Parish Notices Sunday 29th September 2013

The Rector writes ‘Today is the fifth Sunday of the month when we have a united service to mark the ‘extra’ Sunday and today is no different except there is not one but TWO United services.    This morning we will have the Blessing of Animals in St Mary’s Carrigaline and this evening at 7pm we will have the Eucharist Service of Wholeness and Healing.  While these services are very different in both format and context  they share a most important similarity in that in each of  them  we gather as a worshipping community,  meeting with God through Christ.

I would also like to send our congratulations to the new Bishop Elect of Meath & Kildare, the Revd Patricia Storey.  It is a truly historic occasion for the Church of Ireland to have a woman bishop and we will hold her in our prayers as she begins what will be a groundbreaking journey.  May the Holy Spirit be her constant guide.’

TEA and COFFEE will be available after the St Mary’s Service in the Parish Hall. There has been several requests to have tea and coffee available after every 11am service in Carrigaline. In order to do this we really need to have more volunteers on the rota. If you can help with this important ministry of hospitality, please let Christine in the office know. If you are new to helping with tea and coffee, you will be paired up with someone who knows where everything is in the kitchen so please do think about volunteering.

MAKING THE MOST OF THE YEARS. A 6-Week Parenting Course coming up in the autumn on the following dates – all Mondays – at 8pm at St. Mary’s Parish Hall (next to the church)30th Sept, 7th & 14th October, 4th, 11th & 18th November. Booking forms available at the back of the churches or via email. Contact Hilary Dring at  086-3680513 or or St. Mary’s Parish Office 4374045.

Harvest Supper 7.30pm on Saturday 12th October in the Canon McCrea Hall, St Mary’s School, Carrigaline. All Welcome. Ticket 15 euro includes supper and dancing. Contact Henry Forbes or Adrian Bateman for tickets. If you can bring either a dessert or salad please let Henry or Adrian know by Monday 7th October.

MOTHERS’ UNION our Annual Women’s Conference takes place this year from 22nd-24th November in Garryvoe Hotel Further information and booking forms are available from Hilary. If you need any further information please contact either the parish office or talk to Hilary Dring at 4378439 or 086-3680513

ANNUAL ECUMENICAL SERVICE of REMEMBRANCE for CUMH will  take place on Friday Evening 11 October at 7pm in the Sacred Heart Church,  Western Road, Cork City. This is always a meaningful and poignant service for those who have experienced the loss of a pregnancy or the death of a baby.  Please pass the word on to anyone you know who might be interested in attending the service.

THE CHURCH of IRELAND CENSUS will take place on three Sundays in November (3rd, 17th & 24th) in order to get a handle on the age and gender profile of those attending church each week.  Each person at church will receive a card on which they will record only their age and gender and it will be completely anonymous. This information will allow the Church to make decisions for the future based on up-to-date analysis of the Church of Ireland’s population.



Sept 29th       United Eucharist Service of Healing  St John’s 7pm

Sept 30th         Toddlers plus one Group 10am St Mary’s Parish Hall

Monday Club 3pm St Mary’s Parish Hall

Parenting Course 8pm St Mary’s Parish Hall

Oct 2nd Theological Book Circle. 8pm. The Rectory

Oct 12th Parish Supper in Canon McCrea Hall. 7.30pm

Oct 13th  St Mary’s Harvest Thanksgiving Eucharist 11am

The Revd Trevor Lester preaching.

St John’s Harvest Thanksgiving Evensong 7pm

The Revd John Ardis preaching

Oct 30th Children’s Movie Night, 6pm St Mary’s Parish Hall

Nov 16th Parish Quiet Day in St Mary’s Parish Hall

Fr. James McSweeney will lead, meeting at 9.30 for coffee

then 10am until 2pm.

Nov 24th Annual Gift Day in the Rectory.

Dec 7th         Intercessions Workshop, St Mary’s Church 10-12

Dec 20th Carrigaline Community Carols 7.30pm St Mary’s Church

Dec 22nd Nine Lessons & Carols 4pm St John’s Church

Dec 24th Carols around the Crib 4pm St Mary’s Church


Random Notes LXV            

In the recent tidy-up of the Vestry room in St John’s, a hand-drawn and written seating plan from over a half a century ago was discovered. It was commonplace to have allocated seats at the time. The cardboard notice reads:-

“Revised assignment of sittings by Churchwardens 1960”

Choir:-   Mrs Bourchier                               West Aisle:-              1.  Mrs Harte

Miss Brown                                                                                2. Free

Mrs Bryan                                                                                                3. The Misses Seymour

Miss Ellis                                                                                                   4. Mr & Mrs Sweetnam

Miss Exham                                                                                             5. Mrs Pearson

Mrs Garde                                                                                                 6. Mrs Patrick

Mrs Harley (organist)                                                                          7. D Woodley

Miss Hingston

Mrs Irwin                                                             West Inner Aisle:- 13. Hall

Mrs McCall                                                                                                 14. Garde

Miss Walls

Miss Foott

Mr Frackleton


Main Body:- 8. Free                                                                            Main Body:- 33. Mrs Wolfe

9. Miss Foott, Mr & Mrs Frackleton                                                                       34. Mr & Mrs Cross

10. Mr & Mrs Williams                                                                                                 35. Capt & Mrs Foott

11. Nicholson                                                                                                                  36. Canon Bourchier

12. Mr & Mrs Vicars                                                                                                     37. free

15. free

16. Mr & Mrs Gibson

17. Mrs Ross, Mrs Hingston                                                                                    East Aisle:-   39. free

18. Mrs Exham

19. Mr & Mrs H Johnson, Mrs Scott                                                                                                40. Mr & Mrs Fleury

20. Miss Exham, Heaslip                                                                                                                    41. free

21. Mr & Mrs Chambers                                                                                                                      42. free

22. Mrs Fox, Mrs Allen. Mr & Mrs Mahony                                                                                43. free

23. Mr & Mrs Willis

24. Mr & Mrs Denis Dixon

25. Mrs O’Connell, Mr & Mrs Gollock

26. Mrs Payne, Capt & Mrs Hartnoll

27. Canon Bryan

28. Mr & Mrs Drury

29. Mrs, Miss Llewellyn

30. free

East Inner Aisle:- 31. Mrs Bird

32. Rob (??Cuppage)

I am reliably informed that the Ellis family sat in the Gallery!



Categories Parish Notices | Tags: | Posted on September 30, 2013

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