with all our heart and soul and mind and our neighbour as ourself”.
We pray for unity amongst all faiths throughout the world.
God grant us an understanding of our differences and the patience to live and work alongside each other with respect for these differences.
Holy Father bring us all together and unite us, so that we may see each other as one worldwide Christian family.
Lord of great mercy. Hear our prayers
Prayer for Peace
We pray for peace and healing of waring nations that are torn apart by strife, violence and hatred in the pursuit of greed and power.
May those leaders see the way to rule with justice and compassion.
We think especially of Ukraine and Russia and also Palestine and Israel, as well as Yemen.
May we too also grow in peace, kindness, and selflessness.
O Lord bring peace to places where there is no peace and love to places where there is no love.
Lord of great mercy. Hear our prayers
Prayer for Families
Lord, we pray for our families and friends.
May we accept each other as we are with all our imperfections and just enjoy being in each other’s company.
We think of all those who have family members living far away.
We thank You for the technology that allows us to be easily in contact with each other despite the distances.
Lord of great mercy. Hear our prayers
Prayer for those in need.
Lord we pray today for Your comfort and peace in the lives of those who need it most. Help ease the burdens of those facing challenging times.
Wrap Your arms around those for whom life is difficult and breathe new life into discouraged spirits.
May they feel the comfort and strength of Your Holy Spirit.
O Lord open our eyes and hearts to see how we can help ease the pain and suffering of others not as fortunate as we are.
May we be generous in whatever way we can be.
Lord of great mercy. Hear our prayers
For our leaders in the Diocese
We thank You Lord for Bishop Paul and all the clergy in our diocese,
for the wonderful work that they do in guiding us as we travel our own personal journey. As we grow in Your love, may it shine through us and may we be Your feet as we go about our daily lives.
We trust O Lord that you will continue to guide Sheila and Hilary as they continue their training as Lay Readers.
Lord of great mercy. Hear our prayers
For the sick
We pray for all those who are ill or in pain, we also bring to mind those who have mental health issues.
May those in pain and discomfort or in the midst of turmoil, find peace and healing and calmness in Your Holy presence.
We pray for Carers O Lord, grant them patience and strength of mind. We think of the many Carers that rarely get a day off when looking after those that are fully dependant on others.
Lord of great mercy. Hear our prayers
We pray for wisdom, compassion and courage to grow in the unity of Your Son Jesus Christ.
In a moment of silence may we bring our own personal prayers to You O Lord……..
We offer our prayers in the name of Christ who gives abundantly to all those who bring their needs to Him.
We conclude our prayers by saying …
Merciful Father accept these our prayers for the sake of Your Son our Saviour Jesus Christ.
Sunday 7th January 2024
Prepared by Helen Arnopp
Dear Lord, we thank you for the gift of baptism, which unites us as brothers and sisters in Christ. Help us to live as your beloved children. Lord, in your mercy – Hear our prayer.
As we come to worship You at the opening of a New Year, some of us feel fear for what the future may bring, some of us feel optimism for good things ahead, some of us feel like we need to turn over a new leaf. However we are feeling, we approach You Lord in reverence and humility. We are aware that there are time we have not heard Your voice, times we have not followed Your call. There are times we have judged others harshly, for their faith, or their lack of faith and we are slow to acknowledge when we were wrong. Forgive us in the baptising power of Jesus and the Holy Spirit. Forgive us and set for us a kinder voice to others, a kinder mindset when we think of others and a kinder voice to ourselves.
Lord, in your mercy – Hear our prayer.
This is the Christian Aid Prayer for the Middle East
God hear our prayer for peace in the Middle East.
May all people in the region be protected and safe from harm We pray that this crisis will end now, with no further loss of life. God may the injured and distressed know your healing presence. May the powerful and the decision-makers follow the paths of justice, mercy and peace. May the clamour of violence cease, replace by the beating of swords into ploughshares. God, in your name, Amen.
Lord, in your mercy – Hear our prayer
Lord as creator and giver of life to all people, we ask that you would hear our prayer for peace amongst all nations and for an ending of the conflict in Ukraine. We ask that you would lead the nations in the paths of peace and that the dividing wall of hostility would be broken down. Lord grant peace in the midst of war and bring harmony to all nations.
Lord, in your mercy – Hear our prayer.
We continue to pray for all who work in this parish and diocese. We pray for Paul our bishop, Canon Elaine our rector, Richard our Local Ordained Minister and all who support ministry. We pray for our organists and the gift of music and for its uniting of different voices in one song.
Give each and every one who supports us in our faith, the wisdom, knowledge, compassion and welfare as they undertake Your work.
Lord, in your mercy – Hear our prayer
We will now say together the following verse from one of our hymns:
I heard the voice of Jesus say,
‘Behold, I freely give the living water,
thirsty one, stoop down and drink and live.
I come to Jesus, and I drank of that life-giving stream;
My thirst was quenched, my soul revived,
and now I live in him.
And we conclude by saying together:
Merciful Father accept these prayers for the sake of your Son, our Saviour, Jesus Christ Our Lord. Amen.
Sunday 3rd December 2023
Prepared by Valerie Andrew
In our beautiful but broken world full of so much good yet so much evil, so much joy yet so much sorrow,
at this Advent time let us pray that the light of God’s love will scatter the darkness.
Where hardship has crushed the spirit, where poverty, injustice or disease has destroyed faith in the future.
Lord Jesus Christ
May your love Bring light.
Where war and suffering scar the world, where hatred greed and intolerance erupts into violence.
Lord Jesus Christ.
May your love Bring light.
Where disaster has brought devastation from floods, famine, earthquakes and storms, shattering lives.
Lord Jesus Christ
May your love Bring light.
Where hearts are closed to you and others, where doubt, fear, dogma and prejudice are creating alienation.
Lord Jesus Christ
May your love Bring light.
Come to our world Lord and heal the wounds, shining through the darkness, restoring joy, faith hope and love.
Lord Jesus Christ
May your love Bring light
Merciful Father, accept these prayers, for the sake of your son, our Saviour Jesus Christ.
Sunday 26th November 2023
Prepared by Hilary Dring
Speak up for those who cannot speak for themselves;
ensure justice for those being crushed. Proverbs 31:8
We worship you, the God of love: You hold the world in tender embrace,
You feel the hurt and sorrow we bear, you comfort the wounded heart.
We thank you that in Jesus Christ You held women in high esteem,
You understood their secret heartaches, you inspired their love and trust.
We praise you, the Spirit of truth: You uncover the lies and distortions,
You name the violence in our hearts, you seek to transform the pain.
O God, we ask that you will reveal the persistent wrong in our lives,
The reality we choose to ignore, the abuse we tolerate of other people.
Change our heart and our lives, we pray,
That your image may grow in us and in those we love.
The Lord is close to the broken-hearted;
he rescues those whose spirits are crushed. Psalm 34:18
(Mothers’ Union 16 Days Resources, 2017)
Loving Lord, your care and love are ever present in our lives.
We pray for our brothers and sisters throughout the world,
who live in situations of abuse and violence.
Give them hope in their hopelessness,
help them find strength in their weakness,
grant them freedom from their oppression,
transform their brokenness into wholeness,
and heal their wounds, visible and invisible.
Grant us all the courage and wisdom, grace and humility,
to act at all times with compassion and care.
And grant all who are harmed by abuse or coercion, peace through justice.
The Lord is close to the broken-hearted;
he rescues those whose spirits are crushed. Psalm 34:18
Lesley Bayley (Cashel Ferns & Ossory Diocesan President)
Great God, we give you thanks that you call us out of silence
to name hidden and domestic abuse. We pray for all those women,
who despite suffering from abuse and violence, continue to care for
family and children, to grow and prepare food, carry water,
earn a living and offer support to others.
We pray for women who are trafficked as domestic or sex workers;
for women who are raped and do not know how to find words
to name their pain or a way into the future.
We pray for transformation of our societies which often find it easier
to judge the victims of violence than to solve the problems of injustice.
We pray that women’s voices may be heard and taken into account
in all peace and reconciliation work.
We pray for a transformation in the violent way many men act
towards and think about women. We pray for right and just relations
between women and men, that together we may transform
and overcome violence in all its forms and learn to celebrate
our diversity and interdependence. We look forward to
the age of peace, when violence is banished, both women and men
are able to love and to be loved, and the work and wealth of our world
is justly shared.
The Lord is close to the broken-hearted;
he rescues those whose spirits are crushed. Psalm 34:18 (World Council of Churches)
Every day 137 women across the world are killed by a partner or member of their
own family (UN Global Study on Homicide: Gender Related Killing of Women and Girls, 2018)
Prayer for the lives taken.
God, we grieve for those who have had their lives taken by the violent.
We grieve for what was taken from them, and for what the world is losing in their deaths. We especially pray for their families and friends.
God, we know you are near to the broken-hearted, and you save
the crushed in spirit. May friends and family of these victims know
your nearness and your salvation and find comfort and hope in you.
God of justice, we ask that you bring justice to victims and perpetrators,
to those who have lost and those who have taken.
We trust in your perfect justice.
The Lord is close to the broken-hearted;
he rescues those whose spirits are crushed. Psalm 34:18 (
May God give us eyes to recognise abuse where it exists.
May God give us a heart to reach out in compassion.
May God give us courage and resolve
to make a difference wherever we are.
Hear our prayers, Loving Lord, for the broken-hearted
And for those whose spirits are crushed.
May we do all we can, whenever and wherever we can,
To help end injustice on this earth. Amen
Sunday 19th November 2023
Prepared by Roger Clough
The response is taken from Psalm 51:12
I say :- Restore to me the joy of your salvation.
Your response is :- And grant me a willing spirit to sustain me.
We have just heard that we are true heirs to Gods kingdom and there is therefore no worries as to our future after Death; in that we have full and certain hope that we shall be with you forever.
We pray that we will follow your precepts, avoiding evil, worldly arrogance, worldly pride and walk humbly with our God in our daily lives.
We have heard that even though the Israelites fell away from Gods will, they were restored once they asked for forgiveness and made repentance.. We pray that we who equally fall short of your spirit of love towards you and our neighbours, that we too will be taken back into your merciful hands.
Restore to me the joy of your salvation.
And grant me a willing spirit to sustain me.
We pray Lord that when we ask you for situations in our lives to happen, that we have to learn to be patient in that you will decide when to have mercy shown to us and those whom we pray for. This wait Lord is so hard for us, especially in today’s fast changing, “must have now” world, and we pray that your peace meanwhile settles with us as we set our eyes on you, waiting your timing. We pray for faith to sustain us.
The darkness of the world has been dispelled because our Lord Jesus Christ has obtained total salvation for us. We Pray, as “children of light” we never never forget, even when things get so dark, that when we die, a perfect life then begins. We will be bathed in the warmth of Jesus’s love, an eternity of complete love, no worries, no pain, no ‘what ifs’.
We pray Lord, that we recognise the gifts and abilities within us and the opportunities that come our way, that equally we will then have consciously acted so to deserve the phrase of “ well done good and trustworthy slave”. We pray that our true abundance, will be fulfilled by honouring your will
We pray that we will build one another up in serving you, in whatever way that help may be. We thank you in letting us know the, “masters will” as we’ve been told via Scripture, that by listening to Gods Son we will not be cast into the outer darkness, into the abyss of everlasting despair. Our Master, Jesus Christ has saved us from Hells dark death of perpetually agony.
Restore to me the joy of your salvation.
And grant me a willing spirit to sustain me.
We pray that You continue to strengthen the will and capacity of our Rector Canon Elaine to minister in this Parish and all who help her in so many ways.
Guide our Bishop Paul and the many who also work in this Diocese to continue to shine for you Lord Jesus. We are so grateful for these faithful workers who do indeed use their gifts, they give and are given more.
We pray for all the people in hospitals and care homes that your peace envelopes them, so that they do not loose faith or despair. Shine the light of hope into these situations and equally onto their families who agonise over their tough situations.
The situation in the Ukraine, Israel/Gaza shows us the fragility of our world society.
So many displaced people as well as so many, are killed, maimed, and hurt…
The situation in Afghanistan, Lebanon and Syria is still desperate..
Lord we pray, let Your righteousness and peace prevail over these situations.
Give wisdom to those in authority, and let them realise there is no right or wrong, no winners or losers, rather that all people should be together working to help one another, as we are all, ‘neighbours’ deserving peace. The ‘good Samaritan’ parable is the template for togetherness, how we should act/help one another.
Lord, we now bring to You, for a few moments, in silence, our innermost prayers and concerns and praise. (SILENCE)
We conclude now by saying together:
Merciful Father, accept these our prayers, for the sake of Your Son, our Saviour Jesus Christ. Amen.
Sunday 12th November 2023
Prepared by Rowland Newenham
Blessed are the poor in spirit, for theirs is the kingdom of heaven.
Lord, we pray to You today that we may learn humility, and acknowledge our sins, both spiritual and actual, and to bring these sins before You to seek forgiveness.
Lord hear us
Lord Graciously hear us
Blessed are those who mourn, for they will be comforted.
Lord, we pray for all those who are recently bereaved.
As we read in today’s lesson from Romans “neither death, nor life, nor angels, nor rulers, nor things present, nor things to come, nor powers, nor height, nor depth, nor anything else in all creation, will be able to separate us from Your love.”
Lord hear us
Lord Graciously hear us
Blessed are the meek, for they will inherit the earth
Lord, teach us not to assert our will over the will of others. Teach us not to envy, not to retaliate and to exercise patience in the face of adversity.
Lord hear us
Lord Graciously hear us
Blessed are those who hunger and thirst for righteousness, for they will be filled.
Lord give us the strength to pursue righteousness in our lives and in the world. Let your justice flow through us, and grant us the wisdom to recognize and correct the injustices we encounter.
Lord hear us
Lord Graciously hear us
Blessed are the merciful, for they will receive mercy.
Lord, we pray to you today for those who are in a position of power, that they may hear Your word, and do Your will. We ourselves often struggle to do what is right. Forgive us our sins as we forgive those who sin against us. Grant us Your mercy O Lord.
Lord hear us
Lord Graciously hear us
Blessed are the pure in heart, for they will see God
Lord, we come before You, seeking the purity of heart that allows us to see the beauty of your presence in all things and in all of nature. Help us remove the stains of prejudice, hatred, and impurity from our hearts. Grant us the strength to love unconditionally and forgive endlessly.
Lord hear us
Lord Graciously hear us
Blessed are the peacemakers, for they will be called children of God.
Lord, on this Remembrance Sunday and at this time of prolonged wars in Ukraine, in Sudan, in Israel, in Gaza and in all other areas of turmoil,
we pray to You that the peacemakers will listen to Your word, and that dialogue will win over destruction, that negotiation will win over needless death.
Lord hear us
Lord Graciously hear us
Blessed are those who are persecuted for righteousness’ sake, for theirs is the kingdom of heaven
Lord, help us to learn from You to do what is right in your eyes, even when it is the difficult choice to make. Teach us to make considered decisions.
And we conclude by saying together:
Merciful Father accept these prayers for the sake of your Son, our Saviour, Jesus Christ Our Lord. Amen.
Sunday 5th November 2023
Prepared by Rowland Newenham
O Lord, we pray for all the churches of the world. We pray especially for the churches of all denominations in both Israel and Gaza.
May the churches be sanctuaries of peace, healing, and understanding. We pray to You that dialogue and negotiation may bring an end to strife, fostering a lasting harmony for all in this land.
Give thanks to the Lord for He is good.
His steadfast love endures forever
Lord, we pray for all those who minister to us and with us in the Carrigaline Union of parishes. We pray for their ongoing health and wellbeing. We pray for Bishop Paul, Canon Elaine, Revd. Richard, Revd. Tony, Simon, and we pray especially at this time for Hilary and Clodagh as they both strive to advance their ministry in this parish.
Be with them and watch over them.
Give thanks to the Lord for He is good.
His steadfast love endures forever
Lord, we pray to You today for Your guidance that we may be stewards of this Earth, preserving its delicate balance and beauty. Be with us as we learn to protect and restore the environment, fostering sustainability and compassion for all living beings.
Give thanks to the Lord for He is good.
His steadfast love endures forever
Lord, we pray to You today for Your healing power to all who are sick, and to all who are undergoing medical treatment. We pray that You will be with them and that You will watch over them. Let them feel Your presence O Lord.
Give thanks to the Lord for He is good.
His steadfast love endures forever
Lord, we pray to You today for those enduring the pain of abuse.
Provide them with courage, strength, and protection.
Surround them with Your love and support, and guide them towards healing and a life free from harm. Be with them in their hour of need, and give them strength to prevail.
Give thanks to the Lord for He is good.
His steadfast love endures forever
Lord, we pray to You for those who are recently bereaved.
Be with them as they come to terms with the loss of a loved one.
Let them feel Your power and Your presence in their loneliness and grief. May they find peace in the midst of their sorrow and know that they are never alone.
Give thanks to the Lord for He is good.
His steadfast love endures forever
In a few moments of silence, Lord we bring our own thoughts and concerns to You, and pray that You will listen to our concerns
And we conclude by saying together:
Merciful Father accept these prayers for the sake of your Son, our Saviour, Jesus Christ Our Lord. Amen.
Sunday 29th October 2023
Prepared by Peter Coughlan
Psalm 46 v 10
“Be still, and know that I am God; I will be exalted among the nations
I will be exalted in the earth.” (Let us pray)
Dearest Lord we come to you today with our prayers for a troubled and ever changing world, a world we sometimes can’t understand and that sometimes upsets us. Help us to know that you are our rock and our protection – may we be still and bring all our worries and fears and hopes for the future to you, our loving father, confident that you are just and that you hear all of our prayers.
Most holy God and Father, hear our prayers today for peace and justice in our world. We see the awful effects of the Israel/Hamas war in Gaza, the Russian invasion of the Ukraine, war in Sudan and many other regions of our world, help us to pray constantly and to never lose hope that your will can be done and that your kingdom will come to all peoples.
Be with the leaders of all nations, bless the work of the negotiators help them to broker urgent ceasefires and negotiations which can turn nations away from hatred and towards a lasting peace. We commend to you all those who’s lives have been tragically lost in terror and conflict, we remember the wounded, the grieving and the captives. We pray for all refugees seeking shelter and hope, help the aid that is so desperately needed to reach them quickly.
Lord, in your mercy Hear our Prayer
We pray for this wonderful world you have given us, for the beautiful Autumn colours and the fruits in their season, we ask forgiveness for the damage that humankind have done to your creation. Awaken us all Lord God into positive climate action. Help us here in Ireland to partner with and support our farmers who are the stewards of the land and to work together with them for nature’s long term benefit. This year has been a very hard one for farmers with such high rainfall, bless them and all those who’s homes and businesses were so badly damaged by the recent severe flooding in our region, may they find comfort and the strength to carry on.
Lord, in your mercy Hear our Prayer
We pray for Your church in all the world, for Christian unity and for understanding and real community with those of other faiths.
Bless those who minister among us so faithfully, make us your church family into the people you want us to be and forgive us where we fall short.
Teach us to be generous in judgement, bold in commitment and sensitive in listening. Where we find no love, let us bring love and make us more like you.
Lord, in your mercy Hear our Prayer
Lord we learnt today in scripture that we are dearly loved by you and we should clothe ourselves with compassion, kindness, humility, gentleness and patience. Guide us to love and support our neighbours, the poor, the homeless, those seeking Asylum, those in prison, those suffering with their physical or mental health, or those who are painfully grieving the loss of a loved one.
In a few moments of silence now we bring our personal prayers to our caring Father …….……
Lord You are our steadfast companion at all times, When we rejoice, you celebrate with us, when we are anxious and afraid you offer us courage to face the unknown. When we weep with sadness, you are our comforter. Help us to entrust ourselves to your faithful and abiding care.
Lord, in your mercy Hear our Prayer
We conclude our prayers and say together
Merciful father, accept these our prayers For the sake of your Son
Our Saviour Jesus Christ. Amen
Sunday 22nd October 2023
Prepared by Rowland Njoku
We are grateful to God of Sabaoth for His divine providence, and for our health and wellbeing.
We give thanks for the goodness we share in our human interactions.
We are grateful for the nourishment we enjoy from food and the water we drink, and our refreshment from natural habitats and the beauty of wildlife around us.
We give thanks to God of Sabaoth, The Father of Everlasting Love!
For His mercies endure forever.
We pray for peace among people, and between nations in conflict with their neighbours.
We pray for urgent peace in Jerusalem and Gaza, between Israel and Palestine, also in Russia and Ukraine, and peace in other regions of conflict.
Bless our world leaders with divine wisdom, to govern with love by following the footsteps of our Lord Jesus Christ, and to pursue peace, justice, and equity for everyone.
Give strength to those who provide help for the wounded and support for the broken hearted.
Let all nations of the world have peace through the love of God which is in Christ Jesus.
We give thanks to God of Sabaoth, The Father of Everlasting Love!
For His mercies endure forever.
We pray for Churches around the world, and for our local congregation at St John’s, Monkstown, and St Mary’s, Carrigaline.
Help us in our individual and collective efforts to work and worship in faith.
We pray for the Clergy and Laity, and for those who serve in our Dioceses. Bless our Bishop, Dr Paul, and our Rector, Canon Elaine.
Bless our Ministers and all those who provide service in our Churches.
Bless our celebrations throughout the year as we mark the events of the bicentenary of St Mary’s church, Carrigaline.
We give thanks to God of Sabaoth, The Father of Glorious Salvation!
For His mercies endure forever.
We pray for people in our local communities, and for the members of our families.
We ask for God’s wisdom and strength to live in love in our families and in peace with our neighbours.
Help our children to flourish in good character and to achieve excellence in their education and training.
Grant us good health, and comfort us in the challenges of life.
Help us in our Christian journey to experience the joy of the Lord’s salvation definitely and permanently.
We give thanks to God of Sabaoth, The King of Eternal Blessings!
For His mercies endure forever.
In a moment of silence, let us gently bring our individual prayers and grateful thanks to the Lord.
We give thanks to God of Sabaoth, The King of Infinite Majesty!
For His mercies endure forever.
Let us share the grace together:
The grace of our Lord Jesus Christ, the love of God, and the fellowship of the Holy Spirit be with us now and forever. Amen
The grace of our Lord Jesus Christ, the love of God, and the fellowship of the Holy Spirit be with us now and forever. Amen
Sunday 17th September 2023
Adapted from the Season of Creation prayer resources
O Creator God, in this month of creation time, teach us to see your footprints in the beauty of creation. Help us to listen to the voice of creation, inspire us to respect the rights of all people, and all living species to share in your gifts today and to be always mindful of those who come after us.
Lord, in your mercy, hear our prayer.
God of all life, we give thanks for the gift of the earth, our common home. At this time, many people, the oceans, and the eco-systems of the earth are struggling to survive. Help us to change our ways, to join this river of justice and guide us to live a life which is not centred exclusively on ourselves but on the needs of others and the worship of you as our ultimate concern
Lord, in your mercy, hear our prayer.
At this time in human history, we are mindful that the survival of our planet and the well-being of humanity is threatened. Let us pray that UN Agreements to reduce global warming and to care for the poor will be honoured by governments throughout the world. Give courage to world leaders as they meet in the coming months to make crucial decisions for our common home.
Lord, in your mercy, hear our prayer.
Let us pray for each other at this time that we may live with greater attention to social justice, climate justice, and intergenerational justice. We particularly think of all the communities ravaged by climate related events; Morocco, Libya in just the last week.
Lord, in your mercy, hear our prayer.
Lord, we pray that we may gain a deeper appreciation of the beauty and diversity of all that you have created. Help us to also listen to the voice of creation, to acknowledge how deeply interconnected we are with each other and with the natural world.
Lord, in your mercy, hear our prayer.
Lord, in the spirit of the call of your Son, Jesus, to follow him by renouncing ourselves, may we resolve to curb all selfish individual actions that conflict with our interrelationship with each other and with the natural world.
Lord, in your mercy, hear our prayer.
Lord, on this Sunday – day of rest and recreation – we give thanks for the faith we celebrate in your Son, the Risen Jesus Christ, who has inspired us to gather in thanksgiving and praise. May we have the courage to give expression to our faith with practical actions for the betterment of each other and of your creation to ensure the rejuvenation of our common home.
Lord, in your mercy, hear our prayer.
We gather our prayers together as we say
Merciful Father, accept these our prayers for the sake of your son, our Saviour Jesus Christ. Amen
Sunday 10th September 2023
Prepared by Valerie Andrews (Parish Eco Group)
Creator God, as we know from the story of creation told in Genesis that you lovingly created the world piece-by-piece. Keep reminding us always that we are part of a single wondrously complex web of life that is woven by you.
We thank you for the blessing of harmony in nature and pray that the earth continues to thrive under your loving presence.
Lord in your mercy…. Hear our prayer
Creator God, you have formed us as part of a wondrously complex web of life in which we share our common home with every living creature on earth.
We have caused devastation to this web of life.
We must pause and contemplate this loss and pray that it ends. Help us to keep in mind that each of us as individuals has a part to play through prayer and practical ways, by living more simply and sustainably, supporting national and international plans to reverse climate change and supporting the most vulnerable communities worldwide who suffer most as the web of life strands unravel.
Lord in your mercy….Hear our prayer
Loving Lord, we pray for all those who are suffering as a result of wildfires, flooding and drought that have seemed never-ending this summer. These natural disasters have brought fear, uncertainty and loss of life to many areas worldwide, impacting and in some cases destroying whole communities.
We pray for those grieving for lost loved ones, lost homes and possessions. We pray for those who have been left injured and traumatised. Surround them with your love and bring physical emotional and spiritual healing into their lives.
Lord in your mercy….Hear our prayer
Loving Lord, we thank you for all the goodness and Blessings you bestow on us. Thank you that you are able to bring hope through even the toughest of times. Thank you for your care, mercy and grace. We thank you for our families and friends.
We especially thank you for Canon Elaine our rector and our church community where we gather not only for worship but sharing fellowship, love and support for one another.
Lord in your mercy….Hear our prayer
Loving Lord, let us bring to you now in a few moments of silence those known to us who are in need of prayer.
May they feel the presence of your encompassing love ……
Merciful Father accept these our prayers for the sake of your son our Saviour Jesus Christ.
Sunday 3rd September 2023
Prepared by Roger Clough
We will use words, which are in this week’s Psalm in our prayer responses.
Rejoice in the praise of his holy name
“let the hearts of them rejoice who seek the Lord.”
We have just heard that God said to Moses, that he is to be known as
“I am” . The Israelites were at that time still awaiting the Messiah but we are so blessed to have had the Messiah, Gods only Son dwell amongst humanity and we know him as Jesus. God made man.
We Pray and give thanks that Jesus loved us so much that he died so that we might live, he died and shed his blood and on the third day, rose again; so that all generations can call Him Blessed and are saved through Him. Teach us to know him in our hearts and carry out his ways and live His new commandment in our daily lives, especially in how we treat one another.
We pray Jesus that rather than hide our face away from you, we do as we will soon say in our prayer book, be BOLD enough to raise our heads to you and say, Your prayer, the Lords prayer with renewed vigour and
sincerity, as you have become personally known to us through scripture.
Rejoice in the praise of his holy name
“let the hearts of them rejoice who seek the Lord.”
There are many people who have recently come into our Community, many as refugees. We pay Lord that we become, ‘ardent in sprit to serve the Lord’ by the example we have just heard in the readings, in the way we act towards, strangers, let us not try to rationalise their situation, rather that we just reach out and help them in any way possible.
Lord we thank you that you have enlightened us with your scripture that you will ‘repay us with what has been done’.
Teach us Lord we pray that the focus of our efforts are focused on divine things and not on earthly things, teach us to realise although we are ‘in the world’, we are not to be of the world, in the way that the world often regards rewards. Lord teach us to help others by the noble examples that you have given, rather than worldly trends or worldly values.
We pray Lord that you strengthen us with ‘zeal’ to act kindly to one another in our busy lives. Give us the strength in our busy lives to do your will, to avoid judging others, and to leave any hurts caused by others to be passed onto you… ‘Satan’ is still very much ready to get others to ‘trip us up’ and raise our feelings into vengeance in so many subtle ways…
We ask you Lord to keep us true to you, to your statutes, to truly hate what is evil; as we travel through our earthly life.. We ask to be
compassionate to others without earthly rewards, but to do so knowing that it pleases you, as we are walking in your will and not a ‘reality show’. Jesus said in Johns Gospel, “The work of God is this, to believe in the one he has sent”
We finally pray that when trials and tribulations and hurt attacks us, we will remember what was said to Moses , that you ‘have observed our misery’ and that ‘ I will be with you ’ and that we have the certain hope of being with you, in total peace, when we meet you, face to face, as we live together forever, wrapped in Your love. Death has no sting.
We pray that you Lord continue to strengthen the will and capacity of our Rector Canon Elaine to minister in this Parish and all who help her in so many ways. Guide our Bishop Paul and the many who also work in this Diocese, to continue to shine for you, Lord Jesus.
Rejoice in the praise of his holy name
“let the hearts of them rejoice who seek the Lord.”
Lord, we now bring to You, for a few moments, in silence, our
innermost prayers and concerns and praise. (SILENCE)
We now conclude our prayers by saying together:
Merciful Father, accept these our prayers, for the sake of Your Son, our Saviour Jesus Christ. Amen.
Sunday 27th August 2023
Prepared by Joy Keefe
Give rulers of nations and to all in authority the understanding that there is a greater kingdom than their own and a richer treasure than their wealth and power. May dialogue rather than violence become the way forward between warring nations, and may it bring peace and calm to the angry, and courage to the fearful.
Lord in Your mercy. Receive our prayers.
Everlasting God, we thank You for our Church leaders and all who preach Your Word, inspire, lead and help us grow as Your disciples as we try to reach out to those in need in our world
Lord in Your mercy. Receive our prayers.
Thank You for the blessings that you have given us.
May we use our talents in a way that demonstrates kindness, humility and compassion.
May we strive to do our own part to develop and share our gifts.
Giving God, thank You for enriching us with these good gifts, and we pray that our gifts together enable us to be part of Your Christ mission for us in this world.
Lord in Your mercy. Receive our prayers.
O Lord, have mercy on those who are ill, those suffering from despair or depression, or those who are afraid of what is new.
Grant strength and courage to those whose lives are in turmoil and may You constantly remind us that “Your strength is made perfect in our weaknesses”,
Lord in Your mercy. Receive our prayers.
We pray for our community and in particular the family of the little boy who so tragically lost his life recently. We pray also for the families of the teenager who drowned last week in Passage West and the four young people killed in the carcrash in Clonmel on Friday night.
May their families and friends support each other and find their lives encircled by Your love. May Your light guide them out of this darkness.
God of compassion .Receive our prayers
Receive into Your eternal Kingdom all those who have departed this world. May they find rest and treasure greater than they have known on this earth.
Lord in Your mercy. Receive our prayers.
We come before You here today our God to pray for ourselves and our world knowing that You see our hearts and know our needs. We therefore bring our prayers to You with confidence in our Heavenly Father..
Lord in Your Mercy. Hear our prayers.
In a moment of silence may we bring our own personal prayers to You O Lord.
Merciful Father accept these our prayers for the sake of Your Son our Saviour Jesus Christ. Amen.
Sunday 16th July 2023
Prepared by Peter Coughlan
Let Us Pray.
As we pray together in our peaceful church this morning, help us to pause and be grateful for our many blessings.
We thank God for this wonderful planet he has created, for the Summer time, the longer evenings, the bright sky and the opportunity for holidays and a break from our normal routines.
Thank you Father God for everything.
We pray for our world, for the many who are poor and struggling, or hungry and despairing and can see no hope in their lives at this time. May we follow the example of your dear son Jesus, to know them and to love them as our brothers and sisters and be glad to share what we can with them.
Lord in your Mercy
Hear our prayer
Jesus also stood alongside the marginalized and the oppressed and He opposed violence, corruption and greed at all times.
We pray that your kingdom of peace will come to those who have to live with bitter and stressful conflict each day – in the Ukraine, Sudan, Syria, the West Bank and the Gaza Strip and so many other regions,
soften the hearts of those who seek war and draw near to all those refugees who have been forced to leave their homes and seek a new life for themselves and their families.
Father guide all world leaders and governments to look beyond their self interests and to work towards true peace and reconciliation for the good of all mankind.
Lord in your Mercy
Hear our prayer
Father God, we pray for our country and our local communities,
give wisdom and insight to those with responsibility for Housing, Health, Supporting Refugees and Poverty prevention.
Father God, please draw near to those who are currently ill, undergoing treatment, or feeling low at this time.
In a few moments of silence now we bring you our private prayers for those known to us in special need of your Love and care at this time……
May Your peace be with those who are anxious
May your comfort be with those who are grieving
May your healing be upon those who are unwell
May your hope fill those who are fearful
May your compassion prompt us to love our neighbours
Lord in your Mercy
Hear our prayer
Bless our church family and strengthen all those who earnestly strive to lead us closer to you. Help us to learn that Your word is a lamp for our feet, a light on our path.
Guide all Christian peoples towards true unity and bless them with respect and understanding for those of different faiths. Help us to always be a church of welcome and sanctuary.
Lord in your Mercy
Hear our prayer
Almighty God we thank you that you have brought us safely to the beginning of this day. Keep us from falling into sin or running into danger, order us in all our doings and guide us to do always what is righteous in your sight through Jesus Christ our Lord.
(We conclude our prayers by saying together)
Merciful father, accept these our prayers
For the sake of your Son
Our Saviour Jesus Christ. Amen
Sunday 9th July 2023
Prepared by Rowland Njoku
Eternal Father of Glory, we have gathered today to come into agreement in the name of Jesus.
We forgive everyone who sin against us, as You also forgive our sins.
We embrace the love of Jesus and forsake anger, hatred, doubt, and wrong attitudes that separates. We have come with joy and thanksgiving, to bring our requests to God of Love and Mercy.
And we give thanks to the LORD, for He is good,
For His love and mercy endures forever!
We pray for peace among people in armed conflicts; with God all things are possible.
We pray for peace in Ukraine, Syria, Yemen, and the Democratic Republic of Congo.
Let there be peace among waring nations and in other areas of armed conflicts.
Give strength to those who provide help for the wounded and support for the broken hearted.
Let all nations of the world have peace through the love of God which is in Christ Jesus.
And we give thanks to the LORD, for He is good,
For His love and mercy endures forever!
We pray for the heads of government and leaders of institutions around the world.
Bless our world leaders with divine wisdom, to follow the footsteps of Jesus Christ.
Help them to govern with love and to pursue peace, justice, and equity for everyone.
And we give thanks to the LORD, for He is good,
For His love and mercy endures forever!
We pray for the Clergy and Laity, and for for those who serve in our Dioceses. Bless our Bishop, Dr Paul, and our Rector Canon Elaine.
Bless our Ministers Revd Tony, Revd Richard, Dr Simon our Lay Reader, and bless all the workers of the Churches, at St Johns and St Marys.
And we give thanks to the LORD, for He is good,
For His love and mercy endures forever!
We pray for Churches around the world, and for the congregation of St Johns, Monkstown and St Marys, Carrigaline
Help us in our individual and collective efforts to work and worship in faith. Grant us the eternal presence of the Holy Spirit and the grace to enjoy the beauty and joy of Salvation.
And we give thanks to the LORD, for He is good,
For His love and mercy endures forever!
We pray for people in our local communities, and for the members of our families.
We ask for grace, wisdom and strength to live in the love of God with everyone. Help us to blossom with love in our families and to live in unity and peace with our neighbours.
Help our children to be excellent in character and successful in training and education.
Grant us good health; heal the sick among us, and comfort those who are in pain, sorrow, or suffering.
And we give thanks to the LORD, for He is good,
For His love and mercy endures forever!
In a moment of silence, let us gently bring our individual prayers before the Lord, for our needs and for the needs of our loved ones.
And we give thanks to the LORD, for He is good,
For His love and mercy endures forever!
Let us share the grace together:
The grace of our Lord Jesus Christ, the love of God, and the fellowship of the Holy Spirit be with us now and forever. Amen
Sunday 2nd July 2023
Prepared by Rowland Newenham
O Lord, we pray for the different churches in the world; help us to understand thedifferent faiths and religions and teach us tolerance in the differences of faith.
We pray that you may help us to all be Your disciples and to spread Your word out in our community, as we do in our churches.
We also pray our own church community. We pray for Canon Elaine, and we thank You Lord for her safe return from the Land of the Holy One. We pray to You also for Revd. Richard, Simon, our Lay Reader, and for Paul our Bishop. We thank you for allowing them to minister among us, and we pray for their ongoing good health and protection.
Lord hear us
Lord Graciously hear us
Lord, we pray for all refugees, wherever they are currently, and wherever they end up. We pray Lord that You will protect them and that You will teach us to understand their fear of persecution. We pray especially today for those refugees in Aida refugee camp in Bethlehem, and we pray to you O Lord for their safe return to their homeland. Help us, O Lord, as a community, to think about how we may help those in Ireland and throughout the whole world, who are worse off than us, and as our Gospel reading teaches us today, that whoever gives even a cup of cold water in Your name will never lose their reward.
Lord hear us
Lord Graciously hear us
O Lord, we pray for the Leaving Certificate students at this time. They have finished their exams and they now await their results. Help them to relax and to enjoy the summer months ahead.
Lord hear us
Lord Graciously hear us
O Lord, we pray for all victims of racism, in this country and throughout the world. Teach us to respect each-other and enable us to see the reality of racism and enable us to challenge and uproot it from our society, our world and ourselves. Listen to our prayers, Lord, and help us to try to do what is right in Your eyes.
Lord hear us
Lord Graciously hear us
O Lord, we pray for an end to the ongoing turmoil in Russia and Ukraine, and for the thousands of men, women and children affected by the conflict. Listen to them when they call upon You.
Lord hear us
Lord Graciously hear us
O Lord, we pray for the families of those recently bereaved. For those who mourn, immerse them with your love, and help them at this difficult time. Loving Father we pray for all who are in pain or suffering at this time. We remember especially those facing long and incurable illnesses. Be with them and be with all the doctors and nurses who work in hospitals alongside them.
In a few moments of silence, Lord we bring our own thoughts and concerns to You, and pray that You will listen to our concerns.
And we conclude by saying together:
Merciful Father accept these prayers for the sake of your Son,
our Saviour, Jesus Christ
Sunday 25th June 2023
Prepared by Clodagh King
Holy God, you have given us your only Son to be for us, both a sacrifice for sin, and an example of Godly life; Give us the grace to thankfully receive this wonderful gift, and to always strive ourselves to follow the blessed steps of his most holy life.
(Short Silence)
Lord, in your Mercy: Hear our Prayer
Everlasting God, We pray for the Church throughout the world, and all who call themselves Christians, that they may go forward in unity and strength. Help us to respect the beliefs of others even if we do not share them, to celebrate what we have in common and to accept our differences. Guide us all in our ministries as we live each day.
(Short Silence)
Lord, in your Mercy: Hear our Prayer
Creator God, we pray for people in parts of the world where life is precarious, whether through disaster, poverty, disease, or war. We pray that the time may be hastened when there is peace on earth and goodwill between all people. Especially we pray for our precious world; help us to be good stewards so that we can pass it on in good order to the generations yet to come.
(Short Silence)
Lord, in your Mercy: Hear our Prayer
Father God, we pray today for our friends, our families and our Christian community, that united by our common baptism we may always welcome the newcomer, the stranger and all who are vulnerable. Help us always to follow Jesus’ words and advice on hospitality and generous giving and realise that accepting someone’s help is as good as giving someone help.
(Short Silence)
Lord, in your Mercy: Hear our Prayer
Merciful God, We remember before God those who have died and those who are bereaved by their passing. We give back to you, Lord, those whom you gave to us. Your son taught us that life is eternal and that love cannot die. So death is only a horizon, and a horizon is only the limit of our sight. Open our eyes to see more clearly, and draw us closer to you, so that we may know we are nearer to our loved ones, who are with you.
Lord, in your Mercy: Hear our Prayer
Faithful God in the week that lies before us may we reflect your love in our families, our church and our community and in doing so, show everyone we meet that we are followers of Christ with a true desire to draw them into our Christian faith.
Lord, in your Mercy: Hear our Prayer
Sunday 28th May 2023
Prepared by Joy Keefe
O Lord, we thank you for our Church leaders who try to inspire and guide us into the way of Salvation.
Help re-ignite Your message in us , and open our ears afresh to the hearing about Your Holy Gifts.
Lord of Fire and Love. Breathe on us.
God who has spoken to the world to be heard and praised in many tongues, speak now to a world troubled by war and divisions as well as failures to understand.
Help those with political power to break down barriers that hold people apart so that Your wonderful works may be known worldwide.
Inspire us with the breath of life and the fire of love.
Lord of fire and love. Breath on us.
Lord You gave your disciples the mandate to be your witnesses around the world and You empowered them with Your Holy Spirit on this day of Pentecost.
As we have been granted a share in the Gifts that were bestowed upon the Apostles, guide us in sharing the good news with all those who touch our lives.
Today we ask You to bless us and guide us in our daily lives as we strive to be Your Tongues of Fire.
God of the Holy Spirit, Breathe on us.
We pray for all newly confirmed candidates in our diocese that they may continue to grow in the presence of Your Holy Spirit.
May You be a light to their path throughout their lives as they mature into adulthood.
Lord of Wind and Fire. Breathe on us.
God our Father open our hearts so that we may we always feel Your Holy Gifts and be open to sharing these gifts of the Spirit with those whom we meet in the course of our lives.
May we walk in the light of Your fire,
May You continue to remind us to use Your power to do the work You have given us.
God of Wind and Fire. Breathe on us.
We pray for all those who are sick, as well as those suffering from depression,
and for those whose lives are limited by poverty and loneliness.
We also pray for those who have constant daily worries and stresses.
May You show the way to a calmer presence.
May Your gifts of the Holy Spirit help bring strength comfort and calm as well as hope for the future to all those in need of peace and healing.
God of Wind and Fire, Breathe on us.
May all those who have gone before rest in the warmth of Your Holy presence,
May we also be led to this glorious life and rest eternally with You.
Lord of the Holy Spirit . Breath on us.
In a moment of silence may we bring our own personal prayers
to You O Lord ……
Merciful fathers accept these our prayers for the sake of Your Son our Saviour Jesus Christ Amen..
Sunday 21st May 2023
Prepared by Helen Arnopp
Dear Lord Jesus Christ, right before your Ascension into heaven you told your apostles to be His witnesses to the ends of the earth upon receiving the Holy Spirit. May we be similarly inspired to spread your Gospel message in word and deed, according to your will for us.
Lord in your Mercy. Hear our Prayer
Lord Jesus, you became man and came to live among us. For love of us, you suffered and died for us. You conquered death and rose on the third day. On Ascension Day you ascended into heaven and returned to your Father and our Father. However, you remain with us until the end of time and to send your Holy Spirit to us. Risen Lord, you reign in glory and you rule our hearts and lives.
Lord in your mercy – Hear our Prayer
We continue to pray for the people of Ukraine and all in war torn areas of this world as well at those who are reeling from the effects of different storms, droughts and the many disasters in the world, which so quickly and unexpectedly shatter the lives of so many people and communities.
We pray and ask for your protection over the many volunteers who travel to help those in need. We think of the refugees who are seeking asylum here in Ireland and we would ask that you would confront the prejudices and calm the fears of those who challenge the housing and rehousing of these asylum seekers here in our country. This is not easy for any of us, but we should remember that is more blessed to give than to receive.
Lord in your mercy – Hear our Prayer
We pray for the work of the General Synod which concluded this week. We thank you for all who work in the Church House both in Belfast and Dublin. We ask you to continue to guide them as they support Your work with us. We pray for all who live and work in this parish and Diocese. We pray for Paul our Bishop, Canon Elaine our Rector, Richard out our Local Ordained Minister, Simon our Lay Reader and all who support ministry.
