Parish Notices 30 September 2012

The Rector writes: ‘EAPPI ( Ecumenical Accompaniment Programme in Palestine and Israel ) brings internationals to the West Bank to experience life under occupation.   These people then provide protective presence to vulnerable communities, monitor and report human rights abuses and support Palestinians and Israelis working together for peace.  One such person is Kate Cargin, a Quaker who has just begun a 6 month stay in Palestine. This can be a dangerous                   assignment, in Kate’s own words ‘As Ecumenical Accompaniers, we are there to be neutral in terms of the conflict but not in terms of when people’s human rights are violated.  Kate’s name was given to me by the bishop who has given her permission to speak to churches in this diocese on her return. We are delighted that she will come and speak to us in the Carrigaline Union at our Sunday Services on February 17th next.  Over the next few months I will give you updates on what is happening with Kate but you can read her ‘Blog’ for yourself at  Please keep Kate and all those working for peace in the land of our Lord’s birth in prayer. ‘

PARISH OFFICE Christine has returned to her post as parish administrator this past week.  The office will be open Mon, Wed & Fri from 9.15am to 12.15pm from now on.

New Reading Rotas for both churches, and tea and coffee rota for St Mary’s available at the back of the church and in your email inbox!

MIDWEEK COMMUNION SERVICE 10.30am every Wednesday in St Mary’s Church . The first Wednesday of each month will have special prayers for the work of the Mothers’ Union followed by refreshments after the  Service. All Welcome.

TODDLERS PLUS ONE GROUP continues on Monday, October 1st. This group of  Toddlers plus ‘one’ (Mum/Dad/Minder) will meet each other in St Mary’s Church Hall from 10am ‘till 12 for playtime and chats with perhaps a cup of tea thrown in. Contact the rector for details or just turn up!

MONDAY CLUB GROUP also continues on Monday, October 1st.. Adults who are free from 3pm to 5pm on Mondays are invited to St Mary’s Church hall for a cup of tea/coffee. While these meetings won’t be structured as such, we hope to gain a little knowledge from each other as we chat. Contact the rector for details.

ST JOHNS HOME GROUP will meet at fortnightly intervals from 25th September. The group will be using the Crossway Bible Guide “Discovering Luke’s Gospel” by Simon Jones (1999), Leicester and will be available to purchase at €6. The next meeting takes place on Tuesday 9th October at 8pm in Liz Hanna’s home, Victoria Cottage, Monkstown.

JUNIOR CHOIR meets in St Mary’s Church from 6.30 to 7.15pm each Thursday night. All school going children welcome. Contact the rector or Hilary Dring for more details.

HARVEST SERVICES– Our Harvest Collections in both churches will be sent to help the Syrian people who are in dire distress at this time. It is most likely that we will be routing our money through UNICEF who are working on the ground in Syria.

SUNDAY SCHOOL-If possible please could the young people bring non- perishable food stuffs (soup etc) next sunday (7th)  to the harvest service. These will be collected and given to a local charity. Sunday School members will meet at 10.30am and decorate an area of the church. Please bring flowers / fruit / veg if you can!

CHARITY RETURNS-If you make regular donations to the Parish and have not already returned your Charity Return form (received during the  summer) please do so to Helen Arnopp. If you require another form please contact Christine in the office.

YOUTH CLUB are meeting in St Marys church hall on Friday night October  5th from 7.30 to 10pm for children of secondary school age. Contact Peter Coughlan 0863453361 for further details.

“A Trip to China” with Irene McLoughlin. 17th October at 8pm, Carrigaline Church Hall. ALL WELCOME. Any donations will be divided between Mothers’ Union and Carrigaline Union of Parishes. There will also be MU Christmas Cards, Calendars etc. for sale. Organised by Mothers’ Union.

