Parish Notices Sunday 10th April 2016

The Rector writes ‘‘The Annual Easter Vestry takes place in the Parish Hall at 7pm this coming Thursday 14th April. At this public meeting, which is open to everyone, the already approved parish accounts will be adopted. I will speak about parish life in the year gone by, what has been achieved during that time and thanking all those who have been instrumental in the running of our parish. Then the Church Wardens and the Select Vestry will be voted in by those gathered (and who are on the registrar of vestry people, a list is open to any parishioner who wishes to put their names on it. It is reviewed each year usually February so do watch out next year and add your name in if it isn’t already there). But whether you are registered as a voter in the parish or not, why not come along to the Easter Vestry anyway? This is your parish and you should inform yourself about what is being done in your name. I guarantee you that you won’t be pushed into any job that you don’t want to take on.  If you haven’t attended an Easter Vestry, why not try it this year – indeed you may surprise yourself by enjoying it! Hope to see you there!”

TABLE QUIZ for Parish Funds.  Friday 22 April at 8pm in Canon McCrea Hall. €10pp or €40 per table of 4. Children €5. If anyone has items they would like to donate for a raffle or spot prizes please let Adrian Bateman know. 086-8300379.

MOTHERS’ UNION     Events for all!

  • Saturday, 16th April, Mothers’ Union Annual Festival Service takes place at 11am in St. Luke’s Church in Douglas. This will be followed by lunch and our Diocesan Council, when lots of information about what is going on will be shared. It is also a great opportunity to meet up with others from around the dioceses. It is very nearby so hopefully many of us will make it. All are welcome, members and non-members.
  • ‘On being a Chaplain’. All are invited to join us as we very much look forward to welcoming the Revd Canon Dr Daniel Nuzum to speak to us on Monday, 18th April at 8pm in the Parish Hall in Carrigaline (next to the church).


This year our Parish will join again with Templebreedy Parish to run a children’s Bible-based Holiday Club from 18th to 22nd  July in the Canon McCrea Hall, St Mary’s School. 10am till 1pm. €30 per child or €70 per family, which includes snack.Registration forms are available from the Parish Office or the Rector.

Carrigaline Family Support Centre need Volunteer Drivers for their Community Bus. If you have a D or D1 licence and some free time please ring 4919299 or email

Dates for your diary

11th Apr   Toddlers Plus One 10 to 12pm Parish Hall

Monday Club 3 to 5pm Parish Hall

14th Apr   Annual Easter Vestry 7pm Parish Hall

18th Apr   Mother’s Union. 8pm St Mary’s Church Hall

19th Apr    Youth Club 7pm – 9pm Parish Hall

22nd Apr   Table Quiz. 8pm Canon McCrea Hall

1st May     Confirmation Service 11am St Mary’s Church

15th May   Dawn Chorus 5am Currabinny Woods Carpark

20th May   Family Beetle Drive 7.30pm Canon McCrea Hall

28th May   Parish Féte 10am till 2pm St Mary’s School

29th May   United Service St Mary’s 11am Sunday School. Prize-giving and Parish Picnic in the Rectory Grounds

Random Notes CLXXXVIII

Irish people today are quick to protest if they disapprove of something and the people in the early years of the last century were no different.

swim 1906

In 1906 the clergy were scandalised about the practice of mixed sea-bathing, on the grounds that it could lead to improper thoughts. They also objected to the idea of ladies being allowed to watch men’s swimming galas. The chairman of Cork’s Public Health Committee also disapproved. On May 1st, he told Cork Corporation that he held the view that swimming baths “were no place for men and women to be together.”

In 1909 the Clones Board of Guardians grumbled about the high numbers of unmarried men in Ireland while there were “bright, lonely, marriageable girls all around the country who couldn’t find husbands.” The Board was so concerned about the plight of these unfortunate spinsters that it proposed that every bachelor over the age of thirty five be heavily taxed.

In 1913 the Earl of Meath complained about the apathy of the authorities in allowing so many guns to be sold in Ireland. In a find display of his priorities, his Lordship announced, with some indignation, that in his opinion, these weapons would be most likely be used to take pot-shots, not just at policemen or ordinary law-abiding people , “But Even at Gamebirds”!!




Categories Parish Notices | Tags: | Posted on April 11, 2016

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