Parish Notices Sunday 23rd October 2016
The Rector writes ‘It’s the time of year when I remind everyone about Confirmation! If there is anyone in the parish who would like to be confirmed next year, could they please let me know. I hope to begin the classes
fairly early in the New Year. The plan will be to have classes over a three month period from February to April. While I don’t have a date yet for the actual service,
it is usually at the end of April , beginning of May. The Bishop always has to juggle all of the requests into some semblance of
order. The classes will be on Saturday evenings from 5pm until 7pm. If you have any questions about the Confirmation process, just ask me.’
Scrap Metal Collection is back on track….. We can raise money for the Parish and also be environmentally friendly at the same time! For more information call Henry Forbes on 087-2035000.
The Owenabue Garden and Flower club, Carrigaline will hold their annual Decorative show on Monday 24th October at 8 the school hall. Christopher White of AOIFA will give a demonstration on “The Beauty of Nature”. Visitors are welcome. Enquiries to 086 3222615. The club will also be celebrating their 40th anniversary with a special dinner and floral demonstration on Monday 28th November in the Carrigaline Court Hotel.
Monkstown Home Group– Wednesday 2nd November. The Rector will be speaking about her experiences at Windsor. Venue to be advised.
Anam Cara the organisation that supports bereaved parents, is holding its next monthly Parent Evening on Wednesday 2nd of November from 19:30 to 21:00 in Brú Columbanus, Cardinal Way, Wilton, Cork. This event is open to all bereaved parents regardless of the age your child died, the circumstances of their death, or whether the death was recent or not.
COELIAC SUPPORT GROUP. Tuesday 8th November at 8pm in the SMA CENTER Wilton, Cork. All Welcome. (€5 entrance fee).
Topic: Christmas themed evening (a bring and taste) with questions and answers how to get through the festive season plus dietician in attendance .
In Ardfallen Centre, Cork, Saturday 5th November , 10.00 am – 4.00 pm. Free admittance.
Teaching & Living the Book of Revelation in today’s world with Craig Blomberg.
Pastoral Caring in a local church– Opportunities & Challenges with Joan Singleton.
Organised by IBI in co-operation with Carrigrohane Union of Parishes. Tea and coffee will be provided. Please bring your own lunch. For further information please or
24th Oct Toddlers plus One 10am
Monday Club 3-5pm Parish Hall
28th Oct CAMEO. Monkstown Bay Sailing Club. 1030am
30th Oct United Service 11am St Mary’s
Service of Wholeness & Healing 7pm St John’s
1st Nov Reflective Service 7pm St Mary’s
2nd Nov Monkstown Home Group
18-20th Nov Mother’s Union Weekend. Celtic Ross Hotel
3rd/4th Dec St Mary’s School Christmas Fayre in GAA Hall
10th/11th Dec The Road to Bethlehem, Live Crib, St Mary’s Church
Random Notes CCXI
This Sunday sees a distinctly sports themed All – Age Service in St Mary’s Church. Why sports? Why, aren’t sports the bane of every parent’s life, between ferrying sports-mad children from match to match, washing smelly gear and having cars full to the gills with helmets, balls, sticks and goalie gear? Isn’t it just more boring stuff on TV watching two team chase a ball around for 70, 80 or 90 minutes? Why bother?
The reality is that sporting clubs, like this union of parishes, form a vital part of the local community. The Golf, GAA, Soccer, Tennis and Rugby clubs all have noticeable presences, while the community centre plays host to many other sports and martial arts. St Mary’s National School is home to the Bowls club and Chess players can be found in the library. Card games are also popular, with the advantage of needing no more than a couple of tables to play!
All the local schools participate in local and national tournaments, from hockey to CIT sports to Sci na Scoile and regional and national Chess championships. Sports are not just for children, they provide a vital social outlet for adults as well. The author picked up his first hurley in early 2015 and has since discovered two things: First, that hand-eye coordination can be learnt at any age and that coaching kids on a GAA pitch in the evening is a massive antidote to normally much more sedentary work! More importantly, it becomes clear how deeply interwoven clubs are into the local community.
Carrigaline has been lucky to be home to a number of sporting heroes. Joe West is remembered in a statue on the relief road and Bríd Stack, a Carrigaline Community School teacher, features prominently on the Cork County Ladies’ teams. Most recently Niamh McCarthy has returned from Rio with a silver medal for the discus.
It is easily to be cynical about drugs and cheating in sports, but, as the recent untimely passing of Munster Rugby Coach Anthony “Axel” Foley at 42 reminds us, the vast majority of sportswomen, men and children are just trying to do their very best. We should encourage them to do so.
SJFW (Sliabh Rua GAA U10 coach and proud of it!)