Parish Notices Sunday 22nd February 2015
Hilary Dring (Mothers’ Union Leader in the Parish) writes ’ Today, after the Service in St. Mary’s, we will have our annual Famine Lunch in aid of the Mothers’ Union Relief Fund. Soup and bread will be served in return for a donation to this fund. To give you an idea of where the money goes, here is an excerpt from the latest Mothers’ Union news.
“ In November 2014 the Mothers’ Union’s Relief Fund was able to contribute to the coordinated efforts of the network of Kurdish churches in Iraq to bring refuge and safety to displaced families and refugees from towns that have become war-zones due to IS aggression – Mosul, Qaraquash, and more. The money and resources we have given through The Diocese of Cyprus and the Gulf have helped the local church make a huge difference to these families, restoring some sense of stability and community. Without the presence of international relief agencies in the most desperate of areas, the Church network has enabled families to have shelter, fresh water, food, clothing and medicine.”
We hope you will be able to join us, enjoy some fellowship over a bowl of soup and make a difference to people’s lives. Thank you to all who support Mothers’ Union. ’
Parish Table Quiz. 8.30pm Canon McCrea School Hall, Friday 27th February at 8.30pm. €10per person. €40 per table. Refreshments. Raffle. Great fun to be had. All proceeds in aid of Parish funds. All sponsorship, prizes or donations to the raffle greatly appreciated! Desserts, cakes and biscuits are especially needed to feed the brains!! Contact Adrian Bateman for further information 086 8300379.
MONKSTOWN CHAMBER CHOIR have returned to practice at 8pm in St John’s Church on Thursdays. We love to welcome new members to this parish /community choir and there are currently spaces for Altos, Tenors and Basses. For further information please contact Roger Ellis on 087 9607750.
We are holding a Scrap Metal Collection to raise funds for the Parish. So have a clear out of your shed, garage and attic! If you require your scrap metal to be collected then we can arrange to collect it from your home or business. For information on where to drop off or if you need it collected Call Adrian Bateman on 0868300379 or Henry Forbes on 0872035000. A full listing of acceptable items and materials is on the website
Templebreedy Parish Fundraising Lunch 3-course lunch at Carrigaline Court Hotel, Friday 20th March, 12 noon for 12.30 p.m. Tickets €35 from the Templebreedy Parish Office, tel.: 021 4831236. Everyone welcome.
Owenabue Garden and Flower club Carrigaline, will meet on tomorrow evening Monday 23 February at 8 pm in St Marys School Hall.. A talk will be given by Sheila Crean of Atkins Garden Centre on “Grow your own Fruit and Veg”. Visitors welcome. any inquiries to 086-3222615.
The Coeliac Society of Ireland, Cork support Group, are holding a meeting on Tuesday 3rd March in SMA Centre Wilton at 8pm. There will be a catch up and cooking demo. All Welcome, €4 entrance fee, refreshments will be provided. A resident Dietician will be there for those who want to talk to her.
Feb 23rd Toddler Plus One 10am Parish Hall
Monday Club 3 – 5pm Parish Hall
Feb 25th Eucharist Service 10.30am
Evening prayer 7.30pm St Mary’s Church
Lenten Study 8pm Parish Hall
Feb 27th Parish Table Quiz 8:30pm. St Mary’s School
March 4th Evening Prayer 7.30pm St Mary’s Church
Lenten Study 8pm Parish Hall
March 6th World Day of Prayer
9.15am Special Assembly at St Mary’s School
8pm Service at St Mary’s Church
March 12th Friendship Club 11am Rectory
March 16th St Patrick’s Eve Service as Gaeilge 7.30pm St Mary’s Church
March 17th St Patrick’s Day Eucharist Service 10.30am St Mary’s Church
March 25th Midweek Eucharist incorporating MU Lady Day prayers 10.30am St Mary’s Church
followed by coffee in the Rectory.
April 12th Kilternan Church Choir singing at United Service 11am St Mary’s Church
April 16th Annual Easter Vestry 7pm Parish Hall
April 19th Confirmation Service 11am St John’s Church
Random Notes CXXX
Patricia Cockburn was born on 17th March 1914 in Derry House, Rosscarbery, the youngest of six children of Major John Bernard Arbuthnot and Olive Blake. In her autobiography “Figure of Eight”, written in 1985, she takes a rather alternative and amusing view of life in Anglo-Irish West Cork, as a child in the 1920’s….
“Of the houses we used to take in Ireland before my Grandmother’s death, one was called Glenbarrahane in Castletownshend. The Anglo-Irish in Castletownshend, of which there were many, were composed entirely of three families, all related – the Somervilles, the Coghills and the Townsends. The most distinguished inhabitant of Castletownshend was Miss Edith Oenone Somerville, the authoress, half of that “Somerville and Ross” team who wrote the “Memoirs of an Irish RM” and many other books. She wasn’t really a half,as there was no Ross. Violet Martin, the original Ross, had died prematurely after the first book they wrote together, but Miss Somerville – or Dr Somerville, as she preferred to be called after Trinity College, Dublin had made her an honorary Doctor of Literature – was a keen spiritualist and believed that the ghost of Violet Martin was directing her pen.
My chief memories of Castletownshend are of Dr Somerville herself, and of rats. Like almost every other Irish mansion that I have known, Glenbarrahane was infested with rats.
Rats and spiritualism are two subjects that have generally been neglected in the many books that have been written about our class and nation. Horses have been exhaustively dealt with but rats, no. Practically everybody had rats. Some householders fought back and spent endless hours discussing different methods of exterminating them, but most simply regarded them as an Act of God and gave up the struggle.
I had, and have, a particular horror of the creatures and all my youth would never go to bed without my enormous black cat, Nemo, the terror of the local dogs.”