Parish Notices Sunday 10th November 2019

The Rector writes  ‘Most of you know by now that I will be ‘installed’ (literally put into a stall!) in St Fin Barre’s Cathedral during the 3:30pm Choral Evensong on Sunday 24th November.

I am very excited about it I must say and I really hope that many of you will be able to join me in the Cathedral ? It would be lovely to have you all there with me on the day .  That Sunday, 24th November is also the feast of Christ the King, the end of the liturgical year, and it is when we would have normally had our Gift Day in the Rectory so this year we will celebrate our gifts and our giving in the morning Services and the coffee & tea part of the day will be in the Parish Hall at the end of the 11am Service rather than the Rectory. I may even treat you all to posh biscuits for the day that’s in it!

Finally I really hope to see many of you at our ‘Faith in Action’ evening this coming Wednesday 13th .  We will be hosting Cork Simon, Samaritans, Street Pastors, Eco Congregation, CEPT Carrigaline Welcomes Group & the Mothers’ Union so come along and hear how you might be able to put your faith into actual action in our community.’

Christian Aid  2020 Calendars now available from John Sweeney in Monkstown. 10 euro each. A great way to support this worthy organisation!

Carrigaline Union & Douglas Union with Frankfield Drama  are having another wonderful Theatre Supper event this November (28th, 29th & 30th November).  Again held in the Canon Packham Hall in St Luke’s Douglas, this year’s plays are ‘A Secret Life’ by Harry Parsons and ‘The Music Lovers’ by George Feydeau . Tickets are now available  from  Madeleine Geary or Christine in the office .

The Annual Gift Day giving will take place this year as part of the normal morning Services on Sunday 24th November.

Mother’s Union. Christmas craft night with Tracey Pierce. Wednesday 20th November in the Parish Hall.  Christmas lunch Wednesday 4th December at 1230pm in RCYC.   Further details to follow.

Bandon Grammar School – A history. This month sees a huge event taking place in Bandon Grammar School. ‘Bandon Grammar School – A History’ by Mr. Ian Coombes will be launched on Monday 25th of                              November 2019 at 3PM by the one and only Graham Norton. The book is a very special one with 448 pages and over 300 illustrations and will be available through the School Office. This very special event is by complimentary ticket only and these are available through the school office.
There will also be refreshments and a secret postcard auction in aid of the Burren Chernobyl Project. Make sure you get your ticket from office early in order to avoid disappointment. Tel 0238841713 or

11th Nov           Littlies + One 10-12 Parish Hall

13th Nov          Holy Communion 10:30am St Mary’s Church     

13th Nov          Faith in Action  Information Evening 7:30pm Parish Hall

20th Nov Mother’s Union 8pm Parish Hall

24th Nov Gift Day  9:30 and 11am Services

24th Nov Installation of Canon Elaine 3:30pm in  St Fin Barre’s Cathedral

22nd-24th Nov   Mother’s Union Weekend Away Garryvoe Hotel.

28th-30th Nov    Theatre Supper Nights in Canon Packham Hall

30th Nov-1st Dec  Carrigaline Christmas Fayre, GAA Hall

4th Dec                  Mother’s Union Lunch. 1230pm RCYC Musical Notes

Musical Notes

All people that on earth do dwell’ (630)  is sung to a melody known as the ‘Old Hundredth’. This tune has a long history, appearing first in the French Genevan Psalter of 1551. The composer Ralph Vaughan Williams wrote a huge choral work based on this melody for the coronation of  Queen Elizabeth II. Date for your diary: Sunday December 1st at 8 p.m. East Cork Choral Society perform Mozart’s Requiem in St. Augustine’s Church, Washington Street.

Random Notes CCCXXII

Readers of ‘Random Notes’ may be interested to see the illustration of  thesetwo miniature portraits dating from c.1700, of Francis Hodder (c.1632 – c.1724), of Hoddersfield, nr. Crosshaven, Co. Cork,  and Jane, his wife. The miniatures, both contained within a single frame, were presented in March of this year to, and to the great pleasure of the compiler of this note by a cousin of his in Lucan, Co. Dublin, and are of particular local interest in that the large Hodder chest tomb to the south of the Church was built by this Francis Hodder, a brother-in-law of Margery Hodder, (widow of his elder brother William of Ballea Castle), who presented a Communion chalice, engraved with the inscription ‘The gift of Margery Hodder,  relict of William Hodder of the citty of Corke, Alderman. To the use of the Parish of Carrigaline. Anno Dom.1670’

The tomb bears what appears rather curiously appears to be a variant of the two recorded coats of arms of the family, in so far as the shield is of second, and the crest of the first, (said to be the more ancient of the two), the arms being emblazoned as follows:

 ‘ar. five pole-axes erect in fesse, ppr’     

 crest: ‘a fire-ship, with her courses set on fire, issuing from below the rigging, all ppr’

 ‘ar.three halberts sa. headed ar.’  

 crest: ‘an angel in praying posture ppr. between two laurel branches vert’.

The inscription as cut on the tomb reads

‘This Burying Place was Made At the charge of Francis Hodder of  Hoddersfield Esqr. for the use of his family, 1710’                                       


Categories Parish Notices | Tags: | Posted on November 11, 2019

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