Lord in your mercy – Hear our Prayer
As the school year for secondary students is drawing to a close we thank you for all the wonderful teachers and mentors of these teenagers. As our Junior and Leaving Certificate students prepare for their state exams we ask that You would give them the diligence to focus on the goals ahead. Keep their perspective balanced, that the stress may prove no more than needed and in all things may they know your love for them which is not dependent on performance or grades.
Lord in your mercy – Hear our Prayer
Lord we pray for people in any kind of need today. We pray for all who suffer in mind or body and for those who care for them. We pray for the sick; for those who mourn; for those without faith, hope or love. We pray for any who are in special need of our prayers at this time, especially those known personally to us. Bless all who are in hospital or hospice and heal them in body, mind and spirit. As we go through difficult times in our lives, we ask you to give us courage and strength, patience and understanding so that our spirit does not break. Help us to stay faithful to you and remind us that nothing is impossible with your power.
Lord in your mercy – Hear our Prayer
We will conclude our prayers this morning with the words of this familiar Ascensiontide hymn
The golden gates are lifted up
The doors are opened wide,
The King of glory is gone in
Unto his Father’s side
Sunday 14th May 2023
Prepared by Valerie Andrew
Creator God, we thank you for the summer sun and when your creation awakes and blossoms into every imaginable colour. You have created a garden for us to enjoy filled with the harmony and perfect beauty of nature. Thank you for the warmth of your love sustaining this world, your garden.
Lord in your mercy….Hear our prayer
Creator God, on this Sunday, Rogation Sunday, we pray especially for the countryside and all who work there.
We pray for farmers, growers, all who tend the livestock and all who by their labour here and in every place bring food to us. Bless their endeavours and their crops.
May we continuously value and appreciate all their work.
Lord in your mercy….Hear our prayer
Loving Lord, we give heartfelt thanks for the abundance of food available in our shops and supermarkets.
Help us to remember and appreciate the privilege of this in our society and be ever mindful of food wastage through over shopping and carelessness.
Lord in your mercy….Hear our prayer
Loving Lord, we pray for the one in ten of all humanity who go to bed hungry every night, even though there is enough food in the world to feed everyone.
Open our eyes and hearts to the bitter realities of those suffering here at home and across the world.
Strengthen us to persist in active love to work for social justice.
We pray for compassion, wisdom and direction from all leaders and authorities worldwide, that they put aside selfishness, hate and prejudice and work together to give everyone each day their daily bread.
Lord in your mercy….Hear our prayer
Loving Lord, let us bring to you now in a few moments of silence those known to us who are in need of prayer.……
May they feel the presence of your encompassing love.
Merciful Father accept these our prayers for the sake of your son our Saviour Jesus Christ. Amen
Sunday 23rd April 2023
Prepared by Hilary Dring
God of our universe, we pray for our world, for your world. So much is broken – while wars are fought people suffer, while many live in peace and safety others live in fear due to violence, climate change and natural disasters. According to one NGO someone is dying of hunger every 48 seconds, and this week a young black man was shot twice simply for ringing the wrong doorbell, for getting the address wrong – the weight of sadness can sometimes be too much for us and we wonder where you are in all of this, where you are, the God of justice and compassion we serve. We bring you our sadness and pain because we know that in Jesus you came among us, and you experienced what sadness and pain feel like. Have mercy on our world; grant that where there is war, there may be peace. Guide those in authority and leadership to make wise and good decisions and help each of us to play our part in alleviating suffering. Help us never to lose hope.
Lord, in your mercy, hear our prayer.
God of Hope, we pray for our church, for your church. We are such a diverse mix of people; you have disciples everywhere who are living out their faith every day. For some this means persecution; we pray for strength for all who suffer for their faith. Jesus, you walked with the two disciples on the Emmaus Road; you also walk with us wherever we are. Help us to recognise you in the everyday familiar things of life, so that we do not see faith as something separate from the ordinary tasks of the day. We pray for our Bishop Paul and for all who minister in our diocese, especially today in our diocesan cycle of prayer we pray for Rev Meghan Farr at St Anne’s Shandon and at St Luke’s Home. We pray especially for those who are finding ministry difficult at this time.
Lord, in your mercy, hear our prayer.
God of Resurrection and New Life, we pray for our families and communities. All around us we can see the new life, the resurrection of springtime. It is because of this that we have hope and joy; it is our faith that death is not the end. May we bring that hope and joy wherever we go, because we are your resurrection people. We know that there are many who cannot see any hope or light in their lives, who are living with pain and grief too much to bear. Help us to live our lives in a way that brings light and life to those we meet, so that others may catch a glimpse of your love for them and somehow discover hope in the midst of all their suffering.
Lord, in your mercy, hear our prayer.
God of Compassion, we bring to you our own prayers, both for ourselves and for others, the prayers of our hearts, the questions no-one knows we are asking, the doubts, fears and hurts we carry, the worries in our hearts. No request is too small to bring to you and so we come in silence and in faith to you now…..
Lord, in your mercy, hear our prayer.
Lord of our everyday lives, bless the week ahead. May its challenges not overwhelm us, circumstances not discourage us, and in all things may we remember you are with us in our journeying, your love our fuel, your word our guide, today and always. Amen
Easter Day 9th April 2023
Intercessions prepared by Simon Woodworth
Almighty God, we come together today to rejoice in the resurrection of your son Jesus. The stone has been rolled back, the tomb is empty and Jesus goes ahead of us to Galilee where we shall see him. Alleluia!
Thine be the glory, Risen, conquering Son.
As disciples who know that Jesus is risen, let us pray for the Church here and worldwide. We pray for its leaders, especially Paul our Bishop and Canon Elaine our Rector. On this day of the resurrection of our saviour, may the church’s worship be reverent and her proclamation faithful.
Thine be the glory, Risen, conquering Son.
Merciful Lord, we live in a time of great stress and worry: Climate change, war, earthquakes and famine are constant in our lives. We remember, however, that Easter is a time of hope, of rebirth and renewal. Fill our hearts with determination and relieve our doubts with your divine assurance.
Thine be the glory, Risen, conquering Son.
Easter is a time of growth after a long period of darkness. We thank you, Lord, for the lambs in our fields, for the newborn calves, for the daffodils and cherry blossoms and the first shoots and leaves of Spring. The glory of your risen Son Jesus is reflected in the new life all around us.
Thine be the glory, Risen, conquering Son.
We pray for those who, having shared with Christ the death of the body, now share with him the eternal life of the Resurrection. May the promise that has been fulfilled in them be our hope in this world and our place in the world to come.
Thine be the glory, Risen, conquering Son.
In a moment of silence, Lord, we bring to you our concerns and personal prayers
We commend our prayers to you, in the earnest hope that they will be answered.
Thine be the glory, Risen, conquering Son.
Almighty God, as we go forth today from your place of worship, fill our hearts with joy. We thank you for the life of your son Jesus; through Him, we ask you to fill us with the Holy Spirit. Send us out in hope to do your work and to do good in the world.
Thine be the glory, Risen, conquering Son.
Sunday 26th March 2023
Prepared by Clodagh King
Loving God, we ask for your wisdom to discern your wishes and direction on our lives and ask for your help in interacting with others in our daily lives; those we live and work with; those we meet in shops and supermarkets; those with whom we share our roads and those who serve us in cafes and restaurants. May we never be a ‘stumbling block’ to those we meet in our daily lives and to always follow the guidelines and directives with respect and dignity afforded to all.
Lord, in your Mercy: Hear our Prayer
Creator God, drive away despair from our politics, revive our dreams of justice and truth, restore our passion for what is good and right. Establish your just and gentle rule throughout the world where there is conflict and where peace has been powerless and violent people hold sway.
We pray for all those who lead our nations of the world and for those in authority that they may always work for peace and for the good of their people.
Lord, in your Mercy: Hear our Prayer
Father God, in his dealing with Mary, Martha and Lazarus, Jesus showed his love for those friends who had become like family to him. We thank you for our friends and for the richness and diversity that they bring to our lives. Help us to return that gift to them whenever we meet and to keep in touch with those who we see less frequently.
Lord, in your Mercy: Hear our Prayer
Merciful God, the death of a friend is one of life’s most difficult situations to cope with. Help us through Jesus’ example to recognise that our tears are natural and bring healing. Help us also to see that through his sacrifice that first Good Friday death is no longer such a final thing and that we shall meet again in God’s good time.
(short silence)
Lord, in your Mercy: Hear our Prayer
Everlasting God, we thank you for having heard us and, confident that all is safely in your hands, we go back out into the world surrounded by your love and care in all that we do in the coming week. we recognise our responsibility to encourage and uphold one another and to live together in peace and love. We also recognise our needs and our human weaknesses and come to you now with our own prayers and petitions.
(short silence)
Merciful father: accept these prayers for the sake of your Son, our Saviour, Jesus Christ. Amen
Sunday 19th March 2023
Prepared by Kay Treacy
We meet as family in the presence of ourHeavenly Father. We give thanks for the gift of this time, and for each one of us.
Loving God. We give thanks for our family and friends, and all who make, or have made, our journey here happy and fulfilled.
We remember with deep gratitude those who have left their mark on our lives, by giving us love and security.
For those who have encouraged us along the way, and helped us through difficult and uncertain times to trust in our own ability and potential.
May we always treasure our talents and gifts
and through simplicity find deep contentment.
God of love….Hear our prayer.
We give You thanks for all women and their special qualities.
Help us to appreciate the importance of the role of motherhood
and of family life.
We bring to You those whose relationship with their mother
is or has been difficult or non-existent and may, if possible with Your help, come to understand and forgive.
We remember those who have no family to care for them,
and those whose deepest longing is to be a parent.
God of love….Hear our prayer.
Give hope to families as they strive to balance life and making ends meet. Bless with hope of safety and settled homes those living with the
uncertainty of having a place to live.
You love each of us in equal measure and our responsibility is to love
one another as You have loved us.
Let Your kindness rest on us all, although we are all different, we are the
same in many ways.
God of love….Hear our prayer.
Give peace and hope to those who are bringing up children on their own;
to those with children with special needs;
to those with babies who don’t sleep;;
to those who run out of energy and are stretched in patience and love;
to those who find things hard, with too much to do and not enough time to do it.
God of love….Hear our prayer.
O God, help us to equip our children to resist temptation.
Keep us close to our children so that they aren’t afraid to talk freely,
and give us patience to listen, no matter how inconvenient the time.
Give us wisdom to guide them,
and the wisdom to keep quiet when that is best.
Help us to recognise emotional pain,
and the guidance to deal with it.
Help us to equip our children to live decent happy lives.
God of love….Hear our prayer.
We pray for families in countries where there is war or fragile peace,
for those who have lost everything through natural disasters,
for those who have to search daily for food
or walk long distances for clean water.
God of love….Hear our prayer.
Bless our country, our President, and all those in public service,
and keep us in peace.
Renew the faith of our people and breathe new life into each of us
as we give thanks for Your love and care of our nation.
We give thanks for St Patrick’s life and teachings and for those who
faithfully teach others about You, especially those in challenging
God of love….Hear our prayer.
In silence we bring our own special prayers…..
Lord, we thank You for hearing our prayers with the attentiveness of a loving parent. We ask You to take each need, and answer each prayer in Your own time, and in Your own way.
God of love….Hear our prayer.
May Christ be with us,
Christ be before us,
Christ be in us,
Christ be over us.
Sunday 12th March 2023
Prepared by Joy Keefe
As we worship today, we ask God to help us to do so as a joyful duty with hearts that want to declare Him worthy of our praise.
Let us not test the Lord as Israelites did in the desert when they were without water, but may we trust in Him who supplies the Living water to all who come to Him in faith,
We remember the Smartian woman who was drawn to the well when a Man unknown to her (Jesus) was already there, and ready to offer her the Living water.
Lord of living water. Hear our prayer
Help us to know what is wrong and what is right and to seek guidance from our Lord and Saviour when we are unsure of what to do.
May we be thankful for the assurance that our Lord is always waiting for us to call upon Him as we go about our lives.
Help us to be generous with our time and gifts and support those less fortunate than us. Open our hearts Lord to the needs of others.
Lord of living water. Hear our prayer
Currently just because media attention is focused on war in Ukraine doesn’t mean that unrest in other strife torn countries has lessened any. We remember all victims of war throughout the world in our prayers today. We pray for all those suffering as a consequence of natural disasters particularly in Turkey and Syria .
Media attention always moves to next news breaking story, while the Turkish and Syrian people will continue to suffer for a long time to come. We give thanks for all who continue to give so generously in the aftermath of this and other disasters, and may we continue, to respond to further requests for help if we are able to do so.
We thank you for rescue workers and volunteers ,who seem to have little thought for their own safety as the helped these people in their hour of need.
Lord of living water. Hear our prayer
We bring to mind those who suffer persecution for their beliefs, those who suffer from domestic abuse and also those who experience gender violence. We pray that you soften the hearts of the perpetrators of these horrific abuses and that love and respect for others guides them to be better people. Grant peace and hope to those who are suffering injustices from war or violence or injustices of any kind.
Fill us O Lord. with love and compassion and tenderness for others.
Lord of living water. Hear our prayer
May our Lord be with us in our homes and all the homes in our community. Guide us to be honest in all our dealings with one another and to be respectful of all others. May we lead by example showing love, more kindness and compassion to all those who are not as fortunate as we ourselves.
Lord of living water. Hear our prayer
We pray for all those in need of peace and healing. Those who are very ill, those who have been just diagnosed with a life changing illness, those who are going through treatments and those who are waiting for diagnoses or treatments. O Lord pour Your living water upon these people so that they may experience Your peace and healing and may they find courage through You,in the midst of their turmoil.
Lord of living water. Hear our prayer
May the souls of all those who have gone before us gloriously be born again to eternal life where love is complete and eternal.
May they drink of the Living water that flows from the throne of God and may they rest in peace.
Lord of living water. Hear our prayer
Help us O Lord, to become fountains of Your Living water, and to show Your love and kindness to others in the midst of a thirsting world.
“As the deer pants for the water, so may our souls long after You”.
Lord of living water. Hear our prayer
In a moment of silence may we bring our own private prayers to You O Lord of Living water………
And we say the Grace together… The grace of our Lord Jesus Christ and the love of God, and the fellowship of the Holy Spirit be with us all, evermore Amen.
Sunday 5th March 2023
Prepared by Helen Arnopp
In the power of the Spirit let us pray.
We pray for the wonderful world which you have created.
We thank you for the hope of Spring, with longer, warmer and brighter days. Thank you for the coming of growth and life and birth, in the sight of the lambs joyfully skipping in the fields and the smell of freshly mown grass. Your wonders never cease to amaze us.
Springtime is a season of optimism of hope and we thank you Lord for the hope and renewal that you bring both to this world and our lives.
Lord in your mercy
Hear our Prayer
We pray for all in authority, for world leaders, for our president Michael, our government, our local authorities, our Gardai and all who govern in our country. We pray that their authority is used for the good of all.
Lord in your mercy
Hear our Prayer
We continue to pray for the people of Ukraine as the first anniversary of the war with Russia has just passed. Lord heal the division that divide and destroy and grant peace to build anew and for the good of all.
Lord in your mercy
Hear our Prayer
We pray for those for whom this day will seem long and hard, for those in hospital or ill at home, for those in pain and those struggling with in their daily lives. Sustain us in our trials and tribulations as we go about our routine daily tasks.
We remember those known to us and some only known to us through the news. We pray that you will send your Spirit to strengthen their resolve to find peace in their lives and trust in the unknown.
Lord in your mercy
Hear our Prayer
We pray for all who live and work in our parish and diocese.
We especially pray for Paul our Bishop, our Rector Canon Elaine, our Ordained Local Minister Richard and Simon our Diocesan Lay Reader, that they will continue to experience spiritual growth as they continue to minister among us. Give them direction and a spirit of wisdom when they seek your will and help encourage them to focus on You even during busy times.
Lord in your mercy
Hear our Prayer
And we will conclude our prayers today by saying together the following:
Breath on me , Breath of God,
fill me with life anew,
that I may love what thou dost love,
and do what thou wouldst do.
Sunday 19th February 2023
Prepared by Rowland Njoku
This is the day the Lord has made, that we should rejoice and be glad in it.
The Bible says, “be anxious for nothing, but in everything by prayer and supplication, with thanksgiving, let your requests be made known to God…”
Magnify the Lord with me and let us exalt His Holy name together.
Let us give thanks to the LORD, for He is good, For His lovingkindness is everlasting.
God of miracles; hear our prayer.
Lord, we pray for peace of humanity in all nations.
We pray that the world may have peace through the love of God which is in Christ Jesus.
We pray for healing to victims of war and natural disaster.
Lord, heal and console the victims of earthquake in Turkey and Syria.
We pray for those who provide support for the wounded and the broken hearted.
God of miracles; hear our prayer.
We pray for world leaders in every nation.
We pray for the heads of government, and leaders of institutions around the world.
Bless our world leaders with divine wisdom, to follow the footsteps of Jesus Christ.
And to govern with love and pursue peace, justice, equity, and fairness for everyone.
God of miracles; hear our prayer.
Lord, we pray for the clergy and laity. Especially we pray for those in our Diocese. Bless our Bishop, Dr Paul, and our Rector Canon Elaine.
Bless our Ministers Revd Tony, Revd Richard, Dr Simon our Lay Reader,
And bless all the workers of the Churches, at St Johns and St Marys.
God of miracles; hear our prayer.
We pray for the Church, and all the followers of Jesus Christ.
Especially we pray for the congregation of St John’s Monkstown and St Mary’s Carrigaline
Help us in our individual and collective efforts to succeed in our work of faith. Grant us the eternal presence of the Holy Spirit as we approach the Season of Lent.
Give us the grace to enjoy the beauty and joy of Your salvation.
God of miracles; hear our prayer.
We pray for our local communities and all the people in our families.
Lord, we pray for your loving presence in our relationships, and that no weapon formed against us shall prosper.
Lord, we pray for love in our families and peace with our neighbours.
We ask of You, patience, wisdom, and strength to enjoy the light of God in every person. Help us to live in praise beyond the temporal appearances of human challenges. Bless our family members to find salvation in the Love of God that is in Christ Jesus.
Heal the sick among us, provide for our needs and comfort those who are in pain, sorrow, or suffering.
God of miracles; hear our prayer.
In a moment of silence, let us gently bring our individual prayers before the Lord, for our needs and for the needs of our loved ones.
God of miracles; hear our prayer.
Let us share the grace together:
Sunday 12th February 2023
Prepared by Valerie Andrew
Creator God, we thank you for the light above us.
We thank you for the earth beneath us.
We thank you for all life around us
and we thank you for your endless love that enfolds us.
Lord in your mercy…. Hear our prayer
Creator God, we thank you for the lengthening days and the brighter sunshine. We thank you that at the end of winter we see the blossoming of your earth. We ask that you would show us how to love and respect the beauty of creation in all its forms and that with the coming of spring and new life we find our hope renewed.
Lord in your mercy…. Hear our prayer
Loving Lord, help us to stop worrying about the future. If we are worrying about tomorrow we cannot enjoy the gift of today and the blessings it brings. Sometimes we can be overwhelmed by the future. Help us to have faith in the promises you have made to care for us and know that you will give us the grace and strength needed to deal with every day as it comes.
Lord in your mercy…. Hear our prayer
Loving Lord, help us to be mindful that many patients need healing even when they leave hospital, grieving often only starts after the funeral is over and isolation does not disappear if meals on wheels call. Make us more empathetic and sensitive towards those who might need support as they go through difficult times.
Lord in your mercy…. Hear our prayer
Loving Lord, we know that our parish is blessed to have Canon Elaine as our rector, who along with Reverend Richard and Simon our lay reader, work to fulfil the needs of our parish. For this we give you our heartfelt thanks.
We bring to you now in prayer the parishes in our Diocese who are without permanent pastoral leaders, Cobh and Glanmire Union, Fanlobbus Union, Fermoy and Moviddy Union. We pray that they will each soon find the right person for their needs.
Lord in your mercy…. Hear our prayer
Loving Lord we pray for all the millions of people in Turkey and Syria left homeless and hungry at the mercy of a freezing winter after the recent devastating earthquake. Comfort all those who are bereaved or still searching for missing loved ones and we pray that emergency responders and aid workers reach the affected areas quickly. We pray particularly for Syrians affected by the tragedy as they are already traumatised by years of conflict.
Merciful Father accept these our prayers for the sake of your son our Saviour Jesus Christ.
Sunday 5th February 2023
Prepared by Roger Clough
We will use words, which are in this week’s first reading, in our prayer responses.
THE RESPONSE IS:- “We delight to draw near to God”
It is not JUST the place of Government to sort out the many injustices, heavy yokes of trials, or shortcomings borne by so many. Rather we pray Lord, that we choose to follow your way, by helping us loosen the bonds of injustice, to make the yoke light for those around us, to let the oppressed walk freely among us.. Teach us Lord to open our eyes to those around us and stretch out and help. This way, we, the people of this Church will honour your will.
We have just heard that when we have carried out your will, by our actions to others, then when we call out to you for help, you will say, “Here I am”. We pray Lord that you instil in us the will to obey your precepts and display your compassion to others daily without favouritism or judgement. We freely give, without earthly reward…
We pray Lord that our hearts, soften and our words are kind to all around us, be it our neighbours or strangers, and not just our families or those; “in our group” . We pray for your continual guidance as we travel our life, in how we can help.
Thus we will shine for you, so that they will see that God is our motivation, and we are merely your instruments, we are not seeking any glory for ourselves, or leaving our rulers, institutions; the responsibility alone.
THE RESPONSE IS:- “We delight to draw near to God”
It is easy to forget in living out our busy lives and events that we can stray away from what our Churchgoing is centered on. We pray for “a ‘humble heart’, and that we seek everything in the name of Christ and him crucified”….. for this is the prime essence of our faith. There are so many distractions in today’s media and social media especially as we are utterly bombarded with a plethora of theories, ideas, and statements. We pray that we centre our core beliefs on Scripture and accept the power of God as given in the Bible, and not on the version of life’s purposes as shown by these media messages.
We were told in the Gospel reading that Rulers of that age did not understand the full wisdom of God… Can we be sure that this our age is not similar…..We pray that the Spirit of God guides us more than the messages of the rulers of our age, no matter how often we hear their message, as they after all; are mere mortals. We pray for a discerning heart, Spiritual wisdom, interpreting that which is centred on Christ crucified…. We will be scrutinised only by God when we die, based on our spiritual interpretations of His word and our consequent personal walk based thereon. Earth will pass away but His word is eternal. Rulers, Statesmen, those in authority and theorist of every kind will count as spiritually nothing, but rather as unacceptable mortal guides in our walk through life. Scripture is written to be in Righteous authority, until the fulfilment of Christ’s Kingdom comes to be totally fulfilled, other messages are merely transient mortal utterances.
We have just heard the wonderful, ’Good News’, that, “no eye has seen, nor ear heard, nor human heart conceived what God has prepared for those who love him”.
Lord we pray that we continue and grow ever more in Your righteousness.
We ask, keep this reward forever in our minds, so that when dark days and tribulations afflict us; we know there is a wonderful eternal heaven to rest in, as we will be with the ones who are with, the ‘living water and the light of light’, the Risen Crucified Christ.
THE RESPONSE IS:- “We delight to draw near to God”
We pray that we shine only for you. We ask you Lord to influence us in our actions, thoughts and words as we walk this earthly life. We pray that our motivation is to, “give glory to your Father in heaven” and to remain humble as we show our neighbours our ‘good works’ towards them, as we are thus fulfilling your righteous ways.
We have to exceed, the ‘world’s version’ of goodness, in our ways towards those who we interact with. We are thus a people, blessed by faith and want to show that faith; expressed in helping.
We pray that you Lord continue to strengthen the will and capacity of our Rector Canon Elaine to minister in this parish and all who help her in so many ways.
Guide our Bishop Paul and the many who also work in this Diocese, to continue to shine for you, Lord Jesus.
Lord, Covid – 19 is still affecting so many people not just by the physical contracting of the disease, but many businesses are adjusting to the ‘NEW NORM’ and many people are now unexpectedly having to seek new employment and still have their prospects and future held in turmoil .We ask You Lord to comfort all those people and give them the strength to carry on, in this new reality of their life cycle.
The Politics in so many places is so unstable and millions of people are in turmoil, uncertain of peace and stability ,,,, Lord we pray, let Your Righteousness and Peace prevail over these situations.
Lord, we now bring to You, for a few moments, in silence, our innermost prayers and concerns and praise.
We now conclude our prayers by saying together:
Merciful Father, accept these our prayers, for the sake of Your Son, our Saviour Jesus Christ. Amen.
Sunday 15th January 2023
Prepared by Rowland Newenham
Lord, we pray for all who minister with us in this parish and this diocese. We pray to You especially for Paul, our Bishop, for our Rector Rev. Canon Elaine, for Revd. Richard, and for our Lay Reader, Simon. Lord, we pray also for those persons within our parish community who may be considering advancing their vocation in this similar way.
Lord, be with them, help them to listen to You and give them guidance on their journey.
Lord hear us
Lord Graciously hear us
Lord, we pray for all our young people, for school pupils working towards their exams, for college students worrying about finding the right career, for young married couples trying to buy their first house, for those on the fringe of adulthood struggling with all the pressures and concerns of everyday life. Lord, be with these persons at this important time of their lives.
Lord hear us
Lord Graciously hear us
Lord, teach us to be humble before You. Let us understand that You decide everything, that our destiny is in Your hands from the day of our birth right through the journey of our lives to the day of our death. Strengthen us to the end. Let us put our trust in You, make our steps secure and put a song in our hearts.
Lord hear us
Lord Graciously hear us
Lord, we pray for all refugees who have fled from their own homelands through no fault of their own, and we also pray for all who are homeless, be they asylum seekers sleeping in tents or homeless persons on the side of the streets in our towns and cities. Lord, we pray for their safety and Lord grant us understanding and tolerance of their dire situation. Help us Lord, to be a welcoming and open community.
Lord hear us
Lord Graciously hear us
Lord, we pray for all those who are sick and in need of medical care. We pray for those amongst us who are in hospital. Be with them and be with all the doctors and nurses, and all who are in hospital at this time either because they work there or because they are ill. Grant them patience and stamina to endure the difficult conditions prevailing in all our hospitals. Be with our government ministers and the HSE advisers and help them to make the right decisions with regard to our overloaded hospitals.
Lord hear us
Lord Graciously hear us
In a few moments of silence, Lord we bring our own thoughts and concerns to You, and pray that You will listen to our concerns
And we conclude by saying together:
Merciful Father accept these prayers for the sake of Your Son, our Saviour, Jesus Christ Our Lord. Amen.
Sunday 8th January 2023
Prepared by Peter Coughlan
Through the words of the prophet Isaiah, we pray to our loving God,
“Who created the heavens and stretched them out,
Who spread forth the earth and that which comes from it,
Who gives breath to the people on it,
And spirit to those who walk on it”
(Let us pray)
For Our World
As we set off to journey through this New Year Ahead…
May we thrive as a loving worldwide community, caring for our planet responsibly and for each other and for all those who come to us in need of support and protection.
Bless all world leaders with vision and foresight, give them hearts to work for peace, an end to conflict and the bravery to ensure a fair distribution of the earth’s riches to the peoples of all nations.
Help us to continue to grow in our knowledge of God and of his Son, our Saviour Jesus Christ, may we show His love in our lives so the Light that has come into our world can continue to shine brightly and to scatter the darkness.
Lord in your Mercy, Hear our Prayer
For our Country
We pray for our country, for President Higgins and for our government, guide those who need to tackle the urgent issues of Housing, Health and Poverty, we remember especially our A and E Departments and the doctors, nurses and other essential HSE workers who are on duty around the clock to keep us all well in these very challenging times.
Lord in your Mercy, Hear our Prayer
For our Church and For Ourselves
We pray for Your church in all the world, for understanding and cooperation between those of different faiths and for the unity of Christian people everywhere.
Bless Bishop Paul and those who minister among us, Rev Canon Elaine, Rev Richard and Simon, help us to be a church of welcome in our community,
Lord we can all feel anxious at times and not know the reason why – but we know for certain that you are with us every step of the way as we travel on Life’s journey.
We thank you for Nature’s cycles – the promise of longer evenings and of new growth and fresh beginnings ahead.
Father God, please draw near to those who are sick, having treatments, or those feeling low or are in hospital at this time.
In a few moments of silence now we bring you our private prayers for those known to us who especially need your love and care at this time……
May your peace be with those who are anxious
May your comfort be with those who are grieving
May your healing be upon those who are unwell
May your hope fill those who are fearful
May your compassion prompt us to love our neighbours
Lord in your Mercy, Hear our Prayer
We conclude our prayers by saying The Grace together
May the grace of our Lord Jesus Christ, the love of God, and the
fellowship of the Holy Spirit be with us all, evermore.
Sunday 18th December 2022
Prepared by Kay Treacy
Advent is the time of mystery surrounding the birth of Jesus,
of anticipation of His birth,
and of preparation for a new life.
May this be an Advent of hope for our world,
and may many come to experience the wonder of God’s loving presence.
God of love …. Hear our prayer
On our journey in this Advent of expectation,
draw us together
so that our faith will echo through our lives.
Draw us together
so that the hope within us will be shown in our daily living.
Draw us together
so that we will follow the path God has set for us.
God of love …. Hear our prayer
Heavenly Father
You challenge us this Advent time of preparation
to become aware of our innermost feelings;
to put aside our pride, and our prejudices,
and to understand our need
for repentance, forgiveness, and mercy,
that we might serve You faithfully
today and always.
God of love … Hear our prayer
Thank You Father,
for Your patience with us when we are distracted by the tempting offers of this world,
loving You one moment, forgetting You the next.
Thank You for Your endless love which does not give up and wants the best for us.
Thank You for Your promise to us all.
God of love … Hear our prayer
Lord Jesus, we bring to You so many people whose daily lives are
disrupted beyond recognition,
caught up in violence and poverty,
who live in fear for themselves, and for their loved ones,
who struggle to get hold of the resources they need to survive,
who face darkness and despair
in the uncertainty of how long their situation will continue.
God of love … Hear our prayer
Lord, we pray for
the power to be gentle with ourselves and with others,
the strength to be forgiving,
the patience to be understanding,
and the endurance to accept the consequences
of holding to what we believe to be right.
May we put our trust in the power of good to overcome evil,
and the power of love to overcome hatred.
We pray for the vision to see,
and the faith to believe in a world freed from violence,
God of love … Hear our prayer
We take a few moments for our own special prayers,
being thankful for what we have,
and remembering all those who are coming to terms with life changing happenings in their lives…….
Enfold us with Your love,
and give us courage to face the future with hope,
God of love … Hear our prayer
For Your word which endures.
For Your promises to which we hold.
For Your unconditional love for us all, our families, friends and strangers
For those who minister, especially Elaine, Richard and Simon.
For the expectation that lives each Advent of a love that has no end.
We give You thanks.
God of love … Hear our prayer
Merciful Father, Accept these our prayers,
For the sake of Your Son, our Saviour, Jesus Christ. Amen.
Sunday 11th December 2022
Prepared by Hilary Dring
God of our journeys, you called Abraham and Sarah to journey with you and you led your people Israel to journey from slavery to freedom.
In Christ you journeyed from your heavenly throne to take on flesh and dwell with your children. You came as the Son of Man: born in a crowded town, with no room at the inn, living your vocation with nowhere to lay your head, and laid to rest in a borrowed tomb. Guide and watch over all who journey today, especially those who are fleeing danger and terror.
The Lord is close to the broken-hearted
and saves those who are crushed in spirit.
Lord, in your mercy, hear our prayer.
God, you offer us a place of safety, shelter and sanctuary under your wings. We pray for all who feel unsafe where they are, whether it is through war, homelessness, domestic violence, or frightening circumstances of any kind. May we be open and generous to those who seek safety; may they find sanctuary in our churches and communities, as well as in our hearts.
The Lord is close to the broken-hearted
and saves those who are crushed in spirit.
Lord, in your mercy, hear our prayer.
God with us: we confess that our society does not always offer a welcome to the last and the least, for this we repent and ask forgiveness; we acknowledge the work of your Spirit within us empowering us to open our hearts, our homes, and our communities to those who have come to us seeking sanctuary; for this grace we give you thanks.
The Lord is close to the broken-hearted
and saves those who are crushed in spirit.
Lord, in your mercy, hear our prayer.
God of the nations, we pray that you will continue to work in us: that in the words of our lips and the actions of our lives we may faithfully do justice, love kindness and walk humbly before you.
The Lord is close to the broken-hearted
and saves those who are crushed in spirit.
Lord, in your mercy, hear our prayer.
God of solace, be with all who are sick or dying. Give strength to those who mourn or are without hope. Grant courage to those who face difficult decisions. Give peace to those who are troubled. May each one find shelter under your wings. We think in silence of those known to us who need our prayers this morning…..
The Lord is close to the broken-hearted
and saves those who are crushed in spirit.
Lord, in your mercy, hear our prayer

Sunday 4th December 2022
Prepared by Valerie Andrew
Come to our world Lord and heal its wounds, shining light into the darkness and restoring Hope, Love, Peace and Joy
Lord in your mercy….
Heavenly Father as we once again prepare for Christmas, help us to find times in our busy lives for quiet and thought and prayer, that we may reflect the wonder of your love and allow the story of the Saviour’s Birth, to penetrate our hearts and minds. May our joy be deeper, our worship more real and our lives worthier of all that you have done for us through the coming of your Son Jesus Christ our Lord.
Lord in your mercy….
Loving Lord, we give you heartfelt thanks that we have come safely through the Pandemic. We give thanks that this year we can celebrate Advent time with all its preparation’s and traditions for the coming Christmas with a new sense of freedom
Lord in your mercy….
Loving Lord, help us to remember our suffering planet during the season of Advent. Help us to make more sustainable choices when we are shopping for the festive season, whether it be gifts or food for the celebrations
Lord in your mercy….
Loving Lord, as we anticipate gathering and celebrating with family and friends, let us remember those who will find Advent a time of distress through illness, bereavement, addiction, financial stress, homelessness or estrangement.
Be with them and all those who work with them, helping to relieve their suffering, giving them love and peace.
Lord in your mercy….
Sunday 20th November 2022
Prepared by Rowland Njoku
As the Advent Season draws near, we are full of expectations for the celebration of the perfect gift of God.
As we anxiously prepare ourselves, we keep looking unto Jesus the King of Glory to supplant our lives with His loving perfection.
We pray for the presence of our Lord Jesus, in our communities, in our churches, in our homes, in our individual hearts and to impact our lives for good.
Lord, in your mercy: Hear our prayer.
Lord Jesus, although we have chosen to be Christians working with you every day, but doing the good work is very easy to say yes but so fleeting to grasp in everyday practice. Dear Saviour of the lost, we could not do without you, when our challenges are ceaseless.
Lord, we implore you again to be also ceaseless with us in each and every moment of every day so that we remain able, firm, and worthy of our Christian-calling to serve at every time.
Lord, in your mercy: Hear our prayer.
The bible tells us to be subject to the governing authorities, for there is no authority except from God. Lord, we pray for our leaders in government and in all the institutions of the world.
Help our leaders to follow the footsteps of Our Lord Jesus Christ; to face their responsibilities with wisdom and the love of God.
As we follow the events of our time, help our leaders to learn from the lesson of the bible, when Pontius Pilate washed off his hands. And still it is written that “it was during the time of Pontius Pilate that Jesus was crucified.”
Lord, help our leaders in their decisions to resolve our current global crisis. Help them to tenaciously and continuously engage and not quickly “wash off their hands,” from the peace process.
Help all global information and communication media to focus on love and unity of mankind, and to support a peaceful reconciliation that neither applauds the victor nor derides the vanquished.
Help all people to embrace love to overcome our differences, and to continue to seek peace and pursue it for all mankind.
Lord, in your mercy: Hear our prayer.
Lord, we pray for the followers of Jesus Christ and the Church; grant us the unfailing presence of your Holy Spirit in our ministries.
Help us in our individual and collective efforts to succeed in our work of faith.
Grant us the eternal guardianship of the Holy Spirit as we approach the festive season.
Give us the grace in our work and worship, and to experience the beauty, success, and joy of Christian living.
Lord, in your mercy: Hear our prayer.
Bless our Dioceses and the congregations of your Churches at St John’s Monkstown and St Mary’s Carrigaline.
Bless our Bishop, the Right Revd Paul, and our Rector Canon Elaine.
Bless our Ministers Revd Tony, Revd Richard, Simon our Lay Reader, and all the workers of the Churches, at St John’s Monkstown and St Mary’s Carrigaline.
Lord, in your mercy: Hear our prayer.
Lord, grant us your loving presence in our homes, and bless every member of our families, to live joyfully, both parents, and children.
Help us to live in faith, to love one another, and to bear good fruits everyday as demonstrated by our Lord Jesus Christ.
Heal the sick among us, comfort those who are suffering, and help us to generously share the immutable and unconditional love of Jesus Christ.
Lord, in your mercy: Hear our prayer.
In a moment of silence, let us gently bring our individual prayers before the Lord, for our needs and for the needs of our loved ones.
Lord, in your mercy: Hear our prayer.
To conclude our prayers, let us share the grace together:
Sunday 13th November 2022
Prepared by Helen Arnopp
On this Remembrance Sunday, let us bring to you Lord, the God of peace, compassion and understanding, our prayers for our world today, the church and all Your people.
Merciful God, we pray for peace in our hearts and homes and in all nations of our world. The peace which is so badly needed today.
Lord in your mercy Hear our prayer
We remember today O Lord all those who have died in any kind of war throughout your world, soldiers who perished in the horror of battle, innocent people buried beneath the rubble from bomb attacks, men women and children brutally attacked and murdered in their villages. We especially think of those who continue to suffer from the effects of war in our world today especially the people of Ukraine and all other nations.
Today we remember especially those victims of the two world wars including those of our ancestors. We remember those who came home with terrible injuries, both physical and psychological and those whose loved ones never returned.
Lord in your mercy Hear our prayer
Lord God, we pray for the leaders of the nations at this time and we ask that you to pour out your spirit of reconciliation on them. Give them the willingness and longing to bring freedom from fear. Give strength and courage to those who bear heavy responsibilities for the peace of the world.
Lord in your mercy Hear our prayer
We reflect today on the horrors of the past that continue to haunt humanity and darken our world.
Lord, where pain still overwhelms, bring healing.
Where hearts are still breaking, bring comfort.
Where peoples are still oppressed, bring liberation.
Where communities are still victimised, bring justice.
Where children are still brutalised, bring compassion.
Where lives are still crushed, bring hope.
Where evil is perpetrated, bring repentance.
Where war still devastates, bring peace.
Lord in your mercy Hear our prayer
We pray for this diocese of Cork Cloyne and Ross and all who minister here. May You give them the strength and encouragement to meet the needs of all and support them and their families as they go about their daily ministry.
Lord in your mercy Hear our prayer
Lord we pray for all in this our community and Union who have lost loved ones. Lord you know our hearts and share our sorrows. Lord remember those who mourn and those who feel crushed and numb with the pain of grief. Lord keep up safe in the midst of trouble and sustain us all through your steadfast love and faithfulness and help us to remember their lives with love and joy.
Lord in your mercy Hear our prayer
And to bring our prayers to an end on this remembrance Sunday let us say together the words of the 4th verse of the hymn ‘Dear Lord and Father of Mankind’
Drop thy still dues of quietness, till our strivings cease: take from our souls the strain and stress, and let our ordered lives confess the beauty of thy peace.
And finally we say together:
Merciful Father:
accept these prayers for the sake of your Son, our Saviour, Jesus Christ. Amen
Sunday 6th November 2022
Prepared by Roger Clough
We will use words which are in this week’s Psalm in our prayer responses.
Every day says the Lord I will Bless You
We have just heard, that we are to take courage, just as Israel’s people were taken from Egypt, we were taken from the ‘bondage of Death’
We thank you Lord for your sacrifice on the cross and we praise you as we look forward to the greater splendour of being with you in your NEW creation.
We pray that as you bless each day with righteousness and love that we realise that we are benefactors in these blessings despite, that sometimes we are in places that seem dark and lonely, yet you are with us to guide us into new brightness as we call on you for help.
Every day says the Lord I will Bless You
We heard just now that we are to be aware as not to be deceived by worldly manner of speech, letters or attitudes, as the lord is exalted above all things, powers or any alternative ways. We pray that although the world seems to be in turmoil in so many countries, or confusion is rampant and war is evident and threats of war abound that we hold fast’, that the Lord is still with us. He and we will prevail the world as we are the believers of the people of ‘first fruits’ of the New Covenant.
We pray that we remain true and strong to your spirit and truth Lord, and that we can only find peace in you and shut out the darkness being constantly portrayed in the world.
We pray that we listen to the, good news of Scripture and not of what the news of media and so called experts are expounding.
We pray that we will be fixed in your truth by spirit and good works, we have hope through you o Lord, and we ask for your comfort to envelop us.
Every day says the Lord I will Bless You
We heard in the Gospel that the Israelites had words of the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob to guide and deliver them and you O Lord have given us the added truth of your risen self being at one with the Father and Holy Spirit of whom those prophets foretold.
We pray that we understand and take solace in the fact we are indeed children of the Living and that death is no longer our destiny.
We pass through the ‘valley of the shadow of death’ into the eternal light and life of you Lord, sharing as being heirs in your Kingdom.
We pray that we stay in your spirit of truth and run the race and keep the faith as you have promised us life as children of the resurrection.
We pray that you Lord continue to strengthen the will and capacity of our Rector Canon Elaine to minister in this Parish and all who help her in so many ways. Guide our Bishop Paul and the many who also work in this Diocese, to continue to shine for you, Lord Jesus.
Lord, Covid – 19 is still affecting so many people not just by the physical contracting of the disease, but also the many people whose business has and is still being adversely effected, and also those whose current employment is still being negatively affected and yet others who are seeking employment and still have their prospects and future held in turmoil .We ask You Lord to comfort all those people and give them the strength to carry on, in this new reality of their life cycle.
The situation in the Ukraine still shows us the fragility of our world society. So many displaced people as well as so many killed maimed, and hurt. The politics in so many places seems so unstable ,,,, Lord we pray, let Your Righteousness and Peace prevail over these situations.
Lord, we now bring to You, for a few moments, in silence, our innermost prayers and concerns and praise. (SILENCE)
We now conclude our prayers by saying together:
Merciful Father, accept these our prayers, for the sake of Your Son, our Saviour Jesus Christ. Amen.
Sunday 30th October 2022
Prepared by Kevin Ryan
Lord, on this Bible Sunday, we pray for the Church and for the world, and we give you thanks, Lord, for your Holy Word.
We ask you Lord, to fill our clergy and all our ministers with wisdom and enthusiasm in proclaiming the message of
the Bible.
Lord hear us!
Lord graciously hear us!
Lord, we pray that, through your Word, the world may be brought to the knowledge of the truth. Take away hostility and suspicion, so that we may all be valued for ourselves, and not become victims of prejudice arising from race, nationality, or anything else that marks us as “different”.
Lord hear us!
Lord graciously hear us!
Lord, we ask you to help us to be witnesses to you. May our behaviour make it obvious to others that we are your disciples. Help us to share with those around us the good news that we have received.
Lord hear us!
Lord graciously hear us!
Have mercy, Lord, on the sick and afflicted, the poor and the homeless … Give them such relief in their bodily needs that they may be open to the healing power of the Spirit.
Lord hear us!
Lord graciously hear us.
We pray for those who have worshipped here, and all our departed families and loved ones, who have heard your Word and are now at rest … May they enter into the eternal worship of Heaven, according to the promise of the Scriptures.
Lord hear us!
Lord graciously hear us!
Lord, we now pray in silence for a few moments, as we bring to you our private concerns and personal needs.
Lord hear us!
Lord graciously hear us!
We conclude by saying together:
Merciful Father,
Accept these our prayers
For the sake of your Son,
Our Saviour Jesus Christ. Amen
Sunday 23rd October 2022
Prepared by Rowland Newenham
Lord, we pray for all who minister with us in this diocese.
