Parish Notices Sunday 29th January 2017
The Rector writes ‘Welcome to our United Service today when we remember the visit of the Holy Family to the Temple. A particular welcome to Conor (and all his family!) who has come today to be baptised.
At Candlemas the saying is that we turn away from the Crib to face the Cross. This year Lent begins on Ash Wednesday, March 1st but I would like to let you know ahead of time about the Lenten Course that we will be following this year. It is again from BACI , the Church of Ireland Biblical Association, and it is called ‘God’s heart for Migrants –Biblical wisdom for a world in turmoil’ so it is very timely and relevant to us all. The plan is to have this study at 8pm on the Wednesdays in Lent beginning on Wednesday 8th March. There will be Evening Prayer at 7.30pm in St Mary’s and then the Course will be in the Parish Hall. I highly recommend attending this sort of study at this time of year and don’t worry about not knowing enough to begin with… no one is ever put on the spot!’
CONFIRMATION If there is anyone you know of in the parish who might still wish to be confirmed, please contact the Rector immediately. The classes will begin next Saturday 4th February and it won’t be possible to join in once they have begun .
DIOCESAN MAGAZINE SUBSCRIPTIONS for 2017 are due by 31st January (this Tuesday!) The annual subscription is €25. Please pay Rowland Newenham or the Church Wardens.
Monkstown Home Group next meeting takes place on Tuesday 7th February at 8pm at the home of Liz and Jack Hanna, Victoria Cottage, Monkstown. All welcome.
Flower and Bell Ringing Rotas in St Mary’s. There are currently spaces on our rotas. Any new volunteers would be paired with an experienced person so don’t feel shy in putting your name forward. Anybody even thinking of bell ringing can learn by watching one of the existing bell ringers. It is very easy and not hard to pull when shown the correct method. Contact Joy Keefe @ 087 2559844 or Parish Office.
THEOLOGICAL BOOK CIRCLE are currently reading ‘The Shack’ by William P. Young and will meet in the Rectory on April 3rd to discuss. All welcome!
Anam Cara, the national organisation that supports bereaved parents, is holding a Bereavement Information Evening on Wednesday 1st February from 19:30 to 21:30 in the Clayton Hotel, Silver Springs, Tivoli, Co. Cork. This is a free event open to all bereaved parents. As Anam Cara will need to confirm numbers for event, please RSVP to before Tuesday 31st January or call the Information Line on 085 2888 888.
30th Jan Toddlers plus One 10am
Monday Club 3-5pm Parish Hall
1st Feb Holy Communion 10.30am St Mary’s
4th Feb Confirmation Class. Rectory
7th Feb Monkstown Home Group. 8pm Hanna’s home
9th Feb Friendship Club 11am Rectory
12th Feb Sunday Club 11am Parish Hall
15th Feb Mothers’ Union 8pm Parish Hall
17th Feb Youth Club 7pm till 9pm Parish Hall
24th Feb CAMEO Monkstown Sailing Club 10.30am
27th Feb Revision of list of Vestry Members 7 to 8 pm in the Parish Hall
(If you would like to register as a Vestry Member and have a vote at the Easter Vestry, please get a form from one of the Church Wardens)
Random Notes CCXX
Some of the expressions we use today have a long history.
“A Cock and Bull Story” dates back to the 18th Century. Two inns, the Cock and the Bull were stopping points for coaches travelling from London to the North West and many tall tales were told, fueled by ale and a good audience. Hence, an unlikely story became a Cock and Bull Story.
“Hobson’s Choice” dates back to the 16th Century. Thomas Hobson kept horses for hire. They were loaned out in service rotation. A customer could have any horse, provided it was the one standing next to the stable door.
Centuries later, Henry Ford had the same idea when he told his customers they could have the model T in any colour, provided it was black.
In 1837, after an enjoyable day’s hunting (followed by an even more enjoyable night’s drinking), the 3rd Marquis of Waterford and his companions rode through the streets of Melton Mowbray in Leicestershire, daubing the buildings with red paint, giving rise to the expression “painting the town red”.