Parish Notices Sunday 15th April 2018
CHEESE & WINE FILM NIGHT-For those of you who missed last year’s Gosforth’s Fete (and for those of you who would like to see it again!) we will screen the play next Friday April 20th at 7:30pm in our Parish Hall. This will be a cheese and wine social evening to raise funds for repairs to St Mary’s Church. Recommended donation of €10. All welcome-friends, family, neighbours, the postman!
Mother’s union Wednesday, 18th April at 8pm in the Parish Hall ‘Making your own cosmetics’ with Roisin Clough.
CARRIGALINE TWINNING NEWS We have a group of 26 coming to Ireland on 28th April. We are desperately short of 3 families to host If you are in a position to help out and want more information can you please get in contact with Olna Trotter at 0879525969 or 4372069.
Time to think about what is lying around in the Attic or the Garage! It won’t be long now until 26th May and our Parish Féte in St Mary’s School.
THE Owenabue Garden and Flower Club will hold their next meeting on Monday 23 April at 8 pm in St Mary’s school hall Carrigaline. Rachel Darlington (A regular contributor to the Irish Garden Magazine) will give a talk on “Exciting Annuals”. Visitors always welcome. Enquiries to 086 3222615.
BANDON GRAMMAR SCHOOL Gathering of Past-Pupils and Staff at Bandon Grammar School, celebrating 60 years at Richmount (May 2nd 1958—May 2nd 2018) 7pm Wednesday 2nd May at 7pm. An ecumenical Act of Worship followed by a light meal, exhibition of photographs, music and chat. RSVP 023-8841713 or email
We will join again with Crosshaven for our Summer Holiday Club . This year’s Club is called ‘The Big Top’ and will be in the Canon McCrea Hall in St Mary’s School Carrigaline from Monday 16th July to Friday 20th July. Application Forms are now available in the Parish Office or from the Rector.
Random Notes No. CCLXVI
Below is an extract from Guy’s Postal directory 1914 for Monkstown, Co Cork. Readers may find it interesting to recognise or remember some local names from over 100 years ago.
Allhusen E L (H M Inspector Factories), 2 Carlisle place
Anglia John, general merchant, Glen road ; Limestone quarries, Raffeen
Babington The Misses, The Shrubbery
Barry William J, 4 Bellevue ter
Beale Sarah, Marina terrace
Bellis Miss, Sydenham terrace
Belton Robert W, Alta terrace
Bennett Miss F, DeVesci place
Boumphrey A G, Rocklodge
Boumphrey J T, Alta terrace
Bowers Patk,JP, Ballyorban hse
Cade Win, Gordon villas
Carrl Dempster Mrs A, Marina villas
Clarke Misses, Fairy place
Clifton H, BA, Marina terrace
Cogan William, Raffeen
Coleman C, Albert cottage
Condors M, Castle terrace
Coughlan Patk, Carlisle place
Coveney Bryan, Glen
Coveney Lieut, R N, Laurelmer
Crabb J, De Vesci place
Cramer Mrs, Victoria cottage
Creagh Arthur, Parkgarriffldge
Crosbie Talbot, Alta terrace
Crosse Miss, 2 Fairyhill place
Cuppage T Wade, Sunnysrde
Cumin Miss, 2 Gordon villa
Dixon J, 7 Bellevue place
Donegan Miss, Bay view
Downing J, Marina villas
Doyle Mrs, Chapel hill
Enright Mrs, Castle terrace
Everett John,St Aubins
Exham Alfred H, Alta terrace
Exham Henry, 6 Alta terrace
Fahy Rev John, P P
Foley J, solr, Charlemont villas
Foott R E, M D, 1 Gordon villas
Fox Mrs, Arderin
Good R H, Carlisle terrace- general manager C B & P R
Gloster Miss, teacher, Fairy pl
Good G A, solr, Alta terrace
Greene Mrs, Ivy Bank
Hare J, steward Monkstown club, Marina cottages
Harty Joseph, Summer ville
Hayes H H, Hazelhurst
Hill Mrs, Sydenham terrace
Hoare Edward J, Rose cottage:
Hogan J II, Marina cottages
Honor Ophelia, music teacher, Carrigmahon villas
Howlett Marrion, Greystones, Belllvue terrace
Jacob Mr, 1 Sydenham terrace
Kelly Mrs, Cattle terrace
Kennedy Rev John A, MA, rector
Kidd A M, 6 Bellevue place
King Mrs, 1 Fairy Hill Place
Kingston Miss, Shrubbery
Kirwan B, The Castle
Lahiff Mrs E, Fir hill
Lehane John, De Vesci place
Lynch Lt-Col C J; Parkgarriffe house
Lyons M, Marina villas
McDonnell D, LL D, Fairy hill house
McNamara Miss, 8 Alta terrace
McSwiney Miss M, Carlisle place
Monkstown club, Marina cottage
Mosey Mrs, Alta terrace
Meade Mrs M F, Gordon villas
Morey Capt, RN, 1 Mentone villas
Murphy Denis, De Vesci place
Nelson J, Bellevue
Newman Major H H, J P, The Castle
Newman Richard, The Castle
Mrs Mentonevillaa
O’Connor M,
O’Driscoll Capt D,J P,Glenville
O’Driscoll James, 4 Lower bayview
Payne Somers, B L, J P, Carrigmahon
Purvis Mrs, Ardnaree
Roberts Rev R H A, Charlemont terrrace
Roy Mrs Agnes, Bellevue place
Ryan Mrs, Chapel hill cottage
Salmon Charles, GIen road
Sarsfield D P, JP, Sydenham ter
Schrieber Elena, Alta terrace
Simmons Nlrs, Ardnaree
Stopford F H, Rookhurst
Sugrue John II, Glenville
Tayler Mrs, Rocklodge
Tivy H F, J P, 2 Manna villas
Warren Mrs, Marina terrace
Warren Robert, Ardnaree
Weekes Thomas E, Hazlede
Westropp Dudley, Alta terra
White James, ferry owner, Vesci place
Wolseley R W, Elmira
White Sunon, JP, Raffeen hou
Ward M M,dressmkr,Castle terrace
De Vesci Arms-Miss O’Sullvan, proprietress
Firhill(private)-Mrs E Lahif propretress
Imperial-Mary Lynch, prop
Seaside, Glen road – George O’Brien, prop
The White House Hotel
Refreshment Rooms.
The Cafe, De Vesci place – Miss McSweeney
Shopkeepers, etc.
Ahern Mrs E, dressmaker, Ivy cottage
Barry Miss T, dressmaker, Glen
Barry Mrs, shopkeeper, Raffeen
Clehane J F, vintner, The Glen
Condons M, victualler,Castle ter
Cox Mrs, shopkeeper, Sunview cot
Donovan Ellen, vint, Raffeen
Fitzgerald Mrs, Castle terrace
Hayes William, The Glen
Kearney Fras, shkpr, Castle ter
King Wm, vint, grocer, Pier hse
McSweeney Miss M,grocer and draper, 5 Castle terrace
O’Leary Miss Bridget, dress maker, Raffeen
Salmon Mrs M, dressmaker, Rathanker
Shea D, road contr, Ballyfouloo
Wall TW, stationmaster Raffeen