We pray especially for Paul, our Bishop, for our Rector Canon Elaine, for Revd. Richard, and for our Lay reader, Simon.
Lord, we pray also for those persons within our parish community who may be considering advancing their vocation in this similar way.
Lord, be with them, help them to listen to You and give them guidance on their journey.
Lord hear us
Lord Graciously hear us
Lord, help us as we listen to Your word today in our readings. Help us to think about the readings and what they mean to us. Help us to think about Your parables and let these parables also guide us to be closer to You, and to teach us humility in our lives.
Lord hear us
Lord Graciously hear us
Lord, the climate is changing around us, and we pray for Your guidance as to how best to limit the changes, so that the vulnerable amongst us are protected against the extreme floods, droughts, and storms.
Lord hear us
Lord Graciously hear us
Lord, as we near the middle of autumn and edge towards winter, we pray for all those who are refugees from their own homeland, and all those who are homeless in our country. Give them hope, give them warm lodgings, and keep them nourished. Lord, guide those in authority and also guide the leaders of countries to make the right decisions so that peace and stability may return to the world.
Lord hear us
Lord Graciously hear us
Lord, we pray for all who are in pain or suffering at this time, and for those undergoing medical treatment. Be with them and protect them and their families as they face an uncertain future, and a fear of the unknown. Lord, we pray also for those who are recently bereaved. It is a difficult time for them both emotionally and physically as they adjust to life without a loved one. Be with them and give them strength to fight the good fight, to finish the race and to keep the faith.
Lord hear us
Lord Graciously hear us
In a few moments of silence, Lord we bring our own thoughts and concerns to You, and pray that You will listen to our concerns
And we conclude by saying together:
Merciful Father accept these prayers for the sake of your Son, our Saviour, Jesus Christ Our Lord. Amen.
Sunday 16th October 2022
Prepared by Clodagh King
Faithful God, your word is a lamp to our feet and a light to our path. Thank you that we can live in Your light and walk in Your truth. May the things that you have revealed and thoughts that we have shared dwell in our hearts and stir us to action.
Lord, in your mercy hear our prayer
Everlasting God, we remember all those who have gone before, walked the same path that we tread, and, by their example, encouragement, wise words and teaching led others into your Kingdom and so we offer our grateful thanks particularly for those whose anniversary falls at this time.
(Short Silence)
Lord, in your mercy hear our prayer.
Loving God, we pray for peace throughout the world and particularly for Ukraine and for the dangers to the world this brings. We pray that leaders are raised up who have a heart for the people and bring peace and sustenance to their lands and that guided by integrity and wisdom, they may work together so that peace may flourish.
Lord in your mercy hear our prayer.
Gracious God we pray for those we love, for our friends and for those we know who need our prayers today. Help us to be there when needed, celebrating the high and happy parts of life and supportive during the lowest and most miserable times. We remember all in special need and bring before you those ill at home or in hospital and those who care for them. We lift before you those who feel no one cares for or about them, for the unemployed, the poor, the lonely, the depressed and those suffering injustice and neglect.
Lord in your mercy hear our prayer.
We end our prayers by saying together :
Merciful Father, accept these our prayers for the sake of your son, Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.
Sunday 9th October 2022
Prepared by Peter Coughlan
Let Us Pray
As we gather together this morning to pray we thank God for his amazing works of creation and as Psalm 66 today tells us to say “How awesome are your deeds” and ” All the earth bows down to you” Father teach us and all world leaders and governments to unite in their efforts to care responsibly for our world and to treasure and preserve this incredible planet you gave to our care for the generations of your children to come.
Lord in Your Mercy
ALL: hear our prayer
God of our World
It must hurt you greatly to see the suffering of your children though war, famine and flood caused by a lust for power and by our carelessness with creation. We earnestly pray for an end to the invasion of the Ukraine and for a lasting peace in that land and all places experiencing war, conflict, and oppression at this time. Help us to trust that no human leader no matter how powerful they appear – can prevent Christ from having the ultimate victory. Help us to share the world’s resources fairly and to our support our brothers and sisters who are struggling to survive. May a real change for good take place in all of us and may your will be done to improve the lives of all people of the world.
Lord in Your Mercy
ALL: hear our prayer
God of our Land
Bless president Michael D Higgins, Taoiseach Micheál Martin and all our chosen political leaders and their families. May they always act with honesty and integrity and find urgent and innovative ways to solve the serious issues of homelessness, poverty, ending direct provision and caring adequately for those seeking shelter and a new life in our land.
Lord in Your Mercy
ALL: hear our prayer
God of our Church and our Community
We pray for the unity of Your church in all the world and for a greater understanding with those of other faiths. Draw very near to those who minister to us in this Diocese – Bishop Paul, Reverend Canon Elaine, Rev Richard and Simon Woodworth and their families. Guide us to support them in turn through our prayers and words of encouragement.
We pray for our loved ones and our communities and we remember especially those struggling with addiction, or with stressful debt, those who are lonely, homeless, suffering domestic abuse or neglect or those who are grieving the loss of a loved one.
In a few moments of silence now we bring before you our personal prayers for those in need of your special Love and care at this time…….
Draw near to all who suffer merciful Lord that they may sense your presence and trust in your unfailing love for them.
Lord in Your Mercy
ALL: hear our prayer
Help us O God to live this day, the week ahead and all of our lives
Quietly, Hopefully.
To Lean on your strength
Trustfully, Restfully
To wait for the unfolding of your will,
Patiently, Serenely.
To meet other people
Peacefully, Joyfully
To face every task
Confidently, Courageously
In the name of Jesus Christ our Saviour, our friend and our guide.
We conclude our prayers by saying together
Merciful father, accept these our prayers
for the sake of your Son
our Saviour Jesus Christ. Amen
Sunday 18th September 2022
Prepared by Rowland Njoku
Our Eternal Father and The King of Love
We have come together to bring our worship and thanksgiving to our maker.
We thank you Lord our God for your unfailing love and for your infinite mercies
We lift our voices to praise and pray.
Lord, in your mercy, Hear our prayer.
We give thanks to God for those who live to serve God and the people
In particular today we think of our near neighbours in the UK
We remember before God Her Majesty, Queen Elizabeth II
We pray for His Majesty, King Charles III, and the royal family
Lord, in your mercy, Hear our prayer.
We pray for the heads of government, and leaders of institutions around the world. Good Lord, give the leaders Your divine wisdom, and help them in their responsibilities to follow the footsteps of Our Lord Jesus Christ Help them to embrace love and pursue peace for all mankind.
Lord, in your mercy, Hear our prayer.
We pray for peace in all nations of the world..
Especially, we pray for peace in Ukraine
And peace for all the people at war with their neighbours.
Guide and inspire more people to support migrants
Who escape war to seek peace and refuge in other places.
Lord, in your mercy, Hear our prayer.
We pray for the Church, and all the followers of Jesus Christ.
Good Lord, give us the unfailing presence of your Holy Spirit in our ministries. Support us in our individual and collective efforts to succeed in our work of faith And protect those who suffer persecution for their work and believe in Christ.
Lord, in your mercy, Hear our prayer.
We pray for the Diocese of Cork, Cloyne, and Ross.
Bless the congregation of your Church at St John’s Monkstown and St Mary’s Carrigaline. Grant us the eternal presence of the Holy Spirit
And the joy of your salvation, in our work and worship.
Lord, in your mercy, Hear our prayer.
We pray for good health and wellbeing of our Clergy and Laity.
Bless our Bishop, Paul Colton, and his family And bless our ministers at the United Diocese of Cork, Cloyne, and Ross. Bless Reverend Canon Elaine, Reverend Tony, Reverend Richard, and all ministers and workers of the Church at St John’s Monkstown and St Mary’s Carrigaline.
Lord, in your mercy, Hear our prayer.
We pray for our families and all the people in our local community.
Bring God’s loving presence in our relationships.
Bless the members of our families, parents, and children also
Strengthen our life of faith with love for one another as our Lord Jesus Christ demonstrated.
Lord, in your mercy, Hear our prayer.
Good Lord, provide our need according to Your riches
Heal the sick among us, and comfort those who are suffering.
Grant us to remain in the unfailing love of Jesus Christ, which flows freely forever. And help us to bear good fruits, individually and collectively Help us to manifest God’s unfailing strength to overcome our weaknesses and to demonstrate peace and love in our families and for our neighbours.
Lord, in your mercy, Hear our prayer.
In a moment of silence, let us gently bring our individual prayers before the Lord, for our needs and for the needs of our loved ones.
Lord, in your mercy, Hear our prayer.
To conclude our prayers let us share the Grace together:
Sunday 4th September 2022
Prepared by Valerie Andrew
Parish Eco Group
Creator God in your hands are the depths of the earth. The mountain peaks belong to you. The sea is your creation and the dry land is your handiwork. The fruit of the land is your design and the taste of the produce is your gift. For all this we give you our most grateful thanks and praise.
Lord in your mercy….hear our prayer
Creator God you made the earth and appointed the stars.
You gave us morning, evening and night, summer and winter, rain and sunshine and the cyclical nature of time so that we have constant reminders of both birth and death.
Make humanity humble in the face of your creation.
Although you have endowed us with such intellect and will that we can harness the earth’s natural materials and forces for our use, you have also given us the wisdom to know that your creation is made to be nurtured, enjoyed and
appreciated. Give us the grace necessary to avoid being arrogant taking your place in creation for our convenience and profit, dominating and changing parts beyond recognition. Give us also the humility to be content with the gifts you have bestowed on each of us.
Lord in your mercy….hear our prayer
Creator God, we pray for justice and fairness for those worst hit by climate change. We know that people living in extreme poverty around the world are worst hit by the climate crisis, but have done the least to contribute to it. They also have the fewest resources to implement change. We particularly think at the time of the devastating floods in Pakistan, the high death toll and the unimaginable displacements of vulnerable people.
Lord in your mercy….hear our prayer
Compassionate and loving God, you created the world for us all to share. Create in us the desire to live simply, so that our lives may reflect your generosity.
Creator God, you gave us responsibility for the earth, create in us a desire to live sustainably so that those who follow after us may enjoy the fruits of your creation.
God of peace and justice create in us a desire for solidarity so that peace and justice may prevail for all.
Lord in your mercy….hear our prayer
Creator God, plant in our hearts the Seed of Hope that we can face the future with strength and courage.
Lord in your mercy….hear our prayer
Merciful Father, accept these our prayers for the sake of your Son, our Saviour Jesus Christ.
Sunday 31st July 2022
Prepared by Hilary Dring
Abundant God, our readings today reveal your generosity, your compassion and your loving kindness. In our everyday lives we can sometimes lose sight of this; we see what is in front of us but often we do not really see what is there. Help us to have eyes to see you in every person we meet, every situation in which we find ourselves and every challenge that comes our way. Give us generous hearts and minds, because it is in our living, more than our words, that we show our love for others.
Lord, in your mercy, Hear our prayer
Risen Lord, you call us to a new way of living. You call us as individuals and as communities to shine your light in our world. Give us grace to work for peace and justice and make this world a better place. We pray for all affected by poverty, by violence, by human inflicted misery, whatever form it takes. In every situation may there be people who can bring hope into desperate situations; may we be people who bring hope to others. Your kingdom come, on earth as it is in heaven.
Lord, in your mercy, Hear our prayer
Listening God, you hear us even before we recognise our own needs and desires. There is so much going on in the world just now that sometimes it can be overwhelming. Help us not to take the worries of the world on our shoulders but rather to pray for what is on our hearts, trusting that with you all will be well. Give us wisdom to recognise what we are called to do at any given moment. It may be doing something big, but mostly it is being faithful in the small things that are right in front
of us.
Lord, in your mercy, Hear our prayer
Unifying God, there is so much division and disagreement in the world and often so little willingness to truly listen to one another. We are especially saddened when we see this amongst Christians, knowing that the deep longing of Jesus is that we should be one, so that, as Jesus himself said, “the world will know that you (the Father) sent me and have loved them even as you have loved me.” We pray for all Christians everywhere, that your Holy Spirit may open our hearts and minds to one another, so that in all our diversity and differences there may be love and compassion for one another. We pray in particular for all those attending the Lambeth Conference at the moment.
Lord, in your mercy, Hear our prayer
Loving God, we pray for all those who minister in Cork, Cloyne and Ross, especially those who are new to the diocese. We pray for Bishop Paul, who will be at Lambeth and taking some time off after that. We pray for Elaine, our rector, as she also takes some holidays. Bless both Bishop Paul and Canon Elaine and their families. Watch over and bless all who are travelling during this holiday season; may they find rest and refreshment for both body and soul.
Lord, in your mercy, Hear our prayer
All-knowing God, we come to you now in silence to bring you the prayers of our hearts, the things that are weighing us down, the worries and concerns we have for ourselves and others, and also our thanksgiving for prayers answered and for all that is good and brings us joy in our lives…
Lord, in your mercy, Hear our prayer and grant us your peace, the peace which passes all understanding, Amen
Sunday 24th July 2022
Prepared by Roger Clough
We will use the phrase which is in this week’s Psalm in our responses.
“Show us your mercy o Lord”
We have just heard in Hosea’s reading that how Your PEOPLE will be called, “Children of the living God”. We thank you, that through Jesus Christ, we as members of His Church , now have that prophesy fulfilled, as we enjoy the kinship and inheritance as His children, due to His Sacrifice and resurrection. We pray that we will continue to follow Jesus in Faith and remain true to his teachings.
The world that we live in is surrounded with experts and a great emphasises on human tradition, political intervention and human theories abound for everything. Yet we have been told to stay rooted in Jesus and not be captive by anything but belief in Jesus, as He is head of, and over every authority, keep our trust in him…
We pray that we say firmly fixed in Your ways and Your voice Lord, as disclosed to us via Scripture and remain in faith true to his calling of us. God will not let us down.
“Show us your mercy o Lord”
We are forgiven by God of our past trespasses, and therefore worthy children, so do not let us be held back by our past deeds and then live in fear or guilt of “what we have done or not done”.
We pray that we really enjoy the freedom of the erasing of our past as we are told that the ,”nailing to the cross” has released us from any persons demands on us for our past misgiving … We pray that we truly believe that we move forward in Gods love, no condemnation by anyone’s, “puffed up” way of thinking of us; can keep us bound….. We are free because of Jesus, the ‘record has been erased’… History has no hold over us… There is no condemnation of us and those who live in Christ. We are His Children under His care. Jesus has been given the Sole Power to forgive his people, others have NO power or grip over us. The past has gone.
“Show us your mercy o Lord”
My first every memory verses / poem – that I can remember was indeed the ‘Lord’s Prayer’ my Sunday School teachers and Grandmother did their part well…
We just heard it in Luke’s gospel. that very prayer earnestly requested by the disciples as to ‘how, do we pray’, how do we approach God, what do we ask, how do we praise him. We pray that we do not rush over this prayer when it is recited in our liturgy, rather that we affirm and ponder what we are told to say, in a way that we truly know how to speak to God. We can thus be bold in His name.
Jesus then went on to show how the Love of God can be explained to his children – us the believers in Jesus – in terms we understand , in a form of parables.
Jesus says, what Father or Mother would ever go and hurt their child, especially when they ask for good things or would ever turn them away when they ask …
We pray that we remember that we have to ‘knock’, ask, request, and above all be persistent in our pleas. To search to find the door, especially when life gives us dark moments and all seems lost, we must keep searching. We also pray that when that door is opened we can rest in Jesus perfect peace, as he is the only one that can fully console us. Only behind His door is there perfect peace… But we have to ask ….
So we continue to pray.
As today’s psalm has just said, “righteousness and peace have kissed each other”.
Our ways are not Gods ways…
“Show us your mercy o Lord”
We pray that YOU continue to strengthen the will and capacity of our Rector Canon Elaine to Minister in this Parish and all who help her in so many ways. Guide our Bishop Paul and the many who also work in this Diocese, to continue to shine for you, Lord Jesus.
Lord, Covid – 19 is still affecting so many people and the so called ‘long term’ Covid’ is prevailing in many people’s lives, so we ask You Lord to comfort all those people.
The situation in the Ukraine still shows us the fragility of our Word society.
So many displaced people as well as so many killed maimed, and hurt. The situation in Afghanistan, and Syria is still desperate.. Lord we pray, let Your Righteousness and Peace prevail over these situations.
Lord, we now bring to You, for a few moments, in silence, our innermost prayers and concerns and praise. (SILENCE)
We conclude now by saying together:
Merciful Father, accept these our prayers, for the sake of Your Son, our Saviour Jesus Christ. Amen.
Sunday 17th July 2022
Prepared by Simon Woodworth
Almighty God, in a week where you have shown us the wonders of your universe through the James Webb Space Telescope, we remember that all things in heaven and earth are created through you and by you. We rejoice in the world around us, from the olive tree, to the smallest child to the most distant galaxy. As we trust in your steadfast love, hear our prayers which we bring to you today.
Lord, in your mercy,
Hear our prayer.
Gracious God, in July summer is upon us and rumours of sunshine prove to be true. We give thanks for the life-giving blaze of the sun pouring over the world, bringing warmth and growth and well-being. But we pray also for people in countries where the sun is so hot and water is so short that the temperatures are life-threatening. As climate change makes the problem worse, we pray for sustained progress towards carbon reduction across the globe. May this not be the generation that ducks the crisis but the one that begins to solve it.
Lord, in your mercy,
Hear our prayer.
Loving God, we are a community of individuals bound by common purpose. We thank you for all the different skills and talents we bring to out parish, our town and our country. As our Bishop Paul leads us in helping the refugees from Ukraine, we rejoice that we have the capacity to make their situation a little better. We do not forget, Lord, the others in our community who also need our help – the disadvantaged, the homeless and those in direct provision. Guide us, Lord, as we come together to help those less fortunate than us.
Lord, in your mercy,
Hear our prayer.
O God, in a few moments of silence, we bring to you our hopes and fears, our prayers and our thanks. We are grateful and give thanks to you for prayers answered, and we ask you to listen to our intercessions for those who are close to us and those who are in need.
Lord, in your mercy,
Hear our prayer.
Merciful Lord, we take a few moments during these long hot summer days to step away from our busy lives and turn our thoughts to you. We are reminded by today’s Gospel to be a little less like Martha and more like Mary; to rejoice in the glories of your creation; to thank you for all you have given us and to spend a few moments in prayer with you. Help us to clear our minds of distracting thoughts, to centre our lives on you and to continue secure and steadfast in our faith in your son Jesus Christ.
Lord, in your mercy,
Hear our prayer.
Sunday 10th July 2022
Prepared by Helen Arnopp
Lord open our eyes that we might see what the Good Samaritan saw. Grant us the insight to see the need in others, the wisdom to know what to do and the will to do it.
Lord in your mercy. Hear our prayer
We pray for all those people who in many and various ways, have been displaced because of war and famine especially those in Ukraine who continue to face horrific scenes of violence where their homes and families have been torn apart. May all who are suffering in inhumane ways receive the future you have planned for them.
Lord in your mercy. Hear our prayer
Lord we pray for those we might cross the road to avoid, those who have been excluded socially because of their race, financial status or history. May the dignity that is theirs be restored to them and may you walk with them on their journey.
Lord in your mercy. Hear our prayer
Lord give us a deep love for you, that we might see your love at work in this world and that we might go and do likewise.
Lord in your mercy. Hear our prayer
Lord we pray for all who live and work in this parish and diocese. We pray for Paul our bishop, Canon Elaine our Rector, Richard our Deacon and all who support ministry. Give each and every one the knowledge, wisdom, compassion, spiritual health and welfare as they undertake Your work.
Lord in your mercy. Hear our prayer
Lord we pray for people in any kind of need. Be close today to the lonely, the bereaved, the despairing and the desperate. Bless with hope those who are unemployed, homeless, deserted or friendless. Give your deep healing to the sick, the disturbed, the damaged and the lost. In our hears we name in silence some of those who we know to be in dark places today ….
Lord in your mercy. Hear our prayer
Let us conclude our prayers this morning with some of the words of this familiar hymn
When I needed a neighbour,
were you there, were you there?
I was hungry and thirsty,
were you there, were you there?
I was cold, I was naked,
were you there, were you there?
Wherever you travel,
I’ll be there, I’ll be there.
And the creed and the colour and the name won’t matter, I’ll be there.
Sunday 3rd July 2022
Prepared by Peter Coughlan
We gather to pray, with confidence that God loves each and every one of us unconditionally, from the youngest child to the most senior in years and that we can trust Him always.
Therefore we bring our prayers and concerns for ourselves and for our troubled world to Him this morning and place them into His hands in faith.
Let us pray.
(For Peace)
Most holy God and Father,
hear our prayers for all who strive for peace and all who fight for justice.
We especially pray for peace in Ukraine and for the release of blockaded stocks of grain to those who need it most in our world.
We commend to you lives lost in terror and conflict,
We pray for the wounded and the captives,
the grieving and the refugees seeking shelter here and in other countries.
O Lord open our eyes to see the needs of others.
Open our ears to hear their cries.
Open our hearts so they receive our attention.
Help us to defend the weak and not fear the strong
Help us to defend the poor and not fear the wealthy
Show us where love, faith and hope are needed
Use us to bring your peace to those places and help us never to boast except in the Cross of our Lord Jesus Christ.
Lord in your Mercy, Hear our Prayer
(For Ourselves and our Neighbours)
Lord you know we are all anxious at this time, sometimes we can’t put our finger on exactly why we feel uneasy and unsure.
But we know you are with us every step of the way
that you are our constant protector and that you will lead us through life’s challenges. We thank you for the longer Summer evenings and for the mild climate in this country. We remember the desperate hardships of flood or drought that our brothers and sisters in Bangladesh or many parts of Africa have to try to cope with at this time – Bless all the brave volunteers who help them.
Please help us and the leaders of all nations to act with integrity to ensure Your will is done and the rich resources of our world are shared evenly and fairly in our world.
Lord in your Mercy, Hear our Prayer
(For our Church)
As we gather to worship in this lovely building we pray for our church, for our Bishops, priests and deacons and for true Christian unity alongside respect for all faiths.
We remember all those who were baptized and confirmed in St John’s in Monkstown last Sunday with the support of their families and their church family – Bless them on their journey of faith and we celebrate their decision to confirm their loyalty to you Lord.
We pause and remain quiet now for a few moments to share our private prayers and concerns with our loving Father.
Lord in your Mercy, Hear our Prayer
Almighty God we thank you that you have brought us safely to the beginning of this day. Keep us from falling into sin or running into danger, order us in all our doings and guide us to do always what is righteous in your sight through Jesus Christ our Lord.
We say together
Merciful father, accept these our prayers
For the sake of your Son
Our Saviour Jesus Christ.
Sunday 19th June 2022
Prepared by Kay Treacy
God of hope and love
we come into Your presence today knowing that You are with us.
We pray for refugees around the world, strangers in foreign lands,
people who have fled for their lives and are far from their homes.
We pray for protection for all those caught up in violence,
for all those who have lost everything,
for orphans whose childhood has been stolen.
God of love…Hear our prayer
We pray for an end to wars, poverty and human rights abuses
that drive desperate people to become refugees.
We know You can bring great good out of the most evil of situations,
soften the hearts of those hardened by pride
and who put no value on human life.
God of love…Hear our prayer
We pray that the Holy Spirit will be ever present in our society,
reminding us that we are all children of the same God.
Help us to follow Your lead in seeking justice and mercy
on behalf of those who have suffered greatly.
God of love…Hear our prayer
Bless all those who bring relief.
We give thanks for people working in troubled countries and ask for Your blessing so they can bring life, dignity and hope to those that remain.
Bless the peacemakers working in conditions that are very dangerous.
Inspire compassion and generosity in all our hearts.
God of love…Hear our prayer
We pray for our world.
We ask that Your Spirit will be with the leaders of the nations
as they seek a formula by which we can live at peace with one another.
Impress upon their hearts
that the strength of the nation does not lie in armies or navies
but with the integrity of her people,
that peace comes from goodness.
God of love…Hear our prayer
Each one of us is made in the image of God.
When people around us think differently and we don’t agree,
help us to listen so that we will understand.
When we see people getting hurt, when we see people being treated poorly
because of their skin colour, language or religious beliefs,
teach us to speak up. Teach us to be an example of love and acceptance,
in our lives, teach us the way of peace.
God of love…Hear our prayer
We live in a world where all are connected.
When we are overwhelmed with the horror in the world
let us feel a sense that life has another element – a wordless centre,
a sense of wonder, faith that things can be different.
Help us to see the world without dividing lines.
to seek out justice, and what is fair, to humanise the other.
Help us to lay aside our fears and our prejudices,
Help us to be forgiving, to try to understand, to move beyond our pain and pride. Help us to play our own small part with acts of kindness and care.
May we give meaning to our faith in everyday life,
Let us be seen as people of hope.
God of love…Hear our prayer
The kingdom of God is about love, with no distinctions.
Faith is a conviction, a deep motivating sense that a course of action is right and worth doing, and it is expressed in love.
Faith believes God can.
In the presence of suffering, emotional pain and fear,
nothing works except compassion, kindness and love.
Even though life may not have been kind to us,
let us be the people who love, who care, who make the effort, who believe.
The world needs all these qualities, one person can make a difference to make the world a better place.
The only responses that create the possibility of healing emotional wounds
are love, kindness and compassion.
Each time we are kind, gentle and encouraging, each time we try to understand, we provide the opportunity for new hope for those who are suffering.
Love makes things better.
God of love…Hear our prayer.
We pray for a vision of hope, and for recovery in the years to come.
Embrace all our families both here and far away and keep them safe.
We take a few moments for our own special prayers……
May they be surrounded with Your healing love.
God of love….Hear our prayer.
We say together
Merciful Father, Accept these our prayers,
For the sake of Your Son, our Saviour, Jesus Christ. Amen.
Sunday 12th June 2022
Prepared by Kevin Ryan
All-powerful God, whose Spirit helps us in our weakness and guides us to Your Son in our prayers, we pray for the Church and for the world.
One God, three Persons, be near to the people of the world formed in your image, close to the world your love brings to life. We remember all who bear the responsibility of leadership, for heads of state, and political advisers; let your will for our world be accomplished through the decisions they make and give them a vision of peace and reconciliation for our troubled world.
Lord, in your mercy: hear our prayer.
We remember particularly, our churches here in Ireland and in Cork, Cloyne, and Ross. We remember the needs of our ministers – both spiritual and temporal – and ask you to watch over and guide them, as they minister to us in so many ways.
Lord, in your mercy: hear our prayer.
One God, three Persons, help us to be gentle, with others and with ourselves. Give us, we pray, the calm that makes for consideration and the respect for others that makes us courteous. Take from us hard words and the cynical look. Let us be to others as we would wish them to be to us when we fail. Help us to forgive as readily as we’d like to be forgiven.
Lord, in your mercy: hear our prayer.
One God, three Persons, comfort through your Holy Spirit all who are in sorrow or need, sickness or adversity. Be close to those who draw near to death; bring consolation to those in sorrow or mourning, and grant to us all a real sense of your love as you draw all who suffer into your tender care.
Lord, in your mercy: hear our prayer
One God, three Persons, your love reaches beyond the grave. At the end of our days on earth, be with us and with those we love. We remember those whom we love and who have gone before us. We pray now for those who have recently died and those bereaved by their passing
Lord, in your mercy: hear our prayer
One God, three Persons, we ask you to lead us into the coming week, help us to believe that you are close by us, keep us from making mistakes and help us never to disappoint you.
Merciful Father, accept these prayers for the sake of your Son, our Saviour, Jesus Christ. Amen
Sunday 5th June 2022
Prepared by Rowland Newenham
Today is Pentecost Sunday, when we celebrate the descent of The Holy Spirit on to the disciples, 2000 years ago.
Lord, when we listen to Your Word here at this service today, let us feel Your presence… let us feel Your calming influence in our lives… give us Your Peace… Be with us… Fill us with The Holy Spirit.
Lord hear our prayer
And fill us with The Holy Spirit
Lord, we pray for all who minister with us in this diocese. We pray especially for Paul, our Bishop, for our Rector Canon Elaine, for our deacon, Richard, and for our lay reader-in-training, Simon. Lord, be with them and speak to us through them as they minister to us.
Lord hear our prayer
And fill us with The Holy Spirit
Lord, we strive to be an Open and Welcoming Church Community.
Help us to maintain this open-door policy and teach us compassion and understanding for those in our community who we may recognise as
being different. As World Refugee Week draws near, let it remind us of our own differences, our own faults, and our own weaknesses.
Guide and inspire us to support migrants to our country.
O Lord, we pray for all victims of racism, in this country and throughout the world. Teach us to respect each-other and enable us to see the reality of racism and enable us to challenge and uproot it from our society, our world and ourselves.
Lord hear our prayer
And fill us with The Holy Spirit
Lord, as Leaving Certificate students prepare for their exams, help them to know Your love, help them to remain calm, and to be prepared for the weeks ahead. Be with them Lord as they complete their studies and write their exams.
Lord hear our prayer
And fill us with The Holy Spirit
Lord, at this time of year farmers and farm contractors are very busy as we see and hear from silage harvesters, tractors and trailers performing the important job of gathering in the fodder for the winter. Lord, be with the farming community, protect them and keep them safe from danger, injury, and depression.
Lord hear our prayer
And fill us with The Holy Spirit
Lord, we pray for our Confirmation candidates, as they prepare for their confirmation ceremony at the end of this month. Help them to feel Your presence, and that they may learn that You are there for them and to
listen to them.
Lord hear our prayer
And fill us with The Holy Spirit
Lord, we pray for all who are in pain or suffering at this time, and for those facing hospital treatment. Be with them and protect them as they face an uncertain future, and a fear of the unknown.
Lord, we pray for those who are recently bereaved. Do not let their hearts be troubled, fill them with the Holy Spirit.
And we conclude by saying together:
Merciful Father accept these prayers for the sake of your Son, our Saviour, Jesus Christ Our Lord. Amen.
Sunday 29th May 2022
Prepared by Rowland Njoku
Our Eternal Father and The King of Love
We bring our thanksgiving and praise to You Our God and Creator. We thank You for Your unfailing love and for infinite mercies and we lift our voices to You in prayer.
Lord, in your mercy, Hear our prayer.
We pray for the heads of government, and leaders of institutions around the world. Good Lord, give the leaders Your divine wisdom, and help them in their responsibilities to follow the footsteps of Our Lord Jesus Christ and to embrace love and pursue peace for all mankind.
Lord, in your mercy, Hear our prayer.
We pray for peace in all nations of the world. Especially, we pray for peace in Ukraine and peace for all the people at war with their
neighbours. Guide and inspire more people to support migrants
Who escape war to seek peace and refuge in other places.
Lord, in your mercy, Hear our prayer.
We pray for the Church, and all the followers of Jesus Christ.
Good Lord, give us the unfailing presence of Your Holy Spirit in our ministries. Support us in our individual and collective efforts to succeed in our work of faith and protect those who suffer persecution for their work and believe in Christ.
Lord, in your mercy, Hear our prayer.
We pray for the Diocese of Cork, Cloyne and Ross.
Bless the congregation of your Church at St John’s Monkstown and St Mary’s Carrigaline. Grant us the eternal presence of the Holy Spirit
and the joy of Your salvation, in our work and worship.
Lord, in your mercy, Hear our prayer.
We pray for the Clergy and Laity. Bless the Bishop, Paul Colton
And bless all the ministers at the United Diocese of Cork, Cloyne and Ross. Bless Canon Elaine, Reverend Richard, and all the ministers
and workers of the Church at St John’s Monkstown and St Mary’s
Lord, in your mercy, Hear our prayer.
We pray for our families and all the people in our local community.
Bring God’s loving presence in our relationships. Bless the members of our families, parents, and children and help us to enjoy our activities
during this summer season, and at all seasons. Strengthen our life of faith with love for one another as our Lord Jesus Christ demonstrated.
Lord, in your mercy, Hear our prayer.
Good Lord, provide our need according to Your riches
Heal the sick among us, and comfort those who are in pain, sorrow,
or suffering. Help us to share with our families and friends God’s
unfailing love, which flows freely forever. Help us to manifest God’s unfailing strength to overcome our weaknesses and to live peacefully with our neighbours and our environment.
Lord, in your mercy, Hear our prayer.
In a moment of silence, let us gently bring our individual prayers before the Lord, for our needs and for the needs of our loved ones.
……………………………………………………………………………Lord, in your mercy, Hear our prayer.
We conclude our prayers by saying together:
Merciful Father, accept these our prayers
in the name of Your Son
Our Saviour Jesus Christ. Amen
Sunday 22nd May 2022
Prepared by Peter Coughlan
Words from a children’s hymn by Jenny Hewer which encourage us to trust God completely
and know we don’t have to do everything on our own.
Father, I place into Your hands – The things I cannot do.
Father, I place into Your hands – The things that I’ve been through.
Father, I place into Your hands – The way that I should go,
For I know I always can trust You.
We bring our worries, our stresses, our sadness and our joy to our Loving Father through His Son our Saviour and our Friend – Jesus Christ. Let us pray
For Our World
Lord we thank you for the world you have made for us and we pray for it now and for all your children of every nation. Bless all world leaders with vision and foresight to work for the conservation of our planet and a fair distribution of the earth’s riches and resources. May Your will be done and may they seek progressive ways to end drought and famine, war and conflict and promote respect, understanding, generosity and the unity of all peoples.
Lord in your Mercy, Hear our Prayer
For Peace
In our gospel reading today Jesus tells his disciples “Peace I leave with you; my peace I give you” Dear Lord as we struggle to understand this ongoing tragic conflict in Ukraine – we humbly ask that hearts would be softened, that a lasting ceasefire could begin, that meaningful negotiation and compromise could take place and that the Ukraine can have peace once more. Please also bless with success the delicate negotiations taking place in Northern Ireland as they seek to form a new power sharing executive for the good of all its people.
May Jesus, the true Prince of Peace bring healing to all places of conflict in our world.
Lord in your Mercy, Hear our Prayer
For our Church
We pray for Your church in all the world, for understanding and co-operation between those of different faiths and for the unity of Christian people everywhere.
We ask for Your Blessing on our Bishop Paul, our rector Canon Elaine, our Deacon Richard and our lay reader in training Simon as they diligently sow the seed of Your Word among us.
Please Bless our select vestry, those involved behind the scenes, and all those who attend services or who join digitally, and on those who may consider joining our church family in the future. We also remember in prayer those putting themselves forward for confirmation in June, draw near to them as they confirm their commitment to You, may it be a very special day for them and their families
Lord in your Mercy, Hear our Prayer
For Ourselves
We remember all our young people who have completed college exams or are preparing for Junior Cert, leaving Cert or other exams – bless them with the calmness to know you are always there to support them.
Father – you know that at different times – all of us struggle in Mind, Body or Spirit. In a few moments of silence now we bring you our private prayers asking for your Love and care at this time……
May Your peace be with those who are anxious
May your comfort be with those who are grieving
May your healing be upon those who are unwell
May your hope fill those who are fearful
May your compassion prompt us to love our neighbours and all those fleeing from war and oppression.
Lord in your Mercy, Hear our Prayer
We conclude our prayers and say together,
Merciful father, accept these our prayers
For the sake of your Son
Our Saviour Jesus Christ. Amen
Sunday 15th May 2022
Prepared by Valerie Andrew
Loving Lord, fill our hearts with the precious gift of your perfect love that you so freely give to us, that we may reflect that love to others, be it family, friends, romantic love or self-love. Help us to love each other as abundantly as you have loved us.
Lord in your mercy…. Hear our prayer.
Loving Lord, always remind us that it is God the Father who created a world of diversity. Be with us as we embrace life in all its fullness.
Always remind us that it is your Son who teaches us to care for strangers and foreigners. Be with us as we try to be good neighbours in our communities. Always remind us that it is your Holy Spirit that breaks down our prejudices and celebrates community. Be with us as we find courage to create a place of welcome for all.
Lord in your mercy….Hear our prayer.
Loving Lord, watch over all refugees. Embrace them in the pain of their partings and send love into their fear and loss. Open our eyes that we might see you in them and open our hearts that they might see you in us. Open our arms that we might welcome refugees to new homes as you stretched out your arms and invited everyone home.
Lord in your mercy….Hear our prayer.
Loving Lord, we are living through a time of uncertainty due to the war in Ukraine. This makes many of us feel threatened, apprehensive, worried and fearful of the unknown future. Grant us your peace in our hearts as well as direction and wisdom as to how we can best aid those who are suffering.
Lord in your mercy….Hear our prayer.
Loving Lord, in a few moments of silence we bring to you those known to us who are in need of prayer at this time.
Lord in your mercy….Hear our prayer.
Merciful Father, accept these our prayers for the sake of your Son, our Saviour Jesus Christ. Amen
Sunday 8th May 2022
Prepared by Clodagh King
Merciful God, we pray for our world, where through television, we see the misery and tragedy brought about by wrong choices and brought into our homes day by day. We pray for wisdom and compassion in all negotiations and decisions taken by our world and local leaders; and ask that there be humility in leadership and responsibility for right action shared by all.
Lord in your mercy: hear our prayer.
Loving God, give us ears to hear and minds to understand the message of immortality for the children of your kingdom so that we may look forward with patience and confidence to that time when we will join you in the peace of eternity. Watch over us, lead us through the barren places, to the place of your safety, that we might gladly lie down in peace. Be especially close to all those who through the loss of a loved one are now in a barren place; give them comfort and reassurance and help them to remember that your son Jesus Christ put an end to death by dying for us.(Short Silence)
Lord, in your mercy: hear our prayer
Gracious God, support us by your grace through all the hours of life’s day: until the shadows lengthen, the busy world is hushed, the fever of life is over, and the evening comes. Then Lord, in your mercy: grant us a safe lodging, a holy rest, and peace at the last; through Jesus Christ our Lord.
Lord in your mercy: hear our prayer.
Faithful God we seek the assurance of your Spirit to know your presence with us in our daily lives-
In our relationships
In our work and service
In our worship
In our times of joy and pain.
Lord in your mercy hear our prayer.
Sunday 24th April 2022
Prepared by Helen Arnopp
Lord Jesus Christ, on the second Sunday of Easter we know that the light of your love shines on. Lord we continue to pray for all those affected by the war in Ukraine. We know that your son became a refugee as you fled from Herod’s wrath and become a refugee in Egypt and had no place to call your own. We pray that you will look with compassion on all those who are fleeing from danger in todays world, those who are homeless and hungry. We continue to pray for those who work to bring relief to the displaced and those who now find themselves without homes following the destruction of their homes and villages.
Lord hear us…..Lord, graciously hear us.
Lord we ask you to give wisdom to all world leaders includingpresidents, prime ministers, politicians of all governments, that they may strive for lasting peace and true justice, not putting personal ambitions before the needs of their people
Lord hear us…..Lord, graciously hear us.
Lord we pray for those who need peace of mind. We pray those weighed down by the stresses and strains of everyday life, or who suffer with anxiety, or are oppressed by worry and fear. We pray and ask your help for those who find it hard to let go of things and simply trust.
Lord hear us…..Lord, graciously hear us.
As our children and teachers and all support staff return to our schools tomorrow after their Easter break we pray Lord that as they prepare for the last term and for their final examinations that you will be with them as they flourish in mind, body and spirit and grow to contribute to a society in which all will benefit. We ask you to keep their perspective balanced and that the stress may prove no more than needed to be equal to the task.
Lord hear us…..Lord, graciously hear us.
Lord we thank you for the gifs of all those who minister in this Diocese, our Bishop Paul, or Rector Canon Elaine and our Deacon Richard.
We ask that you grant them the wisdom, understanding and strength they need as they undertake your work. Inspire them with the vision of your Kingdom and give them the words they need to spread your word and allow them to experience joy in their ministry.
Lord hear us…..Lord, graciously hear us.
And to conclude let us say a verse of this lovely Hymn, ‘The Whole Bright World Rejoices Now’ written by Percy Dearmer 1867 – 1936
Now let all living things rejoice,
Let young and old lift heart and voice,
Christ is risen. Hallelujah!
He rose to cheer us on our ways,
He lives to bless us all our days.
Hallelujah! Christ is risen
Easter Day 17th April 2022
Prepared by Kevin Ryan
Lord, as we emerge from Lent, a time of penitence and denial for many, help us to be open to the “Resurrection experience” in our lives; to experience You every day, as a living, vibrant reality, whose presence in our lives gives purpose and meaning to everything we do.
Lord, hear us!
Lord, graciously hear us!
The war in Ukraine is yet another stark reminder that peace and democracy cannot be taken for granted. We pray, Lord, that these basic human rights are recognised and respected everywhere, in all parts of the world.
We ask the Risen Lord to turn our hearts from violence, and open new paths to peace.
Lord, hear us!
Lord, graciously hear us!
Lord, keep us ever aware of our responsibilities towards the needs of all our neighbours and family-members. Help us to remember that, in our haste to respond to the newest and most dramatic international crisis, we must resist the danger of neglecting the needs of those closest to us. Help us to be conscious that, sometimes, all that’s required is a friendly gesture or an, apparently, “little act of kindness”.
Lord, hear us!
Lord, graciously hear us!
Lord, we pray for peace in our homes, families, and communities.
Help us to be agents of harmony, rather than causes of dissension. In the words of St. Francis of Assisi: “Make me a channel of your peace …”!
Lord, hear us!
Lord, graciously hear us!
Risen Lord, we ask you to reveal the light of Your presence to the sick, the weak and the dying. We remember all who are still affected by the ongoing scourge of Covid-19. We ask you to comfort and strengthen them. We ask you to give courage and strength to those who continue to care for the sick, even when outcomes appear hopeless.
Lord, hear us!
Lord, graciously hear us!
Lord, we pray for all churches throughout the world. We remember particularly, our churches here in Ireland and in Cork, Cloyne, and Ross. We remember the needs of our ministers – both spiritual and temporal – and ask you to watch over and guide them.
Lord, hear us!
Lord, graciously hear us!
Lord, we take a few moments in silence, to bring to you our own personal cares, worries and concerns.
Lord, hear us!
Lord, graciously hear us!
Merciful Father, we ask you to accept these, our prayers,
for the sake of your Son, our Saviour, Jesus Christ! Amen.
Palm Sunday 10th April 2022
Let us pray for the Church and for the world, to the Lord, the King of Glory.
As the Church rejoices in the triumphal entry of our Lord, grant to us also the spirit of repentance, and sorrow for his suffering.
May we at this holy time set forward the message of his salvation and lay our minds and wills before him as an offering of faith.
Lord, in your mercy… hear our prayer.
Bring to a world that judges by outward signs of power the wisdom to discern where true power lies in humility and love.
Open the eyes of the rulers of the nations to see the one true King and be ready to serve at his command.
Lord, in your mercy… hear our prayer
Give to us and to all those around us the vision of holiness in our ordinary lives. Help us to find in those we too easily take for granted the image of Christ the Lord, and to honour one another as those who seek to follow in his way.
Lord, in your mercy… hear our prayer
Have mercy on all who suffer from sickness, from the effects of war, from being displaced from their own homes , all those for whom the shadow of the Cross is plainer at this time than the glory of the day and who call out not in triumph but in anguish.
Give them relief in their affliction and the hope of new life.
Lord, in your mercy… hear our prayer
May the voices of those who bore witness to God in this world now be blended with the eternal praise of the angels in heaven.
May theirs be the song of triumph over sin and death.
Lord, in your mercy… hear our prayer
We offer our prayers in the name of Christ who has come to save his people.
We say together
The grace of our Lord Jesus Christ, and the love of God, and the fellowship of the Holy Spirit, be with us all, evermore, Amen.
Prayers for Sunday 3rd April 2022
Prepared by Rowland Newenham
Lord, we pray for the different churches in the world; help us to understand the different faiths and religions and teach us tolerance in the differences of faith. We pray especially for Muslims and the Islamic faith as they practice the tradition of Ramadan for the month of April, consuming no food nor liquids during daylight hours, fasting in their journey to get closer to You, O Lord.
