Parish Notices Sunday 11th December 2016

The Rector writes We are now in the middle of one of the most exciting adventures of the parish since I came here exactly 5 years ago today.

The ‘Road to Bethlehem’ Live Crib event brings a  totally different and new  dimension of the Nativity to all those who pass through our gates and it will, we hope, make a lasting impression on us all. Thank you so much to all the people who worked  SO hard over the last while to make this a reality. You are an amazing bunch of  people in this parish and I’m still so honoured to be your rector.’


Responsible trustworthy person required as Bus Escort for morning and afternoon collection and drop off at St Mary’s Primary School.    Approx. 2 hours per day.  Please email Letter of Application and C.V. to  Any queries 021-4371995.

The Revd Tony Murphy and the Revd Sarah Marry are holding a 24 hour fast on Thursday 15th – Friday 16th December and they would be extremely grateful for whatever support you can offer to help in their fundraising to support Concern’s Programmes. As they say; ‘While we recognise the social problems that exist at home, as two people who worked for Concern Worldwide in the past, we are very concerned with the plight of children suffering from malnutrition in the world’s poorest countries.  According to the World Health Organisation, malnutrition is the single greatest threat to the world’s public health, with 178 million malnourished children across the globe.’                                                 The link to give on-line is

TWINNING NEWS. We are celebrating our 30th Anniversary with Guidel next year. If anyone would like to join us for the week the dates are 24th June to 1st July. For more information contact Olna at 087-9525969.



11th Dec          Live Crib St Mary’s Church 2-6pm

Said Compline 7pm St John’s Church

12th Dec        Toddlers plus One 10am

Monday Club 3-5pm Parish Hall

14th Dec Holy Communion 10:30am St Mary’s Church

Advent Talks : ‘Love’  8pm  Parish Hall

18th Dec        Service of 9 Lessons & Carols 4pm St John’s

24th Dec       Carols around the Crib Service 4pm St Mary’s

First Eucharist of the Nativity 11:30pm St Mary’s

25th Dec       Services at normal times

9:30am St John’s and  11am St Mary’s

1st Jan          United Christingle Service 11am St Mary’s


Random Notes CCXV


On 27th June, 2014, Mary Elizabeth Elmes was posthumously awarded the title “Justes Parmi Les Nations” (The Righteous among Nations) by the State of Israel.

Mary Elmes was born in Cork on 5th May 1909, to parents Edward and Elizabeth (nee Waters). She attended Trinity College, Dublin and joined the London Ambulance Unit in February 1937. During the Spanish Civil War, she worked in a children’s hospital in Almeria with the Quaker “Friends Service Council” and in May 1939 she joined thousands fleeing over the Pyrenees into France, focusing on organising food supplies and providing educational books for children. After France fell to German occupation in 1940, many were arrested and held with Spanish refugees. Convoys departed weekly in railway wagons taking people to concentration camps.


Mary Elmes and the Quakers started a campaign to save as many children as possible. If their parents agreed, children under the age of 16 could be transferred from the camps to children’s colonies. Under this ruse, Mary transferred many children across the border. She hid them in her car and drove them high into the Pyrenees. It will probably never be known how many children she saved.

In January 1943, she was arrested on suspicion of helping Jews escape. Due to her Irish neutral citizenship, she was never charged but was held for six months at Fresnes prison near Paris.

After the war ended, she married Roger Danjou and they settled in France. Her brother, John, lived at Weaver’s Point in Crosshaven and she made many trips to Cork   before her death in 2003. She never sought recognition for the help she gave, or how many lives she saved.”








Categories Parish Notices | Tags: | Posted on December 12, 2016

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