Parish Notices 20th May 2012
The Rector writes…“As I mentioned last Sunday, I thought I would let you know a little about last week’s General Synod. While there was other business dealt with in Dublin, the topic that everyone seemed focused on was the motion on ‘Human Sexuality in the context of Christian belief’ . This motion which was passed on the Saturday morning was felt by many, including myself, to have been introduced hurriedly and without a clear reason or an obvious objective. The motion was supported by 10 bishops, 81 clergy and 154 laity. It was opposed by 2 bishops (including my previous and current bishop) 53 clergy (including myself) and 60 laity. The motion emerged following a special two-day General Synod conference on human sexuality in Cavan in March but those whom I spoke to who were actually in Cavan felt that to introduce a motion which just reiterated what was already contained in our Canons and Prayerbook was not helping to facilitate a genuine meeting of minds around this contentious issue. My own feeling is that when we are at a stage where gay members of our General Synod (both clergy and lay) are afraid to stand and speak for fear of reprisal, then it is time for listening and not ill judged and hasty motions”
HOLY COMMUNION every Wednesday in St Mary’s Church at 10.30am. All welcome.
SUNDAY SCHOOL this morning in St Mary’s Church Hall.
TEA & COFFEE also this morning in St Mary’s Church Hall after service. All welcome.
ST MARYS NATIONAL SCHOOL Official opening Friday 25th May. Any parishioners who are interested in seeing the new extension and renovations are invited to join the visitors and parents between 1pm and 3pm.
PRAYER REQUEST SHEETS are at the back of both churches.
INTERCESSIONS IN CHURCH If you would like to be involved in doing prayer intercessions at our church services, please contact the Rector.
COMPANION Lady in Parish with car is available as part-time companion. For more information please contact the rector.
SUMMER FETE Saturday 23rd June. 10am to 2pm. Books, Bric-a-Brac, Plants, Country produce, Café &home baking, Toys, Bouncy Castles, Kids Entertainment and fantastic raffle! Mark this date in your diary now to ensure that this year’s event is as successful as previous years.
KEYS A register is being gathered of all keys associated with St Mary’s and St John’s Churches, halls, offices etc…. If anyone has a key, please contact the parish administrator so these can be logged.
THEOLOGICAL BOOK CIRCLE At the last meeting, the book ‘The Year of Living Biblically’ by A.J.Jacobs was chosen for our next gathering. A great summer read and we will chat about it in the Rectory at 8pm on 29th August.
BISHOPS’ APPEAL A reminder to any family who still have the Lenten Bishops’ Appeal box to please return it to the Rector. Thank you.
INVITATION TO WEST CORK The Revd Trevor and Oriel Lester have kindly invited the parish to join them in their Rectory in Altar, Toormore for a Barbeque at 6pm on 22nd July and then join with their parish to attend an Evensong in St Brendan’s Church Crookhaven where Elaine will be preaching the Epilogue. Some parishioners have suggested we could hire a bus. Please let the Rector know if you would be interested in travelling by bus.
PICCOLO FUND UPDATE Thank you to those who have already donated money towards the purchase and installation of our new Piccolo pipes. As a matter of interest, it was discovered that some of the existing pipes on the north end of the organ in St John’s are decorated. This is unusual as the pipes are not visible from the church. The old window in the wall between the organ and church is, however, only covered in plywood so the internal decorated pipes would originally have been visible. Parishioners have already been extremely generous, some remembering family members by donations to the fund. We will have a dedication of the new pipes once fully installed. Please contact the rector if you would like to make a donation.
JUNIOR CHOIR We hope to start up a Junior Choir who will sing and play at the All Age Service. The weekly practices in the Church Hall will begin in mid September, with a day and time to be confirmed later. Contact the Rector or Hilary Dring if you would like to help in any way with this initiative or if your child would be interested in taking part.
MOTHERS’ UNION Diocesan celebration of 125 years this afternoon at 3.30pm in Rosscarbery Cathedral. Next Saturday 26th May – Mothers’ Union Fundraising Parish Brunch in our Rectory at 10.30am.
FUND FOR THE FUTURE An appeal by the United Dioceses of Cork, Cloyne and Ross for future generations. Badges cost €5 and are at the back of the church.