Lord hear us
Lord Graciously hear us
Lord, we pray for all who minister with us in this diocese. We pray especially for Paul, our Bishop, for our Rector Canon Elaine, for our deacon, Richard, and for our lay reader-in-training, Simon. Lord, be with them on their individual journeys as they minister to us and with us.
Lord hear us
Lord Graciously hear us
Lord, we pray for refugees everywhere, who for no other fault than the origin of their birth find themselves fleeing from hostility and for their lives. Lord, help us to help Ukrainian refugees as they arrive on our shores, but Lord help us also not to forget the plight of other refugees in other countries, for every refugee is deserving of equal help. Lord, speak to us and let us know what we should do.
Lord hear us
Lord Graciously hear us
Lord, we pray for the homeless in our community. Lord, let them not be forgotten in our minds. Our minds are easily swayed, and our priorities easily change as we listen to the latest media reports from overseas. Lord, let us remember the poor and the needy in our own nation, and in our own community. In today’s Gospel reading we listen to the account of Mary anointing Your Son Jesus’ feet with perfume, the value of which would have fed a poor person for a year. Lord, let us remember the poor, but let us remember You also.
Lord hear us
Lord Graciously hear us
Lord, we pray for all families who are in any way affected by drug abuse. Lord, help them to be compassionate and understanding in what may seem at times to be a hopeless situation. Lord, give them strength and resolve to cope in desperate circumstances.
Lord hear us
Lord Graciously hear us
Lord, we pray for all school pupils and university students. Be with them Lord as they complete their studies and help them Lord to learn that we are all unique, that we are all individual, that we all have different strengths and weaknesses, that we are all human, that we all make mistakes.
Lord hear us
Lord Graciously hear us
Lord, we pray for all who are in pain or suffering at this time.
We remember especially those facing long and incurable illnesses. We pray for those who are awaiting hospital treatment, and whose operations and treatments are being yet again postponed due to the effects of Covid on the hospital system.
We pray also for the families of those recently bereaved. Help them to cope at this time of year and be with them and help them through their pain, grief, and sadness.
And we conclude by saying together:
Merciful Father accept these prayers for the sake of your Son, our Saviour, Jesus Christ Our Lord. Amen.
Prayers for Mothering Sunday 27th March 2022

We thank God for giving us others to share in our lives:
For parents, and the love which brought us to birth:
We praise you, O Lord;
and bring you thanks today.
For mothers who have cherished and nurtured us:
We praise you, O Lord;
and bring you thanks today.
For fathers who have loved and supported us,
We praise you, O Lord;
and bring you thanks today.
For brothers and sisters with whom we have shared our home:
We praise you, O Lord;
and bring you thanks today.
For children and their parents:
We praise you, O Lord;
and bring you thanks today.
For relatives and friends, who have been with us
in our hopes and joys and times of sadness:
We praise you, O Lord;
and bring you thanks today.
For all who first spoke to us of Jesus, and have drawn us
into the family of our Father in heaven:
We praise you, O Lord;
and bring you thanks today.
Help us to live
as those who belong to one another,
and to you, our Father, now and always. Amen
Sunday 13th March, 2022
Prepared by Roger Clough
The response is taken from the reading of Luke
“ Blessed is the one who comes in the name of the Lord “
Let us pray also like Peter, ‘Master it is good that we are here’, be it in the Church or on Streaming, for when we pray, we are with the Lord, as sure as if we were on the mountain.
Lord, we heard that Abram, had a vision, whereas we have your living word as revealed in Scripture and know that certainty, of Jesus being raised from the dead and thus we have eternal life awaiting us with you in heaven. Lord, we pray that you keep us forever listening and reading your life giving words, so that we will shine within our family/community like the stars shown to Abram. Finally we will shine in one of your many mansions you created for us in heaven and on the new earth, when our life ends here on earth.
We all say :-
“ Blessed is the one who comes in the name of the Lord “
Lord God, Abram was commanded to offer animals and bird sacrifices not once, but continually and that this was the way of the Old Testament, offering sacrifices to be pleasing in heaven. But we praise you that Jesus became the one and only sacrifice that God the Father can totally accept, as absolute payment for our sins. Your death Jesus was once and forever. We pray that we continue to believe in you and live by your ways, to show love mercy and justice to all.
Keep us, we pray, to be focused on you as the total appeasing satisfying sacrifice and thus there is no need to worry about being acceptable in Gods sight. Remind us to look upwards to you, as you are seated on the throne of heaven, at the right hand of the Father, as the atoner of all sins.
We all say :-
“ Blessed is the one who comes in the name of the Lord “
We are told that Abram was given a Covenant, a land flowing with “milk and honey”.. We thank you Lord that you made a New Covenant, with your people, a people that have accepted Jesus as Lord and Saviour. We pray now and forever that we who are believers in Jesus, will remain believers and thus we will enjoy the total benefits of this New Covenant, we now are ‘citizens of heaven’, a unique inheritance. That inheritance is, ‘all that is Jesus’s’, which is thus everything , not just a portion of earthy land, but rather everything in Heaven and Earth, especially everlasting peace, joy and love.
We all say :-
“ Blessed is the one who comes in the name of the Lord “
You have said that we will be gathered, ‘like chicks, under their mothers wing’ so we will be under your protection, if we trust in you and your word as our Lord and
Saviour. We pray that we stay trusting in you, that we will walk with you in our lives daily, do not let us be separated from you by worldly events, expectations or
temptations. We pray to stay focused on your ways, no matter what life throws at us.
Lord Jesus, Peter, James and John heard your Father say, ‘This is my Son , my chosen;- listen to him ! ‘…. We pray that we listen to you, and we can, because we actually have your words , from Scripture; to speak to us. God has laid out for us the path, showed us the way to walk, Jesus is the light to shine on that path, his is the bread to sustain us on our journey, he is the living water to refresh us.
We all say :-
“ Blessed is the one who comes in the name of the Lord “
We pray that you continue to strengthen the will and capacity of our Rector Canon Elaine to minister in this Parish and all who help her in so many ways.
Guide our Bishop Paul and the many who also work in this Diocese to continue to shine for you Lord Jesus.
Lord, Covid– 19 has effected so many people in myriads of ways, often causing
sufferings, some seen and yet many, in unseen ways, except to that specific person
adversely effected, we ask you to comfort all those people.
The situation in the Ukraine shows us the fragility of our world society.
So many displaced people as well as so many killed, maimed and hurt..
The situation in Afghanistan and Syria is still desperate..
Lord we pray, let your righteousness and peace prevail over these situations.
We all say :-
“ Blessed is the one who comes in the name of the Lord “
Lord, we now bring to you for a few moments, in silence, our inner most prayers and concerns and praise.
We conclude now by saying together:
Merciful Father, accept these our prayers, for the sake of
your Son, our Saviour Jesus Christ. Amen
Sunday 6th March, 2022
Prepared by Clodagh King
Gracious God, you call us to worship today and remind us that Jesus refused the temptation to worship the evil one. Rather than receive the glorious kingdoms of this world, he endured first, the time in the wilderness and ultimately the pain and suffering of the cross.
Help us during our Lenten journey to fix our eyes on him and daily pick up our own crosses.
Lord, in your mercy hear our prayer
Almighty God, Your son Jesus was offered all the kingdoms of the world and their authority and splendour if he would worship the devil rather than you. Help those who govern and rule those nations today to resist the temptation to use evil, violent and corrupt ways to bring about their personal desires rather than ruling with justice, mercy and benevolence.
Lord, in your mercy hear our prayer.
We pray for all people everywhere in their varying needs. Into the gentleness of your healing love we bring before you the lonely, the hungry, those living in poverty and those without hope. We remember all those who are ill and in pain: those recovering from surgery – giving thanks for the work and dedication of our doctors and nurses.
We have in our hearts some people known only to ourselves, some known to our church and some only through the news who are in need of our prayers and we remember them in a moment of quiet.
(Short silence)
May your healing touch support and strengthen them and we pray that you will remove from them all that hurts, harms and hinders.
Lord, in your mercy hear our prayer.
We pray for world leaders, that guided by integrity and wisdom, they may work together so that peace may flourish.
We pray too for all those caught up in violence, remembering especially the people of Ukraine; that in this time of fear and conflict, they may know God’s presence and peace.
We pray for our parish and our local community: that in this time of Lent, we may reach out in solidarity to our brothers and sisters in need.
Lord in your mercy hear our prayer.
Sunday 27th February 2022
Prepared by Kay Treacy
May Lent be a time of inward searching,
that makes us more able to look with compassion
at our own needs, and the needs of the world.
Forgive us for our lack of courage to speak out,
and when we walk past and don’t offer help.
Forgive us when we get it wrong.
Help us to choose kindness.
God of love…..Hear our prayer.
God our Father, in good times may we live in such a way,
that we will be strengthened for the difficult times
that all of us face in our lives.
Lead us now to make positive choices,
to value friendship and loyalty, and develop attitudes
and values, treasuring all that is lasting and important.
God of love. Hear our prayer.
We pray for those who exploit the poor,
for those who abuse others,
and for those who hold power over life or death.
We pray that Your love might bring change,
and bring light into hearts.
God of love…..Hear our prayer.
May our gentleness with each other reflect Your gentleness with us.
Open our hearts that we may value and appreciate all people,
recognising what we have in common
rather than focusing on what our differences may be;
that we may distinguish what is important and what is not.
Help us to live in this day.
May we neither let hurt from yesterday, nor fears of tomorrow,
rob the gift of living in the moment.
May we rejoice as a family in all the goodness that You have given us,
and be a safe place for others to come and find shelter.
God of love. Hear our prayer.
We take a few moments for our own special prayers……….
Bring them Your peace, hope and healing grace,
God of love. Hear our prayer.
Christianity is a way of life, a mystery gently unfolding.
Heavenly Father may we both follow Your guiding light
and shine that light so that others may follow You.
God of love. Hear our prayer.
CONTINUE a poem by Maya Angelou 1928-2014
American poet and civil rights activist
My wish for you is that you continue.
CONTINUE to be who and how you are.
To astonish a mean world with your acts of kindness.
CONTINUE to allow humour to lighten the burden of your tender heart in a society dark with cruelty.
To let the people hear the grandeur of God in your laughter.
CONTINUE to let your eloquence
elevate the people to heights they had only imagined.
CONTINUE to remind people that each is as good as the other
and no one is beneath nor above you.
CONTINUE to remember your own young years
and look with favour upon the lost, and the least, and the lonely.
CONTINUE to put the mantle of your protection
around the bodies of the young, and defenseless.
CONTINUE to take the hand of the despised and diseased
and walk proudly with them in the high street,
some might see you and be encouraged to do the same.
CONTINUE to plant a public kiss on the cheek of the sick and the aged and the infirm and count that as a natural action to be expected.
CONTINUE to let gratitude be the pillow upon which you kneel to say your nightly prayer, and let faith be the bridge you build to overcome evil and
welcome good.
CONTINUE to ignore no vision
which comes to enlarge your range and increase your spirit.
CONTINUE to dare to love deeply
and risk everything for the good thing.
CONTINUE to float happily in the sea of infinite substance
which set aside riches for you before you had a name.
Sunday 20th February 2022
Prepared by Hilary Dring
Creator God, we live in an amazing world. Everything is so interconnected and interdependent. You are giving yourself to us all the time as each moment you give us breath and life. You sustain all of creation and love us so much more than we can ever grasp. Climate change is revealing how much even one single change in the eco system can have an enormous impact. Help us to respect and value every part of creation, humans, animals, plants; everything you have created. May we tread lightly on this earth, and may the choices we make help to restore and preserve the health of our planet.
Lord of all creation
In your mercy, hear us.
Provider God, thank you for the way in which you provide all that we need to live and thrive. Rain and sunshine bring life and nourishment; the seasons provide times of rest and growth. We know though that in many parts of the world there is no rain for months and months; or there are storms and floods. The result is drought, destroyed harvests and famine; people do not have enough to survive. Help us to be grateful for all we have and to be generous, supporting those who seek to alleviate poverty, famine and the effects of natural disaster and war across the world.
Lord of all creation
In your mercy, hear us.
All knowing God, there is so much unrest in our world; we are watching what is happening on the borders of Russia and Ukraine, in Myanmar, and in many parts of Africa to mention a few. We pray for all those who are in positions of authority and can exert influence over others. Grant them wisdom to work for peace and a willingness to work things out through dialogue rather than violence.
Lord of all creation
In your mercy, hear us.
Awesome God, “You are worthy to receive glory and honour and power, for you created all things, and by your will they existed and were created”. May we join with all nature in praising you for your love and care for all things. Speak to us in the ordinary everyday moments; remind us that you are there with us in all that happens in our lives. Give us the grace to recognise you in those we meet and the humility to honour their life experiences, especially when they are very different to our own.
Lord of all creation
In your mercy, hear us.
Compassionate God, in Jesus you revealed yourself to us. Your authority over nature was made known as people were healed and storms were stilled. You turned everything upside down. In your kingdom everyone matters; there are no favourites. You teach us that love is more important than anything, love of God, self and neighbour. We pray now in particular for those who are ill or bereaved, for those who are struggling to make ends meet and to make sense of their lives, for the lonely and marginalised – for all who are in any kind of need. Help us to show love and kindness to everyone we meet.
Let us be still now for a few moments and bring our own private prayers to you…….
Lord of all creation
In your mercy, hear us.
Merciful Father, accept these our prayers for the sake of your Son, Jesus Christ our Lord, Amen
Sunday 13th February 2022
Prepared by Peter Coughlan
The Prophet Jeremiah tells us “…Blessed is the one who trusts in the Lord”
Help us to trust you completely now Lord – and in confidence to bring prayers for our world, for our brothers and sisters of all nations, for our loved ones and for ourselves to you our loving Father through your Son Jesus Christ.
Let us pray.
Our Father who art in Heaven, Hallowed be thy name
You have created the universe, the galaxies and the wonderful world we live in.
Your Name be praised, all honour and glory be yours.
Guide our world leaders and every one of us to care responsibly for our world and to treasure and preserve the beauty of nature for all time.
Thy Kingdom come, thy will be done
On earth as it is in Heaven.
We pray that tensions between Russia and Europe could ease and that leaders of all the nations would choose the path of negotiation, compromise and peace.
We remember especially today our brothers and sisters in the Tigray region of Ethiopia, Afghanistan, Yemen, The Lebanon and Syria. Bless all victims of war and the poor refugees who have had to leave their homes.
We pray earnestly for an end to all wars, violence, oppression and hatred, so that your will would be done in our world bringing real hope and lasting peace for all peoples.
Lord in your Mercy, Hear our Prayer
Give us this day our daily bread
We remember all those around the world who are desperate for physical food and clean water and face a daily struggle to meet their basic needs, many have no supports of any kind from their governments or leaders. Guide us who are privileged to live in this country, to share what we can with those in such desperate need and to support them and the aid agencies and volunteers who reach out to help.
Lord in your Mercy, Hear our Prayer
We remember those who need your Daily Bread in spiritual form. We think especially of those of all ages who after these stressful Covid times are struggling with their mental health and may feel depressed or anxious – help us to keep in touch, support them and encourage them to share their worries with a loved one or a professional.
May they know that you love each and every one of them unconditionally.
We pray for Your church in all the world, Bless our bishops and priests and all who share your Holy Word, The Bread of life with us. We remember especially Bishop Paul and our own Canon Elaine, their families, and their ministries among us,
Lord in your Mercy, Hear our Prayer
Forgive us our trespasses as we forgive those who trespass against us
Forgive us the things we have done wrongly or left undone.
Help us to forgive those who may have wronged us.
Guide us to always remember those on the edges of society who don’t have a voice, those who may be poor, abused, homeless, in sheltered care, in direct provision, in prison or battling with addiction.
In a few moments of silence now we bring before you our private prayers for those in need of your Love and care at this time …….……
Draw near to all who suffer merciful Lord that they may sense your presence and trust in your unfailing love for them.
Lord in your Mercy, Hear our Prayer
…lead us not into temptation but Deliver us from evil
keep us safe from all the temptations and distractions of this very busy and materialistic world. We take strength from knowing that yours Father God is the victory.
For Thine is the Kingdom, the Power and the Glory for Ever and Ever.
We conclude our prayers by saying together….
Merciful father, accept these our prayers
for the sake of your Son Our Saviour Jesus Christ. Amen
Sunday 6th February 2022
Prepared by Valerie Andrew
Loving Lord, we thank you for the arrival of spring when the sleeping world of Creation emerges, bursting into life as part of nature’s wonderous cycle of death and rebirth. We give thanks for the lengthening of the days and the beauty of flowers appearing.
The time of singing has come and the voice of nature is heard everywhere. For this we give you grateful thanks.
Lord in your Mercy —- Congregation “Hear our Prayer”
Loving Lord, spring reminds us that you are at work renewing the earth. As a God of renewal you are at work in our lives also. Open our eyes and hearts to needed changes in our lives this spring. Take our fears and turn them into strengths. Take our lack of faith and empower us with your Holy Spirit. Walk with us into this new season of growth and renewal.
Lord in your Mercy —- Congregation “Hear our Prayer”
Loving Lord, grant to world leaders the wisdom to see beyond the boundaries of race, religion and nationality, to see the common humanity that makes us all your children. Grant to those who have taken up arms in anger, revenge, or even in the cause of justice, to convert to the path of peaceful dialogue and constructive collaboration. To the innocent who live in the shadow of war and terror, be a shelter and strength, their haven and hope.
Lord in your Mercy —- Congregation “Hear our Prayer”
Loving Lord, there seems to be constant criticism, frustration and dissatisfaction with our Government’s performance in relation to issues such as housing, education and social services. Help us to remember this is the same government that worked hard to successfully guide and protect us through two very difficult years of the pandemic. Help us to give thanks for that and show tolerance and patience as they return to normal governance.
Lord in your Mercy —- Congregation “Hear our Prayer”
(Everybody) Merciful Father, accept these our prayers for the sake of your son, our Saviour Jesus Christ. Amen
Sunday 30th January, 2022
Prepared by Simon Woodworth
Loving God, in January the festive lights have gone out and darkness lies over the face of the land. We give thanks for every blessing of the past Advent, Christmas and Epiphany seasons, even as we peer uncertainly into the year ahead.
Give us the assurance that you will be with us in the future, as deeply as you have been in the past, and that nothing can separate us from your love, which bears all things, believes all things, hopes all things and endures all things.
Lord, in your mercy, Hear our prayer.
Almighty God, you are great and highly to be praised.
We thank you that most of the pandemic restrictions are lifted and normal life has resumed for almost all of us. We are in debt to all those who worked tirelessly to bring the pandemic under control.
We are grateful, Lord, that those businesses that have struggled during repeated lockdown are now free to recover and rebuild. We enjoy the restoration of our freedoms.
As we celebrate the presentation of your son Jesus Christ in the temple, we rejoice that we can once again worship fully together without restraint.
Lord, in your mercy, Hear our prayer.
We are mindful that COVID-19 has not gone away yet.
We pray for those who are still vulnerable to the disease, or who are fearful and anxious of a return to normality.
Comfort them, loving God, and wrap them in your warm embrace.
Endow the rest of us with consideration and thoughtfulness so that we do not enjoy our freedoms at the expense of others.
Lord, in your mercy, Hear our prayer.
The pandemic has taught us that it is time for us to put aside childish ways and deal honestly with the challenges that face us.
Other pandemics may come, and we face the problems of climate change, hunger and the possibility of armed conflict in Eastern Europe and Southeast Asia.
Guide our leaders, Lord, that they may act with wisdom, forbearance and tolerance, for the betterment of all of us.
Lord, in your mercy, Hear our prayer.
O God, in a few moments of silence, we bring to you our hopes and fears, our prayers and our thanks. We are grateful and give thanks to you for prayers answered, and we ask you to listen to our intercessions for those who are close to us and those who are in need.
Lord, in your mercy, Hear our prayer.
In concluding our prayers this morning, Lord, we remember that, after his presentation, Jesus grew in wisdom and strength and was blessed with your favour. Likewise, as we face into longer and warmer and better days, we ask you to favour us with wisdom and strength as you send us out to do your work.
Lord, in your mercy, Hear our prayer.
Sunday 23rd January, 2022
Prepared by Helen Arnopp
Lord we pray for the world around us, for nations and people far away. At this time we pray for the people of Tonga and the surrounding areas as they try to put their lives back together after the natural disaster of the tsunami following of the eruption of the undersea volcano surrounding these islands. There has been catastrophic and extensive damage caused by the eruption and the fall out of ash and sea surges which followed the eruption. We pray for the nations of Australia and New Zealand as they assist with aid at this time. We pray that you will surround all with your grace and peace through this difficult time and that you will sustain those who work to rescue and rebuild.
Lord hear us. Lord, graciously hear us.
Lord we pray for all church leaders and preachers and those with pastoral responsibility in the church or in the community. We especially pray for all who minister in this diocese, Paul our Bishop, Elaine our Rector and Richard our local minister. We pray for all churches all over the world. We pray for parents and colleagues and for families and friends.
Lord hear us. Lord, graciously hear us.
As a nation we were all shocked to hear of the tragic death of Aisling Murphy last week as she went for a run in broad daylight. We pray for her friends and family and for her First Class pupils at this difficult time and we ask that the outpouring of grief and solidarity shown at this time will bring changes in our country so that women will not feel so vulnerable when alone.
Lord hear us. Lord, graciously hear us.
Lord, we thank you for the men and women who serve our country in leadership roles and for their families. We pray that you will provide our leaders with reminders each day of why they decided to dedicate their lives to public service and use that commitment to encourage them.
We also pray for our local leaders today. We pray for our local council members, an Garda Siochana and Judges and all who serve our local community. We pray that you will strengthen them with wisdom and grace for the burdens they carry.
Lord hear us. Lord, graciously hear us.
In our gospel reading today we read of Jesus teaching the people.
God sent his Son to proclaim His kingdom and to teach with authority.
Let us conclude our prayers this morning by saying together the second verse of the Hymn – Christ whose glory fills the sky –
Charles Wesley, 1707-1788
Dark and cheerless is the morn
unaccompanied by thee;
joyless is the day’s return,
till thy mercy’s beams I see;
till they inward light impart,
cheer my eyes and warm my heart. AMEN
Sunday 16th January, 2022
Prepared by Kevin Ryan
Father, now that the hustle and bustle of Christmas and New Year have been left behind, help us to relax, exhale, and get back into a more regular rhythm, and make room again for the more familiar patterns of life. Help us to appreciate what’s “every-day and ordinary”, so that when we next come to celebrate the extraordinary, the excess and extravagance of celebration will hold meaning for us.
Lord hear us. Lord graciously hear us!
St. Paul reminds us that God blesses each of us with gifts and talents, but not identically. We are each called to explore our unique gifts and talents. We are called to develop and use them to manifest the Spirit of God for the common good. Help us, Lord, to recognise the talents we’ve been given, and to use them for your glory and good of the community.
Lord hear us. Lord graciously hear us!
We thank you Lord, for all who serve us … in the Church, in the community and in the world at large. Bless our ministers. Give courage and strength to those who work in the health and welfare services. Give wisdom and a sense of justice to those who legislate and administrate affairs of state.
Lord hear us. Lord graciously hear us!
These days, media bombards us with a lot of negative information, giving rise to a lot of negative feelings, and depression on a large scale. We’re being exposed to personal journeys of celebrities, their larger-than-life crises, and their battles with terminal illness.
We ask you, Lord, to grant them your peace. Help us all to realise that whatever we’re experiencing now, this is not as good as it gets. That as witnessed in the wedding at Cana, our Lord never rests and is ever at work turning our difficult situations into abundant blessings. That like the guests, we too can look forward to a place where we find the ‘good wine’ ahead of, rather than behind us, where most might expect it to have been.
Lord hear us. Lord graciously hear us!
Lord, we now bring to you for a few moments, in silence, our innermost prayers and concerns.
Lord hear us. Lord graciously hear us!
We conclude by saying together:
Merciful Father, accept these our prayers, for the sake of your Son, our Saviour Jesus Christ. Amen
Sunday 9th January, 2022
Prepared by Rowland Newenham
Lord, we pray for the different churches in the world; help us to understand thedifferent faiths and religions and teach us tolerance in the differences of faith.
Lord hear us Lord Graciously hear us
Lord, we pray for all who minister with us in this diocese. We pray especially for Paul, our Bishop, for Canon Daniel Nuzum, whose ministry is with the sick and the dying in the hospitals and hospices of this diocese. His vocation must be especially difficult during this pandemic, and we pray for his protection. We pray for our own Canon Elaine; Lord we give gratitude to You for bringing her to us and we pray for your loving mercy and protection for Elaine and for her family. We pray also for our deacon, Richard, and for our lay reader-in-training, Simon. Lord, be with them on their individual journeys and vocations. Lord, in a few moments of silence, we bring all these special persons and their families before you. Embrace them with Your love, Your mercy and Your protection.
Lord hear us Lord Graciously hear us
Lord, at this time of year, we often attempt a New Year resolution. For some in this parish the commitment is to read the Bible during this year. This will be a difficult resolution, as they attempt, day by day, verse by verse, and chapter by chapter to read this book of books, The Holy Bible. Be with them, Lord, and give them joy and understanding as they embrace the challenge of new unread passages interspersed with familiar readings.
Lord hear us Lord Graciously hear us
Lord as we read today’s scripture reading of the Baptism of Jesus, let us remember that we have all here been baptised. Let us not be afraid but to go forwards into 2022 with confidence and joy. Like Mary, Joseph and the shepherds and countless others before us, let us not be afraid, for we too have heard ‘news of great joy for all the people.’
Lord hear us Lord Graciously hear us
Lord, we pray for all school students and teachers as they are yet again facing into an uncertain future. Be with those who make the decisions and help them to resolve the dilemma of the reopening of schools so that students may continue with their education in a safe and stable environment.
Lord hear us Lord Graciously hear us
Lord, we pray for all who are in pain or suffering at this time. We remember especially those facing long and incurable illnesses. We pray also for the families of those recently bereaved. Help them to cope at this time of year and be with them and help them through their pain, grief, and sadness.
And we conclude by saying together:
Merciful Father accept these prayers for the sake of your Son, our Saviour, Jesus Christ Our Lord. Amen.
Sunday 19th December, 2021
Prepared by Peter Coughlan
As we continue to prepare ourselves in Advent for the wondrous birth of our Lord Jesus, we pause now to be still – we focus on Mary, that blessed young woman whom God chose to be the mother of our Lord Jesus. May we be inspired by her obedience and humility and amazing faith, and may our souls be like hers, and glorify the Lord.
Loving God we pray for our hurting world, draw near to those who hunger or thirst in a world of plenty, those affected by war and terrorism, the bereaved, orphaned, injured and traumatised, may they know you are with them and that their pain is your pain. Bless the wonderful volunteers who work tirelessly to help them.
Guide us all to live more simply so the less fortunate can share in the resources that you provide.
Bless the leaders of our world, guide them into the ways of peace and unity and to serve the common good – Forgive us for the damage we have done to our beautiful planet and lead us all towards a true attitude of conservation and the protection of all of nature’s gifts You have entrusted to us.
Lord in Your Mercy Hear Our prayer
Loving Lord – We pray for your church – for our Christian brothers and sisters everywhere, unite us in true Christian discipleship , Bless Bishop Paul, Rev Canon Elaine, Rev Richard and all who work selflessly week by week for the good of Carrigaline Union and all its parishioners.
Help us to be mindful Christmas can be a difficult time for those with financial worries or health concerns, we remember the amazing frontline and healthcare workers here at home and all around the world who so generously care for those who are unwell.
We remember those who may be feeling lonely or a little low at this time
In a few moments of silence we bring our personal prayers to you for those in need of your care at this time….
Help all who have worry and pain to know your love and strength and find peace and healing in your presence.
Lord in Your Mercy Hear Our prayer
Loving Father –As we prepare to celebrate the birth of Jesus
may we share in the song of the Angels,
the gladness of the shepherds
and the wonder and worship of the wise men.
Teach us to close the door of hate and open the door of love all over the world
Let kindness come with every gift and good desires with every greeting.
We bring our families and loved ones and ourselves to you this Holy Christmas time –that your name be honoured and glorified and that hard hearts could be melted to receive the Christ child afresh.
We conclude our prayers and say together..
Merciful father, accept these our prayers for the sake of your Son,
our Saviour Jesus Christ. Amen
Sunday 12th December, 2021
Prepared by Rowland Njoku
Our Father in heaven, we bless your Holy Name and rejoice in your infinite love, as we bring our needs before your throne of mercy.
We rejoice in our preparation for the celebration of the birth of our Lord Jesus Christ and in the joy of His Second Coming.
Grant your Church the wisdom and obedience to live as worthy servants, and to reign with the Lord in glory with the Father and the Holy Spirit.
Lord, in your mercy Hear our prayer.
We pray for leaders of all nations and heads of institutions all over the world.
Grant our leaders the wisdom and grace they require to restore social and economic activities in all works of life.
We pray for united progress in the global effort to tackle our common challenges.
We also pray for restoration of peace and wellbeing of all people in
every nation.
Lord, in your mercy Hear our prayer.
We pray for those who render services in challenging circumstances.
Especially, we continue to pray for those who face the risk of sickness or injury in this challenging time.
We pray for workers safety and courage to continue to discharge their duties without fear or worry.
Lord, in your mercy Hear our prayer.
We pray for Churches and believers throughout the world.
Especially, we pray for our Diocese, and the people at St John’s Church Monkstown and St Mary’s Church Carrigaline.
Lord, please guide us in our work and worship, and lead us safely in preparation for the celebration at Christmas and into the coming year 2022.
Lord in your mercy Hear our prayer
Lord, we pray for the Clergy and Laity, especially for those in charge of our own Diocese.
We pray for the good health and wellbeing of Bishop Paul, Canon Elaine, Reverend Tony, Reverend Richard, and all those who provide services at our local churches.
Lord, support them in their services to the church and bless their families.
Lord, in your mercy Hear our prayer.
Lord, please protect our local communities, and members of ourfamilies.
We pray for peace in our relationships, and for the love of Christ to reign in our midst.
Help us to love each other as good Christians and to enjoy the love of Christ in our homes.
Lord, in your mercy Hear our prayer.
We pray Lord, that you heal the sick among us, provide our needs and comfort those who are in pain, sorrow, or any suffering.
Help us to enjoy this Christmas, and to share the love of Christ with our families and friends.
Grant us peace in our homes, and to live amicably with our neighbours and our environment.
Lord, in your mercy Hear our prayer.
In a moment of silence, let us gently bring our individual prayers before the Lord, for our needs and for the needs of our loved ones.
Lord, in your mercy
Hear our prayer.
Sunday 5th December, 2021
Prepared by Clodagh King
Merciful God, may your blessing be upon all those who are in pain or sickness, those who are anxious or troubled. We know that you are always present with us, even when sometimes you seem far away. Help us feel your presence when we pass through dark places and sustain us and all who suffer through our pains and sorrows.
We raise before you those from our community who are ill, hospitalised or recuperating and for those we know within our families and circle of friends. We especially pray for any we know who recently died and are on that journey to you.
Lord in your mercy: hear our prayer.
Lord our God, we pray for the communities in which we live, work and worship. We pray that with your help we will reveal your glory in the way we live and serve you.
If we become over-busy, stressed or tired speak tenderly to us, gather us in your arms and bring us back to a place where we can rest and re-focus on the one great truth of Advent and Christmas: that you have come to us in humility and with patience so that we may see your glory and salvation in our lives.
Lord in your mercy: hear our prayer.
Faithful God, as we continue this Advent journey, teach us to turn to you in times of joy and pleasure as well as we do when faced with fear and sorrow. Help us put our differences behind us and to unite behind the great commission of Jesus to make disciples of all nations and all people.
Lord in your mercy hear our prayer.
Loving God, we pray for our families, friends and neighbours as they prepare and look forward to Christmas. Help us as we try to set an example of a true spirit of preparation for that incredibly precious gift of the Christ-child. May they too experience the true meaning of Christmas and know your love for them.
Lord in your mercy hear our prayer.
Sunday 28th November, 2021
Prepared by Kevin Ryan
Lord, as we begin a new liturgical year, and prepare to celebrate the birth of Jesus, help us to find time in our busy lives to reflect on the wonder of your love.
Help us to allow the story of Christ’s birth to take precedence over the consumerism and materialism that has become such a large part of modern living.
Lord, hear us.
Lord graciously hear us!
Lord, we’re exposed to news of injustice, illness, tragedy and human misery, on a constant basis. Help us to be hopeful in the face of such negativity. Help us to acknowledge what is wrong in the world, and to realise that the solutions to many of these issues lie with us.
Help us to face these issues, acknowledging that with Your help, everything is possible.
Lord, hear us.
Lord, graciously hear us!
Lord, we pray for all churches around the world. We pray for church leaders, especially for all who minister in this diocese and parish: Paul our Bishop, Elaine our Rector, Richard our Deacon, and all who contribute in this parish, in so many different ways.
Lord, hear us.
Lord, graciously hear us!
We pray for all who are ill at this time, at home or in hospital. We remember all who are bereaved. Lord, we ask that you be a haven of comfort and consolation, as they struggle with their suffering.
Lord, hear us.
Lord, graciously hear us!
We pray for all who tend the sick, and work in our hospitals and care homes. We ask you to continue to give them the strength and endurance to cope with their regular duties, along with the ever-increasing stresses arising from people being hospitalised due to Covid infections.
We ask you to protect these workers and their families at this particularly hazardous time.
We pray that they be rewarded and recognised for the invaluable work they do.
Lord, hear us.
Lord, graciously hear us!
Lord, we now bring to you, in silence, our own personal prayers, for ourselves and for our loved ones.
Lord, hear us.
Lord, graciously hear us!
We conclude with the prayer:
Merciful father, accept these prayers for the sake of your Son, our Saviour, Jesus Christ. Amen
Sunday 21st November, 2021
Prepared by Helen Arnopp
This Sunday is the last Sunday of the church’s liturgical year
Lord we pray for the world around us, for nations and people far away. Since August thousand of people, mostly from Iraq, Syria and Yemen have amassed at Belarus’s western border with Poland, now enduring freezing conditions in the hope of crossing into the EU. We pray for these refugees who are seeking a better and more stable life away from persecution etc and that they will be allowed to cross to the West and to gain some relief from all the hardship they have and are enduring. We pray for the leaders of the countries who try to negotiate on their behalf that they can change the paths of these vulnerable people.
Lord in you we trust. We look to you for our help
Lord we pray for church leaders and especially for all who minister in this diocese, Paul our Bishop, Elaine our Rector and Richard our local minister. We pray for all churches all over the world. We pray for all who work in our hospitals and care homes and we continue to ask you to give them the strength and endurance to cope with the ever increasing numbers of people being hospitalised because of Covid infections. We ask that you protect these workers and their families at this vulnerable time. Give all who care for others, we pray, a true sense of their own value and the importance of the work they do.
Lord in you we trust. We look to you for our help
We pray for wisdom for all politicians and local councillors who come into politics with high ideals and a genuine desire to seek justice and truth. We pray that your light continues to be the source of wisdom for all politicians and that decisions made are always for the good of the people and not for politicians personal popularity or gain.
Lord in you we trust. We look to you for our help
Lord we thank you for those whose labours enrich our lives and for those whose words and deeds make our lives worthwhile. At this time as we have recently re-introduced hymn singing to our services – all be it to one or two singers, we thank you for the writers of these hymns, our organists who willingly shares their talent with us each week and to the beautiful singers who enrich our worship with their voices. We pray that you will continue to bless all people who share their wonderful gifts to enrich our understanding of your word.
Lord in you we trust. We look to you for our help
In the gospel reading today we read a portion of the passion from the Gospel of St John. The gospel invites us to see with eyes of faith that we might recognise that Jesus, though his crucifixion and death, is indeed king and Saviour of all.
Concluding Prayer:
Sovereign God, ruler of all creation, you sent Jesus to testify to the truth, that you alone are the Lord of Life. Help us to listen always to his voice so that we may proclaim his realm of justice, peace and endless love, through Christ, who reigns for ever. Amen.
(Office of Theology and worship, Presbyterian Church(USA)
Sunday 14th November, 2021
Prepared by Rowland Newenham
Blessed are the poor in spirit, for theirs is the kingdom of heaven.
O Lord, help us to recognise our sins, both spiritual and actual, and to bring them before you to seek forgiveness. Teach us to judge ourselves before we pass judgement on others. Lord, we pray for all prisoners and for those in the prison service, that You will protect them and watch over them.
Lord hear us……Lord Graciously hear us
Blessed are those who mourn, for they will be comforted.
Lord, we remember those friends and relatives that were close to us and who have died. Comfort us in our grief. We pray for Your comfort for the ill, for those in chronic pain, and those awaiting results of medical tests.
Lord hear us……Lord Graciously hear us
Blessed are the meek, for they will inherit the earth
Lord, help us to be slow to anger, and to drop our feeling of self-importance. Teach us to remember the things that we have not done well and to acknowledge them.
Lord hear us……Lord Graciously hear us
Blessed are those who hunger and thirst for righteousness, for they will be filled.
Lord, on this Remembrance Sunday we remember all those who have died fighting, or have been seriously injured, for a cause close to their hearts. Lord, speak to us, and help us to be involved in encouraging the use of peace and diplomacy over war and fighting.
Lord hear us……Lord Graciously hear us
Blessed are the merciful, for they will receive mercy.
O Lord, we often struggle to do what is right. Forgive us our sins as we forgive those who sin against us. Grant us Your mercy O Lord.
Lord hear us……Lord Graciously hear us
Blessed are the pure in heart, for they will see God
Lord, help us to see the world from the eyes of those around us.
Sometimes we say one thing when we mean another. Teach us not to be hypocrites, and to try to live a good life.
Lord hear us……Lord Graciously hear us
Blessed are the peacemakers, for they will be called children of God.
O Lord, help us to understand that to become closer to You, we must first reconcile our own differences. Teach us to forgive and forget, even when we think we are right. Teach us to say sorry.
Lord hear us……Lord Graciously hear us
Blessed are those who are persecuted for righteousness’ sake, for theirs is the kingdom of heaven
Lord, help us to strive to do the right thing, even when the cost seems too great.
Lord help us as we work to become a Church of Sanctuary, and outreach to refugees, asylum seekers and those who are vulnerable and need support and guidance.
And we conclude by saying together:
Merciful Lord, Accept these our prayers for the sake of your Son, Our Saviour, Jesus Christ. Amen.
Sunday 7th November, 2021
Prepared by Simon Woodworth
Gracious God, we gather in your presence to give you thanks and to ask for your guidance, your strength, and your help. We are mindful of concerns local, national, and global. We think especially of the COP26 summit as it enters its second week. We ask you to listen to us as we bring our prayers to you.
Lord, hear us.
Lord, graciously hear us.
Gracious God, we thank you for the comforts we enjoy. We have a roof over our heads and food on our tables. The harvest is in, and the winter crops are already growing in the fields. We recall the story of Ruth, and we are struck by how the BioNTech COVID vaccine was developed by immigrants. Grant us the gift of generosity, Lord, so we may share our wealth with those who are displaced from their own homes and lands for whatever reason.
Lord, hear us.
Lord, graciously hear us.
Loving God, the people of Madagascar are suffering horribly in the first climate change induced famine. Their villagers are reduced to eating cactus flowers while their children starve. Grand us the wisdom, Lord, to understand how the resources we consume for our own comforts impacts the lives of those far less fortunate than us.
Lord, hear us.
Lord, graciously hear us.
Almighty God, help us to be come mindful stewards of our planet. From the tiniest insect to the mightiest tree, every living thing has its own part to play in the wonderful tapestry of life. We thank you, God, for the environment in which we live and of which we are a part.
Lord, hear us.
Lord, graciously hear us.
O God, in a few moments of silence, we bring to you our hopes and fears, our prayers and our thanks. We are grateful and give thanks to you for prayers answered, and we ask you to listen to our intercessions for those who are close to us and those who are in need.
Lord, hear us.
Lord, graciously hear us.
Merciful Lord, we pray for justice, equality and fair treatment for all who live on this planet. We know your son Jesus had no time for those who would make ostentatious gestures of charity and piousness, while the poorest among us give all they have. We know that the poorest will pay the heaviest price just so the rest of us can enjoy our environmentally expensive lifestyles. We ask you to guide all of us to build a more equitable society where all can live in peace and safety.
Lord, hear us.
Lord, graciously hear us.
We conclude our prayers by saying together:
Merciful Lord, Accept these our prayers for the sake of your Son, Our Saviour, Jesus Christ. Amen.
Sunday 31st October, 2021
Prepared by Valerie Andrew
Loving Lord, we all long to draw closer to you to experience more of your goodness and unfailing love. But many times we are too busy to spend time with you. We know that you want us to draw near to you all the time, not just once in a while. Help us to be constant in our effort to draw closer to you every day and experience more of your great Love for us.
Lord in your mercy….Hear our prayer
Dear God of all humanity, we pray for our Global Neighbours. We ask that you empower us to be ambassador of your Love and wisdom to all the peoples of the earth. Help us to disrupt the cycle of pain, despair and suffering that overwhelms so many in our world. We ask that you give strength and courage to work towards justice for all.
Lord in your mercy….Hear our prayer
Loving Lord, we know that when you commanded us to Love our neighbour, you called us not only to Love those who are similar to us and with whom we feel comfortable, but all those you place in our path, even those we might perceive as our enemies. Help us to show compassion, tolerance and understanding for all those we meet, so we can reflect the Love you show to us all. Lord in your mercy….Hear our prayer
Loving Lord, we pray for our leaders, both National and Global at this time of great changes. We pray especially for our Government and their advisors who carry the burden of responsibility of steering us through the present Pandemic and implementing changes which will counteract the present climate crisis.
We also pray for world leaders gathering in Glasgow to begin the COP26 conference tomorrow. We ask that they have positive outcomes from their decisions. Lord in your mercy….Hear our prayer
Loving Lord, so many times when we turn to you in prayer it is when we need comfort and help. We now turn to you in a few moments of silence to give thanks for something that brought us joy and happiness recently and for which we are grateful.
Lord in your mercy….Hear our prayer
Merciful Father, accept these our prayers for the sake of your Son, our Saviour Jesus Christ. Amen
Sunday 24th October, 2021
Prepared by Peter Coughlan
(from the hymn by Joseph Scriven)
“..Have we trials and temptations?
Is there trouble anywhere?
We should never be discouraged,
Take it to the Lord in prayer”
In confidence now, We bring prayers for our world and for ourselves to our loving Father.
Let us pray.
Creator God, We thank you for our planet, the gift of life and the beauty of creation. For Autumn’s golden light and for all nature’s treasures you share with us in their seasons Please guide the leaders of all nations to join together now in urgent meaningful action to ensure we protect the Earth for the generations to come.
Lord in Your Mercy Hear our Prayer
Protector God, Lord we thank for our country and for all that makes it a safe place to live. We pray for those nations which are torn by conflict, soften the hearts of the leaders of all countries and guide them into your ways of peace and to ensure a fair share in the gifts of this world for all peoples. We remember especially our brothers and sisters in Afghanistan, Yemen, The Lebanon and Syria. Bless all victims of war and the refugees who have had to leave their homes. May we support them and the aid agencies and volunteers who reach out to help.
Lord in Your Mercy Hear our Prayer
Loving God, We pray for our government and Health officials, help them to make decisions of honesty and integrity so that your will would be done. Make us a tolerant and generous people with real compassion for those who are in need. We pray for your church throughout the world, and thank You for the gift of your Holy word and the wonderful message of everlasting love and hope and life contained in our Bibles.
Bless Bishop Paul and Rev Canon Elaine and all ministers of your word who teach us with to learn more about you and your Son Jesus and your unfailing Love for us all.
Lord in Your Mercy Hear our Prayer
Draw near we pray to those who are stressed, sick, or lonely or feel they are excluded Be near those who feel anxious and have worries
In a moment of silence, we bring our private prayers to you for those in need of your Love and care at this time…….
