Parish Notices Sunday 13th April 2014
The Rector writes ‘Today is Palm Sunday and Holy Week begins….the most important week in our Church Calendar. It provides us with an opportunity to ponder and to relive our Lord’s Passion, Death and Resurrection in our Liturgies …to physically take part in the journey of Holy Week. As I have mentioned before, my task as a Priest here is to ‘Gather the people, Tell the Stories, Break the Bread’ and Holy Week is the most magnetic of times to do just that. I will preach on ‘Holy Week through the eyes of the Romans’ on the Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday nights. We will join together for a symbolic Seder Meal and Eucharist on Maundy Thursday night, then Morning and Evening Prayer on Good Friday (plus our Children’s Holiday Club), the atmospheric Vigil Service on Saturday and finally sing our Alleluias on Sunday at Dawn in Monkstown and again at the normal time of 9.30 and 11 in both Churches. Come and join us for some (or all !) of these special services and listen to The Story in this week of weeks.
TEA & COFFEE after the Service in St Mary’s Church.
CHORAL EVENSONG at 7pm in St John’s tonight. (see also notice at the end of the opposite page.)
EASTER EGG COLLECTION boxes are at the back of the churches for the Women’s Refuge in Cork. The eggs will be delivered to the children in Cuan Lee on Easter Sunday after church. Last year the children in the Refuge were absolutely delighted with the special Egg delivery.
EASTER CLUB is happening again this Good Friday 18th April in the Parish Hall beside St. Mary’s Church 10 am until 1pm. The Club is for children of primary school age and those who will start school in September only. Registration forms will be available in both churches and via email from the Parish Office. All children who would like to come must be registered beforehand as places will be limited for safety reasons. The children should bring 2 euro (or 5 euro maximum per family) to help with the costs of the day. If the children could bring along a tea towel and dressing gown/sandals for the three short plays which will form part of the Church Service at 12.30. Contact the parish office 021-4374045 or the Rector at 087-2363100
SUN UP the CDYC annual Easter vigil and dawn Eucharist on the beach is happening again this year in Roscarberry, Booking Forms at the back of the Church.
Annual sponsored walk Carrigaline Union of Parishes & St. Mary’s National School, Carrigaline will have their annual sponsored walk from St. Mary’s Church to Drake’s Pool and back to St. Mary’s Church. Sunday 27th April. Walk starts after registration in the Church Hall at 11.45 a.m. Refreshments afterwards in the Church Hall. Any donations of sandwiches or cakes on the day would be gratefully received thank you, Please contact the Parish Office 021- 4374045 or Karen Holmes: 085 7155893.
SUMMER HOLIDAY CLUB ‘STARSHIP DISCOVERY’ This year our Parish will join again with Templebreedy Parish to run a children’s Bible-based Holiday Club from 21st—25th July in the Canon McCrea Hall, St Mary’s School. 10am till 1pm. €30 per child or €70 per family, which includes snack. Registration forms are available from the Parish Office or the Rector immediately after Easter.
Buttons and bottle corks- Tracey Pierce is looking for these for crafts. If you have any please pass them on to her or leave them in the parish office.
MONKSTOWN CHAMBER CHOIR is a robed choir. Currently the members bring their robes with them to events, and ordinarily keep them at home. We would love to have a facility whereby we could keep the cassocks, surplices and jabot’s in the Church when not in use. If anyone knows where we could get for free (or very cheaply!) a large, moveable coat hanger (like those used at fashion shows etc…) we would really appreciate it. Reminder that this evening there is sung Choral Evensong in St John’s at 7pm. The anthem is “O Sacrum Convivium” by Luigi Molfino and the Psalm is by John Bell of the Iona Community. What a great way to start Holy Week! Then on Saturday 26th April, we will sing at 4pm Mass in St Mona’s Church, Sherkin Island. All parishioners are welcome to join us, and the very appreciate islanders in this beautiful remote community of rural West Cork. Contact Roger Ellis on 087 9607750 for details
April 14th NO Toddlers plus One Group OR Monday Club.
April 14th-16th Monday to Wednesday of Holy Week
10.30am Eucharist in St Mary’s
7.30pm Evening Prayer in St John’s
April 17th Maundy Thursday , Seder Meal 7pm Parish Hall
April 18th Good Friday-10.30am Morning Prayer in St John’s
‘Easter Holiday Club’ 10am to 1pm Parish Hall
7.30pm Evening Prayer in St Mary’s
April 19th Easter Saturday Vigil Service 9pm St Mary’s
April 20th Easter Sunday-Ecumenical Dawn Service 6am St John’s
Normal Sunday Eucharist Services at 9.30/11am
April 25th Weigh-in for Rector and Fr Pat, Parish Hall 7.30pm
April 27th Parish Sponsored Walk 12am from Parish Hall
May 6th Easter Vestry, Annual General Meeting of Parish, 7.30pm in Parish Hall.
May 14th Christian Aid Coffee Morning in Rectory 11am
May 31st Parish Fête
June 8th Pentecost Confirmation Service 11am St Mary’s
Jun 15th Parish Picnic
Jun 21st St Nicholas’ Brass Band celebrating 100 years, will be performing at the Mid Summer Garden Party in St Mary’s Churchyard…. plus the Rector’s sponsored diet ends today!
July 21st – July 25th Summer Holiday Club ‘Starship Discovery’