Parish Notices Sunday 18 October 2015
The Rector writes ‘What a fabulous Harvest weekend we had last week. Thank you to Henry & Gladys, Adrian & Caroline, Denis & Irene and all their helpers for a wonderful Harvest Supper and Dance on the Saturday night. The ‘Holy’ Table (Fr. Sean, Sr. Noreen, Fr. Pat, Revd Tony, Revd Cliff and myself) had a brilliant time of it. It was wonderful to have Fr Pat at our Morning Harvest Eucharist when Revd Cliff gave us a great energetic sermon. The brand new ‘Musical Ensemble’ came together for this special service and it was fantastic to see how many musically talented people we have in the parish. Well done Hilary and her gang. Equally wonderful to have Fr Sean in Monkstown for Choral Evensong where David O’Morchoe spoke very movingly about ‘Remembrance in Ireland’ and we were honoured to hear from him with all the experience he has, especially as the head of the British Legion in Ireland since 1999. The Monkstown Choir sang beautifully to a full church. Thank you to Roger and his gang. Well done to everyone who decorated the churches, brought goods for distributing and to those who later gathered all of the ‘stuff’ for distribution to Senior Citizens and SvP. The Harvest Church Collection raised almost 1,100 euro which will be sent to Cork Simon Soup Run who need money quite urgently as more and more people are using their services. A final well done to Jimmy Bond on winning the Children’s Tallest Sunflower award, his excellent effort coming in at a whopping 1.75cm.’
Some of the Gravestones behind St Mary’s Church have been deemed unstable by our Health & Safety team and are marked with red and white Hazard Tape while the County Council address the problem. Please do not let your children play near these gravestones. Thank you.
Mother’s Union. Wednesday 21st October at 8pm. Making your own eco-friendly cleaning products, with Roisin Clough. All Welcome.
CAMEO Club is up and running again and will meet next on Friday 30th October at the Monkstown Bay Sailing Club for Coffee, Cakes & Chat. All welcome.
Women’s weekend. ‘Family matters’ will be a weekend of fun, refreshment and relaxation with speaker Bishop Richard Henderson. 13-15 November, Garryvoe Hotel, Castlemartyr. All (women!) welcome. Booking Forms available from the back of the church or from Hilary Dring. 086-3680513.
Life after Separation/Divorce; A course for those coming through troubled relationships who have either separated or divorced in the recent past will take place in a private but friendly setting in the Carrigaline Court Hotel. This course will be run in Dublin also by two other relationship counsellors, who are on the C. of I. Marriage Council, based in Church of Ireland House, Dublin. The course will start on Thursday 11 November for 4 consecutive Thursdays 730-9pm. Please contact Deirdre Whitley (M.R.C.S. Cert. H.Dip. Couns.)If you have any queries, or would like to meet to discuss contact her on 0862612442 or email
Owenabue garden and flower club, Carrigaline will hold their annual Decorative Show on Monday 19 October at 8 pm in St Marys C of I school hall . Sandra Jackson of AOIFA will demonstrate on “Autumn Delights”. Visitors welcome. Any enquiries to 0863222615.
The Coeliac Society of Ireland, Cork Support Group, are holding a meeting on Tuesday 3rd November at 8pm in SMA Centre Wilton. Topic: Preparing for Christmas Night. A Taste and Chew Night ( Make or bake and bring along) with a Cooking demo. by Michelle O’Connor Coeliac society and Avril Allshire Howe, from Rosscarbery Recipes. €5 entry.
Flowerpots needed! Hazel Fleury is looking for Flowerpots.If you have any spare ones lying around, especially 5 inch and larger then please let her know! 086-8157821
Firewood for sale from the Rectory garden. Call Henry Forbes on 087-2035000 to arrange collection or delivery.
20th October Toddler Plus One 10am Parish Hall
Monday Club 3-5pm Parish Hall
21st October Mothers’ Union 8pm Parish Hall
25th October Rector preaching 11.15 Harvest Mass, Our Lady & St John
28th October Theological Book Circle 8pm Rectory
29th October Children’s Movie Night 6pm Parish Hall
30th October CAMEO Monkstown Bay Sailing Club 10.30 to 12
1st Nov Reflective Service for All Saints Day 7pm St Mary’s
21st Nov Parish Quiet Day 11am – 3pm, Parish Hall.
22nd Nov Gift Day in Rectory 12 – 3pm.
29th Nov United Service 11am St Mary’s Carrigaline
Service of Wholeness & Healing 7pm St John’s Monkstown
Random Notes CXLXVII
Batu Caves are situated in a huge 100m tall karst pillar in the northern suburbs of Kuala Lumpur. The pillar is a limestone formation, a relic of the primordial ocean that flooded Malaysia when it was part of Pangaea. It rises dramatically out of the rolling hills upon which Kuala Lumpur is built.
The limestone is riddled with huge caverns, all formed by large bodies of flowing water millions of years ago. The pillar is topped with equatorial forest and populated by mountain goats. The caves themselves are occupied by many species of bats and insects, some of which are unique to Batu Caves themselves.
Visitors to the caves are met by a huge statue of the Hindu deity Lord Murugan, standing over 40 metres tall. Beside Lord Murugan is a flight of 272 steps leading to the caves themselves. Climbing the steps when the temperature is 35C is non-trivial. However it is worth the effort as it brings the visitor to the Cathedral Cave, which has a very high ceiling and features several ornate Hindu shrines. The uppermost shrine sits in the base of a large natural shaft which is open to the sky. The forest which caps the limestone pillar spills down the walls of the shaft. Despite the many visitors, it is a peaceful place which brings a sense of pilgrimage.
Batu Caves has been home to Hindu temples since 1890. It is also home to a large number of curious monkeys. Additionally, behind the temple caves there is another cave complex populated by fruit bats and insect bats. This is open to tourists though a large section is cordoned off for conservation purposes.
Descending the 272 steps again, the visitor can catch a glimpse of Kamadhenu, the mother of all cows. While Hindus do not worship her directly as a goddess, she is honoured by the veneration of cattle in general. Having made it safely to ground level again, most visitors will seek out a cold drink.
(This is the second of several Random Notes on Kuala Lumpur.)