May your peace be with those who are troubled
May your strength be with those working to keep others safe
May your comfort be with those who are grieving
May your wisdom light the way for those making decisions
May your healing be upon those who are unwell
May your hope fill those who are fearful
May your compassion prompt us to love our neighbours
Keep us from harm and watch over us now and for evermore. Amen
We conclude our prayers by saying The Grace together
The grace of our Lord Jesus Christ, the love of God,
and the fellowship of the Holy Spirit be with us all,
evermore. Amen.
Sunday 17th October, 2021
Prepared by Hilary Dring
Let us by prayer and intercession with thanksgiving make our requests to God.
Gracious God,
we pray for peace, justice and reconciliation throughout the world.
We pray for the honouring of human rights,
and for the relief of the oppressed.
We give thanks for all that is gracious in the lives of men, women and children.
God of love hear our prayer.
We pray for the renewal of the Church in faith, love and service.
We pray for Paul our bishop and for the life of this parish and community.
We give thanks for the gift of your word,
the grace of the sacraments and the fellowship of your people.
God of love hear our prayer.
We pray for this local community
and for all people in their daily life and work.
We pray for the young and the elderly,
for families, and all who are alone.
We give thanks for human skill and creativity
and all that reveals your loveliness.
God of love hear our prayer.
We pray for those who are in need;
for the sick, sorrowful and bereaved.
We pray for all who bring comfort, care and healing.
We give thanks for human love and friendship
and for all that enriches our daily lives.
God of love hear our prayer.
Let us commend ourselves, and all for whom we pray,
to the mercy and protection of God.
God of love hear our prayer.
Merciful Father, accept these prayers for the sake of your Son,
our Saviour, Jesus Christ. Amen.
© The Archbishops’ Council of the Church of England
Sunday 10th October, 2021
written by Kevin Ryan
Father, we are encouraged by St Paul to approach you with confidence, “… so that we may receive mercy and find grace to help us in our time of need”.
We, therefore, come before you today, to praise you, to thank you for your countless blessings and to entrust to you our cares and needs.
Lord, we remember this morning those who are sick, sad or lonely and those who are brave and patient when things are going wrong.
We pray that they may be aware of your comforting presence and know that in your hands they are safe and loved.
Lord in your mercy, Hear our prayer!
Lord, you’ve told us what we need to do to inherit eternal life!
Help us to hear your word, and to respond through the needs we encounter in our own community.
Help us to see you in everyone who needs our help, in any way.
Lord in your mercy, Hear our prayer!
Lord, so often the lack of justice throughout the world makes us angry and bitter.
We see the poor being trampled and denied the basic freedoms that we so often take for granted.
We pray for all those who are being driven from their homes in places of conflict, and forced to seek refuge in other parts of the world.
We pray that we will respond appropriately, and our politicians will do their best to offer a safe refuge to those in need.
Lord in your mercy, Hear our prayer!
Lord, we ask you to bless and care for our Church and its ministers:
We pray for Bishop Paul and his family, Canon Elaine and her family, for our deacons and lay ministers, and those who serve us in any
Give them the courage to persevere, especially when they feel tired or depleted.
Lord in your mercy, Hear our prayer!
Father, we remember, particularly today, our friends in our link parish of Perton.
We ask you to bless the Revd. Julia and her family, the lay ministers, the parishioners and the wider community of Perton.
We ask you to continue to bless the connection we share through our common commitment to the message of your Son, Jesus Christ.
Lord in your mercy, Hear our prayer!
Lord, we now bring to you, in silence, our own personal prayers for ourselves and our loved ones. (Silence)
Lord in your mercy, Hear our prayer!
Lord, Creator God, we thank you for this time together in prayer and as we look forward to the week to come, we pray for an awareness of your love and support in all we do.
We conclude by saying:
Merciful Father, accept these prayers for the sake of your Son, our Saviour, Jesus Christ. Amen
Harvest Sunday 3rd October, 2021
written by Rowland Njoku
Eternal God and Father of everlasting love and blessing.
We give thanks for the bountiful harvest, and for all the blessings you provide for us.
We pray for everyone in this time of harvest, especially those who depend on charity.
Help us to be amicable so that everyone shares fairly from the harvest.
Good Lord of the harvest,
hear our prayer.
We give thanks for all those who grow, distribute, or prepare agricultural goods. We pray for farmers, transporters, shopkeepers, and those who provide food in the families, and outside homes and in restaurants.
Bless those who provide agricultural goods; help them to be fair and equitable in their transactions.
Good Lord of the harvest,
hear our prayer.
Good Lord, we give thanks for the harvest of the natural resources of air, land, and sea. We give thanks for the blessings around us; of trees, flowers, crops, the waters, and all the things that work together for good.
We also give thanks for animals, birds, livestock, and domestic pets around us.
We pray for those who are entrusted with the responsibility of our environment and the care for the natural resources.
Good Lord of the harvest,
hear our prayer.
We give thanks for the harvest of your blessing in our churches, especially, the Diocese of Cork, Cloyne, and Ross.
We pray for the wellbeing of the congregation, and the Ministers and workers at St John’s Monkstown and St Mary’s Carrigaline.
Good Lord of the harvest,
hear our prayer.
We give thanks for the harvest of blessing on our families, friends, and neighbours.
We give thanks for our local farmers, shops and all those who supply our local community with agricultural goods.
Good Lord bless our community and their businesses, bless all children and adults in every household. Heal the sick among us, comfort those who are in pain, sorrow, or suffering, and help us to support and care for each other.
Good Lord of the harvest,
hear our prayer.
In a moment of silence, let us recount our blessings at harvest,
and pray the Good Lord of the harvest to send out workers into His harvest field.…………………………………….
Good Lord of the harvest,
hear our prayer.
Let us conclude our prayers by saying together:
Merciful Father accept these prayers in the name of your Son, our Saviour, Jesus Christ Our Lord. Amen.
Sunday 26th September, 2021
Let us pray to God for his protection and thank him for his goodness.
Keep the Church open to accept and affirm all who work for good.
Save her from becoming narrow and defensive in her ministry.
Give to all Christian people willingness to accept as well as to give,
and to be gracious in accepting.
Lord, in your mercy, Hear our prayer.
Bless and sanctify all human efforts towards a better world.
Be close to those who have compassion without faith
and draw them into your Kingdom.
Lord, in your mercy, Hear our prayer.
Give us peace with one another, in our homes and in our work.
Bless our community with peace and harmony ,
and cast out all that makes for evil.
Lord, in your mercy, Hear our prayer.
Have mercy on children who are damaged and abused;
save them and heal the harm they have received.
Give compassion and courage to those who work for
the protection of children.
Lord, in your mercy, Hear our prayer.
We remember those who have passed through the trials and temptations of this world and are now at rest. Help us so to live in this world that
we may come in purity to eternal life.
Lord, in your mercy, Hear our prayer.
We pray in the name of Christ, our hope and our strength, as we say together…. The grace of our Lord Jesus Christ, and the love of God, and the fellowship of the Holy Spirit, be with us all, evermore. Amen.
‘Hear our Prayer’, Raymond Chapman, Canterbury Press (2003)
Sunday 19th September, 2021
written by Rowland Newenham
O Lord, we pray for the different churches in the world; help us to understand thedifferent faiths and religions and teach us tolerance in the differences of faith. We pray for Simon, our lay reader in training, for Richard, our new deacon, and for Paul, our Bishop. We pray especially today for Elaine, our Rector, as she travels to Rosscarbery to be installed in the Prebendary of Timoleague.
O Lord, protect them and help us to listen to them as they minister to us. Lord hear us Lord Graciously hear us
Lord, we pray for all refugees and all those who for whatever reason find themselves homeless or about to become homeless; Lord, grant them protection and safe refuge, keep them warm and dry and nourished and safe as we enter into another winter.
Lord hear us Lord Graciously hear us
O Lord, we pray Afghanistan and its people. Their world has been turned upside-down in the last month and as Afghanistan disappears from our news, help us O Lord not to forget them.
Lord hear us Lord Graciously hear us
O Lord, we pray for our government and all those who have to make important decisions with regards to the welfare of this nation. Grant them the strength and focus to make the right decisions in the forthcoming carbon budget, climate action plan and fiscal budget. Almighty God, help us to recognise the enormity of the task, and help us to embrace the changes required in our daily lives.
Lord hear us Lord Graciously hear us
Lord, we pray that You will help us to listen to Your word. In today’s reading from Mark, we learn that about Jesus teaching his disciples and predicting His own death. We struggle to understand that the first must be the very last and servant to all. In James we hear that we should try to lead by example, with humility, and submit ourselves to You, Lord.
Lord, help us as we try to comprehend Your lessons to us. In today’s world where we are all struggling with daily issues, help us to listen to You.
Lord hear us Lord Graciously hear us
O Lord, we pray for school teachers and pupils and for college lecturers and students. Life has changed dramatically for them since the start of the pandemic. Lord, be with them and support them at this time.
Lord hear us Lord Graciously hear us
O Lord, we pray for the seriously ill and for the families of those recently bereaved. For those who are ill and those who mourn, be with them at this tough time, and help them to know Your love
And we conclude by saying together: Merciful Father accept these prayers for the sake of your Son, our Saviour, Jesus Christ Our Lord. Amen.
Sunday 12th September, 2021
written by Helen Arnopp
Lord we pray for the world around us, for nations and people far away. We pray for peace in our world and in
particular for the people of Afghanistan at this time. We especially
remember those living there who are in fear of their lives with the Taliban now in control. We ask that compassion, mercy and tolerance is shown to all regardless of their beliefs and that peace and harmony can once again reign in this troubled part of our world. We also pray for those whose lives have been destroyed by the torrential rains in the US and that the authorities and communities come together to restore and rebuild their lives and homes.
Lord in you we trust. We look to you for our help
Lord we pray for all who minister in this diocese, especially Paul our Bishop, Elaine and her family, Richard our newly ordained Deacon and all those who support the sick and vulnerable in our hospitals, Marymount Hospital and Hospice, palliative care units, St Luke’s Home and all
nursing homes. We ask you to support them in their ministry with your Holy Spirit and to protect them as they move among the people of this Diocese in a safe manner.
Lord in you we trust. We look to you for our help
At this time of the year the harvest spills into our homes. We remember this morning that people have worked hard and endured all weathers to get our food to us. We remember the packers, shippers, lorry-drivers, shop assistants and all who have worked in the chain to deliver the goods to our tables – we thank you for all their hard work and give you thanks for your bounty. As we enjoy your rich harvest here, we remember with sorrow and regret that our over-consumption in the West is at the expense of others. Your good earth produces enough food for everyone and we ask that you strengthen the hands of the aid agencies and reorder the
priorities of governments so that the hungry in our world may have enough to eat.
Lord in you we trust. We look to you for our help
written by Helen Arnopp
Lord we pray for the world around us, for nations and people far away. We pray for peace in our world and in particular for the people of Afghanistan at this time. We especially remember those living there who are in fear of their lives with the Taliban now in control. We ask that compassion, mercy and tolerance is shown to all regardless of their beliefs and that peace and harmony can once again reign in this troubled part of our world. We also pray for those whose lives have been destroyed by the torrential rains in the US and that the authorities and communities come together to restore and rebuild their lives and homes.
Lord in you we trust. We look to you for our help
Lord we pray for all who minister in this diocese, especially Paul our Bishop, Elaine and her family, Richard our newly ordained Deacon and all those who support the sick and vulnerable in our hospitals, Marymount Hospital and Hospice, palliative care units, St Luke’s Home and all nursing homes. We ask you to support them in their ministry with your Holy Spirit and to protect them as they move among the people of this Diocese in a safe manner.
Lord in you we trust. We look to you for our help
At this time of the year the harvest spills into our homes. We remember this morning that people have worked hard and endured all weathers to get our food to us. We remember the packers, shippers, lorry-drivers, shop assistants and all who have worked in the chain to deliver the goods to our tables – we thank you for all their hard work and give you thanks for your bounty. As we enjoy your rich harvest here, we remember with sorrow and regret that our over-consumption in the West is at the expense of others. Your good earth produces enough food for everyone and we ask that you strengthen the hands of the aid agencies and reorder the priorities of governments so that the hungry in our world may have enough to eat.
Lord in you we trust. We look to you for our help
We pray for all our students at this time, those who have returned to primary school and who are now settling in, for those who have started in our secondary schools, that they will develop new friendships and grow in both knowledge and personality. We especially pray for those who have recently received their Leaving Certificate results and College places this week. Be with all these students who have achieved the place at the next stage in their life path and especially for those who have been disappointed in not getting their first choice. We pray that you will
support and grow with them as they journey in life. We also remember all who teach and direct our young people and ask that you make us all alert to the needs of others and quick to encourage one another. May our gentleness with each other reflect your gentleness with us.
Lord in you we trust. We look to you for our help.
The gospel today we read of Jesus’ identity and Peter. It would appear that Jesus is side-stepping the title ‘Messiah’ and this is not what we or Peter want to hear. Jesus does not deny or challenge Peter’s conclusion but explains the teaching about ‘the Son of Man’. Lord Jesus, you laid aside your glory to take a path of suffering on the cross and your death in this way which would bring great benefit to others. Give us the courage, strength and insight to follow your example.
Lord in you we trust. We look to you for our help
And we conclude with and say together: And, Jesus I have promised to serve thee to the end; O give me grace to follow my Master and my friend.
Merciful Father, accept these our prayers , for the sake of your son, our saviour Jesus Christ , Amen.
Sunday 5th September, 2021
written by Clodagh King, Christian Aid Representative in the Parish
Merciful God, we pray for our world, where through television, we see the misery and tragedy brought about by wrong choices and brought into our homes day by day. We pray for wisdom and compassion in all negotiations and decisions taken by our world and local leaders; and ask that there be humility in leadership and responsibility for right action shared by all and we particularly pray that this may apply to all things associated with the Pandemic.
Lord in your mercy: hear our prayer.
Loving God, give us ears to hear and minds to understand the message of immortality for the children of your kingdom so that we may look forward with patience and confidence to that time when we will join you in the peace of eternity. We raise before you those from our community who are ill, hospitalised or recuperating and for those we know within our families and circle of friends. We especially pray for any we know who recently died and are on that journey to you.
Lord in your mercy: hear our prayer.
A prayer for Afghanistan from Christian Aid
Pray for Afghanistan
O God of mercy and of peace,
We hold before you the peoples of Afghanistan.
Be living bread to those who are hungry each day
Be healing and wholeness to those who have no access to health care amidst the ravages of pandemic
Be their true home to all who have been displaced
Be open arms of loving acceptance to those who fear because of their gender, ethnicity, religious or political views
Be peace to those engaged in armed conflict and those who live within its shadow.
Turn our hearts and minds to your ways of just and gentle peace,
Open our eyes to see you in all acts of compassionate care
Strengthen our hearts to step out in solidarity with your suffering people and hold us all in your unfailing love.
We pray in the name of Jesus Christ, who emptied himself of all but love in order to bring life in all its fullness.
Lord in your mercy: hear our prayer.
Sunday 29th August, 2021
written by Valerie Andrew, a member of the parish Eco Group
Almighty God, through your creation of the world we see the glory of your eternal power, wisdom and goodness.
We see your steadfast and eternal power in the rising of the sun, the patterns of the stars and the cycle of the seasons.
We see your divine nature in the creation of all life on earth, it’s endless wonderous beauty and interconnectedness.
We see your eternal love in the creation of ourselves – mankind, made in your image.
Lord of Creation for all this we give you grateful thanks.
Lord in your mercy…. Hear our prayer
Lord of Creation, you entrusted us to care for all that you created. In many parts of the world we have failed.
Help us to realise how fragile our environment is, because we are not looking after creation.
Help us to be true stewards and to understand that every single creature and plant are all part of a wonderous whole.
Lord in your mercy…. Hear our prayer
Lord of Creation, make us people who recognise, nurture and act towards a more sustainable world for the benefit of all who draw life from this planet. Help each of us to accept and embrace change and teach us to partner you in protecting this precious world and the lives of our most vulnerable global neighbours.
Lord in your mercy…. Hear our prayer
Lord of Creation, our world is changing, but you remain the same. Fear may grasp us, but your perfect love remains constant. Tomorrow is uncertain, but you are there already. Give us strength and courage to continue forwards.
Lord in your mercy…. Hear our prayer
Lord of Creation, we pray for wise national leadership on climate issues. We especially pray for those who are preparing for the COP26 climate conference in Glasgow later this year. Give them wisdom to make the right decisions as they lead, courage as they act and perseverance and restraint as they face opposition.
Lord in your mercy…. Hear our prayer
Merciful Father, accept these our prayers
for the sake of your Son,
our Saviour Jesus Christ. Amen.
Sunday 1st August, 2021
written by Rowland Njoku
Our Eternal Father and King of Love
We bring to You our thanksgiving and sacrifice of praise, for Your Blessings endure forever. We bring the testimony of Your Excellence and The Beauty of Your Love, within us and in our surrounding. Love Divine and Infinite; ‘It breathes in the air; It shines in the light, It streams from the hills and distils in the dew and the rain.’
Lord in your mercy
Hear our prayer
Our Eternal Father of Grace
We bring also the people’s prayer of faith for all our needs . We pray for all people and Nations of the world. Invigorate a peaceful and healthful lifestyle among people, in all nations and towards our Earth environment. As it is written, ‘there is one body and one Spirit, one hope, one Lord, one faith, one baptism, one God and Father of all.’ Inspire us to share together our common heritage of blessing, as one people with love and peace that unite all nations.
Lord in your mercy
Hear our prayer
Our Eternal Father of Salvation
We pray for the Church and all believers throughout the world. Especially, we pray for the Diocese of Cork, Cloyne and Ross; And the people of St Johns Monkstown and St Mary’s Carrigaline. Bless the congregation of your people and grant us the presence of Your Holy Spirit in our work and worship; and grant us the joy of your salvation in our lives.
Lord in your mercy
Hear our prayer
Our Eternal Father of Blessing
We pray for the Clergy and Laity, especially those in the United Dioceses of Cork, Cloyne and Ross. It is written in the Gospel, that ‘everyone who has left houses or relatives for Christ sake will receive many times as much, and inherit eternal life.’ We claim this word of blessing for our Bishop, Dr Paul Colton and his family. We also claim this word of blessing for our Rector, the Reverend Canon Elaine and her family, and for all the Ministers and workers of the Church at St John’s Monkstown and St Mary’s Carrigaline.
Lord, in your mercy
Hear our prayer.
Our Eternal Father of Faith,
‘Who gives life to the dead, and calls things which be not as though they were.’ We pray for our families and all people in our local community and Churches. We pray for our children and all parents as we continue to embrace new ways of living together. We invite You, The Good Lord, into our lives to manifest your strength in our weakness. Strengthen our life of faith with love for one another as our Lord Jesus Christ demonstrated. Help us to cultivate humility with patience to lead a life worthy of the calling
Lord, in your mercy
Hear our prayer.
Our Eternal Father of Peace and Harmony
Heal the sick among us, provide our needs and comfort those who are in pain, sorrow or suffering. Help us to enjoy and share the Love of God with our families and friends, and to be at peace with our neighbours and our Earth environment.
Lord, in your mercy
Hear our prayer.
In a moment of silence, let us gently bring our individual prayers before the Lord, for our needs and for the needs of our loved ones
Lord, in your mercy
Hear our prayer.
Sunday 25th July, 2021
written by Hilary Dring
Lord, we remember that you are a God who is able to accomplish abundantly far more than all we can ask or imagine. We come to you in faith, trusting in your boundless and generous love.
We pray for the church, for all Christians around the world, remembering especially those who suffer for their faith. We pray for all clergy and lay people who faithfully serve and minister to your people. We pray for all who volunteer, for those who make a difference in other people’s lives and help to make things even a little better for those around them.
We come to you in faith,
trusting in your boundless and generous love.
We pray for our world; a world where the problems and needs can seem overwhelming at times. Give wisdom to all in authority that they may govern fairly and with compassion. We think especially of areas of the world which are affected by natural disaster and famine, where so many people suffer through no fault of their own. Help those who have plenty to share generously with those who often do not have even the basics that we take for granted. May we all play our part in making the world a better place for everyone.
We come to you in faith,
trusting in your boundless and generous love.
We pray for our community, for the people we meet as we go about our lives. Help us to contribute to making our community a place where everyone is welcome and accepted, where each adult and child can have the opportunity to reach their potential. We pray especially for those who feel excluded and on the margins, for those who have no hope for the future and see no way forward. We pray for the Syrian family which is sponsored through our community. May they feel welcome and respected as they adjust to living in a new place where everything is so different and new.
We come to you in faith,
trusting in your boundless and generous love.
We pray for those who suffer; for the sick and for the dying; for the bereaved and the anxious; for the abused and for victims of crime; for the lonely and those who struggle with mental health difficulties. We pray for all who work to provide care in any capacity.Equip them and fill them with your Spirit as they share your love with others in practical and caring ways. Remind us that ours are the hands and feet that you use to bless the world.
We come to you in faith,
trusting in your boundless and generous love.
We pray, in the words of St Paul, that we may be strengthened in our inner being with power through your Spirit, and that Christ may dwell in our hearts through faith, as we are being rooted and grounded in love. May we have the power to comprehend, with all the saints, what is the breadth and length and height and depth, and to know the love of Christ that surpasses knowledge, so that we may be filled with all the fullness of God.
We come to you in faith,
trusting in your boundless and generous love.
We end our time of prayer by saying together the Grace.
The Grace of our Lord Jesus Christ, and the love of God, and the fellowship of the Holy Spirit, be with us all, evermore. Amen
Sunday 18th July, 2021
written by Kevin Ryan
God, our Father, we have been brought near to you by the blood of Christ. Teach us to recognise the depth of your love for us. Help us to be faithful to that relationship, so that we may share our faith and the Gospel of Jesus Christ in all that we do, with those whom we love and meet each day.
Lord in your mercy.
Hear our prayer.
Help us to recognise Jesus, as his disciples did, as he reveals himself to us in so many different ways, and through so many different people. Help us to have the confidence to reach out and touch even the hem of his cloak, and know that we too will be healed.
Lord in your mercy.
Hear our prayer.
We pray for the needs of our families, friends and neighbours. Help us to respond to these needs when we can. Help us to be aware that, in giving, we grow closer to you, and that people recognise us as Christians by how we behave.
Lord in your mercy.
Hear our prayer.
We pray that the leaders of this and of every nation may be given the courage to choose good and reject evil, in accordance with your will.
Lord in your mercy.
Hear our prayer.
We pray for the Church throughout the world, for its unity and mission. We pray for our diocese of Cork, Cloyne and Ross, for Paul our bishop and for all who minister in so many different ways.
Lord in your mercy.
Hear our prayer
We pray for the sick, the suffering and the bereaved. Grant them relief in mind and body. We pray for those who look after them. Grant them the strength and courage to carry on, even when their task seems hopeless.
Lord in your mercy.
Hear our prayer
Merciful Father, we commend into your hands those whom we have loved and now have lost. You gave them breath, and loved and cared for them throughout their lives. Receive them now in your eternal kingdom, and may they rest in peace and rise in glory.
Lord in your mercy.
Hear our prayer.
Lord, we take a moment, in silence, to bring before you our private and personal concerns .
Lord in your mercy.
Hear our prayer.
Faithful God, we dedicate all these people, and our prayers, to your loving care. Give us the strength and courage to walk alongside those in need, to fight for justice for the oppressed and to allow others to see you in us, and in all that we do in the coming week.
Merciful Father, accept these our prayers
For the sake of your Son,
Our Saviour Jesus Christ. Amen.
Sunday 11th July, 2021
Prayers this week are from the Liturgy developed for the Commemoration of the end of the War of Independence 100 years ago today.
Almighty God, you promised through your Son Jesus Christ to hear the prayers of those who ask in faith:
We pray for your Church in all the world, for its unity and mission, for our diocese of Cork, Cloyne & Ross and for Paul our bishop and for all faith leaders in this land.
Lord in your mercy.
Hear our prayer.
We pray that we may continually work for peace and embody God’s ministry of reconciliation in all that we do and say.
Lord in your mercy.
Hear our prayer.
We pray for those who help to demolish walls of mistrust and prejudice and seek to heal the wounds of past conflicts.
Lord in your mercy.
Hear our prayer.
We pray for all who stand alongside victims of hatred and sectarianism, that we may work unceasingly for human rights, equality and justice on this island and beyond.
Lord in your mercy.
Hear our prayer.
We pray for all who continue to carry the hurts of the past, especially the scars left behind as a result of war.
Lord in your mercy.
Hear our prayer.
We pray for historians, researchers and all who help us to interpret our past, that they may have wisdom and right judgement and that their work may bring healing and peace.
Lord in your mercy.
Hear our prayer.
We pray that the leaders of this and of every nation may be given the
courage to choose good and reject evil in accordance with your will.
Lord in your mercy.
Hear our prayer.
We pray for all who display courage in upholding justice and in preserving peace throughout the world.
Lord in your mercy.
Hear our prayer.
We pray for our fellow countrymen and women who work for the
resolution of conflict in our society and beyond.
Lord in your mercy.
Hear our prayer.
We pray for the sick, suffering and bereaved. We especially remember those who still bear the physical and psychological scars of the past.
Lord in your mercy.
Hear our prayer.
We pray for all who bear the wounds of conflicts past and present, for the reconciling of memories and for the healing of wounded history.
Lord in your mercy.
Hear our prayer.
We remember all who lost their lives in the War of Independence. We pray that as we remember, we may be mindful of your reconciling love, brought to perfection in the resurrection of Jesus Christ our Risen Lord.
Grant that we may share with them the joys of your eternal kingdom.
Lord in your mercy.
Hear our prayer.
Merciful Father, accept these our prayers
for the sake of your Son,
our Saviour Jesus Christ. Amen.
Sunday 4th July , 2021
written by Peter Coughlan
We pause now and bring prayers for our world, for our loved ones and for ourselves to our loving Father through his Son Jesus.
Let us pray.
(using Prayers from the Church of Ireland Ministry of Healing)
Creator God You created the heavens and the beautiful world in which we live. Guide us and all world leaders to care responsibly for our world and to treasure and preserve the beauty of nature and of all living creatures for the generations to come.
Lord in your Mercy, Hear our Prayer
Caring God Bless the leaders of all nations, guide them to seek justice, understanding, unity and lasting peace for all. Make us aware how fortunate we are to live in a country with access to Health Care, Education and employment Bless those who do not have these options and flee violence or economic hardship to become refugees. Make us generous and welcoming to them and guide us to support countries that are struggling economically and to share the riches of this planet evenly and to ensure all nations can get the access they need to Covid 19 vaccine.
Lord in your Mercy, Hear our Prayer
Loving God We pray for Your church in all the world, for Christian unity and for understanding and real community with those of other faiths. Make us your church, into the people you want us to be and forgive us where we fall short. Teach us to be generous in judgement, bold in commitment and sensitive in listening. Where we find no love, let us bring love and make us more like you.
Lord in your Mercy, Hear our Prayer
Father God You love each one of us as your child, guide us to love our neighbours and especially those who struggle – the poor, the homeless, those seeking Asylum, those in prison or battling with addiction, those suffering with their physical or mental health, for all carers and for those who are painfully grieving the loss of a loved one. In a few moments of silence now we bring our personal prayers to our caring Father …….……
Lord You are our steadfast companion at all times of our lives . When we rejoice, you celebrate with us, when we are anxious and afraid you offer us courage to face the unknown. When we weep with sadness, you are our comforter. Help us to entrust ourselves to your faithful and abiding care.
Lord in your Mercy, Hear our Prayer
Gentle God as we slowly emerge from Lockdown restrictions we understand it has been a difficult time for many – protect us all going forward as we try to shape a new and changed society.
We especially remember our children and young people – help us to learn from their honest and uncomplicated faith in you and to support them with the challenges such as starting new classes, schools or colleges and the added pressures they can face due to opinions and content shared on their social media platforms. Help them to be fully confident that you Love each and every one of them just as they are.
Generous God We thank you for hearing our prayers with the attentiveness of a loving parent. We ask you to take each need and answer each prayer in your own time and in your own way. For we know You to be just and true and that we have asked in the name of Jesus Christ our Lord.
We conclude our prayers and say together
The Grace of our Lord Jesus Christ, the Love of God and the
Fellowship of the Holy Spirit be with us all evermore. Amen.
Sunday 27th June, 2021
written by Kay Treacy
Loving Father, we thank you that you sent your Son to bring us life. Life in its fullness, life for eternity.
You are the source of all health. Thank you that through you all things are possible, Fill our hearts with faith in your love. We may not always sense that God is with us, but as we persevere in prayer we will find that he is blessing us in often unexpected ways. We pray that God’s tender touch will strengthen our faith, will give us confidence, and will teach us to see with our hearts.
God of love….Hear our prayer.
We are all in need of God’s healing throughout our lives, it is not just for those who are ill. Lord Jesus we have faith in your power to heal.
We ask for true healing, for wholeness of body, mind and spirit, for peace, for the awareness of God’s presence, for a hope that knows no end, that knows that love casts out fear, and overcomes and endures.
God of love….Hear our prayer.
For those weighed down by ill health,
for those weighed down by worry,
for those weighed down by fear,
for those weighed down by sadness,
bring a sense of stillness and peace, freedom from pain and distress, reconciliation of damaged relationships, acceptance in the face of loss, and a readiness for what is to come.
God of love….Hear our prayer.
Support and strengthen all those who reach out in love, concern, and prayer.
In their acts of compassion, may they know that they are your instruments.
In their concerns and fears may they know your peace.
In their prayer may they know your steadfast love.
May they not grow weary.
Bless doctors, nurses, and all whose lives are dedicated to bringing wholeness. Bless those who are carers to those in need, and all whose lives are dedicated to loving service.
God of love….Hear our prayer.
We pray for the healing for our world.
For those who torment and victimise the vulnerable.
For men and women affected by violence in the home.
For those who live by violence.
May they learn to live in Your love
and may we be a channel of Your peace.
God of love….Hear our prayer.
Loving Father heal the hurts, both inside and out that make life difficult each day. We bring to you the memories that haunt us, the anxieties that worry us, the despair that frightens us.
Help us to discover your forgiveness in our memories and know your peace in our pain.
We ask for your guidance to help us to retrain our thoughts and reframe our perspectives, to learn acceptance, and how to cope in the middle of the storm
God of love….Hear our prayer.
It is in the sharing of our personalities and gifts that others are healed.
Bless us, and help us not to be bitter towards people or situations, but empower us to take the initiative and break the cycle of hatred and bitterness. Help us to transform the difficulties that come our way into opportunities for personal growth, and service to others.
God of love….Hear our prayer.
We take a few moments for our own special prayers……
May they be surrounded with Your healing love.
God of love….Hear our prayer.
Help us to live in this day.
May we neither let hurt from yesterday, or fears of tomorrow, rob the gift of living in the moment.
May we rejoice as a family in all the goodness that You have given us,
and be a safe place for others to come and find shelter.
In the name of Jesus. Amen
We say together
Merciful Father, Accept these our prayers,
For the sake of Your Son, our Saviour, Jesus Christ.
Sunday 20th June, 2021
written by Rowland Newenham
Lord, we pray for the global church community, and also for our own churches, and we pray for those who minister amongst us, and we pray especially for Paul, our Bishop, for Elaine, our Rector, for Richard, our diocesan lay reader, and for Simon, our lay reader in training.
Lord hear us. Lord Graciously hear us.
Today is World Refugee Day. Lord, we pray at this time for all those who for no other reason than the country of their birth find themselves to be refugees from war and conflict, drought and starvation. Help us to help them to build a better future, as they struggle with basic needs that we all take for granted.
Lord, we pray that you may be present as we try to make our Churches places of Sanctuary. Help us to learn to be welcoming to those who are asylum seekers and refugees in our community.
Lord hear us. Lord Graciously hear us.
Lord, we pray for all Leaving Certificate students, as they continue and conclude their examinations and try to plan for the future. Be with them and be a steady voice to them when they make decisions as to their choice of career or choice of third level courses.
Lord hear us. Lord Graciously hear us.
Lord, we pray for the confirmation candidates and their families in our parish, as they prepare for their confirmation in early July. Help them on their spiritual journey.
Lord hear us. Lord Graciously hear us.
Loving Father, from whose mighty hands all life and healing come, we pray for Your protection for all who are in pain or suffering at this time. We remember especially those facing long and incurable illnesses. We pray also for Your protection for all who work in the healthcare sector and who have witnessed such enormous changes in their lives over the last 15 months.
Lord hear us. Lord Graciously hear us.
O Lord, we pray for the families of those recently bereaved. For those who mourn, immerse them with your love, and help them through this difficult time.
Lord hear us. Lord Graciously hear us.
Lord, as we continue to live through the storm that Covid-19 has ripped through our lives, help us to learn to have faith in you, and to believe in your presence in the midst of our troubles.
We take a few moments in silence to remember our own personal
prayers, for ourselves and our loved ones…… (Silence)
And we conclude by saying together:
Merciful Father accept these prayers for the sake of your Son,
our Saviour, Jesus Christ Our Lord. Amen.
Sunday 13th June, 2021
written by Kevin Ryan
Father God, we approach you with our concerns, our burdens and our thanksgiving. Help us to put our trust in you and in our Saviour Jesus Christ, who taught us that you love us as a parent, and want only what is right for us.
We pray for the Christian Church throughout the world, and especially here in our own Diocese. We pray for our Bishop Paul, our Rector, Canon Elaine, and for all who practice their ministry in many different ways. We ask you to bless their work, and give them wisdom and courage, as they continue to minister throughout these difficult times. May the seeds they sow grow and mature, by your grace!
Lord in your mercy, hear our prayer.
We pray for our world, which seems to be forever caught up in violence andconflict. Through the media, we are witnesses to terrorist violence in so many parts of the world. As we continue to pray for peace and goodwill towards all people, we also pray for the innocent victims and their families, caught up in in conflicts which are not of their making.
Lord in your mercy, hear our prayer.
We pray for our young people, as we end another academic year. We pray for those who are currently sitting the Leaving Cert. and other important examinations at school and university, and for those starting new lives in the world of work.
Help us, Lord, through our Christian life, to create a society where both young and old, and people of different and diverse abilities feel valued, and proud to be part of society.
Lord in your mercy, hear our prayer.
We pray for our Government and community leaders, as they deal with difficult situations, and especially those dealing with the ongoing Pandemic. Help them to decide with wisdom and compassion. Help us to be reasonable and receptive to the guidelines they issue. Help us to behave responsibly and for our own good and that of society.
Lord in your mercy, hear our prayer.
Loving God, we think of those in need in our own community and further afield; the elderly, the housebound and those in care homes, hospitals and hospices. We also remember the victims of violence, abuse or cruelty. We give thanks for all those who care for the sick within the family, and for our medical and voluntary services.
Lord in your mercy, hear our prayer.
Lord, we ask you to lead us into the coming week. Help us to believe that you are close by us, as we face difficult decisions or difficult work. Support those in business, as the try to adjust to their “new norms”. When we enjoy ourselves, and have fun with others, help us to know that you share these times with us.
Lord in your mercy, hear our prayer.
We take a few moments in silence to remember our own personal prayers, for ourselves and our loved ones. (Silence) Lord in your mercy, hear our prayer.
We conclude by saying: Merciful Father, accept these our prayers for the sake of your son, our Saviour, Jesus Christ. Amen
Sunday 6th June, 2021
written by Simon Woodworth
Gracious God, this ordinary Sunday we gather today as your people, only a fraction of the community who live around us, and only a fraction of those who would like to be here. We gather on their behalf, with the privilege of representing them before you, the One who unreservedly loves all people and sustains all things.
Lord, hear us. Lord, graciously hear us.
Guide our leaders and those who govern us, merciful God, so that they may do your will and do what is best for our nations and our planet. We think particularly of our own government as we come out of lockdown, and the governments of those places where there is strife, oppression, and war. Listen, Lord, to those who cry out, as those who rule them take their land, their homes, their freedoms, and their lives. Help us to heal all such divisions and live as one.
Lord, hear us. Lord, graciously hear us.
Merciful God, we pray for our democracies. Help us as we strive for peace, justice, and strong institutions everywhere. We live in a world beset with cyberattacks and other assaults. We think especially of those in the HSE as they rebuild our health service after one such attack. Guide us as we restore our institutions and as we seek to protect the pillars of our society against all such enemies.
Lord, hear us. Lord, graciously hear us.
Gracious God, we thank you for those who freely give their time and experience to lead and serve our communities. We pray for our Canon Rector Elaine, our Bishop Paul and all our local leaders. We thank you, Lord, as a Trinity of persons, Father, Son and Holy Spirit, for giving us a model of community, of mutual care and affirmation. May we on earth echo your life in heaven.
Lord, hear us. Lord, graciously hear us.
O God, in a few moments of silence, we bring to you our hopes and fears, our prayers and thanks. We ask you to listen to our intercessions for those who are close to us and those who are in need.
Lord, hear us. Lord, graciously hear us.
Loving God, as we do your bidding, we are all brothers and sisters in your eyes. As we stand here in church, we feel a strong kinship with those who are unable to be with us, with those who are watching and taking part from home. We thank you for our parishes and our community. As you send us out this Sunday, Lord, strengthen our bonds as we look to do your bidding under your rule.
Lord, hear us. Lord, graciously hear us.
We conclude our prayers by saying together:
Merciful Lord, Accept these our prayers for the sake of your Son, Our Saviour, Jesus Christ. Amen.
Trinity Sunday , 30th May 2021
written by Helen Arnopp
O God beyond us, lead us forward to pray.
O God beside us, teach us gently to pray.
O god within us, still our hearts to pray.
Lord we pray for the world around us, for nations and people far away. We pray for peace in our world and in particular for the fragile cease fire between Israel and Palestine. We especially remember those living in Jerusalem and Gaza who have endured horrendous destruction of their homes, lives and neighbourhoods in recent time. We ask that peace can be restored so that all can return to more ordered lives and release them from the worry of persecution and fear. We pray that they may find
respite and that those who seek to help them may be strengthened and that You will watch over them.
Lord hear us. Lord, graciously hear us.
Lord we pray for all who minister in this diocese, especially Paul our Bishop, Elaine and her family, Richard our Diocesan Reader and all those who support the sick and vulnerable in our hospitals, Marymount Hospital and Hospice, palliative care units, St Luke’s Home and all nursing homes. We ask you to support them in their ministry with your Holy Spirit and to protect them as they move among the people of this Diocese in a safe manner.
Lord hear us. Lord, graciously hear us.
Nicodemus was a Pharisee and an important Jewish leader. In this passage Jesus talks about the gift of eternal life that his death would provide. Let us reflect on V.16 ‘God so loved the world that he gave his only begotten Son so that whoever believes in him may not perish but have everlasting life’. This is the way we live in peace and love with each other everywhere. We thank you Lord for sending Jesus to die for our sin. Jesus’s sacrifice reveals His immense love for all mankind and we thank you for this wonderful gift. We pray that all who hear your word may live their lives in Your praise and glory.
Lord hear us. Lord, graciously hear us.
A special Prayer for today Trinity Sunday
Holy spirit within us, always you are seeking to infiltrate our lives with peace and strength; always you are trying to give us more of yourself. You create and sustain all things, but only by the power of self-giving love. You never leave us comfortless but always you walk with us, neither too far ahead nor a step behind. Fill us we pray with your love where hunger stalks the land; where the pandemic continues to rampage and where life seems to be a struggle.
And we conclude with:
O God beyond us, give us faith.
O Christ beside us, give us peace.
O Spirit within us, give us life. Amen
Pentecost , 23rd May 2021
written by Valerie Andrew , Parish Eco Congregation Group
Let us unite in prayers as the disciples did on the First Pentecost and open ourselves to receive the very same Holy Spirit.
O God send forth your Holy Spirit into my heart that I may perceive, into my mind that I may remember, and into my soul that I may meditate.
Lord in your mercy—Hear our prayer
Inspire me Lord to speak with humility, compassion, honesty and mercy. Teach, guide and direct my thoughts and senses always.
Lord in your mercy—Hear our prayer
May your Grace Lord ever help me and correct me and may be strengthened and renewed by the outpouring of your Holy Spirit, just as the disciples were on the First Pentecost.
Lord in your mercy—Hear our prayer
We pray that the Holy Spirit of Peace may right and reconcile all the peoples and Nations of the earth, bringing and end to war, hatred and discrimination, thinking especially of the ongoing conflict and tensions between Israel and Gaza.
Lord in your mercy—Hear our prayer
We pray that the Holy Spirit, Lord and Giver of Life may renew the face of the earth and make it a place where we as stewards are fully committed to protect its oceans, forests, plants and creatures. This world has been created by your hand, given life by your breath and is a precious and fragile gift you have given us.
Lord in your mercy—Hear our prayer
Loving Lord we give you thanks for all those involved in the National
Vaccination programme, which is now allowing us to enjoy eased restrictions. We give thanks that we can again meet in person and worship together as a community.
Lord in your mercy—Hear our prayer
We end our prayers by saying together : Merciful Father, accept these our prayers , for the sake of your son, our saviour Jesus Christ , Amen.
7th Sunday of Easter, Sunday after the Ascenson, 16th May 2021
written by Clodagh King , Christian Aid Parish Representative
Merciful God, we pray for the members of Christian Aid partaking in the Walk4Burundi for the month of May. We thank them for their endeavours, goodwill and commitment in raising funds and awareness for the Burundi Maize Project. May you continue to bless Christian Aid Irelands supporters and volunteers as they work selflessly to help others to rise out of poverty through their endeavours.
Lord, in your mercy hear our prayer
Loving God we remember this morning those who are sick, sad or lonely and those who are brave and patient when things are going wrong. We pray that they may be aware of your comforting presence and know that in your hands they are safe and loved. We raise before you all who have died and who are now with your ascended Son Jesus Christ. We pray for those who have recently died, for their resurrection into Your kingdom and for those whose anniversary falls at this time.
Lord, in your mercy hear our prayer.
Thank you Lord for Reverend Elaine, Bishop Paul Colton and all those who help our community to run smoothly because of their jobs, voluntary work or neighbourliness. Help us to be supportive and encouraging and to step into situations where we can serve. Bless our neighbours and strengthen those who are working in your name to bring healing and comfort to those in need.
Lord, in your mercy hear our prayer.
Gracious God, We pray for families who, for various reasons find themselves living beyond their means, unable to provide even life’s essentials without borrowing more, despairing more or sinking deeper into debt. Oh Father, that we might be a compassionate people, more ready to give than take away, more ready to love than to condemn, more ready to lend a helping hand, working together for the common good of all your children.
Lord in your mercy hear our prayer.
We end our prayers by saying together :
Merciful Father, accept these our prayers , for the sake of your son, our saviour Jesus Christ , Amen.
6th Sunday of Easter, Rogation Sunday , 9th May 2021
written by Rowland Njoku
The everlasting King of mercy, our refuge and our dwelling place
Our Father in heaven in whom we believe, – ‘God who gives life…and calls into being those things which be not as though they were.’We come again with thanksgiving, for your unfailing love and your faithful shield.
We bring the peoples’ prayers of faith as we continue to witness the passing of this tumultuous time.
Lord, in your mercy
Hear our prayer.
Lord we pray for your continued intervention for all people, the institutions and the governments as they work together for common good.
We pray for your strength in our commitment and effort to restore social and economic activities in all works of life.
We pray for harmony and profound peace for the people and governments all over the world.
Especially, we pray for nations in conflict at this time to embrace love, peace and unity with each other.
We pray for the people, and the government of Ireland, as you continue to guide our leaders with wisdom in our progress towards freedom and recovery.
Lord, in your mercy
Hear our prayer.
We pray for workers in health institutions, pharmaceutical industries and all the people working together to resolve our common challenges.
Especially we pray for doctors, nurses and all frontline workers who have continued to sustain our healthcare. We pray for their continued safety and courage to discharge their duties without disruption.
Lord we pray for the health and safety of our people as we continue to engage successfully in the vaccination programme.