Mothers ‘Union Conference  – Your Gifts? Discover & Celebrate –  A conference for women of all ages, 16th -18th  November 2012 in the Celtic Ross Hotel, Rosscarbery, Co. Cork. (Saturday attendance only also  possible) Book by the 29th of October. Guest Speaker: Rev. Liz  McElhinney. For booking forms contact: Hilary Dring 0863680513 or                     Jennifer Kingston 0863236641 or email:

A walking group is hoped to be set up in Monkstown. It will be open to everyone and for all levels of fitness. The emphasis is on fun and friendship. Those interested can contact Sandra Mc Loughlin on 087 1315393 or or . Days and times are yet to be set but most likely will be on Monday mornings with the possibility of  walking on Wednesdays also.

THEOLOGICAL BOOK CIRCLE   Philip Yancey’s book ’’What’s so amazing about Grace?’ was chosen for our next gathering which will be in the Rectory on November 14th at 8pm. If you are buying this book, please think about shopping locally… The Carrigaline Bookstore offers 5% discount to the Book Circle.

Allotments For Rent-Join Carrigaline Allotment Group at Thompson’s Farm, Aghamartha, (near Carrigaline, on the Fountainstown Road). Grow your own veg and fruit, enjoy the exercise, half and full plots  available. Call or text 087 7090899 to arrange a viewing.



Oct 1st        Toddlers Plus One 10am in St Mary’s Church hall   Monday Club 3pm in Church Hall .

Oct 4th       Junior Choir at 6.30pm in St Mary’s Church.

Oct 7th Parish Harvest Thanksgivings:

United Eucharist Service 11am in St Mary’s

United Evensong Service 7pm in St John’s

Oct 9th     St John’s Home Group at 8pm.

Oct 14th Parish Confirmation Service 11am in St Mary’s.

Oct 20th Children’s Ministry Course begins in St Luke’s Education Centre.

Nov 10th Saturday Evening Service 7pm in St Mary’s followed with refreshments.

Nov 11th Remembrance Sunday Services & Remembrance Choral Evensong

Nov 25th Gift Day in the Rectory.

Dec 8th Saturday Evening Service 7pm in St Mary’s followed with refreshments.

Dec 23rd Festival of Nine Lessons & Carols in St John’s Church, Monkstown. 4pm.


2013 dates for your diary

May 17th –19th Pentecost Flower Festival in St Mary’s Church with the theme  ‘Fruits of the Spirit’


Random Notes                                               XXXI

Upon the retirement in 1880 of the Revd. William Clarke Walker, Rector of Carrigaline  from 1875, his Curate, the Revd. William Spotswood Green was appointed Rector, a position he held until his resignation from both the Parish and the Church some nine years later, in 1889.

Not an average man, William Spotswood Green was born in 1847, the son of Charles Green, J.P., of Youghal, co, Cork, by Rebecca his wife, daughter of Roger Green, of the same. He was ordained Deacon in 1872, Priest the following year, both at Cork, and served as Curate of Kenmare from 1874 until his appointment as Curate of Carrigaline in 1877. He married in 1875,his cousin, Belinda Beatty, second daughter of James Butler, J.P., of Waterville, Co. Kerry, by whom he had a son, Charles, and five daughters.

In 1890,a year after he left the Church, and  in rather a contrast to his previous occupation he was appointed an Inspector of Fisheries, and in 1900, Chief Inspector. To this, due to his extensive  knowledge of things maritime and the fishing industry, was later added membership of the Congested Districts Board.

An enthusiastic traveller and mountaineer, he visited during the Clerical period of his life, Norway, and the Lofoten islands, France, Italy, Austria, Germany, Egypt, the West Indies, and the Orinoco, Switzerland, New Zealand, and the Rocky Mountains of British Columbia in Canada.

The visit to New Zealand, to which, due to his thought to be poor constitution, he was advised to travel, to avoid spending the Winter of 1881-82 in county Cork, included his climbing the 12,349 foot high Mount Cook, the highest mountain in New Zealand, reaching the summit, and in so doing being the first to do so, with his two companions on 2nd March, 1882.

In 1914 William Spotswood Green, by now a Companion of the Order of the Bath, a member of the Royal Irish Academy, and a Fellow of the Royal Geographical Society, retired from the Fisheries Office, and moved to county Kerry where he lived at West Cove House, near Castlecove on the road to Waterville. There five years later he died, and was buried in the little Churchyard at Sneem. His grave can be seen to this day.



















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