Parish Notices Sunday 24th April 2016

Carrigaline home Group meeting on Wednesday 27 April at 8pm in the Poole’s home. The Revd Peter Rhys Thomas will be speaking on Healing Ministry.

SUMMER HOLIDAY CLUB  ‘COPS & ROBBERS’ –This year our Parish will join again with Templebreedy Parish to run a children’s Bible-based Holiday Club from 18th to 22nd  July in the Canon McCrea Hall, St Mary’s School. 10am till 1pm. €30 per child or €70 per family, which includes snack. Registration forms are available from the Parish Office or the Rector.

Owenabue Garden and Flower club Carrigaline will hold their next meeting on Monday 25 April at 8 pm in the C of I school hall. The topic will be “My Garden and other places” by the well known gardening writer Carmel Duignan. Visitors welcome. Any enquiries to 0863222615.

Coeliac Society of Ireland, Cork Support Group will hold a Summer Party on Tuesday 10th May  in SMA Centre Wilton at 8pm.  There will be a cooking demo and a dietician in attendance. All Welcome. (€5 entrance fee).

Carrigaline Family Support Centre need Volunteer Drivers for their Community Bus. If you have a D or D1 licence and some free time please ring 4919299 or email

Cobh and Glanmire Parish Annual Garden Fête  will take place on the afternoon of  Saturday 7th May at 2.30 pm in the grounds of St Mary and All Saints Church, Church  Hill, Glanmire. All welcome.


25th Apr   Toddlers Plus One 10 to 12pm Parish Hall

Monday Club 3pm to 5pm Parish Hall

27th Apr    Home Group 8pm Poole’s Home.

29th Apr   CAMEO  10.30am Monkstown Bay Sailing Club

1st May     Confirmation Service 11am St Mary’s Church

8th May    Choral Ev ensong 7pm St John’s Church

15th May   Dawn Chorus 5am Currabinny Woods Carpark

20th May   Family Beetle Drive 7.30pm Canon McCrea Hall

28th May   Parish Féte 10am till 2pm St Mary’s School

29th May   United Service St Mary’s 11am Sunday School Prize-giving and Parish Picnic in the Rectory  Grounds 7pm Service of Wholeness & Healing in St John’s Church, Monkstown.

Random Notes CXC

A rather interesting list relating to the Parish of Carrigaline and Killanully has recently come to light, found amongst a collection of papers preserved at MountRivers. The assemblage of papers, all relating to Church matters, was put together over a period of time by the late Peter William Ogilvie Stoney, of Currabinny, and, the list transcribed beneath, needs no recommendation as regards to its interest.

It is intriguing to note that of the approximately sixty surnames mentioned in the 1978 list, today, but in the region of twenty continue to be extant in the parish.

Many other people in the intervening thirty-eight years have of course been welcomed into the parish, and thus have built up and added many further, new, interesting, and exciting names to the surviving twenty.

Carrigaline & Killanully List of Subscribers, 1978

Stewardship                                      Assessment

Mrs. Barter                                              Anonymous

Mr. T. Barton                                          Mr. B. Bird

Mr. & Mrs. W.H. Black                          Mr. & Mrs. D. Bogan

Mr. & Mrs. J. Bradfield                          Mr. & Mrs. F. Bogan

Mr. W. Brown                                           Miss J. Clarke

Mr. & Mrs. Chambers, Knockmore      Mrs. J. Cafferkey

Mr. & Mrs. R. Chambers                        Miss E. Coghlan

Mr. & Mrs. J. Chambers, Ballinrea      Mr. & Mrs. W. Craig

Mr. & Mrs. T. Chambers                         Mr. & Mrs. D. Dorman

Mr. & Mrs. H. Coghlan                           Mr. & Mrs. D. Gay

Mr. J. Coghlan                                         Mr. & Mrs. Heaslip

Mr. & Mrs. P.C. Coghlan                        Mr. Horne

Mr. & Mrs. C. Daunt                               Mr. R.J. Hackett

Mr. & Mrs. J. Daunt                                Mr. & Mrs. G. Hosford

Mr. Jack Daunt                                        Mr. & Mrs. E.W. Hunter

Mr. A. Deane                                             Mrs. Hutton

Mr. & Mrs. G. Deane                               Mr. A. Johnson

Mr. & Mrs. J.S.H. Dring                         Miss Levis

Mr. & Mrs. B. Gash                                 Penn Chemicals N.V.

Mr. & Mrs. H.W. Geary                          Capt. N.A. Pritchard, R.N.

Mr. & Mrs. Henry Geary                         Mr. K.L. Roberts

Mrs. L.B. Green                                       Mr. B. Roycroft

Mrs. Grove-White                                    Mr. & Mrs. S. Thompson

Mr. & Mrs. H. Forbes                              Mr. Tuthill

Mrs. J. Henderson                                    Mr. W. Walton

Mr. & Mrs. G. Howe                               Mrs. Warren-Perry, snr.

Mr. & Mrs. W. Hosford                          Mr. & Mrs. Warren-Perry

Mr. F.L. Jacob                                         Mrs. Williams

Mr. & Mrs. E. Kingston                          Dean & Mrs. C. Wolfe

Mr. & Mrs. G. Malcolm                          Messrs. E. & A. Wolfe

Mr. & Mrs. A.L. McAdoo                       Mr. & Mrs. J. Wolfe

Mr. & Mrs. J.E.W. Newenham

Mr. & Mrs. W.P.W. Newenham

Rev. & Mrs. B.W. McCrea

Mr. & Mrs. G.L. Pennefather

Mr. & Mrs. C. Poole

Mr. & Mrs. E.H. Roberts

Mr. & Mrs. J.K. Roberts

Mr. J. Stanley

Mr. & Mrs. P.W.O. Stoney

Mr. & Mrs. T.G.F. Stoney

Miss P. Sweetnam

Mr. & Mrs. L. Smyth

Mr. & Mrs. C. Smith

Miss C. Tate

Mr. & Mrs. J. Whitley

Messrs. E. & I. Whitley

Mrs. S.E. Williams

Mr. & Mrs. J.H.S. Withrington                                                                           K.L.R.



Categories Parish Notices | Tags: | Posted on April 25, 2016

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