Lord, in your mercy
Hear our prayer.
We pray for the Clergy and Laity in their effort for spiritual revival of the Body of Christ.
Especially we pray for the leaders of the United Dioceses of Cork, Cloyne and Ross. Guide and bless our Bishop, Dr Paul Colton and his family, and his ministry. Bless Reverend Canon Elaine and her family in her effort to revive our worship in Carrigaline Union of Parishes.
Bless Reverend Julia and her family in her work with the Church at Perton and the wider local community.
We pray for lay ministers and people who serve in the churches, especially in the United Dioceses, in the Carrigaline Union of Parishes, and the Church family at Perton.
Lord, bless the ministers of your church and their families, and support them with your Holy Spirit.
Lord, in your mercy
Hear our prayer.
Lord, we pray for people in our local community and our Churches.
We pray for students, parents and the teachers as they work together towards successful future.
We pray for the congregation at St John’s Monkstown and St Mary’s Carrigaline.
Strengthen our life of faith with love for each another as our Lord Jesus Christ demonstrated.
Heal the sick among us, provide our needs and comfort those who are in pain, sorrow or suffering.
Help us to enjoy the love of God with our families and friends, and to be at peace with our neighbours.
Lord, in your mercy
Hear our prayer.
In a moment of silence, let us gently bring our individual prayers before the Lord, for our needs and for the needs of our loved ones ……
Lord, in your mercy
Hear our prayer.
5th Sunday of Easter, 2nd May 2021
written by Hilary Dring
In our gospel reading today we are called to be part of the vine, to stay close to God. We heard these words “I am the vine; you are the branches. If you remain in me and I in you, you will bear much fruit; apart from me you can do nothing.” One of the ways we can remain close to God is through prayer.
Loving God, you call us into closeness with you and yet we are strangely awkward about prayer. Help us to overcome our fear, reluctance and guilt, and give us the desire simply to spend time with you, relaxing in your presence, orientating our lives towards you.
The disciples said, ‘Lord, teach us to pray.’
Loving God, thank you for implanting in us the instincts that lead to prayer. We can’t help being thankful, or sorry, or full of wonder, or concerned for someone we know and love. All this is where prayer starts. Help us to trust our instincts and to stretch them out before you regularly, for in this way we’ll deepen our relationship with you.
The disciples said, ‘Lord, teach us to pray.’
Loving God, there are people we care about who have a variety of needs right now. To pray for them is the best way we can love them. So we pray for the people who are on our hearts – in pain, awaiting an operation, feeling depressed, struggling with an impossible situation. Here they are now, Lord, for you to touch with your life …
The disciples said, ‘Lord, teach us to pray.’
Loving God, make us a praying church, one that not only prays and values prayer but also teaches about prayer and loves to pray. Make us a kind church, not judging each other’s spiritual maturity but simply acknowledging that we’re all beginners in prayer, a body of seekers exploring spirituality together. And remind us how many people outside formal church life either do pray or want to pray. Make us helpful to anyone with whom we might share the journey.
The disciples said, ‘Lord, teach us to pray.’
Loving God, ultimately words are not enough; they crumble to dust in the heat of your presence – they feel so puny and inadequate. Draw us deeper into the stillness of your eternal presence so that we may know you, or know we have opened our lives to you, or know we have wanted to open our lives to you. Whichever it is, it is enough.
Here we are, Lord, silently before you…..
The disciples said, ‘Lord, teach us to pray.’
And he did.
We conclude our prayers by saying together
Merciful father, accept these our prayers
For the sake of your Son , Our Saviour Jesus Christ. Amen
Intercession Resource Book (SPCK 2018) © John Pritchard
4th Sunday of Easter, 25th April 2021
written by Joy Keefe
We pray for the unity of our Christian Church that all those who hold faith in Christ, may we be drawn into the one-fold under the one Shepherd.
Strengthen Rev Elaine and all clergy as they lead their flocks during these difficult times and also Paul our Bishop. May we in turn, support our clergy as they continue in their work as guardians of their flocks.
O Lord our shepherd. We shall not want.
We give thanks for scientists throughout the world. Particularly those who have developed vaccines for the Corona virus and in such record time.
May these vaccines be safe for all who receive them.
May the roll out of these vaccines continue to make a positive difference in the control of the spread of Covid 19 and may it be accessible to all nations whether rich or poor.
May people who are hesitant to receive the vaccine have access to helpful advice and information and not to be influenced with unverified rumours.
O Lord our Shepherd. We shall not want.
We pray for families, friends and neighbours. We remember all frontline workers, doctors, nurses and support staff who have worked long hours and under so much pressure during this pandemic and with huge risks to their own and their family’s health.
We bring to mind three members of our congregation Laura, Rachel and Alice who have been part of these frontline workers. We pray for the continued safety of all such workers.
O Lord our Shepherd. We shall not want.
We pray for all those who have lost so much during this pandemic and continue to feel such losses whether it be the loss of loved ones or loss of jobs, loss of physical contact with family, loss of hugs and much more.
We remember those who continue to suffer from the debilitating effects of the virus many months later after having contacted it.
We think of all those who have been experiencing extreme loneliness because of isolation
Thank You Lord for the incredible acts of kindness that have emerged from all walks of life, people helping others in their hour of need during this dark period over the last twelve months.
May we all aspire to a brighter future with more compassion towards our fellow human beings.
May we continue to feel Your presence Lord in our daily lives.
O Lord our shepherd. We shall not want.
We give thanks for all of creation and the wonderful beauty of this world of which we have been gifted.
May we be faithful stewards of this beauty and treat our environment with respect.
Help us to leave behind our consumer demand for plastic and move towards behaviours that are environmentally healthy.
May we tread gently on our world and leave it a better place for future generations.
Breathe Your Spirit on us so that we may care more deeply for Your earth
O Lord our Shepherd. We shall not want.
Receive the souls of the departed from this life on earth who have followed their Shepherd.
May they be one with Him in the safety of the Heavenly fold.
May we fear not as Your “rod and staff” comfort all those left behind, we who live in the hope that one day we will also dwell in the “House of the Lord forever”.
With God’s love and goodness, we can dwell in His presence every day until we reach eternity with him.
O Lord our Shepherd. We shall not want.
In a moment of silence may we bring our own personal prayers to You O Lord.
We offer our prayers through Christ ,the Good Shepherd who laid down His life for His sheep
We conclude our prayers by saying together Merciful father, accept these our prayers For the sake of your Son , Our Saviour Jesus Christ. Amen
3rd Sunday of Easter, 18th April 2021
written by Peter Coughlan
As we pray together this morning, we continue to celebrate the joy of the resurrection of our Saviour and our friend Jesus. We count our many blessings and praise our loving Father who has called us ‘children of God’ . We thank God for his amazing works of creation – the fresh new leaves on the trees, the bright flowers in the garden, the birds singing richly, the peace and relaxation of our seashores.
Father teach us and all world leaders and governments to care responsibly for our world and to treasure and preserve nature and all living creatures.
Lord in Your Mercy, hear our prayer
Lord, we pray for our world as we continue to work to find the most effective way through the effects of the Corona Virus Pandemic on all nations. May our chosen leaders show compassion so that vaccines are distributed fairly and the most vulnerable among us can be protected first. We remember especially counties with health care systems already under huge strain, we think of countries like Syria, Yemen, The Lebanon and many countries in sub Saharan Africa where the effects of war in their land, have made things so difficult – Be with all those who have lost their lives and comfort those who grieve them. Draw near to those who are ill and bless all the amazing health workers and volunteers all over our world who do their very best to make people well again.
Lord in Your Mercy, hear our prayer
Father God, your son our Saviour Jesus was pure and had no sin. Help us to turn from our sins and strive to be more like Him. Help us to share the world’s many resources fairly and to support our brothers and sisters who are struggling. May a real change for good take place in all of us, may your will be done, and may our leaders govern all nations with integrity and humility, may they end the futile business of war and work towards a lasting peace for all peoples.
Lord in Your Mercy, hear our prayer
We pray for Your church in all the world, for the unity of Christian people everywhere and for a greater understanding with those of other faiths.
Bless all Bishops and priests and all who share your Holy Word with others. We remember especially Bishop Paul and the challenge of leading our diocese in these difficult times. Draw very near to Canon Elaine and her family, strengthen her as she copes with daily restrictions to carry out her greatly valued ministry among us. Guide us all to be supportive and dedicated and to always strive to be your loyal disciples.
Lord in Your Mercy, hear our prayer
God of our Land, Bless president Michael D Higgins, and our chosen political leaders.
Draw near to our Taoiseach Micheál Martin, and all those who bear great responsibility, guide them in their decision making, bless them and their families. We pray for the safety of all those resident in our hospitals and nursing homes, for all the brave staff who care tirelessly for them and for all our country’s essential workers performing their vital tasks on our behalf.
We pray for our communities and families – we think especially of those battling with addiction, struggling with debt, refugees in direct provision, the lonely, the homeless, those who have suffered domestic abuse or neglect at this challenging time of lockdown or those who are grieving the loss of a loved one.
In a few moments of silence now we bring before you our personal prayers for those in need of your special Love and care at this time…….……
Draw near to all who suffer merciful Lord that they may sense your presence and trust in your unfailing love for them.
Lord in Your Mercy, hear our prayer
(A prayer from Rosamond Bennett of Christian Aid)
Dear Lord
You are the maker of heaven and earth
Help us to lift our eyes to you
May your peace be with those feeling anxious
May your strength be with those working to keep others safe
May your comfort be with those who are grieving
May your wisdom light the way for those making decisions
May your healing be upon those who are unwell
May your hope fill those who are fearful of the future
May your compassion prompt us to love our neighbours
Keep us from Harm and watch over our coming and going,
both now and evermore. Amen
Almighty God we thank you that you have brought us safely to the beginning of this day. Keep us from falling into sin or running into danger, Order us in all our doings and guide us to do always what is righteous in your sight through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen
We conclude our prayers by saying together
Merciful father, accept these our prayers
For the sake of your Son , Our Saviour Jesus Christ. Amen
2nd Sunday of Easter, 11th April 2021
written by Kay Treacy
Let us bring our prayers to God, whose love for us has no end.
Lord Jesus.
Hope is your gift to the world through the resurrection.
It is at the heart of Christianity.
Hope is like a light within us
each new day reminds us of your grace.
Hope is not based on what we have done in the past,
Hope is based on the goodness of God’s mercy,
and his mercy never changes.
Help us to feel the resurrection hope in our lives.
God of love…Hear our prayer
Lord Jesus, as you were with your disciples,
be with us no matter how full of doubt or fear we may be.
Through your Holy Spirit we pray that you will open our eyes too
and help us to see you as our risen Lord.
God of love…Hear our prayer
Long ago faithful women proclaimed the good news
of Jesus’ resurrection.
Teach us to keep faith with them,
that our witness may be as brave,
our love as deep, and our faith as true.
God of love…Hear our prayer
Jesus remained with his disciples after his resurrection,
teaching them to love all people.
Open our hearts to your power as we seek to be true friends
and to care for those who are our neighbours,
not only with words of comfort, but with acts of love.
We pray that, wherever your image is spoiled
by poverty, sickness, selfishness, war and greed,
you may be recognised in justice, love, and peace,
God of love…Hear our prayer
You call us to be people of faith, yet we are often people with doubts.
We doubt that love can grow again where there is anger and bitterness. You know the strength of love and the power of prayer.
Help us to be faithful. We doubt that peace can come to our troubled world. You know that peace is growing there. Help us to be peacemakers. We doubt that the hungry can be fed. You know that there is enough food in the world. Help us to share.
God of love…Hear our prayer
We pray for those who are filled with doubts, who wonder whether you exist, and whether you are listening to our prayers, who wonder what this whole community is about. We pray for those who doubt the purpose of life, who face feelings of meaningless and despair. Give them the wisdom to turn to you.
God of love…Hear our prayer
We pray for all those suffering mentally, physically or spiritually; for those who are burdened by poverty, disease, prejudice and fear; for those who are confused, or doubting their faith.
May Your light of hope shine in their darkness.
God of love…Hear our prayer
We pray for blessings on all medical and frontline workers who put
themselves and their families at risk daily in the course of their work. We thank them for their commitment and service to us all.
May we in turn respect and appreciate their sacrifices.
God of love…Hear our prayer
We pray for ourselves, that we may be a channel of your peace and love, as it is in the sharing of our personalities and gifts that others are healed. Jesus’ love is his promise. In our pain, he will be there. In our doubt, he will remain beside us. In our tiredness he will give us rest. In our hurt, he will stay with us. When we feel alone he will be there too.
As we recognise Jesus walking beside us may others see something of him in us. As we have been blessed may we be a blessing to others.
God of love…Hear our prayer
We say together
Merciful Father, Accept these our prayers,
For the sake of Your Son, our Saviour, Jesus Christ. Amen.
Easter Day 4th April 2021
Intercession Resource Book (SPCK 2018) © John Pritchard
Led by Richard Dring
The Easter story is full of powerful symbols that provide starting points for prayer. In our prayers we follow where they lead:
There was a stone that had been rolled away.
Risen Jesus, the stone over your tomb was no match for resurrection. It had to succumb to the power of a new creation breaking out of a grave. Most of us have tombs across which a stone lies heavy and
unmoved – tombs in which lie our fears and resentments, our buried sins and unsafe desires, our unhealed memories and unforgiven
insults. We remember now our own sealed tombs. . . Roll away the stones from those tombs, we pray. Give us new strength and resolve, and release us into a new day of freedom and joy.
Thine be the glory, risen conquering Son.
There were cloths that had wrapped Jesus’ body.
The body had gone. Those strips of cloth were lying empty and flat, no longer enclosing the beloved body that the women had come to anoint. Risen Jesus, we often wrap up out lives in the safety of different cloths that mask our insecurity – cloths of status, qualifications, a healthy bank balance, a full diary. But these cloths are like bandages, covering our wounds. Help us gently to unwind our defences and to stand
before you and the world covered in the only thing that matters: the love and compassion of God our Father. May our identity rest only in you.
Thine be the glory, risen conquering Son.
There was a gardener at dawn.
Mary thought you were the gardener, and she was right. You are the gardener of the new world that the resurrection has brought into being. This is the eighth day of creation. Help us as we help others to live in the new reality, confident that now new things are always possible and in the meantime we need not be afraid. May the conviction sink deep into our souls and be a source of endless hope.
Thine be the glory, risen conquering Son.
There were wounds in Jesus’ hands and side
Thomas needed hard evidence and there it was. Resurrection doesn’t involve the magical removal of past wounds and the wiping out of our history, but something more – the transformation of that history into something beautiful. Risen Jesus, take our hidden history with all its joy, pain and failure, and make it radiant, evidence of what
resurrection can do today. And what we pray for ourselves we pray too for those we love . . .
Thine be the glory, risen conquering Son.
There was a simple meal at Emmaus.
A moment before, he had been there, sharing this simple meal.
And now he had disappeared and reality had lurched sideways.
This ordinary meal had revealed something extraordinary.
Risen Jesus, be with us at our table when we entertain our friends and family again. Reveal to us the joy of shared stories and
deepening relationships, the result of your presence in the simple
fellowship of tables. And may our homes be as open as that home at Emmaus so that we may be able to entertain you in our midst.
Thine be the glory, risen conquering Son.
Risen Jesus, through that stone, those cloths, that garden,
those wounds, that meal, you made real your resurrection.
Make real your resurrection in us,
and may we live that resurrection now and always.
Sunday 28th March 2021
From Times & Seasons
We stand with Christ in his suffering
For forgiveness for the many times we have denied Jesus,
Let us pray to the Lord… Lord, have mercy
For grace to seek out those habits of sin
which mean spiritual death,
and by prayer and self-discipline to overcome them.
Let us pray to the Lord… Lord, have mercy
For Christian people,
that through the suffering of disunity
there may grow a rich union in Christ,
Let us pray to the Lord… Lord, have mercy
For those who make laws, interpret them, and administer them, that our common life may be ordered in justice and mercy,
Let us pray to the Lord… Lord, have mercy
For those who still make Jerusalem a battleground.
Let us pray to the Lord… Lord, have mercy
For those who have the courage and honesty to work
openly for justice and peace.
Let us pray to the Lord… Lord, have mercy
For those in the darkness and agony of isolation,
that they might find support and encouragement
Let us pray to the Lord… Lord, have mercy
For those who, weighed down with hardship, failure,
or sorrow, feel that God is far from them,
Let us pray to the Lord… Lord, have mercy
For those who are tempted to give up the way of the cross,
Let us pray to the Lord… Lord, have mercy
That we, with those who have died in faith,
may find mercy in the day of Christ.
Let us pray to the Lord… Lord, have mercy
Holy God,
holy and strong,
holy and immortal,
have mercy upon us.
Sunday 21st March 2021
written by Rowland Njoku
Thank you Lord, our Heavenly Father and Eternal King of Glory
We praise you Lord for your overflowing mercies and your unfailing love towards us
Especially, we thank you as we renew our social and economic life with hope
“A repentant heart, O God, thou wilt not despise”
Unite us to embrace love, peace and joy through service, as we regain our freedom to interact with each other
Lord, in your mercy.
Hear our prayer.
Lord we pray for all people, especially in Ireland
Bless us Lord, as we return to a time of hope and healing
Help us all to remain responsible as our health situation continues to improve
Guide and inspire our leaders with knowledge and wisdom to make the right decisions
Lord help us to embrace the duty of service to others in need
Inspire us all with gratitude and praise for one another
Lord, in your mercy
Hear our prayer.
Lord, we give thanks for those who work to save the lives of others
Give them courage and patience to continue in their good works
Build a hedge of your protection around them
“When the enemy shall come in like a flood, the Spirit of the Lord shall lift up a standard against him”
and the Lord will defend all His people and their families
Lord, in your mercy
Hear our prayer.
Lord bless the Clergy and Laity who minister in our churches
Especially we pray for those in the United Dioceses of Cork, Cloyne and Ross. Guide and bless our Bishop, Dr Paul Colton, and our Rector, The Reverend Canon Elaine and members of their families
Bless all those who serve in the churches and the dioceses
Bless their ministries and support them in their families
Lord, in your mercy
Hear our prayer.
Lord, we pray for your protection for members of our various communities. We pray for the church at St John’s Monkstown and St Mary’s Carrigaline Revive the congregation in our churches as we reconvene to work and worship
Lord, we pray for love in our families, and to live in peace with our neighbours and our environment
Strengthen us in the wisdom of the Good News of Eternal life of Christ and help us to prosper in good works and to discover the divinity in the affairs of life
Bring restoration, of healing, hope and comfort, to those in sorrow, pain, or any suffering
Help us all to be fruitful and to serve one another with the love with which we have been entrusted through Christ
Lord, in your mercy
Hear our prayer.
In a moment of silence, let us gently bring our individual prayers before the Lord, for our needs and for the need of our loved ones ……….
Lord, in your mercy
Hear our prayer.
Sunday 14th March 2021
written by Clodagh King
Heavenly Father we bring to you in our prayers today all whom we love, for our family, our friends and our neighbours.
Help us all to live so that we may strengthen and enrich the life of the family, help us to build with you the kind of family which welcomes the stranger, the lonely and the needy.
On this special day we remember that all through our lives we have reason to be thankful for our mothers.
When we are babies they do everything for us and spend much of their time feeding us and keeping us warm, safe and clean.
When we are children they teach us, help and comfort us sharing our hobbies and our ideas, encouraging us and keeping us happy
When we marry and have families of our own they still support us , advise us and share our troubles and our joys
When they grow old themselves they still love and care about us, though they may be weak and tired.
We thank you heavenly father for our mothers, for all they have done for us and pray that the love they show for us may be reflected in the way that we show our love for others and in the way we each strive to live our lives according to your will
Lord, in your mercy hear our prayer
Heavenly Father we remember that whist we celebrate Mothers Day today there are those who do not feel happy, those who are sick, those who are sad, lonely, or away from their families, those families where there is conflict, Father we place each of them in your gentle hands that they may know the comfort, reconciliation and peace which your love brings.
Lord, in your mercy hear our prayer.
Creator God, as we see the brokenness of our world we pray for healing among the nations; for food where there is hunger; for freedom where there is oppression; for joy where there is pain; that your love may bring peace to all your children.
We especially pray for all mothers who have to raise their children in places where there is war, famine, terrorism and great uncertainty. For mothers who have had to flee conflict to a different country or are far from their homes and their relatives. For mothers who have been unable to meet with their children because of Coronavirus and for those who have had to cope with home learning with their children whilst still doing all of their everyday work.
Lord, in your mercy hear our prayer.
Loving God, we thank you for the family of the Church.
We pray that all may find in her their true home; that the lonely, the marginalized, the rejected may be welcomed and loved. On this day we pray especially for all those who long to be parents, for those who have to work away from their children and those who have suffered the pain of losing their child. We pray especially for all those for whom Mothering Sunday is a day of pain and regret.
Lord in your mercy hear our prayer
Sunday 7th March 2021
written by Kevin Ryan
Lord hear us! Lord graciously hear us!
Lord hear us! Lord graciously hear us!
Lord hear us! Lord graciously hear us!
Lord hear us! Lord graciously hear us!
Lord hear us! Lord graciously hear us!
Lord hear us! Lord graciously hear us!
Lord hear us! Lord graciously hear us!
Sunday 28th February 2021
The prayers today were written by the women of Vanuatu for the Women’s World Day of Prayer 2021 and are read by Deirdre Whitley, Hilary Warren-Perry and Valerie Andrew.
Let us be thankful for the great blessings God has given us.
We thank you Lord our God for you are good and your love endures forever.
We give thanks that you are able to bring hope even through the toughest of times and that you are always with us and will never leave us.
We thank you Lord for the fellowship we have with each other and with sisters and brothers gathered around the world for this year’s World Day of Prayer.
We thank you Lord for the fertile lands, for the fresh air, clean environment, beautiful sunshine, blue seas and still waters of Vanuatu Islands.
We thank you Lord for the sweet singing of birds, the sound of animals and the unique life that abounds in the sea and rivers. Thank you also for rain and waterfalls, all of which powerfully declare to us your greatness.
We thank you Lord for the sound of children singing, laughing and shouting and for the prayers of young and old, all of which manifest the joy of your love. We are thankful for the great things God has done for us.
Let us be united in prayer with Vanuatu and the world.
Almighty God, our Heavenly Father, we give you thanks that there are many countries, like Vanuatu, whose peoples live in harmony and peace despite their ethnic, cultural and religious differences. We pray for peace, compassion and reconciliation amongst all peoples and nations, especially in the war torn areas of our world. We pray for the unity of leaders to stand against injustice, abuse, inequality or discrimination in the world.
Lord, help us to appreciate and accept each other’s differences and so live in harmony with one another.
Lord, we remember those who live in places like Vanuatu prone to natural disasters of floods, hurricanes, cyclones and volcanoes. We are all well aware how climate change and the misuse of the world’s natural resources are affecting our beautiful planet. We pray that we will listen and act on the
advice of experienced conservationists. Lord, help us to build a better future for our children’s children.
Father God, we give thanks for all those who have given and are giving themselves so generously to save the lives of others. We pray that you will give comfort to those who are sick, those who are bereaved and those who have suffered all kinds of difficulties. Amen.
Heavenly Father, may your love be known and celebrated throughout the world. May your will for happiness and peace be realised in the hearts of all. Give us strength to live our daily calling; to face darkness uncertainty and pain with courage and love. Forgive us the wrong we do and the hurt we cause others and help us to forgive those who have hurt us.
Help us, also, to realise that there are many paths to your truth and love and that others know and understand you differently. Keep us from despair and all unnecessary anxiety as we wait in joyful hope for the coming of that day when your light will shine more fully in our hearts. For yours is the earth with all its fullness; the word and all its peoples and the pledge of a new world to come. Amen.
God our Father, we thank you for your loving presence within each one of us. We pray that you will guide and restore us, so that we may bring your will into our homes, communities and nations. As we go out from this service, let us remember the words of Jesus. Let us be like the wise man who built his house on the rock.

Sunday 21st February 2021
written by Rowland Newenham
Lord, we pray for the global church community, and also for our own churches, and we pray for those who minister amongst us; help us to remember that they too need assistance and encouragement. Help us, O Lord, to reach out and support those who minister with us, and we pray especially for Elaine, our Rector, for Paul, our Bishop, and for Richard, our diocesan lay reader.
Lord hear us.
Lord Graciously hear us.
Lord, as we start our Lenten journey, we remember that Christ underwent great suffering and made the ultimate sacrifice for us with His own life. Help us as we embark on our Lenten journey and assist us especially at this time of pandemic to hold firm, and to do what is right for our nation and for ourselves. We also remember at this time the charities which are struggling to receive funds.
Lord hear us.
Lord Graciously hear us.
Lord, we pray at this time for all refugees around the world. Life must be exceptionally difficult in refugee camps at the best of times, but in this era of illness and pandemic to try and contain the virus while trying to simply survive in a refugee camp must be extremely challenging, and we pray that You will be present with them at this time of their journey through life.
Lord hear us.
Lord Graciously hear us.
Lord, we pray for all students, but especially for Leaving Certificate students at this time, as they desperately try to continue with their studies, without actually knowing with any certainty what examination method they are going to have to undertake to determine their future. Help them to concentrate on their studies, and to have acceptance on matters outside of their control.
Lord hear us.
Lord Graciously hear us.
Lord, we pray for those who are ill from Covid 19, or any other illness, stress or anxiety. Help them in their anguish and provide comfort as they strive to get better. We also remember at this time those families for whom the pandemic is causing great hardship. Help us to understand the financial imbalance that is being caused.
Lord hear us.
Lord Graciously hear us.
Lord, we pray for all those recently bereaved. They are unable to reach out for the support and sympathy of friends and family at a time when they most need it, and we pray that You will be present to listen to them in their time of need during the days and weeks after their bereavement and the solitude and grief that the loss of a loved one brings.
Lord hear us.
Lord Graciously hear us.
As the days lengthen, as the weather improves, as the birds begin to nest, and as winter turns to spring we pray O Lord that You may give us optimism and hope for better days ahead.
And we conclude by saying together:
Merciful Father accept these prayers for the sake of your Son, our
Saviour, Jesus Christ Our Lord. Amen.
Sunday 14th February 2021
written by Helen Arnopp
Loving God this morning we pray for your worldwide Christian church which continues to reach out to people even in these strange times of Covid 19. We ask you for your continued support for all political leaders worldwide to give them continued strength and wisdom as they work in the best interest of the people they are called to serve.
We pray for the world which struggles to live justly and in peace.
We pray for those who have to search for daily food or walk long distances for clean water. We remember with sadness those whose lives are cut short by disease or violence, and those who have fled their homes in fear.
Lord of Love – Hear our prayer.
Dear Lord we thank you for all our educators who continue to reach out to all pupils in a virtual way since the beginning of this year. We pray that as pupils and teachers commence half term that they relax and enjoy their time away from screens and take to the outdoors to acknowledge the wonders of nature as new life begins to emerge from their winter sleeps. We thank you for the vitality and diversity of the natural world.
We pray that when they return to their virtual classrooms they will feel refreshed and energised.
Lord of Love – Hear our prayer.
Dear Lord we pray for those for whom these days may seem long and hard, for those ill in hospital or ill at home, those struggling with despair or depression, those waiting for a job or a friend to contact them via the phone or social media. We ask you to comfort and heal all those who suffer in body, mind or spirit that they may feel your presence and bring them joy of your salvation.
Lord of Love – Hear our prayer.
Loving Lord, we remember before you our family, friends and
communities where we live. We pray for the continued support and guidance of Paul our bishop and Elaine our rector and we ask that you grant them time for reflection and prayer as they continue with their
virtual ministry in our lives.
We continue to pray for front-line workers and their support staff and in particular at this time, those who will commence the administration of the Covid Vaccine in centres across the country.
In these difficult times of lock-down, we ask for your strength to deal with the separation from family friend and loved ones.
We also remember before you those who have died, the close relation who we still miss, the friend whose early death will always sadden us, the people in the news who died tragically this week.
Lord of Love – Hear our prayer.
The gospel reading today tells us of the transfiguration of Jesus on Mount Tabor which is in the far east of the Jezreel Valley in the Lower Galilee region of northern Israel. It is a low mountain of about 600 metres.
The gospel is telling us that while Jesus was praying, the appearance of His face became different, and His clothing became white and gleaming. Heavenly father we thank you for the manifestation of your power,
and we know that you do not let things remain the same when in your presence. We pray that we become transfigured in your presence and we pray that when people see us, they see you in our works and deeds.
Lord of Love – Hear our prayer.
We finish our prayers by saying
Merciful Father, accept these, our prayers,
for the sake of your Son,
our Saviour, Jesus Christ.
Sunday 7th February 2021
written by Hilary Dring
‘Let us live in awe of the Lord our God, for he gives us rain each spring and fall, assuring us of a harvest when the time is right.’ (Jer 5:24)
Springtime! the promise of new life
Springtime! the potential for growth
Springtime! the hope of harvests to come
‘The day the Lord created hope was probably the same day he created Spring.’ (Bern Williams)
Creator God, you sent forth your Spirit and created the amazing universe in which we live. As the hymn says “in your love for us you lent us this planet, gave it a purpose in time and in space: small as a spark from the fire of creation, cradle of life and the home of our race.”
Thank you that you continue to pour yourself out into all that is; each day our world continues to exist because you breathe life into it. You delight in every part of what you have made, including us. Help us never to take life for granted. May we begin each day with a sense of gratitude for the opportunities we have to love and to serve one another. Give us grace to notice the little things, the ordinary things: as we heard from Rev Julia last week, it is in the ordinary things of life that we can experience the extraordinary.
I will sing to the Lord as long as I live;
I will sing praise to my God while I have being.
Lord Jesus Christ, you were in the beginning with God. What an amazing thought! All things came into being through you, and without you not one thing came into being. What has come into being in you was life, and the life was the light of all people. This past week we have turned from Christmas towards Easter, from winter towards spring and from darkness towards light. Spring is a time of hope, a time of new life, of longer, brighter days. Yet we don’t find it easy to be positive after we have just experienced the darkest month of the pandemic so far. We pray for all who are finding this a really tough time, who are lonely, who are struggling and do not see any light at the end of the tunnel. May there be even one person in their lives who can bring them a glimmer of light to help them to keep going. Be close to those who are ill in hospital, isolated and afraid, and we ask for your comfort for all who have been bereaved during this time. May those who have died rest in peace and may we be filled with the hope we have in you.
I will sing to the Lord as long as I live;
I will sing praise to my God while I have being.
Holy Creative Spirit, you have blessed us with the ability to create, whether it is baking a cake, painting a picture, gardening, making music or creating a moment of joy for a loved one. You have created us as social beings; being creative and connecting with one another is so good for our well-being. Help us, in the midst of restrictions and separation, to find ways to both create and connect. We think of all the children and young people who are studying and learning at home, especially those with special needs and those who are vulnerable and at risk. Help all the stakeholders to work out a way for schools to reopen soon so that our children can once again enjoy all the benefits that being at school brings them. We pray for all in authority, for those who make far reaching decisions – give them wisdom to do what is best for everyone and help us all to stick with the advice we are given, so that soon we can once again meet with our loved ones, go to work and do the things which we enjoy.
I will sing to the Lord as long as I live;
I will sing praise to my God while I have being.
We finish our prayers by saying Merciful Father, accept these, our prayers, for the sake of your Son, our Saviour, Jesus Christ. AMEN
Sunday 31st January 2021
written by Joy Keefe
Dear Lord we pray for the worldwide Christian Church which like everything else has been impacted by the coronavirus.
Please continue to guide our Church leaders as they embrace different ways of accessing their congregations. As we pray in our individual homes around our country and other Christians around the world, may we remind ourselves that we are still united as one family.
May we lift our hearts together in prayer.
Lord the giver of Peace and Comfort. Hear our prayer.
Dear Lord, today we, mark the presentation of Jesus in The Temple, the first time that He had been recognized as the Messiah. Simeon a devout man had been waiting for this day as he had been promised by the Holy Spirit that he would not die until he had seen Jesus Christ. A peace came over Simeon as all he had been promised had been fulfilled.
May we too receive this peace from our Lord and Saviour.
May we continue to remember the great sacrifice that Christ has made for us and the gifts from Him that have been bestowed upon us.
Lord the giver of Peace and Comfort. Hear our prayer.
In these times of great fear and anxiety when we are constantly reminded to keep well apart and to keep our distance from each other, may we be reminded that this does not apply to You O Lord, and that the opportunity to grow closer to You is always there for us 24/7. May we be reminded of Your comfort and peace that is always waiting for us.
Lord the giver of Peace and Comfort. Hear our prayer
Lord we pray for political leaders and governments worldwide.
Guide them Lord as they try to balance the economic side with the human risk factor. We also pray for all our frontline workers and their support staff. Grant them vision and resilience as they try help heal all in their care and may we support them by doing all that we can, to help prevent the spread of the virus.
Lord the giver of Peace and Comfort. Hear our Prayer
We pray for parents with young families during these times where parenting skills are much more demanding and so much more patience needed as well as the ability to home school.
We also pray for those who live alone and are experiencing extreme loneliness.
We remember especially parents of children with special needs. Many of these children depend on routine and might not be able to understand why the routines that they had know have been taken from them.
We remember families that are experiencing hardship within their homes especially dysfunctional families.
Lord the giver of Peace and Comfort. Hear our prayer.
We pray for all those in need of healing whether physical, mental or
We remember those who are under pressure financially because of the pandemic.
Grant O Lord to those families that are struggling, a clear mind so that they can deal with their problems.
Lord the giver of Peace and Comfort. Hear our prayer
We pray for all those who have lost loved ones especially from
COVID-19 related illnesses.
To lose loved ones is so heart breaking from an earthly point of view, but may we hold onto the promise and hope of Eternal Life when we will all meet again.
May we show ourselves to be the light in the darkness to whomever we can, and may the Light of Heaven perpetually shine on those bereaved.
Lord the giver of Peace and Comfort. Hear our prayer
In a moment of silence may we bring our own personal prayers to O Lord.
We say together:
Merciful Lord, accept these our prayers,
for the sake of your son, Jesus Christ. Amen.
Sunday 24th January 2021
Written by Peter Coughlan
In today’s Psalm we read those wonderfully encouraging words “Wait on God alone in stillness, O my soul ,for in Him is my hope. He alone is my rock and my salvation, my stronghold so that I shall not be shaken”
With confidence in God’s everlasting support, we bring our prayers to our loving Father through his Son Jesus Christ.
Let us pray.
For Our World
Lord we thank you for the world you have made for us and we pray for it now and for all your children.
Bless all world leaders with vision and foresight. Help them with their decision making related to the control of the spread of the Covid Virus and for the roll out of vaccines.
Give them hearts to work for peace and a fair distribution of the earth’s riches. May they bravely seek to end war and conflict and promote understanding and kindness.
We remember especially America’s newly inaugurated President, Joe Biden help him and his government to bring calm and hope, to unite all American people, to heal those damaged relationships within the country and with other nations.
Guide us and all world leaders to care responsibly for our planet, and to treasure and preserve the beauty of nature and of all living creatures for the generations to come.
(Lord in your Mercy, Hear our Prayer)
For our Country
We pray for our country, for our government and our Health leaders – guide them in their daily decision making relating to this current challenging situation.
Bless all the amazing essential frontline workers in our land who bravely and selflessly work around the clock to keep us all well.
Be with our health care and care home workers and all those work with children and adults with special needs.
Be with the parents and carers who are stuggling during isolation to care for those who may have severe difficulties and cannot understand the current restrictions.
Keep them all safe Lord God as they carry out their duties for the benefit of us all.
(Lord in your Mercy, Hear our Prayer)
We remember today those who in the past have experienced intolerable cruelty in their lives – we think especially on Holocaust Memorial Day of all those victims of the unimaginable genocide against the Jewish people.
In our own country too we must remember and learn from dark periods in our history such as the cruelty experienced by so many mother and baby homes.
We know these events must have caused you so much pain Lord God – Forgive us and help us to do all we possibly can to prevent such things from ever happening again
(Lord in your Mercy, Hear our Prayer)
For our Church
We pray for Your church in all the world, for understanding and cooperation between those of different faiths and for the unity of Christian people everywhere.
Bless Bishop Paul, Canon Elaine and all who share your Good News with others. Help us to be a welcoming church, thank you for all those who continue to help us participate in our services.
We pray also for our wonderful Diocesan chaplains and their invaluable work visiting those who are unwell in our hospitals cut off from their loved ones.
Strengthen them and protect them in this vital calling.
(Lord in your Mercy, Hear our Prayer)
For Ourselves
Lord you know we are all anxious at this time, sometimes we can’t put our finger on exactly why we feel uneasy and unsure.
But we know you are with us every step of the way that you are our constant protector and that you will lead us through.
We thank you for the longer evenings and the promise of Springtime – of new growth and fresh beginnings.
Draw near to those who are sick or worried or feeling low or in hospital without visitors. Bless those suffering with their physical or mental health, Comfort those who are lonely or mourning the loss of a loved one –
In a few moments of silence now we bring you our private prayers for those known to us in need of your Love and care at this time……
May Your peace be with those who are anxious
May your comfort be with those who are grieving
May your healing be upon those who are unwell
May your hope fill those who are fearful
May your compassion prompt us to love our neighbours
(Lord in your Mercy , Hear our Prayer)
Almighty God we thank you that you have brought us safely to the beginning of this day. Keep us from falling into sin or running into danger,
Order us in all our doings and guide us to do always what is righteous in your sight through Jesus Christ our Lord.
We say together:
Merciful Lord, accept these our prayers,
for the sake of your son, Jesus Christ. Amen.
Sunday 17th January
Written by Kay Treacy
A New Year, new beginnings,
all can be made possible through
God’s love.
As we look back on the past year
and all that has taken place in our world,
we remember the very hard strange times we have lived through,
and we give thanks for Your unfailing presence through it all.
We recognise each experience for the good that has come of it,
and for the knowledge we have gained.
We remember the efforts we have made,
We remember the love we have shared,
We remember the hard times, and the tears.
As we reflect on the past year, we also think of the new one to come,
because most importantly,
this is a time of new beginnings and the celebration of life.
We come before you today Lord in need of hope.
Each new day is a gift from You.
Teach us all to make the very best of it that we can.
‘To come and see’.
Lord in Your mercy…. Hear our prayer.
May we take the time to set new goals for ourselves.
To walk in Your footsteps.
To be gentle and caring,
to not judge others,
to be a friend, to ease someone’s burden,
but most of all to love others as You first loved us.
Lord in Your mercy…. Hear our prayer.
In this coming year, may we listen more carefully
to that still-small voice that whispers in our hearts,
summoning us to pray to You.
May we never be more than a prayer away from You, Father.
Lord in Your mercy…. Hear our prayer.
May we be filled with hope.
May we have the resolve to find the opportunities hidden in each day.
May we be the church wherever we are
Lord in Your mercy…. Hear our prayer.
Lord Jesus, we ask for Your blessings
on those dealing with, and handling the present situation
and we give grateful thanks for all their commitment and effort.
We pray for all those affected by the virus,
those who are vulnerable.
We pray that each one of us will take responsibility for our part
in keeping each other safe.
Lord in Your mercy…Hear our prayer
We ask You to bring Your healing touch
to those who are sick, afraid, lonely, or worried,
We take a few moments for our own special prayers………
We lift them up to You Lord
Bless them and give them peace and healing, comfort and hope.
Lord in Your mercy…. Hear our prayer.
May God make our year a happy one.
Strengthening us to bear it as it comes;
Taking fear from our hearts;
Keeping our faces bright, even in the shadows;
Lord in Your mercy…. Hear our prayer.
Here we are Lord,
help us to have a generous, open heart
with a readiness to listen.
May we be aware that we are a conduit of Your Holy Spirit.
May God’s love, peace, hope and joy be with us all for the year ahead,
We conclude our prayers by saying together:
Merciful Lord, accept these our prayers,
for the sake of your son, Jesus Christ. Amen.
Sunday 10th January
written by Simon Woodworth
Almighty God, in our readings this week we hear your Word about the
beginning of the world and the start of Jesus’ journey.
At this time of beginnings, we face into a year filled with uncertainty and hope. We bring before you our prayers and thanks in the sure knowledge that you are listening.
Lord, in your mercy,
Hear our Prayer.
We pray for the leaders of our church, especially Canon Elaine, our Rector, and Paul our Bishop. As they follow in John the Baptist’s footsteps, we ask you to guide, O Lord, our clergy who are facing into another period of delivering services online. Hold our parishes close as we reach out to each other by ‘phone, by post or online.
Lord, in your mercy,
Hear our Prayer.
Defend, God, our nations and local communities. Our leaders face difficult choices as they decide on what is best for our nation’s health and well being. Our people are hurt, confused and afraid. Merciful and ever-loving Lord, grant all of us the wisdom to do what is best for our collective good.
Lord, in your mercy,
Hear our Prayer.
We remember and pray, especially, Lord, for those who are sick or vulnerable, and for those who care for them. We also remember all those who are on the frontline, especially our doctors, nurses and hospital staff. Comfort those who are bereaved and protect those who are especially at risk from COVID-19. We ask you, Lord, to wrap them all in your loving embrace.
Lord, in your mercy,
Hear our Prayer.
In a moment of silence, Lord, we bring to you our own concerns and prayers:
Lord, in your mercy,
Hear our Prayer.
Loving God, we have asked a lot of you over the past year. We are grateful for your infinite wisdom and mercy. We thank you for listening to our prayers. We thank you for the life and sacrifice of your son Jesus, and his and our baptism for the forgiveness of our sins. We remember, Lord, that all things in the heavens above and the Earth below – even the coronavirus – are created by you. We thank you for bringing us to the start of this year and to better times ahead.
Lord, in your mercy,
Hear our Prayer.
We conclude our prayers by saying together:
Merciful Lord, accept these our prayers,
for the sake of your son, Jesus Christ. Amen.
Christmas Services Intercessions
from Times and Seasons
Let us pray to Jesus our Saviour,
Christ born in a stable,
give courage to all who are homeless,
Jesus, Saviour,
Hear our prayer.
Christ, for whom the angels sang,
give the song of the kingdom to all who weep.
Jesus, Saviour,
Hear our prayer.
Christ, worshipped by the shepherds,
give peace on earth to all who are oppressed.
Jesus, Saviour,
Hear our prayer.
Christ, before whom the wise men knelt,
give humility and wisdom to all who govern,
Jesus, Saviour,
Hear our prayer.
Christ, whose radiance filled a lowly manger,
give the glory of your resurrection to all who rest in you.
Jesus, Saviour,
Hear our prayer.
Jesus, Saviour, child of Mary,
you know us and love us,
you share our lives
and hear our prayer.
Glory to you for ever. Amen.
written by Richard Dring
We pray for the Church throughout the world especially Church leaders as we prepare to celebrate Christ’s birth with all the challenges presented. We pray for your help and guidance as we balance the need to come together to celebrate Jesus birth and the need to keep apart to reduce the spread of Covid. We pray for patience and understanding among us all as we are affected by guidelines that restrict what we may like to and we place our trust in you to help us through this season.
Jesus, Lord of life in your mercy, hear us.
We pray for the needs of the world and for your guidance for all those in authority who will determine the priorities for vaccination going forward. As we all look forward to an end of the current restrictions worldwide we pray that the decisions made benefit all people in a balanced way. We pray for your guidance and wisdom to ensure treatment reaches all those in need no matter where they are.
Jesus, Lord of life in your mercy, hear us.
We pray for our families and friends bringing to mind all those around us who have missed out on family celebration this year. We think of families where the birth of a new baby was alone and where Grand parents have not seen their grandchildren. We also remember families where loved ones have died and no send off was possible. We pray that this will change in the year ahead and that our lives move on to allow us to come together to celebrate and remember past and future events again.
Jesus, Lord of life in your mercy, hear us.
