Parish Notices Sunday 19th November 2017

The Rector writes  ‘ Next Sunday is the feast of Christ the King, the last Sunday of the liturgical year and this is our traditional date to have the annual Gift Day.

A letter has gone out explaining a little more about the Parishes current financial situation so I won’t labour the point here but I would like to encourage you to not ‘put that chicken in the oven’ before church next week so that you can drop over to the Rectory after the 11am Service in St Mary’s and enjoy a chat over coffee & cake!

I know that both of our churches enjoy this fellowship every week whether in each others houses in Monkstown or in the Parish Hall in Carrigaline but it is only once a year that it is held in the Rectory so do come along and check out the newly painted reception area while it is still pristine!’

Live Crib and nativity pageant :We are hiring a much larger marquee and we are also upgrading the sound system for this year’s live crib. The estimated combined cost is  €2000. We are looking for sponsorship, corporate or private. If you can help us please contact Rowland Newenham (0872522541).

The Nativity Pageant which is to be the focus of the day complete with live animals is also short five participants. It promises to be very enjoyable so please come forward to help in this venture.  For further details just contact  Olna Trotter on 4373069 or Mary Murphy on 4374605.

MONKSTOWN HOME GROUP The next meeting will take place on Tuesday 21 November at Jonathan & Hazel Fleury’s home. The rector will be leading this meeting on“ My favourite book in the Bible and why”.


The Rector and Select Vestry

    cordially invite you to Carrigaline Union

            Gift Day

   Sunday 26th November

         12 noon – 3pm

The Rectory, Carrigaline



16 Days Prayer Vigil  Sunday 26th November 3-5 pm at St. Anne’s Shandon with Guest Speaker from Edel House.

The Owenabue Garden & Flower club, Carigaline will host their Gala Christmas Floral Demonstration supporting Cancer Research, on Monday 27 November at 8 pm in St Mary’s school hall. Demonstrator will be Christopher White AOIFA. Refreshments will be served. Visitors always welcome.  Admission €10. Enquiries 086 3222615.

CORK DIOCESAN YOUTH  COUNCIL  20’s & 30’s invite you to come and join us for dinner, music, reunion, treats and lot of chat. Friday 8th December at 7 pm   Venue: Munster Arms hotel , Bandon, Co. Cork.  Cost: 22 euros   For con?rmation text 087-3642324 Viridiana Kingston-Castro.


As the Sunday after next (3rd December)is Advent Sunday, the Posada Signup Form is now in the hands of the Rector who will be filling in the remaining slots so please speak to her if you would like to have Mary, Joseph & the Donkey come to stay overnight in your home during the Advent Season.

It really is very simple, you decide on one of the remaining dates that suits you and your family, then the person on the list before you rings you and arranges to deliver them to you.  Then you contact the next person who is on the list and pass the figures on to them and in this way, we can all share in the wonder and waiting and promise of the Advent Season.   We set off on our journey on 3rd December and end at 4pm on 24th when the figures arrive back to St Mary’s Church for the lovely Carols around the Crib Service.


20th Nov     Toddlers Plus One 10am until 12 noon Parish Hall

Monday Club 3pm until 5pm Parish Hall

21st Nov       Monkstown Home Group. 8pm. Fleury’s home.

22nd Nov     Holy Communion 10:30am in St Mary’s Church

26th Nov      Gift Day : 12 noon till 3pm in the Rectory

2nd & 3rd Dec              Carrigaline Craft Fayre GAA Hall.

6th, 13th & 20th Dec   Advent Talks 8pm Parish Hall

9th & 10th Dec    Live Crib Carrigaline

15th Dec             Community Carols 7:30pm St Mary’s with thE Carrigaline Singers

17th Dec            Nine Lessons & Carols 4pm St John’s with the Monkstown Chamber Choir


Categories Parish Notices | Tags: | Posted on November 20, 2017

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