Parish Notices Sunday 16th October 2016

The Rector writes ‘The scenes from Syria, and in particular the deliberate bombing of people in Aleppo, seem foremost in our thoughts these days and we feel so powerless. One local event that is coming up is the NASC Safe Passage meeting on 26th October. Unfortunately I can’t attend myself but Hilary Dring (with her Mothers’ Union hat on) hopes to be there so please speak to her if this is something you might also like to be involved with. I have recently contacted a group called Partnership Cork about whether there might be any local education assistance programs for Migrant or Direct Provision students. It would be good if we, as a parish, can help in some practical way. If you have any other ideas or contacts, let me know. Doing nothing is really no longer an option’



Scrap Metal Collection is back on track….. We can raise money for the Parish and also be environmentally friendly at the same time! For more information call Henry Forbes on 087-2035000.

Joint Parish & Mother’s Union event. ‘Cambodia-my experience’  with Tracey Pierce. Wcambodiaednesday 19th October at 8pm in the Parish Hall . All welcome!





focusYOUTH NEWS  In solidarity with the homeless we are sleeping out at Holy Trinity Church, Crosshaven from 9.30p.m. Friday 21st  October – 7a.m. Saturday 22nd October. To register contact Templebreedy Parish Office 021-4831236 or The Revd Isobel Jackson on 087-7435434 by Sunday 16th   October. Teenagers will also need a consent form signed by parents/guardians. These are available at the back of the church , from Peter Coughlan or from our Parish Office.


MURDER MYSTERY WEDDING RECEPTION. Douglas Union & Frankfield are having a fundraiser on Friday 21st October in the Canon Packham Hall, 7.30pm. Sounds intriguing! Tickets from Fred Cassidy 087-6620441 (20 euro or Table of 8 is 150 euro which includes drinks reception and meal, wine available ) If you are free do support our  neighbouring parish in this innovative and original event.




In Ardfallen Centre, Cork,  Saturday 5th   November , 10.00 am – 4.00 pm. Free admittance.   Teaching & Living the Book of Revelation  in  today’s world with Craig Blomberg.  Pastoral Caring in a local church– Opportunities & Challenges with Joan Singleton.  Organised by IBI in co-operation with Carrigrohane Union of Parishes.

Tea and coffee will be provided. Please bring your own lunch.  For further information please or



17th Oct        Toddlers plus One 10am

Monday Club 3-5pm Parish Hall

Theological Book Circle 8pm Rectory

19th Oct         8pm Parish Hall. Tracey Pierce will speak about her recent trip to Cambodia.

21st Oct        Youth Sleep-out with Crosshaven Youth for FocuS Ireland Homeless Charity.

(this replaces the normal Youth Evening in Parish Hall) 

23rd Oct All Age ‘Sports Service’ 11am St Mary’s Church

28th Oct      CAMEO. Monkstown Bay Sailing Club. 1030am

30th Oct       United Service 11am St Mary’s

Service of Wholeness & Healing 7pm St John’s

1st Nov Reflective Service 7pm St Mary’s

18-20th Nov    Mother’s Union Weekend. Celtic Ross Hotel

3rd/4th Dec    St Mary’s School Christmas Fayre in GAA Hall

10th/11th Dec  The Road to Bethlehem, Live Crib, St Mary’s Church



Random Notes CCX

Following on from the transcription of two monumental inscriptions given in ‘Random Notes’, no. CCVI, a question was put to the compiler of this note by Rachel Warren-Perry, a parishioner with a perceptive and enquiring mind, as to what occurrence or event had caused the death on Sunday, 11th June, 1837 of the then curate, the Revd. John Johnson, at the relatively young age of 37.

The book of the minutes of meetings of the select vestry unfortunately sheds no light on the subject as to what happened, as neither do the relevant entries in Brady’s ‘Clerical and Parochial Records of Cork, Cloyne and Ross’. However, what does, and rather interestingly emerge, from the latter source is that not alone did the curate of Carrigaline die in 1837, but so also in the same year did the two rectors under which he had served in the parish.

The Revd. Horatio Townsend (c.1750-1837), of Derry, nr. Rosscarbery, co. Cork, author of, amongst other publications, the most useful ‘A Statistical Survey of the County of Cork’, published in Cork, 1813, was appointed rector of Carrigaline in 1803, and thus was rector both when the present Church was built in 1823, and the transept added in 1835.. He had previously briefly been curate of Carrigaline, from 1785-1786, and died on Sunday, 26th March, 1837, aged eighty-seven years.  A monument to his memory was erected in the Cathedral at Rosscarbery.

The Revd. Horace Townsend (c.1803-1837), second surviving son of the Revd. Horatio Townsend, was, following the death of his father, appointed rector of Carrigaline on 6th May, 1837, an appointment he was to hold but for seven months, his death occurring on Tuesday, December 19th.  He is buried in the Churchyard of Douglas, and a monument to the united memory of him, and two of his brothers was set up in the Cathedral at Rosscarbery.

It would be most interesting to establish what reason was the cause of the deaths of the three Carrigaline clerics, who died so close in time to each other in 1837. There may well not have been any connection at all, and quite possibly there was none, and thus the three deaths were but a curious coincidence, but equally, and quite possibly there may indeed have been some common factor, one which an investigation into events at the time may bring to light, and fully reveal. An event of significance, and an event which may not be irrelevant, was a widespread epidemic of cholera which occurred in Cork, and caused many deaths, in 1837.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              K.L.R.










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