We pray for your help and support as we look for new ways to celebrate this Christmas together but apart. We look to your guidance and inspiration so we can learn from what has happened and be able to adapt new ways of coming together that help take some of the stress from us so we have more time for you and each other in the future
Jesus, Lord of life in your mercy, hear us.
We pray for those in need, remembering those who like Joseph and Mary are looking for shelter and warmth each day. We give thanks for all those who have risen to the challenges presented this year and are still dedicating time to care for those in need.
Jesus, Lord of life in your mercy, hear us.
We give you thanks for all those who have shown compassion to all in need, in many cases ignoring the personal risk to comfort those in need. We remember and give thanks for the generosity shown through the pictures of healthcare workers hugging those in need and scared of the future. We give you thanks for so many individuals who have give so much to care for others in need. We give thanks for individuals like Adam King who brought a smile to all our faces and are an inspiration to us all.
Jesus, Lord of life in your mercy, hear us.
We remember and give you thanks for so many workers who have made sure we have the food and medicines we take for granted each and every day. We give you thanks for their dedication to our needs.
Jesus, Lord of life in your mercy, hear us.
Lord may Christmas be good news for millions of your anxious and tired people this year. May the angels sing for them. May Christ be born in them. May your love come home to them.
We end our prayers by saying together..
The grace of our Lord Jesus Christ, and the love of God, and the fellowship of the Holy Spirit be with us all, now and forever. Amen.
written by Clodagh King
Merciful God, may your blessing be upon all those who are in pain or sickness, those who are anxious or troubled. We know that you are always present with us, even when sometimes you seem far away. Help us feel your presence when we pass through dark places and sustain us and all who suffer through our pains and sorrows.
We raise before you those from our community who are ill, hospitalised or recuperating and for those we know within our families and circle of friends. We especially pray for any we know who recently died and are on that journey to you.
Lord in your mercy: hear our prayer.
Gracious God forgive us for those times when we treat ourselves with less kindness than you do. We want to believe in ourselves the way you believe in us and so as we go out to live the coming week show us more of the life you have designed especially for us.
Lord in your mercy: hear our prayer.
Faithful God, as we continue this Advent journey, teach us to turn to you in times of joy and pleasure as well as we do when faced with fear and sorrow. Help us put our differences behind us and to unite behind the great commission of Jesus to make disciples of all nations and all people.
Lord in your mercy: hear our prayer.
Loving God, we pray for our families, friends and neighbours as they prepare and look forward to Christmas. Help us as we try to set an example of a true spirit of preparation for that incredibly precious gift of the Christ-child. May they too experience the true meaning of Christmas and know your love for them.
Lord in your mercy hear our prayer.
We end our prayers by saying together..
May the grace of our Lord Jesus Christ, and the love of God, and the fellowship of the Holy Spirit be with us all, now and for evermore, Amen.
written by Hilary Dring, Diocesan President of the Mothers’ Union
Compassionate, kind and gentle God, we do not always see you in this way; sometimes we forget that you are a God who longs for us to experience your love, and to live in loving relationships with each other. Today we have heard the words, ‘Comfort, o comfort my people’ and also that you ‘… will feed your flock like a shepherd, gather the lambs in your arms, … and gently lead the mother sheep.’ What a beautiful picture of care and tenderness. Give us courage to truly believe you and to put our trust in you at all times, remembering that you are faithful – even when we feel that we have failed you.
He will feed his flock like a shepherd;
he will gather the lambs in his arms.
Just and righteous God, it pains you to see how much hurt, violence and destruction there is in the world. It is not how you want it to be. The thing is, you have called us to be your church, your body, your hands, your voice, in this world. We can speak out against injustice and against evil. You have given all of us the ability to make choices. By our choices we can help to prepare the way of the Lord and make the paths straighter and easier for others who are suffering, or we can perpetuate the status quo. Help us always to remember that every choice we make has an impact on others and on our world; give us the grace to make wise and loving choices.
In the wilderness prepare the way of the Lord,
make straight in the desert a highway for our God.
Healing and consoling God, we are still in the midst of a worldwide pandemic. We thank you for the hope of a vaccine next year and for all those who are working so hard to get it ready as soon as is safely possible. At the same time we are still finding things difficult; so many people and businesses are struggling. There are so many challenges still ahead of us. We continue to pray for your love and compassion to abound as we walk through what is a tough time. May the season of Advent, of waiting, help us to tune in to you a little more than usual, and may we be still enough to hear your still small voice in the midst of all the hustle and bustle.
Let me hear what God the Lord will speak,
for he will speak peace to his people
Life-giving God, we pray for those who are suffering with sickness of all kinds, both physical and mental, and for all who are caring for them; we pray for our healthcare workers who are so exhausted and do not see any end to the demands placed on them at the moment. May they feel valued and cared for. We remember all who have died and all who have lost a loved one during this time and pray that you will comfort and console them.
Let your steadfast love become their comfort
according to your promise.
We take a few moments to be still with our own thoughts and prayers and bring them to you, trusting in your unfailing love…
Hear our cry, O God;
listen to our prayer.
We finish with a special prayer written by a Mothers’ Union member to use during the 16 Days Campaign against Gender Violence. We think especially of all those in our communities who are affected by domestic violence.
Loving Lord, your care and love are ever present in our lives. We pray for our brothers and sisters throughout the world who live in situations of abuse and violence. Give them hope in their hopelessness; help them find strength in their weakness; grant them freedom from their oppression; transform their brokenness into wholeness; and heal their wounds, visible and invisible. Grant us all the courage and wisdom, grace and humility, to act at all times with compassion and care. And grant all who are harmed by abuse or coercion, peace through justice.
Lord, in your mercy
Hear our prayer
We finish with the Grace
May the grace of our Lord Jesus Christ, and the love of God, and the fellowship of the Holy Spirit be with us all, now and for evermore, Amen.
(The 16 Days of Activism Against Gender-Based Violence is an international campaign beginning on 25th November, International Day for the Elimination of Violence against Women and ending on 10th December, International Human Rights Day. Since March 2020 there has been 43% increase in calls to Women’s Aid in Ireland. It is estimated 1 in 3 women and girls experience physical or sexual violence in their lifetime, most frequently by an intimate partner (UN). Mothers’ Union works to highlight and combat abuse against men and women throughout the year. During the 16 Days of Activism Against Gender-Based Violence Against Women, Mothers’ Union, specifically highlight the
disproportionate effect of gender-based violence on women.)
written by Rowland Njoku
Dear Lord and father of mankind, we thank you, and put our faith in your great mercy and unfailing love as we pray for our need. We pray for wisdom and strength for the international community, heads of governments and chairs of institutions. Lord we pray for your grace in their commitment and effort to restore social and economic activities in all works of life. We pray for peace and unity for the people and governments all over the world. Especially we pray for the government of Nigeria and the ‘end-SARS’ protesters. We pray that the Nigerian government and its institutions will embrace the rule of law in their administration and governance, and to address the genuine needs of their people. We pray for the people and the government of the United States of America. Especially we pray for all the people to embrace unity and peace in the outcome of the 2020 election.
Lord, in your mercy
Hear our prayer.
Lord we pray for the people and government of Ireland, that you may guide our leaders with wisdom to effectively address the issues in relation to the Pandemic and Brexit. We pray for workers in health institutions, pharmaceutical industries and all the people involved in resolving the challenges of our health. Especially we pray for doctors, nurses and all frontline workers who face the risk of COVID-19. We pray for their safety and courage as they discharge their duties. Lord we pray that we may soon return to normal activities in all works of life.
Lord, in your mercy
Hear our prayer.
Lord, we pray for the Clergy and Laity. Especially for those in charge of the United Dioceses of Cork, Cloyne and Ross. We pray that you may guide and bless our Bishop, Dr Paul Colton and his family. Bless Reverend Canon Elaine and her family in her continued effort to sustain the Churches in Carrigaline Union of Parishes. We pray for all people who provide services at St John’s and St Mary’s Church. Lord, bless them and their families and support their ministry with your Holy Spirit.
Lord, in your mercy
Hear our prayer.
Lord, we pray for our local community and our Churches. Especially the congregation at St John’s Monkstown and St Mary’s Carrigaline. Strengthen us as we begin the advent season, and grant us the grace to experience the beauty and joy of the presence of our Lord Jesus Christ. Help us to live in love with our families and to be at peace with our neighbours. Heal the sick among us, provide for our needs and comfort those who are in pain, sorrow or suffering.
Lord, in your mercy
Hear our prayer.
In a moment of silence, let us gently bring our individual prayers before the Lord, for our needs and for our loved ones …………
Lord, in your mercy
Hear our prayer.
The grace of our Lord Jesus Christ and the love of God and the fellowship of the Holy Spirit , be with us all, evermore. Amen.
Written by Kay Treacey
Lord Jesus, we give thanks that You are the light of the world, guiding our steps on Your path. You teach Your faithful people to answer Your call and love one another. We pray that we may seek You with our whole hearts.
Lord in Your mercy…Hear our prayer
Loving Shepherd, You lead and guide, You walk alongside all of your sheep, those of us who are lost, those of us who have gone astray, and those who stay close. We are grateful for Your loving care and give thanks.
Lord in Your mercy…Hear our prayer
You are always prepared and keeping watch. You came to seek the lost and gather them to Your fold. We rely on Your care, and we find comfort in Your love. May we always be able to identify Your kindness and goodness. Help us to recognise Your voice and not be allured by the madness of this world. Strengthen and help us that in our lives we walk with You and serve You.
Lord in Your mercy…Hear our prayer
Loving Shepherd, You care for your flock all over the world. All those places where there is such hardship , where so many people walk in fear, suffering, and despair. Bring unity to those working for peace and understanding between communities. May we ourselves respond with prayer and giving.
Lord in Your mercy…Hear our prayer
In Your name, You have gathered Your people to form the church. May we use Your church to bless the communities in which we live, to refresh and revive the weary and hurting, to equip your people for works of love and service, to live the message of the gospel, to demonstrate Your faithfulness, kindness and love.
Lord in Your mercy…Hear our prayer
We pray for our own flock and give thanks for the blessing of our church family. Give us strength to live as followers of You in this world. May we work together, using the gifts and abilities You have given us to faithfully love and serve one another, to listen and to respond and to provide a haven of safety and refuge for those in need. We pray that we have unity amid diversity, and love each other faithfully, regardless of culture or background.
Lord in Your mercy…Hear our prayer
Lord Jesus, we ask for Your guidance and blessing on those dealing with, and handling the situation of the covid-19 virus, and we give thanks for all their commitment and effort. We give thanks for the positive news about vaccines. We pray for all those affected by the virus, those close contacts who are isolating and are very concerned, those who are vulnerable.
Lord in Your mercy…Hear our prayer
We ask You to bring Your healing touch to those who are sick, afraid, lonely, or worried, We ask You to restore those who have lost their way.
We take a few moments for our own special prayers………
We lift them up to You Lord May they find peace and healing, comfort and hope, in Your loving presence.
Lord in Your mercy…Hear our prayer
Thank You for the remembrance of loved ones no longer with us;
for their inspiring words, encouragement, love and support,
an example for us to follow. Bring comfort to those coming to terms with loss. Be with them in their sorrow, uphold them with Your strength,
Lord in Your mercy…Hear our prayer
Bless us Lord in our believing….In our questioning
Bless us in our doubting….In our questing
Bless us in our journey of faith.
Merciful Father, Accept these our prayers,
For the sake of Your Son, our Saviour, Jesus Christ. Amen.
written by Joy Keefe
In the power of the Holy Spirit let us pray.
We pray for all Christian Churches during these challenging times.
We thank you Lord for Church leaders who are reaching out to their congregations by different methods other than our normal Sunday worship. We especially thank Canon Elaine for all she does to keep us connected during these difficult times. We also thank you Lord for our organists who provide our music by different means at the moment. May the Lord bless Simon for continuing to bring us our virtual Sunday Services.
Lord hear us. Lord graciously hear us.
Today in Matthews Gospel we heard the parable of the talents which teaches us that God always gives us everything we need in order to do what he has called us to do. We may we use our God given talents in the service of our Lord and Saviour.
Lord hear us. Lord graciously hear us.
As we remain in lockdown at the moment may we continue to be diligent
in our efforts to abide by our temporary restrictions. As we live through these times of uncertainty and fear, may we reach out in a safe manner to those to whom we can support. As Covid-19 impacts all our lives, O Lord grant us solace, strength and comfort during these difficult times.
Lord hear us. Lord graciously hear us.
We pray for the wider world that is torn by conflict in many places.
May the powerful use their power with respect for all over whom they rule. Guide political leaders to break through barriers that divide people and whole nations. Give peace among nations and between races. Where there is hostility bring understanding, where there is suspicion bring trust and draw us all together for the common good. May we show respect for others despite each other’s differences.
Lord hear us. Lord graciously hear us.
We pray for the disadvantaged, those living in refugee camp, or direct provision and those who live on the streets. May everything possible be done to prevent the spread of Covid-19 to these vulnerable people. Some without the basic need of water for hand washing which leaves them very exposed to this virus. We remember those who have no home and are relying on support services which are not fully operational because of Covid, support services that clients rely on for basic needs and the social interaction aspect of them as well.
Lord hear us. Lord graciously hear us.
We thank you Lord for our Scientists that are developing drugs to combat this virus. May it be developed in a safe and true manner and available for all without huge costs.
Lord hear us. Lord graciously hear us.
We pray for those who are ill and those waiting for medical appointments or procedures. Come beside all those who are finding our current restrictions very difficult. Lead them through these anxious times and help them find peace and calming inner thoughts.
Lord hear us. Lord graciously hear us.
Guide us in our daily work and in all our relationships so that the faith we profess shall be seen in our lives. May we be thankful for all that we have and may we be willing to share with those in need.
Lord hear us. Lord graciously hear us.
O Lord bring comfort to all those who mourn the loss of loved ones. We remember those we love and have departed this world. We rejoice O Lord in your promise of eternal life.
Lord hear us. Lord graciously hear us.
I conclude our prayers by thanking you Lord for the gift of your Holy Spirit and the privilege of your continuous Mercy.
Merciful Father,
accept these, our prayers, for the sake of your Son,
our Saviour, Jesus Christ. Amen.
written by Peter Coughlan
In St John’s Gospel, our Saviour, Redeemer and constant friend Jesus assures us…. “As the Father has loved me, so have I loved you. Now remain in my love”
In confidence of that unconditional love we bring prayers for our world, for our brothers and sisters of all nations, for our loved ones and for ourselves to our loving Father through his Son Jesus.,,,,, Let us pray.
Our Father who art in Heaven, Hallowed be thy name
You have created the universe, the galaxies and the wonderful world we live in.
Your Name be praised, all honour and glory be yours. Guide us and all world leaders to care responsibly for our world and to treasure and preserve the beauty of nature and of all living creatures for the generations to come.
Lord in your Mercy, Hear our Prayer
Thy Kingdom come, thy will be done, On earth as it is in Heaven.
On this remembrance Sunday, We pray for all those who have been lost in war and conflict or have been forced out of their country as refugees, help us not to forget the brave sacrifices these people have made. We pray for an end to all war, violence, oppression and hatred so that your will would be done in our world.
Bless the leaders of all nations, guide them to seek justice, understanding, unity and lasting peace for all.
Lord in your Mercy, Hear our Prayer
We remember the election in the USA that their elected president would seek to unite all American people and with your help heal divisions and mistrust. We pray for our country, our government and Health leaders – guide them in their daily decision making relating to the control of Covid 19. We pray for those working to develop a vaccine, We remember those who are anxious or lonely, especially during lockdown restrictions – help us to keep in touch, support them and encourage them. Bless all the amazing essential workers in our land, our frontline health care workers and all who work in our schools with our young people. Keep them all safe Lord God as they carry out their duties for the benefit of us all.
Lord in your Mercy, Hear our Prayer
Give us this day our daily bread
encourage us to learn more about you through reading our Bibles and to communicate with you through fellowship, prayer and praise whether that be via online or in person.
We pray for your church in all the world, for the unity of Christian people everywhere and for understanding and real community with those of other faiths. Bless our Bishops and priests and all who strive to share your Holy Word to us. We remember especially Bishop Paul and our own Canon Elaine and their ministries among us, especially in these challenging times of restriction when they are separated from their congregations.
Lord in your Mercy, Hear our Prayer
Dear God guide us all to share what we can with those in need. the poor, the homeless, the helpless, those in direct provision, for those in prison or battling with addiction, for those suffering with their physical or mental health , for all carers and for those who are grieving the loss of a loved one.
In a few moments of silence now we bring before you those known to us in need of your Love and care at this time…….……
Draw near to all who suffer merciful Lord that they may sense your presence and trust in your unfailing love for them.
Lord in your Mercy, Hear our Prayer
Forgive us our trespasses as we forgive those who trespass against us
Forgive us the things we have done wrongly or left undone. Help us to forgive of those who may have wronged us. Heal any divisions or old wounds in our families or in our relationships.
And lead us not into temptation but Deliver us from evil
keep us safe from all the temptations and distractions of this very busy world.
For we take strength from knowing that yours Father God is the victory.
For Thine is the Kingdom, the Power and the Glory for Ever and for Ever.
Lord, We thank you for hearing our prayers with the attentiveness of a loving parent. We ask you to take each need and answer each prayer in your own time and in your own way. For we know You to be just and true and that we have asked in the name of Jesus Christ our Lord.
We conclude with a Remembrance Day Prayer
Lord, You sent Your Son to lead us into the peace of Your Kingdom. Look with kindness on all who have served the cause of peace in armed forces. Send Your comfort and healing to their families, and to all who suffer due to war and conflict. May Your Son’s Gospel message of peace burn ever more brightly in our hearts, our words and our actions, and lead all to fullness of life in You. We make this prayer to you through this same Jesus Christ, our Lord. Amen.
Merciful Father, accept these, our prayers, for the sake of your Son,
our Saviour, Jesus Christ. Amen.
written by Kevin Ryan
Lord, Hear us! Lord, graciously Hear us!
Lord, Hear us! Lord, graciously Hear us!
Lord, Hear us! Lord, graciously Hear us!
Lord, Hear us! Lord, graciously Hear us!
Lord, Hear us! Lord, graciously Hear us!
Lord, Hear us! Lord, graciously Hear us!
Lord, Hear us! Lord, graciously Hear us!
I’d like to share a prayer, which for me sums-up “The Beatitudes” in a very simple and articulate way: Lord, we are reminded today that your blessings do not necessarily follow the logic of the world. The world believes that the rich are blessed, but Jesus reminds us that it is the poor who are blessed, the poor in spirit and the materially poor as well. We pray for a more just world in which all have enough, and none are left behind. Though we fear death and avoid its inevitable arrival, Jesus tells us that those who mourn are blessed. Help us to experience the truth of this mystery; bring healing and wholeness to those who are sick; and comfort those of us who have lost loved ones. While people covet power, Jesus blesses the meek; instruct us, O God, in the ways of humility; help us to stand in solidarity with the oppressed and marginalised; show us your presence in the faces of those the world forgets. Give us a hunger and thirst for righteousness; fill our hearts with love, overflowing with mercy; make our hearts pure, and give us a vision of your glory. In a society divided by race, gender, class, ideology, sexual orientation, and so many other labels we alone have created, remind us that we are created in your image, each of us a beautiful reflection of you, each of us your beloved child. Help us then to end our conflicts and wars, help us to be peacemakers and agents of reconciliation. Gracious God, you have so richly blessed us with life, with love and joy, with hope in the midst of despair. Help us to be the salt of the earth. Help us to be the light of the world, sharing with others that which we have received, boldly proclaiming the good news of your love, finding the seeds of your kingdom within us and letting your way grow in our lives and throughout the world. Amen
And we conclude by saying together: Merciful Father accept these prayers for the sake of your Son, our Saviour, Jesus Christ Our Lord. Amen.
written by Hilary Dring
Lord, today is Bible Sunday. Thank you for the many people down the centuries that have preserved and translated the Scriptures; without them we would not have our Bibles today. Your Word contains a wonderful tapestry of inspired writings and, as 2 Timothy says in The Message paraphrase, “Every part of Scripture is God-breathed and useful one way or another—showing us truth, exposing our rebellion, correcting our mistakes, training us to live God’s way. Through the Word we are put together and shaped up for the tasks God has for us.” Grant us open hearts and minds to hear what you are saying to us through your word; may it nourish and sustain us and may it change our lives.
Lord, your word is a light to our feet and a lamp to our path.
Lord, this week new restrictions have come into being; so many people are facing a really difficult time ahead. In his speech, our Taoiseach
quoted an old Irish saying which literally means “People live in each
other’s shadow”, the sense of it being that we all need each other.
How important it is right now that we recognise our interdependency and how our actions affect others. Grant us the grace to “clothe ourselves with compassion, justice, kindness, humility, gentleness and patience…and to put on love” as we live though this shared time of fear and uncertainty. May it also be a time when your love shines through as we show kindness and compassion to one another.
May we carry each other’s burdens, and so fulfil the law of Christ
Lord, we pray for each other, for our families, our friends and for the communities in which we live and work. We have already lived with worry and uncertainty for many months; the anxiety continues for many, many people. We pray for those who are afraid of what lies ahead, of whether they will be able to cope. Instil in us a renewed sense of our common humanity, so that we can all get through this very difficult time together. We think of those who are lonely or isolated, and of those who are ill or bereaved. May they experience your deep love for them and know that they are not alone.
Do not be afraid, for I am with you. I will strengthen you and help you.
A prayer in difficult times written by John Birch
In our anxiety, fear and uncertainty, when hearts are heavy with the load we bear, and there is no one to turn toward but you; yours is the peace that calms, the peace that comforts, the peace that gives us strength to carry on. Yours is the voice we long to hear, the persistent whisper in our ear, ‘Be still, and know that I am God’. Yours is the presence in the dark that banishes our fears. Yours is the hand that guides, the footprints in which we walk. In our anxiety, fear and uncertainty, in confidence we turn to you. © John Birch
Even when I walk through the darkest valley, I will not be afraid, for you are close beside me. Amen,
And we now conclude our prayers by saying together
Merciful Father, accept these, our prayers, for the sake of your Son,
our Saviour, Jesus Christ. Amen.
written by Rowland Newenham
O Lord, we pray for the different churches in the world; help us to understand the different faiths and religions and teach us tolerance in the differences of faith. We pray for Richard, our diocesan lay reader, for Elaine, our rector, and for Paul, our bishop. We pray for their continued protection, and we pray that we might learn from them as they minister to us. We pray also for our new Select Vestry, Parochial Nominators and Synod members. Almighty God, let them hear you speak to them as they make the decisions so vital to our church community.
Lord hear us…. Lord, graciously hear us.
Lord, we pray for all refugees; Grant them safe refuge, keep them warm and dry and nourished and safe as we enter into a winter of uncertainty.
Lord hear us…. Lord, graciously hear us.
O Lord, we pray for our government and all those who have to make important decisions with regards to the welfare of this nation. Grant them the strength and focus to make the right decisions for our protection. Almighty God, help us as we try to follow the advice of our medical and political leaders.
Lord hear us…. Lord, graciously hear us.
Lord, we pray that you will help us to listen to your word. In today’s reading from Isaiah the prophet we are offered assurance that if we are strong and do not fear, then you will save us. In Luke we hear that we should share your peace with others and your peace will be returned to us. Lord, help us as we try to comprehend your lessons to us. In today’s world where we are all struggling with the pandemic of Covid 19, your words speak loudly to us.
Lord hear us…. Lord, graciously hear us.
O Lord, we pray for school pupils and college students. They rely so much on the support of their friends and miss not being able to congregate with each-other. Lord, be with them and support them at this time.
Lord hear us…. Lord, graciously hear us.
O Lord, on this the Feast Day of St Luke the Physician, we remember all those who have died of Covid 19, and we pray for the recovery of those who have suffered or who are suffering with it, together with their loved ones. We pray also for our parish healing group (John, Kay, Simon, Hilary, Joy, Peter, and Richard). We thank you for the support that they provide, and the prayers that they offer to you on our behalf.
Lord hear us…. Lord, graciously hear us.
O Lord, we pray for the families of those recently bereaved. For those who mourn, be with them at this difficult time, and help them to know your love
And we conclude by saying together:
Merciful Father accept these prayers for the sake of your Son, our Saviour, Jesus Christ Our Lord. Amen.
written by Simon Woodworth
Lord, we rejoice in you always. Through your son Jesus Christ, we make our requests and supplications before you and we rejoice in your steadfast love and mercy. Hear our prayers in this time of uncertainty and need.
Lord, in your mercy
Hear our prayer
Almighty God, we are reminded of Moses’ leadership and wisdom as he implored you to spare his people. Grant our leaders wisdom and strength as they seek to guide us out of our current difficulties. We pray especially for Elaine our Rector, Paul our Bishop, our community leaders and our government. We ask you to guide Donald Trump back to full health and to help him lead America with wisdom and forbearance to the upcoming presidential election.
Lord, in your mercy
Hear our prayer
As you spared the Israelites, Merciful Lord, we ask that you do not bring disaster upon us. All things are created by you, and all things come from you. Guide us lord, as we enter a particularly difficult stage of this pandemic. Protect our health workers and scientists as they strive to keep us all healthy and safe.
Lord, in your mercy
Hear our prayer
As we voice our concerns to you Lord, we are reminded that we should listen to you and answer when you call upon us. We strive to find a moment of peace and quiet as we seek to do your will. Open our hearts and ears, Lord, so that we may answer your call.
Lord, in your mercy
Hear our prayer
O God, we bring to you our hopes and fears, our prayers and thanks, and in a few moments of silence we ask you to listen to our intercessions for those who are close to us and those who are in need.…..
Lord in your mercy …..Hear our prayer
Almighty God, we thank you for listening to our intercessions.
We ask you to hold us to whatever is true, whatever is honourable,
whatever is just, whatever is pure, whatever is pleasing and whatever is commendable.Guide us to practice the things that we have learned and received and heard and seen in you. May your Peace be always with us.
Lord, in your mercy
Hear our prayer
We conclude our prayers by saying together
Merciful Father, Accept these, our prayers, for the sake of your Son, Our Saviour, Jesus Christ.
Harvest Thanksgiving, Feast of St Francis of Assisi and end of Creation Time
written by John Sweeney
Father God, maker of all that is, at this time of harvest we worship you and adore you for your creation. To you who established the laws of the universe, placed the galaxies, constellation of stars and orbit of the planets among the heavenly bodies, we join the delight and song of the angels and the saints to worship you in awe and wonder.
You give us the sun and moon, the light of the day and darkness of night, the rotation of the earth, the laws of gravity and the seasons, the weather bringing rain, wind and sunshine, heat and cold to permit growth. You set the boundaries to the oceans and established the land, the minerals, the trees and plants, the animals and the myriad of creatures of the air and sea and land. We give you thanks for all your creation and for making humankind in your image, life and death in their season.
Lord in your mercy, hear our prayer of praise and wonder
Lord of the harvest, we thanks you for the bountiful gifts of this planet earth – its resources of minerals, forest, fruit, grains, water, rivers, fish and animals of the wild and farm to provide food for all. We recall the blue empty skies, the quieter roads and the joy of birdsong and animal life in our cities and towns not choked with traffic, pollution and noise during the lockdown. Teach us to walk more lightly upon the earth.
We ask your forgiveness for our selfish pursuit of wealth, power, water and food disproportionately to our personal needs and for failing to share the plentiful resources of the earth with those in greater need. Teach us to restore our values to the divine plan to protect our planet, to feed the hungry and to share its bounty with our neighbour.
Lord in your mercy, forgive us through Christ Jesus for our sins
Saviour God, we come before you to receive your forgiveness for sometimes failing to acknowledge and value the harvest of loving kindness that you bestow upon us. We thank you for the fruits of family life, for relationships with those who care deeply about our growth, development and well being. We thank you for parents, children, grandparents, godparents and our extended family; we bless you for friendships, care, compassion, guidance, support and love across our lives. We call to mind the many acts of compassion, grace and care by families, neighbours and local communities to help each other during the trials of the pandemic.
We remember those who feel isolated, afraid, lonely, victimised or distraught though loss of hope, livelihood, social relationships and of human contact. We bless you for the warmth of dedication of all front line workers who labour tirelessly to treat and care for our health, to ensure care for the vulnerable who are shielding, to produce and provide food for our tables. In particular, we think of all endeavouring to develop a vaccine, new treatments or to lead and guide society to stay safe during the pandemic.
Lord in your mercy, hear our prayer of thanksgiving
Spirit of the living God, empower us to worship you with awe and wonder, to seek to follow the path of discipleship of our risen Saviour and to utilise our gifts, talents, time and money for the service of the Lord. Assist us to discern between truth and falsehood and to heed the still small voice of conscience over the clamour of the crowd. Deliver us as members of Christ’s church on earth from falling into unbelief, moral superiority, false doctrine or narrow-mindedness. Expand our vision of you Lord God as having capacity to do far more abundantly in our lives and in the world than we dare hope, ask or dream, remembering that you, Lord Jesus, value the excluded, the refugee, orphan and widow, the sinner to teach us life lessons and to foster fruit of the spirit.
Lord in your mercy, sow within us the seeds for a greater harvest
Father God, we bring before you the needs of others in our world – for those needing emergency provisions and shelter, for those who have lost loved ones, their security, health, well being, peace of mind or safety. We think also of those with acute or enduring ill health, those undergoing tests or medical interventions, rehabilitation, recovery or grieving.
May your blessing, the touch of your Spirit bring resolution, healing and peace at the level and to the degree they need. Spirit of the living God, we take a moment to remember all those who need or have asked for our prayers at this time …
Lord in your mercy, hear our prayer for healing, peace and wellbeing
May we experience your blessing in our lives as we strive to serve you more faithfully to bring in the harvest for the kingdom of God.
We end our prayers by saying together.
The grace of our Lord Jesus Christ,
and the love of God,
and the fellowship of the Holy Spirit,
be with us all
Written by Valerie Andrew
Lord, We thank you for what you have given us, so many blessings that we cannot begin to count them. Give us, we pray, giving, cheerful and generous hearts, not only aware of our own needs, but also the needs of others
Lord in your mercy, Hear our Prayer
Heavenly Father, there are times when we feel discouraged and abandoned and life isn’t what it is supposed to be. Help us to have wisdom to see clearly that, even though we might not feel your presence, it doesn’t mean that you are not with us always. Thank you for your promise never to leave us or forsake us.
Lord in your mercy, Hear our Prayer
Heavenly Father, we pray for our leaders and decision makers nationwide and worldwide in the testing time of Covid 19 Pandemic. Strengthen each leader with resolve to do what is best for their country. May they be a beacon and a voice of peace, reason and hope to nations in despair.
Lord in your mercy, Hear our Prayer
Lord, we bring before you now, in a moment of silence, those known to us who are ill, in pain or suffering in any form. Surround, comfort and strengthen them with your heavenly love.
Lord in your mercy, Hear our Prayer
We end our prayers by saying together.
The grace of our Lord Jesus Christ, and the love of God,
and the fellowship of the Holy Spirit, be with us all evermore. Amen.
Written by Rowland Njoku
Dear Lord,
we thank you for your great mercy and unfailing love
Lord, we pray, for restoration to active life and meaningful duties
We pray this for all people, in the institutions and organisations of all nations, especially at work places, at schools, churches, hospitals, and in all public places
Please, restore peace and confidence in our employment and social life
Lord, in your mercy
Hear our prayer.
Lord we pray for all people, especially in Ireland
Guide and inspire our leaders with wisdom to make the right decisions
Help all the people to act responsibly in this challenging time and help us to be restored fully to peace and prosperity, to the glory of your name
Lord, in your mercy
Hear our prayer.
Lord, we pray for all who minister to those who are suffering, especially we pray for doctors, nurses and all those who render health care services
We pray for their protection and courage as they discharge their duties
Lord, grant them the skill, understanding and patience to restore people to health and happiness
Lord, in your mercy
Hear our prayer.
Lord, we pray for the Clergy and Laity, especially for those in charge of the United Dioceses of Cork, Cloyne and Ross
Lord, we pray for good health and speedy recovery for our Bishop, Dr Paul Colton
We pray for Reverend Canon Elaine and her family to prosper in all good works
We pray for all the people who render their services at St Johns and St Mary’s Church
Lord, bless them and support their ministry with your Holy Spirit and protect them and their families, as they try to balance their responsibilities with their need for health and safety.
Lord, in your mercy
Hear our prayer.
Lord, we pray for our local community and Churches, especially the people at St John’s Monkstown and St Mary’s Carrigaline
Lord, we pray for love in our families and peace with our neighbours
Shield and strengthen us all as we gather for the Good News
Bring healing, hope and comfort to those who are in pain, illness or any suffering
Help us to be mindful of your salvation, and to love our neighbours as ourselves through service.
Lord, in your mercy
Hear our prayer.
In a moment of silence, let us gently bring our individual prayers before the Lord, for our needs and for our loved ones
Lord, in your mercy
Hear our prayer.
We end our prayers by saying together.
The grace of our Lord Jesus Christ , and the love of God, and the fellowship of the Holy Spirit, be with us all
evermore. Amen.
Written by Kay Treacy
O God, You are here, we are here.
In all the storms of life
may we place our faith and trust in You,
and Your great love for us,
knowing that You are with us
and nothing can overwhelm You.
God of love. Hear our prayer.
Help us to have a simple faith,
as faith, like hope, is an anchor in this uncertain world.
Hope is a gift from You Lord.
Give us the strength of wisdom,
the strength of gentle peace,
and the strength of steady love,
so we will be known for our faith.
God of love. Hear our prayer.
Love is the core of the Christian faith.
Our faith is all about our relationships—with God, and with other people.
We are Your people, and we fail to live in peace.
We are Your voice, and we choose to be silent,
Forgive us that we are often more willing to accept forgiveness
than to forgive.
Forgive us the many times when we take for granted
all that You have done for us.
God of love. Hear our prayer.
Give us the power of forgiveness – as You forgive us.
Help us to bless those who have hurt us,
to put aside those past hurts, and to start afresh.
Help us to walk in peace.
Let us choose to be kind and compassionate,
to be Your hands to help.
Let us always be willing to walk beside those who are going through difficult times.
God of love. Hear our prayer.
Help us always to remember that people look to us,
we are the church, and we may be the only experience of church in people’s lives.
May we reflect Your unconditional love, and grace.
May we both follow Your guiding light.
and also shine that light for others
to draw them to You.
God of love. Hear our prayer.
As we struggle with the destruction of the environment
in this ‘Season of Creation’
make us willing to be changed,
whatever the cost to our self-sufficiency,
whatever the price to our insistence to having our own way.
God of love. Hear our prayer.
Remembering all those who are finding life very difficult,
those who are sick and those who are grieving,
We take a few moments for our own special prayers
May they be surrounded with Your healing love.
God of love. Hear our prayer
Give us, we pray, the courage to simplify our lives,
to count our many blessings.
Help us to bring Your love into our lives
that we may truly give respect, kindness and gentleness to each other.
That we may be quick to forgive, ready to hope,
and be filled with Your joy.
God of love. Hear our prayer.
We conclude our prayers by saying together
Merciful Father,
Accept these, our prayers, for the sake of your Son,
Our Saviour, Jesus Christ. AMEN
Prayers from ‘Hear our Prayer’ Canterbury Press
For the spirit of peace in the Church and in the world, let us pray to the Lord.
Give to the Church perfect harmony among all her members, and let her witness never be hindered by the scandal of dissension… As we come together for worship, may our hearts be so filled with love for one another that we shall be as lights to the world.
Lord, in your mercy hear our prayer.
Bring agreement between nations which are in dispute and distrust … Heal the anger of litigation and give a new spirit to those who profit from the disagreements of others.
Lord, in your mercy hear our prayer.
If there is tension in our families, with our neighbours or with any we know, give us grace to confess our faults and to seek reconciliation… Bring harmony to all in this community who are held apart by anger and resentment.
Lord, in your mercy hear our prayer.
Bless and relieve all who have been ruined by litigation or broken by disputes that have turned to bitterness.. Restore those who suffer inwardly from their refusal to be reconciled… Have mercy on all in prison, granting them acknowledgement of faults and new hope for the future.
Lord, in your mercy hear our prayer.
We pray for those who were gathered together in the name of the Lord when they were in this world, and are gathered into the great company of the blessed in heaven…. May the peace they now enjoy rest upon all who are still on their way.
Lord, in your mercy hear our prayer.
We pray that our prayers may be accepted in Christ, in whose name we are gathered together as we pray ,
The grace of our Lord Jesus Christ , and the love of God, and the fellowship of the Holy Spirit, be with us all evermore. Amen.
written by Clodagh King, Christian Aid Representative in our parish.
Gracious Lord, we pray for the children returning to school and those returning to or starting out in universities and colleges to continue their education. We pray too that all places of education will find ways of making teaching and learning safe as well as effective in such strange and difficult times. Help all students in their daily lessons; give them the wisdom to listen, to learn and to keep safe. Help their teachers and give them patience and strength to teach and impart their knowledge; help them to stay well on their return to the classrooms.
Lord, in your mercy hear our prayer
Loving God, we ask for your wisdom to discern your wishes and direction on our lives and ask for your help in interacting with others on our daily lives; those we live and work with; those we meet in shops and supermarkets; those with whom we share our roads and those who serve us in cafes and restaurants. May we never be a ‘stumbling block’ to those we meet in our daily lives and to always follow the guidelines and directives with respect and dignity afforded to all.
Lord, in your mercy hear our prayer.
Merciful Lord, we pray for the many people who have contracted Covid 19. Bring comfort to those grieving loved ones and peace to those worried, fearful and uncertain. We also pray for governments and authorities who are developing strategies to contain and deal with the virus. We pray for those working in the health services who risk their own lives to care for sick and vulnerable people. Help us all to be responsible in the things that we do in our lives to prevent the spread of this virus by taking heed of the necessary precautions and avoiding situations that may make things worse.
Lord, in your mercy hear our prayer.
Everlasting God, we recognise our responsibility to encourage and uphold one another and to live together in peace and love. We also recognise our needs and our human weaknesses and come to you now with our own prayers and petitions.
Lord, in your mercy hear our prayer.
We conclude our prayers by saying together,
The grace of our Lord Jesus Christ , and the love of God, and the fellowship of the Holy Spirit, be with us all evermore. Amen.
written by Peter Coughlan,
As we pray together, help us to count our many blessings.
We thank God for his creation, for Autumn time, the Grain and fruit in its season. We pray for our world, for those who are hungry and in need. We think of those forced to leave their homes in refugee centres. For those who live in places of conflict such as the Yemen and Syria and especially today for the people of Beirut in Lebanon as they struggle to come to terms with the devastation of the explosions in their city.
Father guide us, and all world leaders and governments, to work for peace and reconciliation, to alleviate suffering and to share the fruits of your world with all your people.
Lord in Your Mercy
ALL: hear our prayer
Lord, you revealed to Simon Peter and the other disciples that Jesus was the Christ, the son of the living God. We thank you for their commitment and devotion that started the early church and has allowed us to gather here today both digitally and in this building to praise you.
We pray for your church in all the world, for the unity of Christian people everywhere and for understanding and cooperation between those of different faiths.
Bless Bishop Paul, Canon Elaine and all who share your Good News with others. Help us to be a welcoming church and we thank you for all the work of our select vestry, safety officers, technical experts and wardens who continue to help us participate in our services during times of restriction.
Lord in Your Mercy
ALL: hear our prayer
Lord it is natural for us to feel anxious in these strange times.
Bless those who live alone and feel that more strongly.
But also, help us to be confident that you are with us always and that your son Jesus told us gently to not let our hearts be troubled and that we should share our burdens with him.
Help us each to do that and in turn to encourage and support each other in Christian love and kindness.
May we continue to pray for those countries who struggle financially and have less effective health systems, bless and protect the wonderful doctors and nurses and all frontline health care workers throughout the world who bravely and selflessly work around the clock to keep us all well.
In a few moments of silence now we pause and bring our private prayers and concerns to you at this time…….……
Draw near to all who suffer, merciful Lord, that they may sense your
presence and trust in your unfailing love for them
Lord in Your Mercy
ALL: hear our prayer
Almighty God, we thank you that you have brought us safely to the
beginning of this day. Keep us from falling into sin or running into danger,
Order us in all our doings and guide us to do always what is righteous in your sight through Jesus Christ our Lord.
We conclude our prayers by saying together,
The grace of our Lord Jesus Christ , and the love of God, and the
fellowship of the Holy Spirit, be with us all evermore. Amen.
written by Kevin Ryan
Heavenly Father, we come to you, confident of your mercy and
compassion. We humbly ask for your mercy and forgiveness, when we
wander off. We ask for the gift of forgiveness in ourselves; that we
may forgive those who offend us, and be willing to do so as Jesus
instructed us, “… not seven times, but seventy-seven-times”.
Lord, in your mercy, hear our prayer!
We pray for healing and comfort for those who are ill and those
who are undergoing treatment for their illness. We pray for their carers
and loved ones. Grant to all who minister to those who are suffering,
wisdom and skill, sympathy and patience.
Lord, in your mercy, hear our prayer!
Lord, as the threat of Covid-19 continues to hang over us, we ask
for your protection, as we endeavour to escape it. Help us to act
responsibly for the safety of all, in our day to day behaviour – in our
community, in our workplace and in our social lives.
Lord, in your mercy, hear our prayer!
We pray, Lord, for our mental and psychological well-being, as we
struggle with the pandemic of fear, anxiety and (for many) isolation
resulting from Covid-19. Help us to strive for balance in our households
and workplaces. Help us to be instruments of comfort and calm in
situations where we can influence others who are experiencing stress
and anxiety.
Lord, in your mercy, hear our prayer!
Father, we ask that you guide those to whom we look for
leadership in these difficult times. Help them to make prudent and
responsible choices on or behalf. Help them to show the type of
leadership that inspires us to move forward with confidence and
Lord, in your mercy, hear our prayer!
We pray, Lord, for our religious leaders and our ministers, who
continue to bring us your Good News, in these times of enormous
change. Give them the grace to be resolute and steadfast – especially
when they feel discouraged and anxious. Protect them and their
families, as they try to balance their responsibilities with their need to
stay safe and healthy.
Lord, in your mercy, hear our prayer!
We ask you, Lord, for the serenity to accept those things we
cannot change; the courage to change those things we can change;
and for the wisdom to know the difference!
Lord, in your mercy, hear our prayer!
Lord, we now bring to you, in silence, our own private prayers, for
the our own needs and those of our loved ones………
Lord, in your mercy, hear our prayer!
We conclude our prayers by saying together .
Merciful Father,
Accept these, our prayers, for the sake of your Son,
Our Saviour, Jesus Christ. AMEN
written by Hilary Dring, Mothers’ Union Diocesan President
Lord Jesus, in our gospel reading today we see you spending time in prayer, alone, at night; probably the only time you could get some peace and quiet. How important it is to have times of quiet when we can recharge our batteries and be renewed, so that we can have strength and courage for the tasks of everyday life. Help us to make it a priority to find ways, times and places that help us to do this. Sometimes there seem to be so many demands on us – help us to recognise what is essential and to get the balance right; loving God, our neighbour and ourselves.
Take courage! It is I. Don’t be afraid. Truly, you are the son of God.
Lord Jesus, while you prayed alone the disciples got into difficulty on the lake; their boat was buffeted by the wind. Sometimes our lives are buffeted by the winds and waves of life and are filled with uncertainty, like they are at the moment because of COVID-19. You are there with us always, but, just like the disciples, we do not always recognise you. We worry and are afraid. Today we pray for all who are living in fear, not knowing what the future holds, those whose livelihoods are so uncertain, those who fear for loved ones, those who do not know where their next meal will come from – the list of needs is endless. We pray for fair and equitable solutions to be found and for courage for ourselves to be part of the solution.
Take courage! It is I. Don’t be afraid. Truly, you are the son of God.
