Parish Notices Sunday 23rd December 2018
The Rector writes ‘We watched the DVD ‘The Nativity Story’ in the Parish Hall last Wednesday night and even though I had seen it before, it again took my breath away. It’s a moving drama that focuses on the period in Mary and Joseph’s life where they journeyed towards Bethlehem for the birth of Jesus. It really brings to life that long arduous journey, the same journey that we all remember in our parish as we pass the wooden Posada figures from home to home during Advent.
Tomorrow those figures of Mary, Joseph and the Donkey will come back to St Mary’s Church and be placed in the Crib as part of the lovely ‘Carols around the Crib’ Service. As you listen to the Gospel today, try and imagine just what it must have been like for Mary, a young girl, pregnant and bewildered, but empowered by the grace of God, for whom ‘nothing is impossible’ (Luke 1:37)
PARISH OFFICE closed until Wednesday 2nd January 2019.
DIOCESAN MAGAZINE subscriptions due. €25 for 2019. Please give your subscription to the Church Wardens or leave in the Parish Office.
CONFIRMATION 2019 If you would like to be confirmed next year, please let the Rector know. The classes will be beginning 7th February (in the Rectory on Thursdays 5-6:30pm)
HEALTH & SAFETY ISSUE The local community have generously provided defibrillators all over Carrigaline; we see them in the old telephone boxes. To allow speedy and easy access to this life saving equipment we ask all parishioners and visitors to our church not to park on the new pavement outside the box. In addition, parking on the pavement outside the church makes it very difficult for those among us with reduced mobility to walk on the pavement. It should be noted that there is an ongoing appeal generally for people not to park on pavements as people with poor sight do not expect to come across parked vehicles while walking. There is more than adequate parking available in the area around the church which means those of us with greater mobility can park further away. We can then enjoy the short walk knowing we have not obstructed others who may not find it so easy to make their way in to the church (Richard Dring, Parish Health & Safety Officer ).
FUNDRAISING EVENT SCOIL BARRA NAOFA MONKSTOWN “Entertaining at Home” A Cookery Demonstration, with award winning chef Mark Doe will take place in Monkstown Golf Club at 7.30 p.m. on Friday 25th of January 2019. Tickets cost €20 including tasting plate. Available to purchase from School Office, Passage West Pharmacy, Paula O Brien 087 2417032, Beckie Cooke 087 2452940. All proceeds raised will be going towards the Classroom Renovation Fund.
CONCERT St Mary’s and All Saints’ Church of Ireland, Glanmire There will be a concert in on Friday, January 18 at 8 p.m. Taking part are two choirs: Carrigtwohill Gospel Choir, St Joseph’s Church Choir from Rivertown, Glanmire and students of the Cork ETB School of Music based in Glanmire and Ballincollig. Donations accepted towards the upkeep of the church and towards the Simon Community.
24th Dec Carols around the Crib 4pm St Mary’s Church
First Eucharist of the Nativity 11:30pm St Mary’s
25th Dec Christmas Day Services :
9:30 St John’s Church
11am St Mary’s Church
26th Dec St Stephen’s Day 10:30am St Mary’s Church
30th Dec United Eucharist and Christingle Service 11:15 St Mary’s
7th Jan Littlies + One 10-12 Parish Hall.
Monday Club 3-5 Parish Hall.
Whist Class for Beginners 7:30pm Parish Hall
10th Jan Friendship Club 11am Joyce Loney’s Home
19th Jan Special Whist Night for Famine Relief in Yemen
8:30pm in the Canon McCrea Hall
21st Jan Theological Book Circle 8pm Rectory
9th Feb Children’s Ministry Workshop in Northridge House
Mental Health Training for working with children
22nd & 23rd Feb Carrigaline ‘OSKARS’ Night , Carrigaline Court Hotel
9th Mar Parish Retreat Day ‘Wellsprings’ in the Parish Hall
Random Notes No. CCLXXXV

This is an extract from the diary of Anne Hughes, who was supposedly the wife of a Heredfordshire farmer in 1796, (complete with some rather imaginative spelling.)
Dec, te 23. We have bin verrie bussie with sum goodlie things to eat. Boiled hams and great big mince pies and roast geese and hens and boiled and roasted beef, all reddie for eating. Our visitors will be cumming tomorrow. We shall be verrie bussie, so I shall not have time to write in my book till all over. John’s mother be going to make a pudden for carter and shepherd and I shall give them a big mince pie and apples so they can have Christmas fare. John’s mother have made a verrie pretty dish which she do call meat cake. She did mix flower and butter to a thick paste and put sum on the bottom of a bake tin, she covered it with chopt beef and onion and herbs, then more paste again, until the tin be full. Then she covered all with more paste and cooked till done. She do say this cut like a cake when it be cold with the meat inside. There also be two roast hares and pudden with spices and plenty of apple pies and divers things and junkets, cider cake and cinnamon cakes and a rich Christmas cake John’s mother did bake. I hope we shall have enough, but I be keeping sum rabbit pies and a big ham ready in case it be wanted. John will tap the new beer and honey wine, and we shall have primy rose wine, as well as Elderberie, and dandie lyon, so there should be good store. I do hear John below so must not write more.