Parish Notices Sunday 19th October 2014

The Rector writes  ‘Today we welcome Katy Newell-Jones and Rebecca Band from the charity Feed the Minds who help marginalised people transform their lives through education. They do this throughcommunity-led projects in the Global South.  You can find out more about them on their website .  Katy and Rebecca are visiting Ireland as part of the Charity’s 50 year celebrations and travel this afternoon to Bandon where they will also be speaking to teachers and students in Bandon Grammar School.  We wish them well in their travels.  I’m travelling to Inniscarra this afternoon to preach at their Harvest Festival and then travel tomorrow to Ballylickey for the Clergy Conference/Retreat. I will be available on the mobile number for pastoral emergencies until I return (refreshed!) on Wednesday evening.’

Photographs and/or service details of relatives of  parishioners who served in World War I are being sought. These will be used for a silent visual  presentation as part of Remembrance Sunday Choral Evensong in Monkstown on  November 9th. Copies will also be passed to St Fin Barre’s to form part of the Cathedral’s World War I Remembrance. If you have any photographs (in uniform or otherwise), memories or details of those who served in the Great War, please contact Simon Woodworth at (086) 083 0639 or All material will handled with the utmost care. Once it is scanned and copied the originals will be returned promptly. Thank you!

Please note the Parish Office will be closed next Friday 24th October.

EXHIBITION of work by the late Anna O’Hara: paintings and prints for sale in aid of  Nathan Kirwan Trust and Irish Cancer Society. November 1st from 12 noon – 4pm, then daily 10 – 4 until Sun 9th Nov., in Currabinny.

Bereavement Support. Our Lady and St John’s Parish is hosting a 7-week programme starting Monday 20th October. Information from Our Lady and St John’s Parish Office on 4371109 between 930am and 1pm.

Owenabue Garden and Flower Club, Carrigaline will hold their  Decorative Show tomorrow Monday 20th October at 8 pm in the Canon McCrea Hall in the school.  Carmel O’Driscoll will demonstrate “My World of Flowers”.  Visitors always welcome.  Enquiries to 086 3222615.

Women’s Weekend, 21st- 23rd November-Garryvoe Hotel-a weekend to take some time out and enjoy. Booking forms at the back of the church. For more info talk to Hilary  086-3680513. For women of all ages.

MIDLETON COLLEGE ROTARY CLUB TEA PARTY. Adam Nuzum writes ‘We would be truly honoured to have your presence at our “Guess Who’s Coming To Tea”  tea party.  This is a charity fundraiser which is organised by the Irish Guide dogs and Age Action Ireland. The Midleton College Rotary Club will be hosting their own tea party on Tuesday 18th November from 16:00-17:30. It will take place in the College Assembly Hall and there will be live music provided by Cork Sound. Many students will also be serenading us with their instruments. There will be tea/coffee served as well as a cake sale and a raffle. All money collected will go to the above charities. It is a fundraising tea party mainly for people aged 30+  and it will be an enjoyable afternoon and we would like as many people to attend as possible. There is more information on

EARTH IN DISTRESS- Talks on Cosmology, Ecology & Christianity. A series of talks will be held in the Welcome English Centre in October/November. See poster in Church for more details or phone 086-3323658, email


Oct 20th     Toddlers plus One Group 10am Parish Hall

Monday Club 3pm Parish Hall.

Oct 22nd    Morning Prayer 10.30am St Mary’s

Oct 22nd    Carrigaline Home Group meeting at 8pm in the

home of Joy & Leslie Smyth.

Oct 23rd   Junior Choir 6.30pm St Mary’s Church



Oct 30th Children’s Movie Night 6 to 8pm Parish Hall

Nov 1st Reflective Service of Remembering 7pm St Mary’s

Nov 5th Lectio Divinia 8pm Parish Hall

Nov 7th Eco Congregation Seminar 7.30pm in Parish Hall.

We will be presented with our Eco Congregation Award

Nov 9th Remembrance Day Choral Evensong 7pm St John’s Church

Nov 13th Friendship Club meet in Drings at 11am

Nov 15th  Quiet Day in Parish Hall, 11am till 3pm, Bring & Share Lunch. Leader/Speaker is Gerard Flynn on Celtic Spirituality.

Nov 23rd Gift Day in the Rectory 12 till 4pm,


Random Notes CXVII                        

Readers of Random Notes may recall that of some two weeks ago, dated October 5th, wherein a transcription of an eighteenth century list of the silver then held in the Church at Carrigaline was given. As a continuation of that list, so to speak, the following entries relating to the silver as recorded in 1909 may be found to be of some interest.

It is noteworthy, that as was the case in the mid eighteenth century, all four items of   silver listed are still extant, and in continual use.

The transcription that follows is taken from:

‘The Church Plate of the Diocese of Cork, Cloyne and Ross, by the Rev. Charles A. Webster, M.R.S.A.I., Rector of Marmullane. Cork, 1909.

‘A.   Flagon.   Tankard shape, S-shaped handle. Flat lid. Height, 9 3/4 inches. Weight, 43 oz. 2 dwts

Marks on lid inside (3): W.C. STERLING. (Wm. Clarke’s, Cork.)

Marks on drum (3): Ditto.

The maker’s initials are also on the handle.

B.   Cup. Height, Height, 9 ½ inches. Lip diameter, 3 ¾ inches.

Octagonal flanged foot. The stem, which is octagonal, is divided by a knop of eight large and sixteen small panels.

Inscription, in two lines, divided by a rose and fleur de lis: “The Gift of Margery Hodder, relict of William Hodder, of the Citty of Corke, Alderrman. To the use of the Parish of Carrigaline. Anno. Dom.  1670”

Marks (2) W.B. Ship between two Castles. (vide C.)

C.   Paten.   Diameter, 9 ½ inches.

Inscription on flange: “Panis quem frangimus none Corporis Christi Est? In usum Ecclesia de Carrigaline. Anno 1771.”

Marks (4)  W.B. Ship between two Castles. W.B. Ship between two Castles. The initials have a mullet beneath, and the town mark is noticeable in so much as the Cork arms are in one stamp, and not divided into three separate ones, as is usually the case.

The maker, Walter Burnett, was a Warded of the Cork Guild in 1694.

D.   Large Plate.   Diameter, 12 3/8 inches. Wide flange, on which are the Pomeroy Arms.

Inscription:  “Ar. Pomeroy, Deanus, Corcag; D. Qui Retribuam Domino.” Beneath is also inscribed, “Carrigaline Church Plate.”

Marks (4) ; Castle. R.G. Castle R.G.  Robert Goble is the maker.’






Categories Parish Notices | Tags: | Posted on October 20, 2014

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