Today, the 9th August, is a special day for Mothers’ Union members as they celebrate the founder of Mothers’ Union, Mary Sumner. Inspired by her vision over 140 years ago, the organisation has grown and developed through many changes and challenges, and is now active in 84 countries around the world, offering Christian care for families, regardless of faith or background. As Mothers’ Union faces the challenges of the financial impact of the pandemic, we think of central staff members and all in leadership as tough decisions have had to be made and changes enacted.
Lord of all, we give thanks for the far-reaching vision of Mary Sumner. We look back with praise and gratitude for her witness and the way she has inspired so many people. Mothers’ Union members worldwide have been beacons of hope for their communities, both with prayer and practical help, bringing joy and reflecting the love of our Saviour Jesus Christ. We pray that we will be able to continue her vision, ensuring that the role of Mothers’ Union will flourish and grow as we unite to be helping hands across the world. We pray for staff members who face early retirement and redundancy and thank you for their dedication to the work of Mothers’ Union over the years.
Take courage! It is I. Don’t be afraid. Truly, you are the son of God.
Loving Lord, we pray for your love and compassion to abound as we walk though this challenging season. We ask for wisdom for those who bear the load of making decisions with widespread consequences. We pray for those who are suffering with sickness and for all who are caring for them. We ask for protection for the elderly and vulnerable to not succumb to the risks of virus. We pray for misinformation to be curbed that fear may take no hold in hearts and minds. As we exercise the good sense that you in your mercy provide, may we also approach each day in faith and peace, trusting in the truth of your goodness towards us.
Take courage! It is I. Don’t be afraid. Truly, you are the son of God.
We spend a few moments now quietly bringing our own prayers to our wonderful, compassionate God, who is always ready to listen to us…
Take courage! It is I. Don’t be afraid. Truly, you are the son of God.
We finish with a simple prayer written by Mary Sumner all those many years ago. May it be our prayer today
We join together in The Mary Sumner Prayer
All this day, O Lord,
let me touch as many lives as possible for thee;
and every life I touch,
do thou by thy spirit quicken,
whether through the word I speak,
the prayer I breathe,
or the life I live.

written by Rowland Newenham
O Lord, we pray for the different churches in the world; help us to understand thedifferent faiths and religions and teach us tolerance in the differences of faith. Enable us to recognize with gratitude those elements of truth and justice in other beliefs,
We pray for Richard, our diocesan lay reader, for Elaine, our rector, and for Paul, our Bishop. We pray for their continued protection, as they minister to us in this new environment. RESPONSE
Lord, we pray for all refugees, wherever they are currently, and wherever they end up. We read in today’s reading about the sharing of the loaves and fishes. Help us today to share our way of life with refugees that are in our society, and we pray that we may also be able to assist a refugee family to integrate into our neighbourhood. RESPONSE
O Lord, we pray for our government and all those who have to make important decisions with regards to the welfare of this nation. We pray that you will be with them as they strive to make the right decisions. We are all human, and we all get it wrong at times. We pray that we may be tolerant of any misjudgements that may be made in this new pandemic. RESPONSE
Lord, we pray for the farmers at this time of year. They are busy with the harvest of grain and grass and they are working long hours, sometimes in difficult conditions. We pray for your protection over them. We pray that they might be safe as they work. RESPONSE
O Lord, we pray for school pupils at this time. They still await a degree of uncertainty as plans are being made to commence classes again at the end of this month. We also pray for school principals and teachers, and for the your help as they attempt implement all the recommendations needed for the safe reopening of schools and colleges. RESPONSE
O Lord, we pray for those members of our community who are nervous of this pandemic. Persons who feel vulnerable through age, illness, pain, or stress. Help us to understand their concerns, and to respect their anxieties and fears. We read in today’s reading about the sharing of the loaves and fishes. Help us today to share with each-other the community spirit and social distancing good practices that will allow us to continue to live with Covid-19. RESPONSE
O Lord, we pray for the families of those recently bereaved. For those who mourn, be with them at this difficult time, and help them to know your love.
We conclude our prayers as we say together …
The grace of our Lord Jesus Christ,
and the love of God,
and the fellowship of the Holy Spirit,
be with us all evermore. Amen. 2 Corinthians 13: 14
written by Simon Woodworth
O Lord our God, we rejoice in praise of your holy name. We are thankful to be here today in your house of worship, and we keep close those who are worshipping from home. Hear us Lord, as we thank you for your works and ask you for your help and support.
Lord, in your mercy, Hear our prayer.
During these long summer evenings, we listen to the farm machinery as grass is cut and winter barley is harvested. We marvel in all your works, Lord, and thank you for the fair weather which allow us to gather the fruits of our labour. We are grateful for the technologies that allow us to stay in touch with distant relatives and friends.
We praise you for our scientists who are working on vaccines and medicines.
Lord, in your mercy, Hear our prayer.
We seek your strength, Merciful Lord, as we go about our business, fearful of infection and mindful of the need to wash our hands and wear masks.
We thank you for bringing us safely to this day and ask for your protection in the coming week. Guide our leaders, Lord, as they seek to advise on how to stay safe.
Lord, in your mercy, Hear our prayer.
Gracious Lord, many in our community have health concerns that have been set aside during these difficult times. Screening programmes have been halted and elective surgeries have been delayed.
Hold them close, Lord, as they wait in concern and frustration to receive the treatments they need.
Lord, in your mercy, Hear our prayer.
As a mustard seed grows into a tree, we grow in your all-embracing love as we come together as a community, in person and online, as we support each other in our daily lives.
We ask you to strengthen our leaders: Elaine our Rector, Paul our Bishop and our recently formed coalition government.
Lord, in your mercy, Hear our prayer.
You are the Lord our God, and we thank you for your strength and all the wonders of your earth. We look forward to better days in an uncertain world.
We say together …
The grace of our Lord Jesus Christ,
and the love of God,
and the fellowship of the Holy Spirit,
be with us all evermore. Amen. 2 Corinthians 13: 14
Written by Helen Arnopp
It is now the last Sunday in June and we have not had a service in any of our churches since mid March. We thank you Lord for the wonderful fellowship we have enjoyed during this time which as been ‘beamed’ to us in our homes with the live streaming of services which Canon Elaine and Simon have diligently provided for us on a weekly basis. These services have given us the opportunity to hear your word through our laptops, desktops and smartphones during this time. We thank you for this wonderful connection to hear your word on a weekly basis.
Lord in your mercy – Hear our prayer.
At this time Lord we pray for all those in leadership in political life in this country. We ask that you support them with the negotiations to form a new government at this time and give strength and wisdom to them and guide their decisions as they work in the best interest of the people they are called serve. We pray for all local government officials including county councillors, Gardai and all who serve in our local communities that they may be supported in their daily duties. We pray that each one of us may have the courage to recognise in ourselves any bias on the grounds of race, colour creed or position society and have the grace to treat all people as equal in the eyes of our lord Jesus.
Lord in your mercy – Hear our prayer.
In normal circumstances, our primary school children would be commencing their summer holidays this week but they have not been inside their classrooms or seen their friends or teachers since mid March. Heavenly Father we pray for all primary school pupils who have found these past weeks challenging and pray that pupils and teachers will relax and enjoy their summer holidays to return refreshed and enthused for the new school year. We especially pray for sixth class as they come to the end of this primary school chapter of their lives. We ask that you continue to support them as they are about to embark on new beginnings in new schools and make new friends. We pray that you will lead and direct them as they go through this new challenge. Lord we ask that you support all of the leaving Certificate students at this time also as they make their final decisions on their CAO forms this week which will shape their future lives.
As the next phase of reopening lockdown commences tomorrow, Heavenly Father we pray that we will be sensible in our attitude and actions towards the virus that is Covid19. Direct us all to continue to adhere to the guidelines outlined by our Government and department of Health to continue to act responsibly in our actions and not to take unnecessary risks which may result in the spread of the virus. We give thanks for all frontline workers at this time. We continue to pray for all medical staff, carers, support workers and those who are now working tirelessly to develop a drug to combat this virus. We pray that they will continue to find strength and resilience in their daily lives. We continue to pray for all who have been bereaved at this time both from Covid19 and other illnesses. As traditional funerals are no longer allowed we can continue support the bereaved by way of a telephone call, letter, card or electronic communication at this time. We continue to ask Gods blessing on all who are bereaved and give them comfort at this difficult time.
Lord in your mercy – Hear our Prayer.
Our Gospel today is telling us in that Jesus has rewards in store for those who publicly and verbally spread his message and that there are also rewards in store for those who help and assist these messengers. God meant for Christian work to be based upon teamwork. The individual will never be able to achieve what the team can achieve, few people are capable of going it alone. We are social creatures and we are each given at least one gift by the Holy Spirit. As we return to in-church worship next week, we pray for Paul our Bishop and Canon Elaine as they continue to guide and support us in our spiritual lives. We pray for patience and understanding as we physically return to our churches praying that you will continue to support and protect us and give us acceptance that while we are reopening, it will be different.
Lord in your mercy – hear our prayer.
We conclude our prayers by saying the Grace together…..
Written by Hilary Dring
Today is Midsummer’s Day, the longest day, in this part of the world; a day of long hours of light and often, but not always, sunshine.
Creator God, how wonderful to enjoy the long evenings and the light and warmth which come from you. During this time of lockdown many of us have found more time than usual to appreciate nature and all its wonders. As the saying goes ‘“You’re closer to God’s heart in a garden than any place on earth.” We pray that as life becomes busier again we will not lose our newly found connections with the world around us. Help us to live simply, and to be still at the centre of our beings; to create space for you in our lives, a space where we can commune with you and hear your voice. “In you we live and move and have our being”; each new day we begin again, knowing that your grace and mercy never fail. Thank you for your unending love. Lord, hear us – Lord graciously hear us.
In today’s Gospel reading we hear the words “The student is not above the teacher, nor a servant above his master. It is enough for students to be like their teachers, and servants like their masters”. Lord Jesus, you are our teacher and master. Help us to ask ourselves how you lived and acted, and be willing to truly hear what you are saying to us. It is challenging and often not easy to hear. In our world there is so much injustice and people are often not treated as they should be. Help us, as a society and as individuals, to be a voice for the voiceless and to stand on the side of the vulnerable and marginalised. “Love God and love your neighbour as yourself “– it sounds so simple; yet we know that without you we cannot live your way. So we ask for your help and strength to rise to the challenge of living your way of love. Lord, hear us – Lord graciously hear us.
We look forward to the day when we can gather again in our churches to worship together. Archdeacon Adrian Wilkinson has written a prayer for this time of preparation – Creator God, not limited by time or space; your Son worshipped in synagogue and Temple, and your Spirit came in power on the disciples as they met in the Upper Room. By that same Spirit, guide us as we prepare to reopen the churches in this parish.
May they be places of safety, where all feel your welcome, experience your love and are equipped in your service. We pray for those who through age or vulnerability will continue to worship at home, that together we may all rejoice in your goodness and know your blessing, until we can offer unceasing praise in your heavenly kingdom. Lord, hear us – Lord graciously hear us.
It has been so good to watch the numbers of deaths and new cases of COVID-19 decrease. It gives us hope that things can open up again; we can return to some of the things we love to do.
Lord Jesus, you were full of compassion for the sick and burdened; you healed all who were brought to you, which is so amazing.
We remember all who have died during this time. Thank you for the compassion and care shown by so many under difficult circumstances. Help us, as life becomes busier, to have time for others. A kind word, a listening ear, an offer of practical help can make such a difference and could sometimes even be life changing for someone. May we constantly reassess our priorities so that each day we put living your way of love at the top of the list.
Lord, hear us – Lord graciously hear us.
Compassionate and healing God, we are so thankful that we can bring our worries to you. You know who and what is on our minds this morning. We ask you to bless each person we are concerned about and we trust you with our worries, knowing that you care more for us than we can ever imagine. We are still for a moment to bring you our own thoughts and prayers just now ……….
Lord, hear us – Lord graciously hear us.
As we conclude our prayers let us pray with and for each other by saying the grace. May the grace of our Lord Jesus Christ, and the love of God, and the fellowship of the Holy Spirit be with us all, now and evermore. Amen.
Collect for the Second Sunday after Trinity
Lord, you have taught us that all our doings without love are nothing worth: Send your Holy Spirit and pour into our hearts that most excellent gift of love, the true bond of peace and of all virtues, without which whoever lives is counted dead before you. Grant this for your only Son Jesus Christ’s sake AMEN
Written by Rowland Newenham
Let us pray
O Lord, we pray for the different churches in the world; help us to understand the different faiths and religions and teach us tolerance in the differences of faith.
We pray that you may help us to all be your disciples and to spread your word out in our community, so as we do in our churches. We also pray our own church community. As we work towards re-opening our churches in July, we pray guidance that we may do so safely, and help us to understand that worship may be different to what we are accustomed to.
We pray for Richard, our diocesan lay reader, for Elaine, our rector, and for Paul, our Bishop. We thank you for allowing them to minister among us, and we pray for their protection.
Lord hear us
Lord Graciously hear us
Lord, we pray for all refugees, wherever they are currently, and wherever they end up. We pray Lord that you will protect them and that you will teach us to understand their fear of persecution.
Lord hear us
Lord Graciously hear us
Lord, we pray for the Leaving Certificate students at this time. They should have been nearly finished their exams, and planning for a summer job in Ireland or perhaps overseas, but instead they may feel that they are unable to control their destiny, and we pray for your guidance to help them.
Lord hear us
Lord Graciously hear us
O God, we pray for the confirmation candidates in this parish, as they also come to terms with their postponed confirmation ceremony. Help them to continue to know your presence, and that you are there to listen to them.
O Lord, we pray for all victims of racism, in this country and throughout the world. Teach us to respect each-other and enable us to see the reality of racism and enable us to challenge and uproot it from our society, our world and ourselves.
Lord hear us…. Lord Graciously hear us
Loving Father, from whose mighty hands all life and healing come, we pray for all who are in pain or suffering at this time. We remember especially those facing long and incurable illnesses.
Lord hear us ….Lord Graciously hear us
O Lord, we pray for the families of those recently bereaved. For those who mourn, immerse them with your love, and help them at this difficult time. Like the rest of society, funeral services are different now, and help those who are grieving to come to terms with this new reality.
And we conclude by saying together:
Merciful Father accept these prayers for the sake of your Son, our Saviour, Jesus Christ Our Lord. Amen.
Lord hear us
Lord Graciously hear us
Written by Valerie Andrew
Let us pray
O God the Father, you are the creator God that has made all things and all people. For the Beauty and the Bounty of this earth we thank you.
Lord in your mercy…. Hear our prayer
O Lord Jesus Christ we thank you for your redeeming power. We see your love shown most clearly on the cross. We thank you Son of God for your never ending love for us.
Lord in your mercy…. Hear our prayer
O Holy Spirit of God, we thank you that you are with us at all times and in all places strengthening us with your guidance and protection. We thank you that you are with us Spirit of God.
Lord in your mercy…. Hear our prayer
Let us pray for justice, particularly in the United States at this time. We pray that you will bring forward leaders that will do right, guarding against suppression and abuse of power. Be present Lord, bring compassion, understanding and healing into the situation.
Lord in your mercy…. Hear our prayer
God of life, you have promised to be with us every day, also in difficult times like these. Give us the strength, courage and faith to face every day with new hope. Be with those who need help more than we do ourselves and help us to see what we can offer from your love.
Lord in your mercy…. Hear our prayer
A lovely prayer written this week by the Revd Julia Cody, the Team Vicar of our Linked parish of Perton, Diocese of Lichfield, who was asked by their World Mission representative to write a prayer for their Diocesan Prayer Diary.
Loving God, thank you for our brothers and sisters in your Church around the world. Thank you for the developing friendship between the church families of The Carrigaline Union in the Diocese of Cork, Cloyne and Ross and The Church At Perton. As we are linked to each other in you, may your Holy Spirit flow through us. We pray for one another and ask for your Spirit of wisdom and compassion for Bishop Paul Colton and all entrusted with leadership in the Diocese in responding to the challenges of Coronavirus. Amen.
We gather up our prayers and together we say..
Merciful Father, accept these our prayers for the sake of your Son, our Saviour Jesus Christ. Amen.
Prayers for Pentecost 31st May
Written by Clodagh King
Let us pray
Merciful God, we pray for the many people who are suffering because of the Coronavirus throughout the world.
We pray too for our own local community.
We pray for governments and authorities who are working hard to contain the spread of the virus.
Help us all to be responsible in the things we do in our lives by taking heed of the recommended precautions, and ensuring we do not put our vulnerable at risk.
Lord, in your mercy hear our prayer
Gracious Lord we pray for the work and service of all care homes and day centres for elderly and sick people, and for those carers who look after family and friends in their own home.
We pray for all finding their life painful, lonely and uncertain, especially those who are ill and are vulnerable.
Help them to sense your comfort in this time of need and bless their families and carers.
We pray for all who are struggling in their lives.
Bring them hope of an end to their sufferings and a resolution of their difficulties.
Show us the best way to help those who suffer, without being intrusive but without simply turning away from their pain either.
Lord, in your mercy hear our prayer.
Encourage lord, those whose hearts are fixed on you, and whose lives are lived for others, for with such stones your kingdoms walls will be made strong.
Lord, in your mercy hear our prayer.
Loving God we seek the assurance of your Spirit to know your presence with us in our daily lives-
In our relationships
In our work and service
In our worship
In our times of joy and pain.
Lord in your mercy hear our prayer.
We gather up our prayers and together we say..
Merciful Father, accept these our prayers for the sake of your Son, our Saviour Jesus Christ. Amen.

Prayers for Sunday 24th May, 7th Sunday of Easter, Sunday after Ascension
Written by Kevin Ryan
Let us pray
Father in Heaven, we come to you believing that your love for us is in?nite and unconditional. You sent us your Son, through whom you revealed yourself to us, so that we might have eternal life. We thank you, Lord, for this supreme manifestation of your boundless love for us.
Lord, hear us! Lord, graciously hear us.
Lord, we humbly acknowledge our humanity, and our failure to respond to that great love, so often and in so many different ways. We ask your forgiveness for the many ways in which we have fallen short … in what we have done and in what we have failed to do.
Lord, hear us! Lord, graciously hear us.
Lord, as the world is is experiencing huge suffering and uncertainty as a result of the Covid-19 pandemic, help us to remain hopeful and optimistic. When we are tempted to feel that you have abandoned us, help us to look for the reassurance of your constant love.
Lord, hear us! Lord, graciously hear us.
Lord, when we’re tempted to wallow in the very real sadness and, in some cases, tragedies that many of us are experiencing in the current climate, help us to be mindful of those in far worse situations. This pandemic has served to further highlight the terrible inequalities and extreme poverty in other parts of the world. Help us to respond to the plight of these people, in any way we can.
Lord, hear us! Lord, graciously hear us.
Help us, Lord, to focus on the positives that emerge from this situation:
We’ve all been forced to re-think our lives and relationships.
We’ve all become aware of how dependent we are on each other, emotionally as well as materially.
We’ve seen how GOOD government is vital, and BAD government is destructive.
We rejoice in the fact that human behaviour improves, collectively, during crises like this.
We’ve learned that science and medical expertise matters, and must be listened to …
For these new insights, Lord, we thank you.
We pray that we will move forward, having learned from this;
that we will take with us better standards of behaviour towards each other, and better ways of respecting the environment which You have created for us.
Lord, hear us! Lord, graciously hear us.
We pray, Lord for our own government and leaders, our medical experts and scientists, our clergy and ministers. We thank you for them. We thank you for the generous ways in which they give of themselves. We ask that you bless and guide them in their daily duties.
Lord, hear us! Lord, graciously hear us.
Let us observe a moment of silence during which we bring our private needs to you …
Into your hands, Lord, we commend all our cares, troubles and anxieties. We thank you for your steadfast love, even when it’s not always obvious.
We make these prayers to you, in the name of Jesus, our Lord. Amen
Merciful Father, accept these our prayers for the sake of your Son, our Saviour Jesus Christ. Amen.
Prayers on Sunday 17th May 2020
Written by Peter Coughlan
Let us pray
As we pray together on this May morning we count our many blessings. We thank God for his amazing works of creation – the fresh new leaves on the trees , the bright flowers in the garden, the birds singing richly, the peace and relaxation of the seashore. Father teach us and all world leaders and governments to care responsibly for our world and to treasure and preserve nature and all living creatures.
Lord, in your mercy, hear our prayer
Lord we pray for our world as we continue to work our way through the effects of the Corona Virus Pandemic on all nations. We remember especially those counties with health care systems already under huge strain, we think of countries like Yemen where due to the effects of war in their land, half of their hospitals have already been destroyed – Be with all those who have lost their lives to this disease. And comfort those who grieve them. Draw near to those who are ill and bless all the amazing health workers and volunteers all over our world who do their very best to make people well again.
Lord, in your mercy, hear our prayer
Father God, your son our Saviour and Guide taught us that whoever obeys your commands, this is the one who loves you. Bless the world’s Leaders, decision makers and policy makers as our world seeks to move slowly forward from Covid 19 and its effects – May a real change for good take place in all of us, May your will be done, and may these leaders govern the nations with integrity, compassion, humility and a lasting peace.
Lord, in your mercy, hear our prayer
We pray for your church in all the world and for the unity of Christian people everywhere. Bless all bishops and priests and all who share your Holy Word with others. We remember especially Bishop Paul and our own Reverend Elaine, their families and their ministries among us, especially now with the challenge of sharing your Word more and more on digital platforms. Guide us all to be your loyal disciples
Lord, in your mercy, hear our prayer
God of our Land, bless President Michael D Higgins, and our chosen political leaders. Draw near to Leo Varadkar, Simon Harris, Tony Holohan and others who bear great responsibility at this time – guide them in their decision making, bless them and their families .We pray for the safety of all those resident in our hospitals and nursing homes and for all the brave staff who care tirelessly for them. We pray for our communities and think especially of refugees in direct provision, the lonely, the homeless and those suffering domestic abuse at this challenging time.
In a few moments of silence now we bring before you those known to us in need of your love and care at this time…….…… Draw near to all who suffer, merciful Lord, that they may sense your presence and trust in your unfailing love for them.
Lord, in your mercy, hear our prayer
A final prayer from Rosamond Bennett of Christian Aid
Dear Lord
You are the maker of heaven and earth
As we face the Coronavirus pandemic help us to lift our eyes to you
May your peace be with those feeling anxious
May your strength be with those working to keep others safe
May your comfort be with those who are grieving
May your wisdom light the way for those making decisions
May your healing be upon those who are unwell
May your hope fill those who are fearful of the future
May your compassion prompt us to love our neighbours
Keep us from Harm
Watch over our coming and going, both now and evermore
Merciful Father, accept these our prayers for the sake of your Son, our Saviour Jesus Christ. Amen.
Intercessions used on Sunday 10th May 2020
written by Simon Woodworth
Let us pray
Merciful God, in our time of need in the last few weeks we have asked you for many things. We have needed your guidance and support as we navigate these uncertain times. Today we take a moment to rejoice in all you have given us, for showing us your works in all those who have been fighting for us and supporting us, and to thank you for answering our prayers.
Lord, in your mercy, hear our prayer
We thank you for our nurses and doctors, for our cleaners and porters.
Almighty God, our eyes have been opened to all the vital work that is done in our health services, from the hospital consultant to the ward manager to the nurse to the porter. Thank you for teaching us that all who work to keep us healthy and cure our ills are important.
Lord, in your mercy, hear our prayer
We thank you for our volunteers and care workers.
Merciful Father, strengthen those who work very hard for little or no personal benefit to make sure all in our society and our community are safe and well. We also remember those who work in our local care homes like St Luke’s, our local charities such as Penny Dinners and during
Ramadan especially we remember groups such as the Muslim Sisters of Eire, who do so much to feed the poor and needy on the streets.
Lord, in your mercy, hear our prayer
We thank you for our scientists and researchers.
Thank you, God, for all those who are working hard to understand the COVID-19 disease and to develop a vaccine and a cure for it; for those who are helping the health services, care homes and hospitals to respond to it and to care for their patients; and for those who have to inform national policy in the months to come. Show them the way to the truth, Lord, as they help all of us.
Lord, in your mercy, hear our prayer
We thank you for our leaders.
Lord, whose son Jesus showed us that you are the Way, the Truth and the Life, we thank you for those who seek to guide us through this unprecedented time of crises. We understand our leaders are fallible. We acknowledge that, while we may disagree with them sometimes they are trying to do their best. Thank you Lord, for our national leaders, for our community leaders, for our Bishop Paul and for our Rector, Canon Elaine as they lead us by their example, by their words and their actions.
Lord, in your mercy, hear our prayer
We thank you for our farmers and those who run our shops.
We remember in gratitude, God, that as our lives are turned upside down, our farmers are still working as hard as ever to feed us and our shop assistants are putting their lives at risk to make sure the farmers’ produce reaches us. As we look forward to lifted restrictions in the summer, help us to show our thanks to them by supporting our local producers and businesses.
Lord, in your mercy, hear our prayer
We thank you for our community.
O Lord, who has prepared a place for us, we draw our strength from our families and neighbours and together we stand strong in the places you have helped us prepare for ourselves. Thank you, Lord for all of our community networks which have help us to sustain each other, especially the poor, the elderly, the lonely and the vulnerable.
Lord, in your mercy, hear our prayer
In conclusion,
Lord, we thank you for being with us all this time, for walking with us as we make our journey and for carrying us when that journey is difficult. We look forward to worshipping joyfully together when this stage of our journey is over.
Merciful Father, accept these our prayers for the sake of your Son, our Saviour Jesus Christ. Amen.
Intercessions created for Sunday 3rd May 2020
Written by Joy Keefe
Let us pray
May all who hold the faith of Christ be drawn into one fold, under one Shepherd, our Lord Jesus Christ.
Lord, you are our Good Shepherd, may you continue to lead us in these days of great worry and uncertainty.
May you restore our souls so that we need not fear.
May we be confident that you are right
beside us every step of the way on our life’s journey and may we in turn support each other during these current
challenging times.
Thank you, Lord for this Good Shepherd Sunday, for your goodness and mercies to us all the days of our lives and for being the Good Shepherd who laid down his life for his sheep.
Lord in your mercy…. Hear our prayer.
Life as we know it is completely changed as our nation along with the rest of the world wages “war” against an invisible but deadly enemy, Coronavirus. We pray for all nations throughout the world, where normal life as was known, is in total disarray, and for the fear and distress that we are experiencing because of this pandemic crisis.
A disruption to our lives that has brought grief to some, financial
difficulties to many, and enormous changes to the daily lives of all of us. O Lord calms us all as we tread our way through waters unknown.
May we only listen to and follow trustworthy advice and guidelines from those in authority and not allow ourselves to be influenced and frightened by non-verified information.
Lord in your mercy…. Hear our prayer.
Thank You Lord for all frontline staff, particularly during this Covid 19 crisis. We pray for medical staff, carers, researchers, lab technicians, and support staff as they come under strain. May they continue to find the strength, energy and resilience to enable them to continue to use their gifts and skills in helping those who suffer.
We pray also for those working in the food and medical related
industries. May suppliers and retailers be able to cope with the extra pressure of growing or manufacturing, packaging, delivering, stocking shelves, crowd monitoring and the checkout staff in food retail outlets.
All equally important in the smooth running of the food and medical chain.
We are forever thankful to those who selflessly continue their day to day duties in support of all of us.
Lord in your mercy…. Hear our prayer.
We pray for patience for us all during this lockdown particularly in these crucial weeks ahead, as we hope for the gradual lifting of these
restrictions. May our nation’s great spirit again show forth as we respect the new guidelines that we will hopefully receive next week so that the safety of everybody can be assured from this virus.
Lord in your mercy…. Hear our prayer.
We pray for those who mourn, and in particular for those who have lost loved ones because of Covid19 and also for those who have died from other causes during this period. Unable to pay traditional respects because of current funeral restrictions may we support those who mourn by any way we can ,maybe through phone or letter or card.
May we all remember that even though our funeral traditions have
temporally changed, the path to eternal life remains the same for those who have gone to their eternal reward. May they rest in peace and rise in glory.
Lord in your mercy…. Hear our prayer.
Life as we have known it no longer exists for the time being.
May we use our time to reflect on all our blessings, to value the things that really matter in life and to forget about some of the materialism that seems to dominate parts of our lives. May we continue to seek ways to keep in contact and support those who are lonely particularly during this period of isolation. Here in Ireland and around the world we hear of heart-warming stories of people coming together to help others, be it through delivering shopping or medicines, checking on neighbours, or maybe
converting their businesses to help the relief effort, or perhaps a phone call to check in on people that we know may be experiencing personal health difficulties that have magnified due to the restrictions.
Thank you, Lord, for people who think of others and do acts of kindness to help others.
Lord in your mercy…. Hear our prayer.
Though self-isolating may be difficult at times, many people of all faiths or of none, are discovering that it presents an opportunity to slow down, pause and reflect in prayer or meditation. May we continue to do this as life returns to some sort of normal in the aftermath of this pandemic.
May you O Lord continue to uplift and inspire us as we continue on life’s journey.
Lord in your mercy…. Hear our prayer.
Merciful Father, accept these our prayers for the sake of your Son, our Saviour Jesus Christ. Amen.
Intercessions used on Sunday 26th April 2020
Written by Kay Tracey & John Sweeney
Let us pray
Lord Jesus Christ, we give you our thanks and praise for the gift of eternal life through your death and resurrection and atonement for our sins and those of the world. Like those whom you encountered on the road to Emmaus, we are beset and perplexed by a range of emotions at this time of reflection during the Coronavirus pandemic. We, your disciples of the current age, talk with our friends, family, neighbours and community about little else than the impact of the virus on our lives and future. Grant us by the guidance of your Holy Spirit to discern wise sources of information and lead us into new ways of maintaining social contact and of ways of living as human beings. Help us to place our trust in your love for us, for all peoples and for all creation. . As you were with your disciples on the road to Emmaus be with us in every part of our journey, no matter how full of doubt or fear we may be. Through your Holy Spirit we pray that you will open our eyes too. Help us to see you as our risen Lord, and in our seeing, may we recognise and welcome the stranger in our midst
Lord in your mercy, hear our prayer
Lord, like the first disciples, depressed, fearful and despondent after your death, many of us are feeling helpless, shocked and saddened not only through the grief of bereavement of loved ones but also through the inability to share our burden of loss through the rituals of a funeral. The sympathy, condolence, word or touch, hug or shared tears with family, friends, and celebration of a life well-lived with the wider community has been denied. Grant us the comfort, empathy and love of our circle of support in virtual means or through the writing of a note, card or letter. May all those in mourning be comforted by the knowledge that death is not the end and that when restrictions end, services of celebration and remembrance will be arranged to mourn the passing of the loved person.
Lord in your mercy, hear our prayer
Lord, like the first disciples, many of us are confined to our homes and feel a sense of foreboding as we venture forth to shop for essential supplies, fearful of social disapproval, the rebuke of authorities or the virus itself lest we bring it into our family. Grant us the courage and grace of Cleopas and his companion to walk with the stranger, to offer hospitality and to comfort, support and help those who are especially vulnerable. Shine your light upon those who live in fear, May your light of hope shine in the darkness. Calm us Lord and watch over those who feel isolated, lonely and distressed. May your words be like a lamp that lights our way, light that restores, that heals, that protects, that saves.
Lord in your mercy, hear our prayer
Lord Jesus, just as with the first disciples, your divine wisdom unlocked the mysteries of your incarnation, death and resurrection, may your Spirit bring discernment, sound judgment and wisdom to all combating the pandemic. Grant clarity of analysis, thinking, morality and evaluation to scientists, health researchers, medical and health personnel and government agencies who are investigating, treating and developing ways to identify, protect and treat us all from the effects of Covid-19. In these very anxious insecure times God is our only security. Faith is an anchor in a shifting world. Lord, give us the strength to cope with the present situation. Inspire our leaders to bring hope, and with hope, peace of mind.
Lord in your mercy, hear our prayer
Saviour God, be with all who like Mary of Magdala, Salome, Joanna and Mary the mother of James, who overcame personal fears and danger to venture out to the tomb on the first Easter day. As health workers set aside the risks to themselves, grant your protection and love to all care givers who toil daily to bring the balm of healing and support to all receiving care in hospitals, residential or community settings. Grant them your compassion, tenderness and concern as they minister to the sick, the frail, the critically ill, the dying, the bereaved and to those recovering.
Lord in your mercy, hear our prayer
Christ Jesus, inspire us your people of the present age to follow the example of Cleopas and his companion to go out to act through video, telephone or calling. May we be swift to act to bring support, practical help and a listening ear to those who are housebound or vulnerable in our local neighbourhoods and to remember those in the wider world whose lives are being devasted. Open our eyes, so we see the signs of your presence around us; Open our hearts, so we may receive your peace and love; and empower us to pass on to others the grace you have shared with us so freely.
Lord in your mercy, hear our prayer
Lord Jesus, grant us patience to endure the restrictions on movement, working, education and social gatherings. Guide all leaders, governments and influential organisations as we emerge from the lockdown to seek to shape this your world in a profoundly different manner. May the striving for endless material things, wealth, celebrity, self obsession and status give way to new ways of being that do no longer widen social equality, destroy the planet or deny compassion for all humanity. May this time of confinement give us all an opportunity to imagine a better world for all rather than the few. Lord Jesus. Hope is your gift to the world through the resurrection. It is at the heart of Christianity. Hope is like a light within us each new day reminds us of your grace. Hope is not based on what we have done in the past, Hope is based on the infinite goodness of God’s mercy, and God’s mercy never changes. Help us to feel the resurrection hope in our lives.
Lord in your mercy, hear our prayer
Merciful Father, accept these our prayers for the sake of your Son, our Saviour Jesus Christ. Amen.
Intercessions used on Sunday 19th April 2020
In the power of the Spirit, let us pray for grace to do the works of faith.
Grant to the Church, the gathered people of the gospel, in their own homes across this land, wisdom to know and power to proclaim the good news of the Resurrection. Make us strong in the Holy Spirit to bring healing in the name of Christ.
Lord, in your mercy…. Hear our prayer.
We pray for a world where many wish to believe but are held back by doubt. Open the way to the freedom that is in Christ, that his peace may prevail among the nations and in the hearts of all people.
Lord, in your mercy…. Hear our prayer.
Grant to us, our families, friends and neighbours, the grace of the Resurrection. Break through the closed doors of our fear and doubt and give us the faith that needs no sign but the knowledge of divine love present among us.
Lord, in your mercy…. Hear our prayer.
Have mercy on all who suffer persecution for this faith, who must meet in secret and cannot worship openly. Give them strength in their need, give light to those who oppress them, so that all who trust in the Resurrection may be free to share their joy.
Lord, in your mercy…. Hear our prayer.
We think of the departed who trusted their Lord in this world and now see him in the fullness of his glory. We think particularly of all those who have died recently without having the presence of their loved ones around them. May we who now follow in faith share with them the promised blessing.
We pray in the name of Christ, by whose wounds we are healed.
Merciful Father, accept these our prayers for the sake of your Son, our Saviour Jesus Christ.
Intercessions used on Easter Day 12th April 2020
We pray to Jesus who is present with us to eternity.
Jesus, light of the world,
bring the light and peace of your gospel to the nations,
ravaged by this deadly disease.
Jesus, Lord of life…. in your mercy, hear us.
Jesus, bread of life,
give food to the hungry, and nourish us all with your word.
Jesus, Lord of life…. in your mercy, hear us.
Jesus, our way, our truth, our life
be with us and all who follow you in the way.
Deepen our appreciation of your truth
and fill us with your life.
Jesus, Lord of life…. in your mercy, hear us.
Jesus, Good Shepherd who gave your life for the sheep,
recover the straggler,
bind up the injured,
strengthen the sick
and lead the healthy and strong to new pastures.
Jesus, Lord of life…. in your mercy, hear us.
Jesus, the resurrection and the life,
we give you thanks for all who have lived and believed in you.
Raise us with them to eternal life.
Jesus, Lord of life…. in your mercy, hear us,
accept our prayers, and be with us always. Amen.
Intercessions used on 5th April 2020
Let us pray for the Church and for the world, to the Lord, the King of Glory. As the Church rejoices in the triumphal entry of our Lord, grant to us also the spirit of repentance, and sorrow for his suffering. May we at this holy time, even as we are isolated in our homes, set forward the message of his salvation and lay our minds and wills before him as an offering of faith. Lord, in your mercy… hear our prayer.
Bring to a world that judges by outward signs of power the wisdom to discern where true power lies in humility and love. Open the eyes of the rulers of the nations to see the one true King and be ready to serve at his command. Lord, in your mercy… hear our prayer
Give to us and to all those around us the vision of holiness in our ordinary lives. Help us to find in those we too easily take for granted the image of Christ the Lord, and to honour one another as those who seek to follow in his way. Lord, in your mercy… hear our prayer
Have mercy on the sick and suffering in this time of this pandemic, those for whom the shadow of the Cross is plainer at this time than the glory of the day and who call out not in triumph but in anguish. Give them relief in their affliction and the hope of new life. Lord, in your mercy… hear our prayer
May the voices of those who bore witness to God in this world now be blended with the eternal praise of the angels in heaven. May theirs be the song of triumph over sin and death. Lord, in your mercy… hear our prayer
We offer our prayers in the name of Christ who has come to save his people. Merciful Father, accept these our prayers for the sake of your Son, our Saviour Jesus Christ. Amen
Intercessions used on 29th March 2020
Let us pray to God whose word is the word of life.
As Thomas and the other disciples followed their Lord in faith, give to your people the trust in him that takes away all fear. As Mary and Martha saw with their human eyes his power of resurrection, let your gathered church witness to his risen presence among us.
Lord , in your mercy… hear our prayer.
Have mercy on a world where many do not follow the way of life but choose instead the dark way that leads to the death of hope. May those in high places know that their power is limited and that all authority comes only from the Lord of life, the conqueror of death.
Lord , in your mercy…. hear our prayer.
Bless our families, f riends and neighbours, especially in this time of distress and worry. Keep us faithful to one another and to our Lord. Help us to trust in his word and to obey his commands even when the way forward is not clear to us.
Lord , in your mercy…. hear our prayer.
Look with pity on those who mourn, especially those who feel no hope of resurrection. Strengthen all who walk in fear, deal tenderly with those who are at the point of death and ease their passing.
Lord , in your mercy…. hear our prayer.
God, in whom the dead are alive and shall never die again, receive the souls of the faithful departed. As their bodies lie in the grave, grant them eternal life in Christ, whose word they trusted in their time on earth. We pray in the name of Christ, the Resurrection and the Life.
Merciful Father, accept these our prayers for the sake of your Son, our Saviour Jesus Christ
Prayers (altd) from ‘Hear our Prayer’ Canterbury Press
A final prayer before the Blessing especially for this time of Pandemic that we find ourselves in.
we who are merely inconvenienced
remember those whose lives are
at stake.
we who have no risk factors
remember those most vulnerable.
we who have the luxury of working from home
remember those who
must choose between preserving their health or making their rent.
we who have the flexibility to care for our children when their
schools close
remember those who have no options.
May we who have to cancel our trips remember those that have no place to go.
we who are losing our margin money in the tumult of the economic
remember those who have no margin at all.
we who settle in for a quarantine at home
remember those who
have no home.
fear grips our country,
let us choose love.
this time when we cannot
physically wrap our arms around each
let us yet find ways to be the loving embrace
of God
to our neighbors.
Author Unknown.
Intercessions used on 22nd March 2020
Thank the Dean of Cloyne, the Very Revd Susan Green who prepared these prayers for use on a Quarantined Mothering Sunday:
Heavenly Father we thank you for those who care so deeply for others in this time of crisis that they put other people’s needs ahead of their own.
We give thanks for front line workers, many of whom live in our own parish. Medical staff, farmers, food producers and suppliers, retail staff and transport workers, help us to remember that though being physically apart at the moment is hard, it is the most loving thing we can do. We bring to you in our prayers today all whom we love, especially our families, friends & neighbours.
Lord in your mercy, hear our prayer
We thank you heavenly Father for our mothers, our fathers and for all who have cared for us throughout our life’s journey, and pray that the love they have shown to us may be reflected in the way that we show our love for others and in the way we each strive to live our lives according to your will.
Lord in your mercy, hear our prayer
Father, we pray for the children you have committed to our care in this Parish Union, and ask that you give their Parents and Godparents wisdom as they seek to encourage them in the ways of love, compassion and generosity so that they may follow Jesus Christ & freely choose to serve Him.
Lord in your mercy, hear our pray
Heavenly Father we remember that today there are those who do not feel at all joyful, those who are bereaved, the sick, those in hospital, those who are sad, lonely, and away from their families and those families where there is conflict.
We place each of them into your gentle hands that they may know the comfort, reconciliation and peace which your love brings.
Lord in your mercy, hear our prayer
Father we pray for those whose hearts are saddened by the death or the illness of someone dear to them. Be with them , give them strength in the knowledge that Jesus Christ is the light of the world, a light which no darkness can quench.
You turn our darkness into light and in your light shall we be comforted.
Lord in your mercy, hear our prayer
Accept these our prayers, Creator God,
made with gratitude and offered in praise
& help us to live as your children who belong to one another,
& to you, now & always. Amen.
And the grace of our Lord Jesus Christ, and the love of God, and the fellowship of the Holy Spirit, be with us all,
evermore. Amen.
Intersessions 15th March 2020
1)Lets us pray to God for strength at this time.
May our God who sacrificed His son to save us from our sins remain among us in these unprecedented times
Lord in Your Mercy. Hear our prayer
2)Draw those who hold power to be influenced by the presence of Christ and to know His love as they make political, economic and health precaution decisions for their countries.
Lord in Your mercy Hear our prayer.
3)We thank you Lord for the privilege of being a member of your Church in this time of great uncertainty and worry re the Coronavirus.
May we find the Peace of your Holy Presence to be a comfort for us at this time.
Lord in Your Mercy. Hear our prayer
4)We thank you Lord for our Church leaders who have the wisdom to suspend some of our Church traditions in order that it may help prevent the spread of this virus.
Lord in Your Mercy. Hear our prayer.
5)At this time we thank You Lord for social media and mobile phones as a means of communication even though we might not be able to visit friends and family we can though keep in touch.
All so different from the time of Noah in the Ark when he was the only one who had communication.
Lord in Your Mercy. Hear our prayer
6)We pray for all our healthcare workers and all those who expose themselves to the danger of contacting this virus in order to help those in need.
Lord in Your Mercy Hear our Prayer.
7)We pray for all those living in fear, and also those who are suffering from this virus as well as those who are vulnerable and are at high risk of contamination.
May we respect the guidelines that have been laid down for us re social distancing and sanitation regards the control this outbreak.
Lord may the power of Your Presence help us those through these rough times.
Lord in Your mercy Hear our prayer.
8)We pray for Rev Elaine whose ministry is restricted at his time and is unable to do home visits or administer Holy Communion to those who are housebound, and also, we remember Hilary Dring who in the course of her ministry is unable to visit those in hospitals.
Lord in Your Mercy. Hear our Prayer.
9)We remember especially those who are vulnerable in our society, the homeless, those living in cramped conditions, those housed in hotel bedrooms, And also those living in refugee camps and in third world countries where sustenance is a priority and not sanitation.
Lord in Your Mercy. Hear our Prayer
10)We pray for the departed, those who took up their crosses and carried them to the end of the way and have laid them down in response of Heaven,
May we in our time, be faithful until we come to share in their joy.
Lord in Your Mercy. Hear our prayer.
I conclude with a prayer from Archbishop Ml. Jackson.
Almighty and All–loving God,
Father, Son and Holy Spirit,
we pray to you through Christ the Healer
for those who suffer from the Coronavirus Covid–19
in Ireland and across the world.
We pray too for all who reach out to those who mourn the loss of each and every person who has died as a result of contracting the disease.
Give wisdom to policymakers,
skill to healthcare professionals and researchers,
comfort to everyone in distress
and a sense of calm to us all in these days of uncertainty and distress.
This we ask in the name of Jesus Christ our Lord
who showed compassion to the outcast,
acceptance to the rejected
and love to those to whom no love was shown.