Parish Notices Sunday 14th May 2017
The Rector writes ‘Tonight at 7pm in St John’s Church Monkstown we will have the very last Choral Evensong until September. Those elected at the recent Easter Vestry as Select Vestry, Parochial Nominators and Diocesan Synods-persons will be commissioned during the Service. Everyone is welcome as always. I’d like to use this occasion to thank Roger Ellis and the members of the Monkstown Chamber Choir for all of their hard work during the last year. They bring such an added dimension to our worship each month at Choral Evensong as well as at special services during the year, like the Nine Lessons & Carols, the Confirmation Service, the RTE Broadcast, the St Patrick’s Eve Irish Service and I’m probably forgetting some! We are so lucky in our parish with organists Hilary Dring , Kay Tracey and Roger Ellis, along with support from Frank Garvey and Adam Nuzum, all the members of the ‘Music Ensemble’ who convene for special services , Rachel & Alison who sang so beautifully on Easter Day …. Music enriches our worship immeasurably and we are very grateful to have such talented people in our parish.
Summer Holiday Club 17th –21st July. Application forms now available in the Parish Office.
Parish Fête. Don’t forget that our biggest fundraiser of the year is coming up in a couple of weeks! Saturday 27th May from 10am until 2pm in St Mary’s School, Carrigaline.
Please contact Eddie Pierce (087-2557505) if you would like to be involved in helping out at a stall or if you have any items for any of the stalls. This is a very important fund-raiser in the parish so please do dig around in the cupboards, attics and garages for good quality items! We can arrange to collect ..just shout! Items can also be left in the Parish Office during opening hours.
Invitation to all: Mothers’ Union in Ireland is celebrating 130 years of Christian Care for Families. We would be delighted if you could join us as we celebrate “13 Decades of Love and Service” with a Special Celebratory Service Saturday, 20th May, 2pm, St Mary’s Church, Carrigaline . Followed by refreshments at Canon McCrea Hall. Preacher: Bishop Andrew Proud, Central MU Chaplain.
KEY HOLDERS We are currently updating our list of Key Holders for St Mary’s Church and Parish Hall. If you have a key for either of these Premises, please let Christine in the office know.
Grow It Yourself The Passage, Glenbrook & Monkstown GIY group with Passage West Men’s Shed will host a Plant Sale & Garden fair today at Hazlehurst House, Castle Terrace, Monkstown between 11am and 4pm. Proceeds from this fundraiser for local grow projects and for Passage Men’s Shed. All welcome. Further details 086 2405573 or
Carrigaline Citizen Information Centre, Carrigaline Lions Youth Centre, Church Rd. We are a Free, Confidential, Advice and Advocacy Service on all Rights/Entitlements and Benefits. Open: Tues., Wed., Thurs 10:00am – 1:30pm. Telephone Number- 0761 07 6940. No Appointment necessary.
15th May Toddlers plus One 10am Parish Hall
Monday Club 3-5pm Parish Hall
17th May Holy Communion 10:30am St Mary’s
20th May Mothers’ Union Diocesan Service 2pm St Mary’s
26th May CAMEO 10:30am Sailing Club Monkstown
27th May Parish Fête 10am – 2pm St Mary’s School
17th –21st July Holiday Club ‘Champions!’ Canon McCrea Hall
Random Notes No. CCXXXI
Here are some traditional weather signs involving animals.
Cats-If a cat sits with its back to the fire, cold, frosty weather is coming. If it sits by the fire, washing its face, rain is on the way, but if seen washing behind and over its ears with its paw, floods are expected. If a cat is clawing at chair legs or door posts, it means high winds coming.
Cows-If cows stay late on hill tops on Summer evenings, instead of coming home for milking, that is a sign of good weather. When they are tied for milking and keep shaking themselves, a storm is on the way. Cows standing at the farmyard gate in the morning is seen as a sign of good weather, as they are in no hurry to begin grazing, knowing they have plenty of time to eat.
Deer-If deer come down to the lowlands in December, a long bad winter is fast approaching.
Dog-A dog eating grass means a change in the weather.
Donkey-A donkey standing behind a tree is a sign of rain.
Fox-On winter evenings, if a fox is heard crying in the distance, a heavy snowfall is coming.
Hedgehog-A hedgehog seen moving slowly on paths or gardens, in early Autumn, is the sign of a period of good sunny weather.
Horse-A horse heading uphill in late evening means good weather coming soon, but if grazing near the farmhouse bad weather is on the way.