Parish Notices Sunday 25th June 2017

The Rector writes  ‘As I write, the sun is shining and I do hope when you are reading this on Sunday the sun is still shining! The difference in people when the weather is good is amazing…. Smiling, laughing … even when we are shopping or caught in traffic jams or whatever. It’s so nice!  I often think that we Irish are Mediterranean People somehow trapped in the cold north! We were meant to be out walking ,barbecuing and swimming in the long, long summer evenings. Normally our summer is indicated by the rain being just slightly warmer so I do hope you enjoy every minute of this glorious sunshine (while it lasts! ) and get the chance for a break from your normal routine.

LIVE STREAMING The Church Wardens in St Mary’s are conducting a survey with regard to parishioners’ thoughts, suggestions or comments about Live Streaming of Services as the Select Vestry are in the process of writing a Protocol on Live Streaming..… do talk to Clodagh & Hilary.

KEY HOLDERS We are currently updating our list of Key Holders for St Mary’s Church and Parish Hall. If you have a key for either of these Premises, please let Christine in the office know.


EXHIBITION Special Exhibition & Sale of Work by the O’Hara Family Exhibition featuring landscape oil paintings and prints by Anna O’Hara, botanical porcelain sculptures and prints by Patrick O’Hara,  and contemporary prints by Rachel O’Hara McAree.

17th – 27th June. 11am – 6pm each day Manor House, Currabinny, Carrigaline, P43 T268 (Mob. 087-417-4653).(Parking by Currabinny pier, wheelchair parking only at the house.)

Proceeds of exhibition in aid of Alzheimer Society of Ireland. Full catalogue may be found on

In parallel there will be a GARAGE SALE of art / craft items, books (incl. art & botanical books), furniture and lots more. Proceeds of garage sale in aid of Irish Guide Dogs for the Blind.


MOTHER’S UNION   Sarah Foott will welcome us to her garden for tea at 2.30 on Thursday 13th July. It is always such a treat to visit her beautiful garden which is so full of botanical treasures.  We thank her in advance. If anyone would like to go and needs a lift please ask.

Carrigaline Citizen Information Centre, Carrigaline Lions Youth Centre, Church Rd.  We are a Free, Confidential, Advice and Advocacy Service on all Rights/Entitlements and Benefits.  Open: Tues., Wed., Thurs 10:00am – 1:30pm. Telephone Number 0761 07 6940  No Appointment necessary.


Summer Holiday Club 17th –21st July.

Application forms now available in the Parish Office.





Cork Autism Conference – Understanding Autism, Empowering Potential on Sunday, September 17th, 8.30am – 5.30 at Clayton Hotel  Silversprings, Cork. More info: or call 089 239 8900.


26th June     Toddlers plus One 10am Parish Hall

28th June      Holy Communion 10:30am St Mary’s

6th Class Graduation Service 12 noon St Mary’s

13th July        MU trip to Sarah Foott’s garden 2.30pm

17th –21st July  Holiday Club ‘Champions!’ Canon McCrea Hall


Random Notes No. CCXXXVI



In April 1984, a plaque was unveiled at Currabinny woods to commemorate Carrigaline man                 William Warren Baldwin (1775 -1844). The site was chosen as it is just a few miles from the Baldwin family home at Knockmore (formerly Summer Hill), Carrigaline which is adjacent to Ballinrea Cross.

The grandson of a former mayor of Cork, he emigrated to Upper Canada (now Ontario) in 1799 and settled in York (now Toronto) where he practised law and medicine.

He was twice elected to the provincial assembly and was known “as an accomplished man of boundless energy and diverse interests”. His advocacy of constitutional reform led to the development of a theory of “responsible government” which later became one of the most important political concepts in the development of Canada. His son, Robert, went on to be twice premier of the Canadian province.

Mr William Davis, premier of Ontario, unveiled the plaque and what helped to make the occasion at Currabinny so special was that it was attended by the late Jack Chambers and his wife Hazel who lived in Knockmore House, the former residence of William Warren Baldwin”




Categories Parish Notices | Tags: | Posted on June 26, 2017

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